


Name Index


The Book of Torbay: A Century of Celebration

By Frank Pearce

Tiverton: Halsgrove House (2005)

Index prepared by Michael Steer

This attractive, beautifully illustrated book, packed with information, is another in the celebrated Halsgrove House series and is a reflection on Torbay, which includes the towns of Torquay, Paignton and Brixham, in times past, as well as an engaging record of its present community life. The book is a treasure trove for both local historian and genealogist. Halsgrove's development of this series meets its goal of working together with community members to collect and preserve invaluable information that might otherwise be irretrievably lost, as the images and stories of Torbay's people and places fade from memory.


1Place Fit for Kings7
2Bathing and the Marine Spa11
3Murder at Babbacombe23
4Anstey's Cove and Paignton Pier25
5Torre Abbey27
6Oldway Mansion and the Singer Family29
7Harbourside Life, Brixham31
8From Village to Town33
9By the Seaside39
10Transport of Delight41
11High Days and Holidays49
12The Home Fleet in Torbay57
13Flights of Fancy63
14Paignton - In on the Act65
15Deller's Café67
16Cinema Entertainment in Torbay69
17Torquay's Famous Pavilion71
18Torbay in the Great War75
19Into the Roaring Twenties83
20The Thirties and Beyond87
21The Torquay Flood93
22Paignton's Church Street Fair, 194195
23The Clouds of War97
24Torbay's Home Front101
25Bombs Over the Bay105
26The Yanks are Coming109
28Picture Parade118




Adalbert, Prince of Russia 9
Adams, Dick 82
Adams, Tom 82
Aggett, Mr. & Mrs. J 125
Albert Victor, Prince 9
Algar, Bryan E. 125
Algar, Marion C. 125
Amundsen, Roald 71
Andrews, C. 65
Andrews, John 125
Andrew's Stores 38
Annear, Frank 125
Anning, Daniel 39
Ansell 117
April, Elsie 65
Ashdown, Alan & Jean 125
Aster 117
Atkins, Mr. 17
Axworthy, Leslie 82
Axworthy, Lorna K. 125
Axworthy, Rex 64, 82
Axworthy Stationers 64
Bacon, Geraldine 125
Baigent, Audrey 18
Baillie, Isobel 72
Bairnsfather, Bruce 76
Baker 117
Baker, Frank 63
Baker, Keith Peter 125
Baker, Jack 65
Baker, John Patrick 125
Baker, Patricia W.V. 125
Baker, Percy 63
Baker, Rachael D. 125
Baldwin, Stanley 86
Banks, Mr. 17, 20
Banister, John Stuart 125
Barbirolli, John 72
Barker, Isobelle 125
Barr, David J. 125
Bartlett, Audrey M. 125
Bartlett, Ivor 18
Bartlett, Mr. & Mrs. H.G. 125
Baschmakow, Alexandrea 9
Batten, S. 85
Battenburg, Prince Louis of 60
Beare, E. (Draper) 85
Beare, Miss L. 79
Beauharnais, Josephine 29
Beaumont, Mr. & Mr. W. 125
Beden, Phyllis 65
Beecham, Sir Thomas 72
Bell, Irene W. 125
Bennett, John & Anne 125
