Will of Sarah Polyblank, Widow of Devonport
Proved 24 September 1832
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/1805/421, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcribed by Ros Dunning
This is the last Will and Testament of me Sarah Polyblank Widow of George Polyblank late of Devonport in the County of Devon a Superannuated Quarterman of Shipwrights belonging to His Majestys Yard at Devonport deceased I direct my body to be decently interred in or as near can be the Vault or Burying Place of my late deceased husband and as to all my worldly estate and effects being all personal over which I now or at the time of my decease may have a disposing power I give and bequeath the same in manner following I give unto William Polyblank of Truro in the County of Cornwall Stationer all that my Leasehold messuage tenement and premises called or known by the name of Little Whitley in the Parish of Thurlestone in the said Count of Devon now in the occupation of Nicholas Crump as tenant under a Lease granted therein by my said late husband for a term of forty two years if the Life therein should so long life to hold the same unto the said William Polyblank his executors admors and assigns during the interest therein he and they paying out so long as he she or they shall hold the same or so long as the life therein shall live unto Richard Polyblank of Kingsbridge Auctioneer five pounds per annum I give and bequeath unto the said William Polyblank all and singular my stock and monies in the public funds which I shall die possessed of or interested in in my own right except as to the sum of fifty pounds three per centum Consolidated Bank Annuities which I give thereout unto my son in Law William Francis Shepherd and charging the said stock and monies so bequeathed by me and charging the said stock and monies so bequeathed by me to the said William Polyblank with an annuity of ten pounds payable unto Joanna Bate of Salcombe in the said County of Devon Single Woman for her life and an annuity of five pounds unto James Polyblank a Ship wright in the Devonport Dockyard for his life I give and bequeath unto the said Johanna Bate sufficient furniture to furnish a Sitting Room and two Bedrooms and all my china (except as is hereinafter by me given and disposed of) share and share alike between her the said Johanna Bate and the said Richard Polyblank and I also give unto her the said Joanna Bate all and singular my wearing apparel trinkets and ornaments I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Crossman of Devonport aforesaid Spinster my Silver Teapot Cream Jug six silver Table spoons and my largest china Bowl I give and bequeath unto the hereinbefore mentioned James Polyblank my Silver Salt Sellers and Spoons and the remainder of my silver spoons and also my clock and Mahogany Bookcase and silver watch I give to my servant Elizabeth Lee if she be living with me as such at the time of my decease all and singular the ffurniture of and belonging to the Kitchen now occupied by me I give to Mr ffrancis Briggs my five guinea piece and as to all the rest and Residue of my estate & effects of every sort and description not hereinbefore by me disposed of (subject nevertheless to the payment of my just debts and funeral expences and the costs of proving this my Will and incident thereto and to the payment of and distribution of the aforesaid Legacies and bequests) I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto the said William Polyblank who I do hereby ordain constitute and appoint sole Executor of this my Will hereby revoking and making void all former or other Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made In Witness whereof I the said Sarah Polyblank the testatrix have to this my last Will and Testament set & subscribe my hand and seal this eighteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two Sarah Polyblank
(Attestation Clause)
M Crossman Widow _ John Moore Atty at Law
Proved at London 24 Sept 1832