


Name Index


Cockrem's tourists' guide to Torquay and its neighbourhood

By Frank Pearce

Torquay: Edward Cockrem, 10 Strand. (1856). London: Simpkin Marshall & Co. pp. 240: illus. maps. [Westcountry Studies Library - B/TOR 7/1864/COC]

Index prepared by Michael Steer

Edward C COCKREM. Printer, bookseller, stationer, music seller and library owner-operator in. Torquay, worked at 10, Strand from 1840-1856. Apprenticed to John Hannaford of Totnes. He established his office as Cockrem and Elliott c1834 and published the Torquay and Tor directory 1840-1856. This was the first newspaper in the Torquay area. It was a long-running title, surviving to 1973. Cockrem's tourists' guide of a type called 'vade mecum' was an almost indispensable part, for the visitor, of Devon's burgeoning Victorian seaside holiday industry. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally from a copy in the Bodleian Library collection and can be downloaded from Google Books. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Achton family111
Adam, Canon of Welbeck22
Ailworth family92
Alfred, Duke77
Almain, Richard King of134
Ansted, Professor183, 198-9, 201
Archdekne family (l'Ercedekne)116, 153
Archis, Alan de18
Ashburton, Lord (Dunning)94, 120
Athelstan, King40
Audley family157
Audley, James Lord91
Audley, Nicholas Lord91
Austen, Mr190, 194
Bardulf, Hugh17
Bastard family116
Bastard, Mr116
Bath, Earl of157
Belfield, Rev F53
Berkedon, Abbot John of Torre23
Bokeland, William de21
Boleyn, Queen Anne28
Boleyn, Lady Mary28
Boleyn, Sir Thomas28
Bonville family64
Bonville, Lord64
Bourchier family157
Bourchier, Sir William28
Branscombe, Bishop52
Brantyngham, Bishop24, 102
Braose de family89
Braose, William de (Bruce)89
Bray, Mr125, 132, 136
Bray, Mrs121, 142
Brewer, Isabella42
Brewer, Lord (Briwere)41-3
Brewer, Richard12
Brewere family (Briwere, Brewer)4, 13, 21, 42
Brewere, William de (Briwere)4, 10, 12, 16-20, 23, 40
Brianus, Abbot of Torre23
Brien, Guy de111
Briwere, William, the Younger21, 42
Bruer, Richard16
Brutus (legendary)85
Buckingham, Duke of150
Buckland, Dr199-200
Buller, Sir Francis65
Buller, Sir J Yarde65
Buller, Judge65, 136
Bushell family147-8, 151, 152
Cade, Abbot Richard24
Camden16, 135
Cantilupe family89
Cantilupe, William de23, 88, 104
Carew family49, 112, 153-4
Carew, Nicholas Lord153
Carew, Sir Thomas153
Carew, Sir Walter, Bt152
Carinus, Augustus26
Carus, Emperor26
Cary, Bishop27
Cary, Sir Edward30
Cary family13-4, 22, 26, 28, 30, 44, 46, 48-9, 83, 157
Cary, George Esq14, 30
Cary, Sir George25, 29-30, 47
Cary, Gertrude29
Cary, Henry28
Cary, Sir Henry47, 107
Cary, John29
Cary, Sir John26-8, 46
Cary, Lady61
Cary, Lord Lucius28
Cary, Lady Mary28
Cary, Phillip27
Cary, Robert29-30
Cary, Sir Robert27-9
Cary, Stanley Esq92
Cary, Thomas Esq, MA14, 29
Cary, William29
Cary, Sir William26, 28-9
Cary, Wilmota14
Champernowne, Sir Arthur92
Champernowne, Catherine88
Champernowne, Elizabeth79
Champernowne family90, 92
Champernowne, Sir Philip82, 92
Charles I30, 150
Charles II66
Chastel, Admiral du105
Chaucer, Geoffrey108
Clare family149
Clarence, George Duke of57, 111
Clark, Sir James168, 172, 176
Claudius, Emperor39
Clifford family154-5
Clifford, Lord155
Clinton, Lord120
Cockington, Sir James46
Cockington, Roger de46
