Will of Julia Devitte, widow, of Devonport
Proved 10 December 1929
© Crown Copyright
Transcribed by Irene Marlborough
Will of Julia Devitte nee Evans
Be it known that Julia Devitte, 11 Trafalgar Place, Stoke, Devonport in the County of Devon, widow, died there on the 16 day of November 1929.
And be it further known that at the date hereunder written the last will and testament of the deceased was proved and registered in the Principal Probate Registry of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, and that administration of all the estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representative of the said deceased was granted by the aforesaid court to Frances Emma Turle Saint of Great Ley Rectory, Essex (formerly Evans spinster) wife of the Reverend Frederick Guy Saint, niece of the deceased, the surviving executor named in the said will dated 10 day of December 1929.
Gross value of estate £3967 11s 0d
Net value of Personal Estate £2757 18s 0d
I, JULIA DEVITTE wife of Patrick Devitte of 11 Trafalgar Place Stoke Devonport in the County of Devon hereby revoke all testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me and declare this to be my last will. I desire to be buried in Pennycross Churchyard near Devonport. I appoint my nephew Charles Hotham Evans of 56 Wolfington Road West Norwood Surgeon and my niece Frances Emma Turle Evans of 121 Rucklidge Avenue Harlesden Spinster (hereinafter called my trustees) to be the trustees and EXECUTORS of this my will. I devise and bequeath all my estate real and personal unto my trustees Upon trust that they shall sell call in and collect the same and shall out of the monies arising thereby and all other monies forming part of my estate pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and shall invest the residue of the said monies in any of the investments for the time being authorised by law for the investment of trust monies and may vary such investments at discretion and shall pay the income of the said residuary monies and investments to such of the following six persons as for the time being shall not be or have been married so long as they or any of them shall live and remain spinsters or a spinster namely my nieces Rosa Marion Deveson, Edith Mary Deveson, Ernestine Emily Beatrice Deveson and Mabel Alice Julia Deveson daughters of my sister Laura Deveson, my niece Clara Winifred Evans daughter of my late brother Septimus Evans and my step daughter Ethel Mabel Devitte. And when and so soon as each and every one of them my said nieces and step daughter shall have either died or married then and thenceforth shall hold the same residuary trust monies Upon trust for the said Charles Hotham Evans and Frances Emma Turle Evans in equal shares. I declare my trustees may permit my personal estate or any part thereof to remain in its actual state of investment at the time of my death for such period of time as they shall think fit either for the purpose of giving a better income to the persons entitled for the time being to the same or for any other reason and with obligation to assign reason. IN WITNESS whereof I the said Julia Devitte have to this my will set my hand this twenty ninth day of July one thousand eight hundred and ninety six - JULIA DEVITTE - signed by the above named Julia Devitte as her will in the presence of us present at the same time who in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses - HENRY P P A DASHWOOD retired physician 7 Lansdowne Circus Leamington Spa - ELEONORA MACNAUGHTON 2 Scotland Street Edinburgh
Proved 10th December 1929.