Benson, Ivy 14, 97
Berry, James 23
Bicknell, Mr. 17
Binmore, Rodney 125
Blackler, Mr. Eddie 18
Blackmore, Keith A. 125
Blake, Charles 125
Blatchford, Eric & Heather 125
Bonaparte, Napoleon 8, 29
Bond 117
Bond, Betty 95
Bond, Doris 18
Bond, J. & Son 85
Bond, Kathleen 18
Bond, Thomas 11
Bond, Trevor & Diana 125
Bootyman, Miss 79
Bootyman, Mrs. 79
Boult, Sir Adrian 72
Bourdeaux, Anne F. 125
Bowden 117
Bowden, Daisy E. 125
Bowden, Mr. 17
Bowerman, E.J. 82
Boyce, Christopher 125
Brabner, Mr. A.J. 79
Braund, Alice & Mavis 125
Braund, Norman 85
Bray, Marina 125
Braybrooke, R.G. 125
Brewer, Kath 125
Brewere, Lord 27
Bridgeman, Mr. G. 79
Bridgeman, Mrs. 79
Bridgman, Marcus 65
Bridgman, Mr. G.S. 25
Brimicombe, Barbara 125
Brimicombe, Mrs. 5
Brock's (Furnishers) 99
Brown, Denis & Lynette 125
Brown, Mr. 17
Brown, W. 125
Brown, William 119
Browning, Barbara E. 125
Browse, Stanley E. 125
Brunt, Frances M. 125
Buckpitt, Heather M. 125
Bulley, Viv. 125
Bullock, Emma J. 125
Bullock, Jean 18
Bullock, Sarah L. 125
Bultz, Leslie 82
Burnell, Brian G. 125
Burnell, Joan Gilbert 125
Burridge's (Florist) 49
Burrow, J.K. 125
Burton, Mr. & Mrs. Glyn 125
Butler 117
Butlin, Billy 121
Byle, Mr. 17
Came, Arthur 82
Came, Harold 82
Cameron, Basil 71
Cann, Shirley 18
Cardiff, Max 64
Carr & Quick (Wine Merchants) 85
Carr, John & Anne 125
Carter, Rosemary 125
Cary family 27
Causley, Mr. 17
Cavana, Christine 125
Chamberlaine, Neville 98
Chaplin, Charlie 98
Chapman, Michael 99
Chapman, Mr. H.M. 116
Charlton, Dawn & Vaughan 125
Cheney, Leo 59
Chidgey, Ralph C. 125
Christer, John W. 125
Christie, Agatha 35
Churchill, John F. 125
Churchill, Winston 98, 101, 114, 116
Ciano, Count 101
Clark, John B. 125
Clow, Mr. 17
Coates, Eric 72
Cochran, C.B. 65
Collier, Audrey F. 125
Collier, Dr. Newman 66
Collins & Clark (Motor Engineers) 85
Collins, Mr. F. 79
Collings 'Tack' 11-2
Connaught, Duke of 57
Cook, Dr. 39
Cooke, Rev. Priscilla G.H. 125
Coombes, Sydney 11
Cord, Margaret & Richard 125
Coster's Photo Studios 38
Cotton, Billy 103
Cox, Derek 5, 125
Cox, J. & K. 125
Cox, Mr. 17
Cox, Sharron J. 125
Coysh, Mr.& Mrs. W. 68
Cravenham 75
Craze, Gwen 95
Crimp, Mrs. J. 125
Crombie, Charles 78
Crouch, Jansen 125
Crouch, Mrs. 79
Cummins 117
Curzon, Clifford 72
Daly, Charles 69
Dammerell, Percy 82
Danby, Max 5
Davey 117
Davey, Mrs. I.M. 125
David 29
Davies, Mrs. B.A. 125
Davis, Muriel 125
Dellers Café 35, 67-8, 79
Dendy, Mr. Hyde 25
Denys-Phillips, Mrs. 115-6
Denys-Phillips, A 113, 115-6
Dickens, Charles 8, 28
Dickensen 117
Dirksen, Dr. Herbert von 98
Diss, Judy 5
Doble 117
Dodd, Margaret Ann 125