Compton, Joan82
Compton, Peter82
Compton, William82
Coplestone family13
Corbet family64
Cornwall, Reginald Earl of18
Cornwall, Richard Earl of124
Courtenay family78, 139, 148-9, 151-3
Courtenay, Sir Hugh153
Courtenay, Robert Viscount de20
Courtenay, Sir William61, 149
Courtier, Mr140
Cranstoun, Lord98
Cromwell, Oliver54, 56, 143
Cutler, Mr66
Dake R Esq120
Davenport, Mr110
Dawson, Charles Esq9
Delabeche, Sir H188, 191
Dennis family13
Denzil family79
Devon, Earl of (Courtenay)150
Dinham family49
Donegal, Arthur Marquis of43
Donegal, Countess Lucy43
Dover, Earl of29
Dugdale10, 74, 154
Dunning, family120
Durant, Mr97
Durham, Bishop of17
Dyare, Abbot Thomas24
Dyer, Thomas14
Dykes, Mr R6, 31
Edgecombe, Sir Richard89
Edward, Black Prince46
Edward the Confessor74, 82, 88, 120, 133, 157
Edward I104, 108, 111, 120, 130, 134, 139
Edward II82, 141
Edward III26, 46, 104-5, 108, 111
Edward IV28, 64, 91, 105-6, 111
Edward VI71, 74, 119
Edwards, M Milne203
Elizabeth I25, 28-9, 106, 111, 124, 146
Ely, Bishop of17
Eneas (legendary)85
Englishville de, family151
Englishville, Theobald de152
Ercedekne, Sir John l' (Archdeacon)153
Exeter, Bishop of7, 19, 47, 52, 154, 157, 163
Exeter, Duke of (Holland)91
Exeter, Henry Duke of91
Fairfax, Sir Thomas107-9, 119, 157
Falaise, William de (Falesia)46, 91
Falkland, Viscount (Cary)28
Ferrars family149-51
Feversham. Earl of120
FitzMatthew, Peter21
FitzStephen family20, 111, 154
FitzStephen, Gilbert de104
FitzStephen, Jordan de154
FitzStephen, William de104
Fleming family111
Ford family157
Fortescue, Colonel107
Fownes family65-6
Garratt, F Esq83
Geoffrey, Abbot of Torre23
Gifforde, John14
Gifforde, Wilmota14
Gilbert family82-3
Gilbert, Humphrey Esq82-3
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey82, 99, 106
Gilbert, Jeffery82
Gilbert, Pomeroy Esq65
Gloucester, Duke of27
Gloucester, Richard de104
Godiva, Countess41
Godolphin, Sidney141
Gogmagog (legendary)85
Grandisson, Bishop20, 153
Gray, Lady Cicely64
Gray, Lord Thomas64
Grenville, Sir Richard135
Griffiths, Mr194
Gubbins, The146
Haccombe de family153-4
Haccombe, Sir Stephen de154
Hamlyn, Gertrude29
Hamlyn, William29
Hammond, Colonel107
Harrington, Cicely64
Harrington, Lord64
Hastings, Simon24
Hawley, John102-3, 108-9
Hayne, Mr65
Hemans, Mrs63
Henry I18, 41, 74
Henry II16-7, 81
Henry III18, 42, 55, 74, 104, 124, 154, 157
Henry IV27, 108, 133
Henry V27, 108
Henry VI28, 65, 108, 151
Henry VII89, 101
Henry VIII24, 43, 88
Herbert, Admiral59
Holland, John90-1
Hunsdon, Lord28-9
Ilesham, Auger de17
Ilesham, Hawise de17
Ilesham, Ralphe de17
Ilesham, Roger de17
Ireland, Dr120
James I14, 25, 120, 134
Jeffries, Judge135
John, Abbot of Torre23
John, King (also Prince John)17-8, 75, 89, 124, 152
Kirkham family53, 55
Kirkham, Sir John55
Kitson, W Esq94
Lacy, Bishop (Lacey)54, 151
Lacy, Abbot John24
Las Cases63
Lawrence, Robert23
Leland21, 108, 130
Lonsdale, Mr181
Lovell family111
Luttrell, Mr Fownes66
Lysons41, 46, 64, 81, 104-5, 143, 154, 157
Macclesfield, Earl of61
Maitland, Captain62
Mallock family48, 50-1
Mallock, Rawlin Esq48
Mallock, Rev Roger Esq47, 49
Matilda, Queen120
Maurice, Prince106
McEnery, Rev Mr5, 40, 63, 197
Merton, family78
Mohun, Alicia de42
Mohun, de family13, 21, 42, 112
Mohun, Reginald de10, 18, 23, 42
Mohun, William de42
