


Will of John Edgcombe, Rector of Thornbury

Proved 30 August 1838

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/1899/185, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by Ros Dunning

I John Edgcombe clerk Rector of Thornbury Devon considering duly the uncertainty of human life do make this last will & testament first I give & bequeath unto my two sons William & John Edgcombe my little property near the Town of Launceston Cornwall Secondly I give & bequeath unto my daughter Rosabel Maria Edgcombe all monies & property I am in possession of or may be by law entitled to but as my poor daughter Rosabel Maria Edgcombe is at present unhappily in a sort of deranged state of mind she is not at my death to be put into possession by my executrix of the property left her unless whe shall be perfectly restored to her right senses & shall have continued so at least twelve months but only the interest arising from it to be devoted to her maintenance & comfort during her life & should my daughter Rosabel Maria Edgcombe be perfectly restored to her senses but not marry or if marry & die without issue I direct that the property I have bequeathed to her shall go to her Brothers and sister William John Phillis Jane & ffanny Elizabeth Edgcombe divided among them as my executrix shall think fit lastly I give & bequeath unto my present wife Jane Edgcombe all my goods chattels & personal estate of what nature kind or quality soever whom I constitute & appoint my whole & sole Executrix the Expences attending the Admon to be divided by my wife Jane Edgcombe & my daughter Rosabel Maria Edgcombe according to their several receipts all dividends that may be due at my death As witness my hand & seal this twenty fourth day of June in the year of our Lord 1828 John Edgcombe

I add this as a codicil to my will as my poor daughter Rosabel Maria Edgcombe has been lately seized with a madness of a most serious description & there is little or no prospect of her so far perfectly recovering her right reason as to enter with propriety into the marriage state I direct that my daughter Rosabel Maria Edgcombe is to enjoy only the interest of the property I have left her which I possess in right of her mother my first wife & at my daughter Rosabel’s decease the property is to become the surviving Brothers & Sisters in such proportions as their mother my Executrix may think fit or appoint this is my last will & testament as witness my hand & seal as Witness my hand & seal this fourth day of December in the Year of our Lord 1828 John Edgcombe

1st As different circumstances have caused a great change since December 1828 I think it just & necessary for me to make the under mentioned alterations first as my daughter Rosabel Maria appears for some years to be perfectly free from any deranged state of mind I bequeath to her in addition to the remaining property in the funds one thousand three hundred pounds in the hands of her Uncle Palmer eight hundred of it at the interest of 1 per cent & five hundred pounds at four & half Pr cent

2nd I also bequeath to her the Bond of her late uncle Revd George Heywood for £200 or what may be left due at my death in the event of my daughter Rosabel Maria marrying & leaving issue the property above mentioned to go to that issue but should she have no issue of her child or children have no family the property to come to her two sisters Phiilis Jane & ffanny Elizabeth Edgcombe or their executors should my daughter Rosabel Maria Edgcombe leave a husband surviving her I direct that he receives £30 Pr Annum ffeb 27th 1837 John Edgcombe

3rd as my little property at Launceston was sold for the purpose of purchasing my son William the next presentation to the living at Thornbury I direct that my son William do allow his unfortunate Brother John an annuity of £20 a year the little property at South Wanford Thornbury my Executrix will appoint according to her own Judgment & discretion ffebry 27th 1837 John Edgcombe

(Personal Appearance by Agnes Maria Bamfield wife of Revd John Bamfield of Bradford in the County of Devon and Cadwallader Edwards Palmer of Barnstaple as to character of handwriting of the deceased)

Proved at London with 3 Codicils 30 August 1838

9 October 1858 Letters of Administration with Will annexed to the Reverend William Edgcombe of Thornbury the Son and Administrator of the Estate of Jane Edgcombe deceased