Dönitz, Grand Admiral Karl 100
Douglas' Restaurant 49
Downey, Charles 11
Doyles family 125
Drake, Mr. J.E. 125
Drake, Mrs. Sheila M. 125
Duchene, Achille 29
Dumbleton 117
Duquette, Patricia 125
Dustan, Kenneth 125
Easton, Eileen R. 125
Eaves, Derek W. 125
Edward VII, King 7-8,
Edward VIII, King 7, 97
Edwards, Colin & June 125
Elgar, Sir Edward 72
Elliott 117
Elliott, Jonathan C. 125
Ellis, Dr. Andy 128
Ellis, Flt-Lt. A.G. 114
Ellis, George W.H. 125
Ellis, Mrs. W. 125
Eisenhower, General Dwight D. 110
Elrick, George 98
Embury, Celia 125
Evans, A. 85
Evans & Sons (Bakers) 85
Evans, Ivor R. 125
Evans, Leonard 82
Evans (Outfitters) 99
Facey, R. & J. 125
Fairclough, Tony & Eileen 125
Fauset, Jackie 5
Feltham-Hunt, Mr. Peter 126
Field, Maidee 65
Fields, Gracie 103
Finch, Robert 125
Findlay, Linda & Phil 125
Fisher, Lord 60
Florence, Mme. (Milliner) 38
Flower, Vince 125
Foale, Douglas 82
Foale, Gordon 82
Foale, Leo 64
Ford, Bill 15
Ford, Henry 41
Ford, Jonathan 125
Foster, Lynn & Robert 126
Foster, Kenneth J. 126
Foster, T.J. & C. 126
French, Reg 17
Fromm, Mr. T. 5
Galsworthy, John 69, 70
Gammon, Billy 98
Gardener, H. 85
Garth, Mr. 109
Gay, Billy 103
Geddes, A.B. 126
George, Prince 57
George V, King 7, 57, 59-61, 66, 97
George VI, King 97-8
German 117
German, J.H. & Son (Photographer) 85
German, Miss E. 79
Gibbes, Mr. & Mrs. J. 126
Gibbons, Jessie K. 126
Gibbs, Adrian P. 126
Gibbs, Alan C.G. 126
Gibbs, Peter N.H. 126
Gibbs, Ronald C.N. 126
Giles & Son (Shoe Repairs) 85
Gill, Jean M. 126
Gill, Mary & Jim 126
Goodwin, Ron 97
Goree, John A. 126
Goss, Ernest 72-3
Goss Mabin (Jeweller) 85
Goussons, Leon 72
Graham-White (Aviator) 60
Green, Gladys 126
Green, Russell 126
Guilfoyle, Betty Short 126
Gwinnell, Moonyeene D.J. 126
Haddleton, Trevor J. 126
Haig, Sir Douglas 75, 78
Hailey, Mr. R. 126
Hall, Henry 14
Hamburg, Mark 72
Hancock's Living Pictures 51
Hannaford, Mavis & Norman 126
Harcourt, Sir William 23
Hardaway, Sheila 73
Hardcastle, Judith A. 126
Harris, Beatrice R. 126
Harris, Brian & Rosemary 126
Harris, David A. 126
Harris, Elizabeth 23
Harris, George 126
Harris, Miss 79
Harris, Mr. B.D. 126
Harris, Mrs. T. 126
Harris, Roger 126
Harris, Sophie 126
Harris, Vivien L. 126
Harrison 76
Harrison, Robert D. 126
Hart, Brian 126
Hartland, Brantford 66
Harty, Sir Hamilton 72
Hassell, David 126
Hassell, Jonathan & Susan 126
Hawes, Pat & Bob 126
Hawke, Barbara L. 126
Hayward, Pauline 18
Heath, Ted 14, 97
Henry VIII, King 27
Hern, Jean 18
Heron, Mr. J. 103
Heslop, Charles 64-5
Hewitt, Jane 126
Hewitt, Joan 18
Hider, Mr. 17
Hield, Mr. 17
Hield, Mrs. 17