Montague family78
Moreton, Earl of157
Mountjoy, Lord29-30
Murchison & Sedgeweick, Messrs180-1
Murchison, Sir Roderick180-1, 184
Mychel, Abbot William24
Napoleon I, Emperor62-3
Neville, William111
Newport, Earl of107
Nicholas, Pope12
Northmore, Mr5, 197
Norton, Abbot William of Torre23
Novant family64, 89
Novant, Roger de89
Oliver, Dr4, 10-1, 19, 21, 153
Oras, Abbot John23
Palk family7, 120
Palk, Sir Lawrence5, 9, 34, 202
Palk, Mr9
Palk, Sir Robert43, 120
Parham, Mr119
Parkhurst, Sir Robert120
Paulet family49
Peniles family65
Peters, Hugh107
Petre family111
Phillips, Mr181, 185-6, 188, 203, 211
Pierrepoint, Mr66
Plympton, Abbot Simon de23
Pole family13, 81
Pole, Lady Alice de la82
Pole, Sir Maurice de la81
Pole, Sir W74
Pollard, Hugh25
Pollard, Sir Hugh25, 107
Pomeray, Joel de74
Pomeray, Ralph de (Pomerio, Pomeroy)71, 74
Pomeroy, Ethelwald de76-7, 95
Pomeroy family4, 64, 71, 74, 76-9
Pomeroy, Sir Henry de52, 74-6
Pomeroy, Sir Richard79
Pomeroy, Sir Thomas76-7
Pride, Colonel107
Prince, John5, 16-8, 26-7, 43, 47-8, 55, 71-2, 74, 77-9, 82, 100-1, 154
Prous family141
Pyl, Robert de153
Raleigh, Walter Esq82
Raleigh, Sir Walter82
Rede, Abbot Simon24
Reynell family148-9
Reynell, Rev John61
Reynell, Lady Lucy148-9
Reynell, Sir Richard148-50
Richard, son of Torold157
Richard I17, 75, 104
Richard II26, 46, 91, 152
Richard, Abbot of Torre23
Richmond, Margaret Countess of91
Ridgway family13-4, 25, 43
Ridgway, John Esq14, 43
Ridgway, Lord43
Ridgway, Lucy43
Ridgway Thomas Esq14, 25
Ridgway, Sir Thomas14
Risdon26, 132
Rochford, Viscount29
Rolle, S Esq120
Rotomago de family157
Scrope family149
Seale family112
Seale, Sir H P Bt99
Sedgeweick, Professor181-2, 184
Seymour, Colonel107
Seymour, Edward25
Seymour, Lord Edward79, 89
Seymour, Sir Edward, Knt25, 79
Seymour, Lady Elizabeth79
Seymour family13, 43, 71-3, 79, 89
Shapter, Dr167, 172
Simon, Abbot of Torre10, 23
Smith, Colonel R, CB52
Snellen, Rear Admiral John54
Somerset, Edward Duke of89
Somerset, Duke of (Protector)76-7, 79, 86, 154
Southcote family13, 112
Sowerby, Mr181
Speke family21
Stafford family78
Stawell, Sir John120
St John, Lord28
St Leger, John Esq24
St Mary Church de family157
Stowell, John, Esq25
Studdy, H Esq98
St Vincent, LordPreface
Suffolk, Duke of65
Tayleur, Mr159
Templar family79, 83, 154
Tewkesbury, Nicholas de111
Totneis, Judhael de81, 85, 88-9, 96, 120
Tours, Martin46, 91
Tours, Robert46, 91
Tracey family143
Trajan, Emperor40
Tresylian, Sir Robert102
Tuckfield family120
Tyrwhit, Sir Thomas136
Ulster, Earl of139
Upton family65
Valle, Beatrix de18
Valletort family64, 89
Vere de family149
Vere, Robert de91
Vernon, William42
Vesey, Walter de20
Vivian, Kitson & Kitson, Messrs34
Vivian, Mr165, 168, 172, 175
Wake family42
Wall, Rev F152
Waller, Margaret149
Waller, General Sir William148-9
Watson, Rev A158
Wentworth, Lord143
Whipham, Rev Arthur141
William I (Conqueror)16, 41, 46, 71, 88, 91, 132, 134
William II (Rufus)41, 89
William III (Prince of Orange)56, 58-62, 64, 148, 150
William IV64
William the Ostrarius41
Williams, Rev D187
Williams, Sir J Hamlyn29
Woodland, Walter de46-7
Woodley, Mr158, 160
Wrey, Sir Bourchier95
Yarde family65, 149-50, 152
Yarde, Matthew24
York, Archbishop of18
Zouch, Lord89
Zouch, John Lord89
Zouch, William de la111