


Surname Index


Farewell Dinner to Captain Scott


R. Pearse Chope

The Devonian Year Book. London: The Devonian Asociation, (1911) illus. pp. 14-20.

Index prepared by Michael Steer

Robert Falcon Scott, CVO, RN (1868 - 1912) was the third child of six and elder son of John Edward and Hannah (née Cuming) Scott of Stoke Damerel, near Devonport. He was a Royal Navy officer and explorer who led two expeditions to the Antarctic regions: the Discovery Expedition, 1901-04, and the ill-fated Terra Nova Expedition, 1910-13. On the first expedition, he discovered the Polar Plateau, on which the South Pole is located. During the second venture, Scott led a party of five that reached the South Pole on 17 January 1912, only to find that they had been preceded by Roald Amundsen's Norwegian expedition. The final and chief event for the Devonian Association in 1911 was a complementary dinner for Captain Scott who was its Vice President. This entry in the Year Book records the names of those who attended as well as those Association members who subscribed to Scott's famous expedition. The account of the dinner that appeared in the Year Book was taken from The Illustrated Western Weekly News of June 25, 1911. This copy of the rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally from a copy held in the University of Toronto Library collection that can be downloaded from Google Books with a search by either author or title, and also from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers


Ackland, Mr W A14
Acland, Captain J W14
Bailey, Mr F A20
Barnes, Mr A G E15
Bate, Mr & Mrs J J14
Bennett, Mr & Mrs S14
Beste, Mr W F14-5
Bidgood, Mr & Mrs G S15
Bidgood, Mr & Mrs R15
Boon, Mr C15
Borough, Steven14
Bowden, Mr A T20
Bowman, Mr G15
Brodie, Mr C H15
Bromham, Mr & Mrs A J14, 20
Brown, Mr15
Bryant, Mr S W15
Burlace, Mr & Mrs J B15, 20
Burlace, Mr L15
Burlace, Miss W15
Butterfield, Mr Kenneth15
Campbell, Mr R J P15
Carpenter, Mr J14
Chettleburgh, Mrs A15
Chope, Mr R Pearse15, 18-9
Clare, Mr A15
Clare, Mr W15
Clifford, Colonel, VD14, 18, 20
Clifford, Lord of Chudleigh14, 17
Clifford, The Misses15
Clifford, Miss Molly Hamley19
Clifford, Mrs14
Cole, Mr & Mrs N15
Coles, Mr & Mrs Crosbie14, 20
Cole, John Esq JP20
Cornwall, Sir Edwin A, MP20
Courtenay, Mr Clifford19
Cowen, Mr Joseph15
Coysh, Mr R F15
Coysh, Mr R H15
Crabtree, Mr15
Cummings, Mr Vivian J15
Dalton, Miss15
Darke, Mr T A20
Davey, Mr G W15
Davis, John14
Dickens, Mr C P15
Dinham, Mr & Mrs F A15
Dixon, Mr J A15
Drake, Sir Francis14
Duke, Mr H E, KC, MP14, 17
Edward VII20
Edy, Mr & Mrs15
Fodt, Mrs M A15
Forman, Mr & Mrs15
Fortescue, Earl14, 16, 18-20
Galsworthy, Mr John19
Gamble, Rev H R, MA14
Gieve, Mr J14
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey14
Gillham, Mr H15
Glass, Mr H15
Glass, Mr L15
Glass, Mr W R B15
Godfrey, Mr & Mrs Sydney H15
Gordon, Miss15
Gray, Mr John15
Gulliford, Mr W15
Haines, Mr H15
Hancock, Mr & Mrs H H M15, 20
Hawkins, Sir John14
Hearson, Professor T A14
Hill, Mr & Mrs Arnold15
Hobbs, Mr F15
Holman, Mr A W15
Holman, Mr H15
Holman, Miss D A15
Horton, Mr & Mrs15
Horwood, Mr J15
Hunt, Mr J N15
Inman, Mr & Mrs W15, 20
Jacks, Mr & Mrs Newton15
Jeffery, Mr F C15
Jones, Mr H R15
Joint, Mr15
Kingdon, Dr W15
Kendall, Mr T G15
Linscott, Mr J H15
Long, Mr A15
Luxton, Mr John20
Lyons, Mr Frank I15
Mahone, Mr J W15
Medcraft, Mrs15
Metherell, Mr R15
Northcote, Rt Hon Lord, GCMG, GCIE, CB20
O'Leary, Mr H15
Parr, Mr & Mrs Robert J15
Perry, Mr F A15, 20
Philp, Mr & Mrs C R S15
Pilditch, P E Esq LCC20
Pillman, Mr J C, JP15
Pillman, Mr J H15
Pinkham, Mr & Mrs C, JP15, 20
Pinn, Mr & Mrs F G15
Platt, Mr Wilfrid19
Popham, Mr W V M15
Popham, Mr15
Powe, Mr & Mrs G W15
Pullman, Mr J15
Pyle, Mr E Elliot15
Radford, Mr & Mrs G H, MP14
Raleigh, Sir Walter14
Ramsay, Mr Allan15
Ryall, Mr J15
Scott, Captain R F, CVO, RN14, 16-20
Scott, Mrs14
Scown, Mr & Mrs Ernest J15
Shapcott, Mr J15
Shawyer, Mr J W15, 18
Sheer, Mr John15
Sibthorp, Mr Shurmer15
Simmons, Mr & Mrs S, JP14
Skewes, Mr & Mrs, J C14
Smart, Mr W H15
Snell, Mr M B14
Soames, Mr & Mrs David15
Southcombe, Mr & Mrs S G15
Southwood, Mr & Mrs F C15
Spear, Mr A15
Squire, Mr H B15
Stewer, Jan20
Tatlow, Mr & Mrs H15
Tatlow, Mr Hurford15
Thomson, Mr F J S19-20
Thorne, Mr15
Thorne, Mr T14
Tickell, Mr15
Townsend, Mr F15
Travers, Mr H15
Treharne, Mr & Mrs W J15
Veysey, Mr F J S20
Vibart, Mr F H15
Volk, Mr W A, LRAM15, 19-20
Western, Mr & Mrs J R15
White, Mr & Mrs A15
Whitley, Mr H M15
Wilson, Mr A F15
Winter, Mr P G D14
Wreford, Mr Charles W15, 20
Wreford-Glanvill, Mr H20
Wright, Mr F G20
Wright, Mr J L15
Wright, Mr Robert19