


Will of Evan Evans, Surgeon, of Stoke Damerel

Proved 26 July 1815

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/1570/289, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by Irene Marlborough

In the Name of God Amen

I Evan Evans Surgeon 21* 3 Queen Street Dock in the parish of Stoke Damerell in the Diocese of Exeter in the County of Devon do myself and with my own handwriting make this my last will and testament in manner and form following
I leave and bequeath unto my natural sons John and William (who are also the sons of my housekeeper Mary Jarvis) the whole of my shop ffixtures and drugs and all other things that I sell or deal in that are now and may be at the time of my death in my shop store rooms or warehouses
I also leave unto my natural daughters Ann and Gwen --- the lease of my two houses being 22*3 and 21*4 in Queen Street Dock Devon
I also leave unto my housekeeper Mary Jarvis who is the mother of all my sons and daughters that is William John Ann & Gwen the whole of my household ffurniture that I have now or may have at the time of my death
I also leave the said Mary Jarvis my house keeper & the mother of my said children my whole executrix she the said Mary Jarvis is to pay all my debts & receive all money due to me that is to say all my Book debts and all other money whatever that are now or may be at the time of my death due to me after all the money are collected in that can be done and all my debts paid that with all ready money whatever that I may have at the time of my death are to {be} equally divided between all the said persons namely Mary Jarvis and William John Anne and Gwen children to the said Mary Jarvis which she had by me who is the author of this will. Evan Evans Surgeon Plymouth Dock in Devon wrote & {sign} this 8th day of June 1805.

Appeared Personally

William Cock of Plymouth Dock in the County of Devon Surgeon & Robert Morris of the same place Shoemaker & made oath that they know and were well acquainted with Evan Evans late of Plymouth Dock in the County of Devon deceased for many years before and down to the time of his death with his manner and character of his handwriting subscription having often seen him write & also write and subscribe his name and having now with care & attention perused the paper writing hereto annexed purporting to be & contain the last Will and Testament of this said deceased beginning thus "In the name of God Amen I Evan Evans Surgeon 21*3 Queen Street Dock in the parish of Stoke Damerell" and ending thus "which she had by me who is the author of this will" and thus subscribed "Evan Evans Surgeon Plymouth Dock Devon" they these deponents say they so verily & in their consciences believe the whole body {1 word} & contents of the said paper writing beginning ending & subscribed as aforesaid to be all of the own proper handwriting & subscription of the said Evan Evans deceased & of no other person whatever.
Wm Cock
Robert Morris
On the 22nd June 1815 the said William Cock & Robert Morris were duly sworn to the truth of this affidavit by virtue of the {1 word?} hereto annexed before me Robert Lawter? {councilman?}

Proved at London 26th July 1815 before the judge by this oath of Mary Jarvis spinster the sole Executrix to whom Admon was granted being first sworn by {1 word} duty to admin?