Will of William Travars (1795)
Proved 12 June 1798
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/1266/52, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcribed by Kim Travis
[There are three documents: the transcription of the will, a statement validating the signature, and the probate details]
William Travars.
This is to certify that it is by my desire if I should die being my desire to give all I have to Willmot Webb being the only friend that I esteem and no ffriends but her and if Capt. Williams should interseed so far he will be it great friend to Willmot Webb by my desire for so doing. Giving under my hand. William Travars Mariner. Witness J Pengelley Mid: [there follow writing presumably from the back of the will] N.B. ffor Capt. Williams if I should die. Wm Hy Otway Captn
These are to certify that I am perfectly acquainted with the hand writing of the above William Traverse Private Marine of the (2?)4o & am certain the above is his signature. Richd Williams Capt Marines.
On the sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety five Administration (with the Will annexed) of all and singular the Goods Chattles and Credits of William Travars late a Marine on Board his Majestys’ Ship Powerful deceased was granted to Willmot Webb Spinster the universal Legatee named in the will having been first sworn duly to administer. No Executor being named in the said will.