Will of John Inch, formerly a Shipwright in H M Dock Yard at Devonport of Stoke Damerel
Proved 6 July 1844
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/2002/51, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcribed by Ros Dunning
I John Inch of Charlotte Street of the Parish of Stoke Damerel in the County of Devon formerly a Shipwright in H M Dockyard at Devonport do hereby revoke all former wills by me heretofore made and do declare this to be my last will I direct my executrix hereinafter named decently to inter my body and to pay all my just debts funeral and other expenses I give and bequeath my leasehold house with the appurtenances and all my leasehold estates all my money securities for money and all other my Personal Estate and Effects unto my dear friend Rachel Tringcombe spinster who now resides with me her executors administrators and assigns for her great care and attention to me during my illness and that of my late beloved wife And I appoint my said friend Rachel Tringcombe to be sole Executrix of this my last will subscribed by my name and sealed this third day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty four John Inch
(Attestation Clause)
James Marshall No 9 Charlotte Street Devonport Gunner R.N.
Richard Johns
Proved: 6 July 1844