Hill, Lionel & Amy 126
Hillgrove, Wendy 126
Hindenberg, Basil 71
Hitler, Adolf 97-8, 105, 110
Hodge, Mr. W. 94
Holding, John 18
Holloway, Ian & Jane 126
Holman, A.J. 85
Hooper, Audrey 95
Hooper, Joan 95
Hooper, Lucy 95
Hooper, Paddy 95
Hooper, Ryan W. 126
Hooper, Stephen 126
Hopkins, Sydney W. 126
Horner, Mrs. Ann 126
Howard, Angela M. 126
Howe, Dorothy 126
Howes, Lorraine 126
Huggins, Greta 64
Hungary, Esterhazy, Prince of 9
Hunter, H. & Son (Jeweller) 85
Hyde-White, Wilfred 65
James, Doreen 126
James, Elizabeth 72
James, Sid 71
Jeavons, Peter & Sandra 126
Jenkins 117
Jenkins, Peter C. 126
Johannsen, Haljmar 12
Johns, Christine & William 126
Johns, Emily S.M. 126
Johnson, Col. R.W. 103
Johnson, Sandra & David 126
Jones, Janet, A.G. 126
Jones, Jeanette 126
Jones, Mrs. 68
Kelly, Eileen 126
Kent, Mr. 17
Kenworthy-Brown, Elizabeth & Michael 126
Keyse, Miss Emma 22-3
Khan, Mrs. M.L.A. 126
Kinch, Eric W. 126
Kitson, William 11
Kiver, Hubert 65
Knight, Anne 126
Knight, Justina 126
Knight, Mr. A.E. 79
Knowles, A. 126
Kreisler, Fritz 72
Lake, Margaret E. 126
Lamacraft, Elsie 5
Lambshead, Mr. W. 67
Lampton, Miss 79
Lane, Lupino 103
Langford, H.M. 52, 85
Lavers, Miss 91
Lawrence 117
Laye, Evelyn 65, 98
Leaman, Terry 126
Lee, John (Babbacombe) 22-3
Leeze, Alfred 59
Leighton, Margaret 65
Letcher, Reg. 82
Levett, Ron 126
Lidster, Maureen 126
Lidstone, George H. 126
Lidstone, J. 85
Liechtenstein, Francis, Prince of Austria 9
Liechtenstein, John, Prince of Austria 9
Lipton, Sir Thomas 29
Littlewood, Carol 110
Lloyd-George, David 84
Lockyer, Dawn M. 126
Long, Mildred & Eric 126
Lorain 117
Lorimer, H.C. 85
Louanne, Joan 115
Louis, XIV, King 28
Lovegrove, Rona 126
Lovell. 117
Low, Michael F. 126
Luckhurst, Raymond C. 126
Luscombe, Bill 11-2
Luscombe, Gladys 13
Lutyens, Edward 90
Lymphany, Maura 72
Lynn, Vera 98
MacTaggart, Dr. K. 20
Manisty, Mr. Justice 23
Marchant, Vanessa 18
Margetts, Ann 18
Margetts, David & Chris 126
Margetts, Dr. David 19
Margetts, Rob & Chris 126
Margetts, Sally 18
Margetts, Stella 18-9
Martin, Frank 104
Martin, Gilbert 82
Martin, Maurice 18
Martin, Mrs. 68
Martin, Paul 126
Mary, Princess 57
Mary, Queen 57, 66, 97
Mason, David 5
Matthews, Maisie & Richard 125
Matthews, Mrs. & Miss 68
Maunder, Mrs. 68
Maunder, Reginald J. 126
May, Admiral Sir William 57, 59
Maynard, Elizabeth A. 126
McCormack, John 71
McIver, Mr. & Mrs. K. 126
Mears, Mr. & Mrs. K. 126
Melba, Dame Nellie 71
Melville, Jean 115
Merrifield, Reginald J. 126
Milford, Christopher 126
Miller, Keith 126
Milne, James 123
Mills, Jean 126
Mills, Sandra A. 126
Milsom, John F. 126
Milton, Gerry 82
