[Presidential] Address
Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 2, part 2 (1863), pp. 9-30.
C. Spence Bate, Esq., F.R.S., F.L.S. &c
Prepared by Michael Steer
The Devonshire Association’s Second Presidential Address was read at its July 1863 Plymouth meeting and is a valuable record from the Devonshire Association’s earliest days. Its second President, Charles Spence Bate was a noted zoologist and by profession a dentist. He adopted "Spence Bate" as his surname, perhaps to distinguish himself from his father, and used that name consistently in his publications. He practiced dentistry first at Swansea, and then at Plymouth, taking over his father's practice. He was a frequent correspondent of Charles Darwin, mostly concerning their shared interest in barnacles. His obituary appears under Biography on Genuki’s Plymouth page. The Address, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
Ackland, Sir Thomas Dyke | 29 |
Adami | 11 |
Askulibitha | 11 |
Bacon | 25 |
Bates. Mr | 29 |
Berzelius | 28 |
Blumenbach | 20-1 |
Boyle | 25 |
Brewster, Dr David | 28 |
Bunsen | 12, 28 |
Challis, Professor | 26 |
Chowlson, Professor | 10-11 |
Colenso, J.W. | 12 |
Crooke, Mr. | 28 |
Cuvier | 20-1 |
Dagmith | 11 |
Dahomy, King of | 29 |
Darwin, Mr Charles | 21 |
Davy, Sir Humphry | 28 |
Desnoyers, Mons. J | 18 |
Dewenai | 11 |
Fortescue, Lord | 29 |
Helmholts | 25 |
Joule, Dr. | 24, 26 |
Kirkchoff | 28 |
Kumathi | 11 |
Kuthami | 10 |
Linnæus, Carl | 20 |
Locke | 25 |
Loven, Professor | 16 |
Lyell, Sir Charles | 13, 17 |
Mallet, Mr | 24 |
Mayer | 24-5 |
Melloni | 26 |
Miller, Professor | 28 |
Niepce, M. | 27 |
Owen, Professor | 20-1 |
Patterson, Mr | 14 |
Pengelly, Mr | 19 |
Perry, M. | 24 |
Prestwich, Mr | 15 |
Renan, Professor | 11 |
Smith, Colonel Hamilton | 13 |
Sonstadt, Mr | 28 |
Steenstrup, Professor | 13 |
St. Hilaire, M. Isadore G. | 21 |
Stokes, Professor | 28 |
St. Victor, M. | 26-7 |
Tamuzzi | 11 |
Thompson, Professor W. | 23-4 |
Tyndal, Professor | 24-5 |
Vyvyan family | 17 |
Wallace, Mr | 21, 29 |
Wheatson, Professor | 10 |
Wills, Mr. | 29 |
Yaudushadh | 11 |