President’s Address
Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. VII, (1875), pp. 25-49.
R.J. King, Esq., M.A.
Prepared by Michael Steer
The Devonshire Association’s Presidential Address was read at its July 1875 Torrington meeting. A great deal of information about its author is available at the Longmarsh Press website. He was in general “known to his contemporaries as a shy, gentle man, popular with his friends and possessed of a profound and unparalleled knowledge of his county’s history ‘in its minutest ramifications.’ He was as well, a leading member of the Devonshire Association”. In addition, Mr King’s fulsome obituary is available here. His Presidential Address was described by colleagues as “a learned and critical contribution to the early history of Devon, full of suggestions for further investigation”. At the same meeting he also read a paper on "The Folk-Lore of Devon." The Address, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
Ǣlfric | 40 |
Ǣsc | 37 |
Ǣthelstan, KIng | 31, 33, 42 |
Aldhelm, Saint | 36 |
Alfred, King | 31 |
Arnold, Mr. | 42 |
Arthur, King | 30 |
Beowulf | 29 |
Birinus | 34-5 |
Boniface, Saint | 34 |
Bonvyle, Lord | 46-7 |
Borlase | 31 |
Brendan, Saint | 43 |
Browne, William | 43 |
Brutus of Troy | 30 |
Calixtus, Saint | 33 |
Carrington, Nicholas Toms | 43 |
Ceawlin | 28-9 |
Centwine | 28, 41 |
Cenwealh | 28 |
Cerdic | 28, 33 |
Charles I | 45 |
Cnut, King | 33 |
Couch | 31 |
Courtenay family | 46 |
Courtenay, Thomas | 46-7 |
Cromwell, Lieutenant General Oliver | 45 |
Cynegils, King | 34-5 |
Cyneheard the Ǣtheling | 33 |
Cynewulf, King | 33 |
Cynric | 28, 30, 33 |
Davidson, Mr. | 45 |
De la Port family | 32 |
Devonshire, Earl of | 46-7 |
Ealdhelm, Saint | 29, 35 |
Ecgberht, King | 42 |
Elizabeth I | 43 |
Fairfax, General | 45 |
Franks, Mr. | 32 |
Fraser | 29 |
Freeman, Mr. | 28-9, 42-4 |
Fulford | 42 |
Gerente | 28-30, 39 |
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey | 43 |
Giles | 36 |
Glaucus | 49 |
Grendel | 29 |
Grenville, Sir Beville | 45 |
Gresham, James | 46-7 |
Grey, Lord | 45 |
Guest, Dr. | 28 |
Hallam | 41 |
Hawkins, Sir John | 43 |
Henry VII | 44 |
Hooker | 45 |
Ine, King | 28-30, 39, 41 |
Isaac | 38 |
Jaffe | 36 |
Kemble, Mr. | 32, 37 |
Kerian, Saint | 34 |
Kerslake, Mr. | 31 |
Kett, Robert | 27, 44-5 |
Kingsley, Charles | 48-9 |
Kirwan, Mr. | 40 |
Layamon | 30 |
Leofric, Bishop | 34 |
Macmillan | 43 |
Maine, Sir Henry Sumner | 37-8 |
Margaret, Queen | 47 |
Marshall | 38-9 |
Monmouth, Geoffry of | 30 |
Moore, Mr Stewart | 45 |
Nasse | 38 |
Nennius | 30 |
Nun | 28 |
Nym, Corporal | 41 |
Oliver | 33 |
Ouvry, Colonel | 38 |
Paston, Master Higb | 46-7 |
Pengelly, William | 25 |
Petrock, Saint | 34 |
Pól | 37 |
Radford, Nicholas | 46-7 |
Rædwald | 27 |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 43 |
Reynolds, Sir Joshua | 43 |
Russell, Lord | 45 |
Scott, Sir Walter | 48 |
Shakespeare, William | 41 |
Sigmund the Wælsing | 29 |
Simon (Symon) | 29 |
Sprigg, Joshua | 45 |
St. Ealdhelm | 29, 35 |
Stephen, King | 44 |
Stilicho | 32 |
Tor | 37 |
Tyler, Watt | 27 |
Wælse | 37 |
Warbeck, Perkin | 44 |
William I | 33, 43 |
William III | 43-4 |
Winfrith | 34 |
Wolfhard | 40 |