Mitchell, Edward 115
Mitchell, Lawrence H. 126
Mitchelmore, W.T. 85
Moiseiwitch 72
Monkro, Bert 59
Mooney, Alan G. 126
Mooney, Dennis E.J. 126
Montague-Dale, Rev. B. 68
Moon, Mr. 17
Morecombe & Wise 71
Morgan, Dr. J.H.S. 126
Morris, Ann P. 126
Morris, Jack 126
Morris, Johnny 20
Mortimer Ricks (Jeweller) 85
Mosley, Sir Oswald 97
Moss, Mr. & Mrs. J.P. 126
Moss, Tony 126
Muscroft, Brian 126
Mussolini, Benito 101
Napoleon III, ex-Emperor 9
Neale, Malin J. 126
Newcombe, Ann 18
Newcombe, Edgar 82
Nicholls, Irene 18
Nichols, Misses 38
Nickells, Ray & Janet 5, 125
Norbert, Saint 27
Norris 117
Northcott, Malcolm 126
Northcott, Peter J. 126
Nunn, Mrs. M. 126
Ogbourne, Mr. & Mrs. Shane A. 126
Oldenburg, Prince Peter of 37
Ord, Miss 65
Osborne's 35
Owen, Will 79
Padbury, Jack 115
Pain, Christine 19
Palk, Sir Lawrence 9
Palmer, Beryl J. 127
Park, Mrs. Jean M. 127
Parkes, Alex, Julie, Jennifer & Laura 127
Parkin, Margaret & Denis 127
Parkinson, Mrs. 91
Parnell, Peggy 5
Passmore, Bill & Jean 127
Patrick, Richard 127
Payne, Susan M. 127
Pearce, Bernard E. 127
Pearce, Derek 5
Pearce, Frank 5
Pearce, John V. 127
Pearce, Monica 16-8
Pearce, Reginald A.L. 127
Pears, Donald 98
Pells, Mr. Vic 127
Pering, Derek C. 127
Perrett, J. (Hatter & Hosier) 85
Perrett. John 127
Perrett, Philip 127
Perry, Jeff 127
Petkin, Rev. John 23
Peto, Gladys 84
Philip, Alec 82
Phillips, Glennis 18
Phipps, C.J. 69
Pike, John 5
Piper, Mr. 117
Pittman, Ivor G. 127
Pocock. 117
Pollard, Dr. 11
Poole, Mark 5, 127
Poole, Mr. & Mrs. T. 127
Pope, John H. 127
Pope, R. 85
Pottinger, Margaret 127
Powell, Violet 5
Pricton 117
Proctor, R.J. 127
Pugh. Mrs. 68
Radford, Paula C. 127
Radford, Percy 82
Radrich & Lander 72
Raeder, Grand Admiral Erich 98
Raynham, Airman 63
Rees, Tony 18
Repik's (Furriers) 49
Ribbentrop, Herr Joachim von 98, 101
Richard I, King 27
Richards, Ian 127
Rider, Arthur C.B. 127
Rider, Harold A. 127
Rider, Richard W. 127
Rider, Stephen C. 127
Riley, Mr. E.S. 68
Riley, Mrs. 68
Rivett, Ruth 127
Roach, Chris & Linda 127
Roberts, Bill & Joy 127
Robeson, Paul 71
Robinson, Heath 76
Robinson, Jack 82
Robinson, Stamford 72
Rockett, Mr. F. 79
Rockhey, J.F. Ltd. 115
Roe, Dulcie K. 127
Rogers, Rex 82
Rogers, Trevor 127
Ronald, Sir Landon 72
Rossiter, Leslie 67
Ryder-Jones, Rev. 68
Salmet, Airman 63
Salsbury, Nigel 18
Sarson, Fred 85
Schnabel 72
Schroder, Yvonne 18
Schubert, Kapitan-Leutnant Otto 100
Scot, Captain 71
Sergeant, Sir Malcolm 72
Sermon's (Jewelers) 49
Shepherd, Ethel 127
Sherrell, A.E. 127
Short, Margaret 18
Simcock, Mrs. C. W. 127
Simmons, David J. 127
Simpson, Mrs. Wallace 97
