




Eleventh Report of the Botany Committee

Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 51, (1919), pp. 114-129.


W.P. Hiern. (Ed.)

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Committee’s Eleventh Report was presented at the Association’s Tiverton meeting, 25th July, 1919. Botany refers to the scientific study of the physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance of plants. The Association’s Botany Section was founded in 1908 to promote the study and enjoyment of Devon's wild plants, including bryophytes (mosses), lichens and fungi. Their Report can be found in a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal that can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Committee Members.
Miss Rose E. Carr-Smith,
Miss Chichester
Mr G.T. Harris
Mr. W. P. Hiern, (Secretary)
Miss C.E. Larter
Mr. C. H. Laycock,
Mr. H. G. Peacock,
Miss C. L. Peck,
Dr. A. B. Prowse.


Acharius, Erik127, 129
Allioni, Carlo122
Arnott, George Arnott Walker123
Arvet-Touvet, Casimir117
Babington, Charles, Cardale124
Bagnall, James Eustace117
Barton, Mr W.C.117
Beauverd, Gustave117, 121, 125, 128
Beck, Gunther, von Mannagetta und Lerchenau128
Berkeley, Miles Joseph118, 123
Bieb, M.119-20
Boissier, Pierre Edmond117, 121
Bönninghausen, Clemens von123
Borzi, Antonino119
Brébisson, Louis Alphonse de119
Bridel, Samuel Elysée123, 126, 129
Briton, C.E,114
Brokenshire, Mr F.A.118, 120
Brown, Addison118-9
Brown, Robert119-21
Bryhn, Niels121
Buchenau, Franz Georg Philipp121
Butler, Mr H.117
Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de117-8, 122-5
Cassini, Alexandre Henri Gabriel119
Chabert, Alfred128
Chipperfield, Mr Stanley119
Cobbe, Miss A.B.117, 120, 123, 125, 128
Cobbe, Miss M.116, 118, 120-5
Corda, August Carl Joseph126, 129
Courset, George Louis Marie Dumont de115, 121, 123
Crombie, James Maskell127, 129
Davy, Lady125
Delabar, Gangolf125-6
De Notaris, Giuseppe115, 118, 123, 126
Desrousseaux, Louis Auguste Joseph122
Dillwyn, Lewis Weston123
Douglas, David117
Druce, Mr D. Claridge114, 117-21, 123-5, 128
Dumortier, Bartélemy Charles Joseph125-6, 129
Ehrhart, Jakob Friedrich120-1, 126, 128
Fischer, Friedrich Ernst Ludwig von128
Flörke, Heinrich Gustav127
Focke, Wilhelm Olbers124
Fortescue, Countess120
Foster, Mr Murray T.121
Foucaud, Julien117, 124
Fries, Elias Magnus120, 126-7, 129
Fürnrohr, Audust Emanuel125, 128
Gaertner, Joseph125
Gardner, Mr121-2, 124
Gill, Walter127
Giraud, Herbert125
Gmelin, Johann Friedrich124
Graewe. Per Henrik Fredrik129
Gray, Samuel Frederick126
Green, Mr121-2, 124
Gregory, Mrs Eliza Standerwick117, 124, 128
Hansgirg, Anton118
Harms, Hermann129
Harris, Mr G.T.122-3, 126
Harvey, Rev. H.H.119, 128
Hassall, Arthur Hill119-20
Hayne, Friedrich Gottlob117
Hedwig, Johann118, 126, 129
Hiern, William Philip117, 120
Hoffmann, Georg Franz127, 129
Hohenaker, Rudolph Friedrich121
Hoppe, David Heinrich122
Hornschuch, Christian Friedrich126
Hudson, William118-9, 122, 124, 129
Hurst, Mr Cecil P.114-5, 117
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph von118, 124
Jordan, Claude Thomas Alexis116, 122
Kairamo, Oswald117
Kirchner, Emil Otto Oskar von119
Kitaibel, Pál127
Koch, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm124-5
Körber, Gustav Wilhem126
Kunth, Carl Sigismund122
Kützing, Friedrich Traugott118, 120, 123
Lange, Johan Martin Christian124
Larter, Mis124-5, 127-8
Lasch, Wilhelm Gottlob117
Leighton, William Allport128
Lejeune, Alexandre Louis Simon122
Lightbody, Mrs117
Lightfoot, John122
Lindberg, Sextus Otto115, 123, 128-9
Lindenberg, Johann Bernhard Wilhelm126
Lindley, John124, 126
Link, Johann Heinrich Friedrich125
Linnaeus, Carl116-129
Lister, Mr A,123
Lister, G., F.L.S.116, 123
Lister, Miss123
Marshall, Rev E.S.117-8, 122
Martius, Carl Friedrich Philip119-20
Massalongo, Abramo Bartolommeo127
Meneghini, Giuseppi Giovanni Antonio119
Milde, Carl August Julius126
Mildmay, Mrs128
Miller, Philip121-2, 125
Mitten, William116, 129
Moench, Conrad120, 123-4
Mohr, Charles T115, 128
Moyle-Rogers, Rev. W.119
Murbeck, Svante Samuel124
Nees, Christian Gottfried Daniel, von Esenbek129
Nylander, William121, 126-7, 129
Nyman, Carl Frederick125
Peacock, Mr H.G.127
Peck, Miss123-5
Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik118, 123, 125, 127
Planchon, Jacques Emile117
Prahl, Peter122
Pratt, Miss H.E123-4
Presl, Carl Borivoj124
Quélet, Lucien127
Rabenhorst, Gottlob Ludwig119
Raddi, Giuseppe129
Redgrave, Mr117-8
Reichenbach, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig116, 118-9, 124
Retzius, Anders Johan122
Riddelsdell, Rev. H.J.117
Rogers, John117, 119
Rouy, Georges117, 124
Royle, James Forbes119
Saccardo, Pier Andreo118, 127
Saint-Leon, Vittore Benedetto Antonio Trevisan de125
Sandwich, Mrs122
Scheele, Georg Adolf Heinrich125
Scheidweiler, Michael Joseph François125
Schiffner, Victor Félix129
Schmidt, Carl Friedrich124
Schrank, Franz Paula118, 121-2
Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel von123
Schulz, Carl Friedrich118
Schulz, Franz Johann125, 128
Schwaegger, August Friedrich123, 129
Seringe, Nicolas Charles117
Smith, James Edward122, 124-5
Sommerfelt, Søren Christian116
Stenton, Mr R.125
Stratton, Mr124
Swanton, Mr E.W.118
Swartz, Olof Peter121, 123, 126
Syme, John Thomas Irvine Boswell119
Taylor, Mr R, Linneaus
Thellung, Albert116
Todd, Miss121
Trethewy, Mr119, 125, 128
Turner, Dawson125
Turpin, Pierre Jean François118-9
Vahl, Martin128
Wahl, Herbert Alexander123
Wallich, Nathaniel124
Warnstorf, Carl Friedrich129
Watson, Dr D.114-6, 118-9, 121-5, 128
Webb, Philip Barker128-9
Weihe, Carl Ernst August117
Wallroth, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm125
Wettstein, Richard117
Willdenow, Carl Ludwig von119, 124, 129
Wittrock, Veit Brecher119-20
Young, Miss E,118
Zahlbrukner, Alexander127