Will of George Prideaux, Gentleman of Sutcombe, Devon (2 April 1651)
Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
National Archives Catalogue Reference: PROB 11/216
Piece Name of Register: Grey Quire Numbers: 52 - 104
© Crown Copyright
transcribed by
J. M. Jolliffe
[..indiscernible scribe..]
In the name of God Amen The ffirst day of May Anno Dom One Thousand Six hundred fforty nyne I George Prideaux of sutcombe in the County of Devon gent beinge weake in body but (God be praysed) in perfect memory doe make this to bee my Last Will and Testament as ffolloweth ffirst I comand my Soule to God that freely gave it me and my body it beinge chested to be buried in the Church yarde of Sutcomb aforesaid neere and on the west side of the ground of my wife if I dye in Sutcomb
Item I doe give unto my sonne Richard Prideaux my Annuity of Twenty shillings [pa...d] issuing out of Mattacott in Sutcomb my Annuity of sixteene shillings [y...d] issueing out of Jane Tardrewes Tenemts/ in Bradworthy my Annuitie of Sixteen shillings [y...d] yssueing out of worthen in Mylton Damerell and my annuitie of eight shillings [y...d] yssueing out of Hole in Holsworthy with all deeds and Assurances of them and [...ey] of them, And all sumes of Money that are to be paid ffor redeeminge of them and either of them
Item I doe give unto each one of the children of my said sonne that shalle at the day of my death Liveinge [ffoure] pounds in Money to be Payd them by my said sonne out of the said Annuities and money ffor redeeminge of them as each of them shall accomplish the age of One and Twenty yeares
Item I doe give unto Nattanill Knill and unto Thomas Knill sonnes of my daughter Jane to each of them ffive poundes in Money to be paid them within one yeare after the day of my death
Item I doe give unto every one of the children of my daughter Honor liveing at the day of my death ffive pounds in money to be payd them as each of them shall accomplish the age of one and Twenty Yeares
Item I doe give unto every of the children of my daughter Ffrances liveing at the day of my death ffive poundes in Money to be payd them as each of them shall accomplish the Age of One and Twentye Yeares
Item I doe give unto my Grand sonne Thomas Jeffery ffive poundes in money to be payd him when hee shall be one and Twenty yeares old As also ffive shillings yearely untill that time to be [restre...d] towards his yearly [appare...] [h...ige]
Item I doe give unto my Grandchildren Edmund and John [Townsend] three pounds in money to each of them and unto Katherin their sister twenty shillings to be payd to each of them with and yeare of my death
Item I doe will and devise that if any of the children and or of Richard my sonne or of Honer or of Ffrances my daughter doe die before hee or shee bee one and twenty yeares of age that the Legacie to him or her given shall remayne and bee to the rest of them surviving equally to be divided and to be paid to each of them at the [paymente] of their Legacie, if All dye (th God fforbid) their Legacies to remayne to my Executor, Alsoe I doe will that if Emanuell Phaier Henry Lee or Thomas Way doe die and [not ye...] the [......] of their [......], that My Executor doe
put their
[Band/ in Sute] And pay unto my daughter the wife of him [soe] dyinge [soe much] money [er] as hee shall [reconer] on ye said [Bonds], Alsoe I doe will that my [chattle] [base] and personall goods be sold at the best value and the money theirof to be [imployed] that out of the [handful] their of my Legacies may be the better Payd and some [por...] to the [binding] out of some of my Grandchildren to some [honest Lade] And of this my Will I make and Ordayne Richard Prideaux my sonne to be Executrix And I doe Ordayne Richard Prideaux, Knight and William Morrice Esq to be my Overseers to see that my will faithfully performed. In wittness [I do] hereof I have here unto put my hand [and] seale George Prideaux.
Item I doe ffurther Will and devise that if my sonne Richard Prideaux doe either refuse or [fore] [slowe] him to approve this my will that then I doe Ordayne and appoint Emanuell Phayer my sonne in Lawe to be my Executor of this my Will [and] testament hee the said Emanuell Phayer giveing good [and] sufficient securitye unto my overseers hereof or to and of them faithfully to performe the same As alsoe to performe the [wisdom] Subcribed unto a [band] by him given to me for his wifes [p.......n] Wittnes to this will one Emanuell Phayer Samuell Phaier [and] Thomas [Payne]
Probatum..."In Latin regarding the probate of the Will and naming Richard Prideaux as Executor"