Sims, Brenda 127
Singer, Cecil 29
Singer, Isaac 28-9
Singer, Paris Eugene 29
Singer, Sir Mortimer 29
Singer, Susan 29
Singer, Washington 29
Singer, Winnie 29
Slade's Grocers 93
Sloman, Mrs. J. 127
Smardon, B. 82
Smart, Fred 64
Smart, Marion 64
Smith, Cyril 72
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. 127
Smythe, Dame Ethel 72
Smuggs, Gerald & Anna 127
Soper, Mrs. R.G. 127
Sophie, Queen of Holland 9
Spencer, Fred 65
Splatt, Mr. W.F. 69
Spray, Philip A. 127
Spry & Sons 85
Spry, Howard 82
Staples, Les 127
Starwood 59
Stephens, Mr. G.W. 127
Stephens, Mrs. V.M. 127
Stevens, Maidee 64
St. John-Clifford, Lola 127
Stone, Pamela 127
Stranger, Fred 82
Studdy, G.E. 96
Sutton, J. (Printers) 38, 64, 91
Sutton, John 29, 79, 81, 85
Sutton, Miss M. 79
Sutton, Mrs. B. 5
Sylvester, Victor 14, 97
Taft, Mr. G.E. 127
Tanner, Derek & Cecelia 127
Tarr, Mr. D. 127
Tauber, Richard 65, 72
Taylor, Alderman 91
Taylor, Brian M. 127
Taylor, David J. 127
Taylor, Dr. Brian 127
Taylor, R.J. & J.A. 127
Teale, Pamela J.S. 127
Thackeray 7
Thomas 117
Thomas, Henry 17
Thomas, Oliver 127
Thompson, David E. 127
Thompson, Gary & Julie 127
Thompson, Mike 5
Thorne, Miss Peggy 68
Tooley 117
'Toy' 77
Tozer, Mr. P.G. 127
Trant 117
Tremeer's 85
Trewin, Mr. (Hairdresser) 38
Trollope, Anthony 8
Tubbs, Rev. Prebendary B.R. 127
Tucker, Ronald P. 127
Tucker, Robert J. 127
Tully, Mrs. P. 5
Turnbull, Jean 127
Turner, Charles F. 127
Turner, David 127
Twyman 117
Vaughan-Charlton, David 125
Victoria, Queen 7, 49-50
Vinnicombe, Geraldine 18
Vowden, Arthur H. 127
Vowden, John B. 127
Wade, Philip 128
Wales, Prince of 59
Wallis, Mr. & Mrs. D.A. 127
Ward, Col. Rowland 17
Warner 117
Warren, Dora E. 127
Wasley, Gerald 5
Watters, Dr. David G. 127
Waycott's Estate Agents 37
Webb, Mr. Thomas 9
Webster, Reg. 127
West, Denis A. 127
West, Dorothy M. 127
Western, Ian W. 127
Western, Miss J. 68, 95
Western, Mrs. E. 94-5
Western, Mr. W. 94-5
Westwell, J. Philip 127
Wheeler, E.E.M. 127
White, Edna L. 5, 127
White, Phyllis 5
White, Timothy (Chemists') 88
Whittaker, Pat 20
Wilcock, Olive 127
Wilhelm II, Kaiser 75, 81
William III, King (Prince of Orange) 8
William III, King of Holland 9
Williams & Cox (Furnishers & Undertakers) 45, 120
Williams, Andrea J. 127
Williams, Keith 5
Williams, Leslie W.G. 127
Williams, Mrs. J. 127
Williams, Phyllis 127
Williams, R. 82
Wilton, Robb 98
Windeatt, Ken 127
Windeatt, Malcolm 19
Windeatt, Mr. Ted 18
Windsor, Carol A. 127
Wood, Mr. York 12
Wood, Sir Henry 72
Woodward, E. 82
Wright, Graham 127
Wright, Sandra Joyce 127
Wright, W.J.G. 127
Wyatt, Leonard 127
Youlden 117