


Name Index


Address of the President, 24th July, 1917 

Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 49, (1917), pp. 27-59.


W.P. Hiern, M.A., F.R.S.

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Devonshire Association’s Presidential Address was read at its July 1917 Barnstaple meeting. The author provides “a general sketch of Devonshire botany, as well past as present, together with some particulars relating to special portions of the subject”. Of particular interest to the genealogist is a list of current (1917) Devon botanists, particularly those Devonians conducting research in the field (pp.41-43). The Address, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Agardh, Karl42
Allioni, Carlo53-4
Andreánszky, Gábor30
Arber, Edward Alexander Newell28-31, 33, 36
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August56
Babington, C.C.49
Baker, J.G47
Baker, Dr Sarah M50
Batters, Edward Arthur Lionel, B.A., LL.B., F.L.S42-3
Besler, Basilius53
Blandford, Maude H50
Bohling, Maude H50
Bor, Norman Loftus53
Braun, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich40
Bridel, Samuel Elisée von47
Brokenshire, F.A41
Brongniart, Adolphé Theodore29-33
Brown, Robert52-3
Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de49, 54
Champernowne, Mr33
Chevallier, François Fulgis40
Clements, F.E50
Courset, Georges Louis Marie Dumont de54
Crantz, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von54
Crawford, Francis C54
Curtis, William55
Cutler, Miss Catherine42
Dahl, Anders56
De Barry36
Delarbre, Antoin52
Desfontaines, Renée Louiche53
Desvaux, Nicaise Auguste40
Downes, Rev W33
Drabble, Dr E49
Dumont de Courset, Georges Louis Marie32
Ehrhart, Jakob Friedrich58
Ettingshausen, Constantin von30
Focke, W.O49
Fries, Elias Magnus37, 53
Fry, Agnes36
Fry, Sir Edward36, 53
Fryer, Alfred52
Gaertner, Joseph32, 52, 54
Gardiner, Starkie34
Gaudin, Jean Francois Aimée Gottlieb Philippe56
Gay, Claude56
Gmelin, Johann Friedrich32
Goode, R,H,28, 31, 56-8
Göppert, Johann Heinrich Robert33
Gouan, Antoine53
Gray, Asa39
Gregory, Mrs E.S49
Greville, Dr42, 46
Griffiths, Mrs Amelia Warren42
Griffiths, Rev William42
Groves, H49
Groves, J49
Groves, William Bywater40
Haddon, Norman G37-8
Hall, Townshend Monkton36
Hamling, Joseph Greene36
Harris, Mr G.T39, 41
Harvey, William Henry42
Heer, Dr Oswald34-5
Hill, Miss42
Hoffmann, Georg Franz32
Holmes, Edward Morell, F.L.S.37-9, 41-3, 45-6
Hoppe, David Heinrich57
Hore, Rev William Strong, M.A., F.L.S.42
Hudson, William52-4, 56-7
Hurst, Mr Cecil P45-6
Hutchinson, P.O34
Hutton, William30, 32
Ingham, W45
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph von52
Jordan, Claude Thomas Akexis53
Julian, Mrs Hester Forbes36
Kidston, Robert29-33
Koch, Karl52
Kützing, Friedrich Traugott40-1
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste52
Lamouroux, Jean Vincent Félix43
Larter, Miss Clara Ethelinda, F.L.S43, 45, 59
Ledebour, Carl Friedrich von53
Lesquereux, Charles Léo31
Lindley, John30, 32
Link, Johann Heinrich Friedrich57
Macvicar, S.M45
Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von41
Massee, George Edward35-6
Miller, Philip49, 54
Moench, Conrad54
Möhring, Paul Heinrich Gerhard47
Murr, Josef54, 57
Parfitt, Edward38-9, 41, 44-6
Paulson, R, F.L.S39
Peacock, H.J38
Pengelly, William27, 34-6
Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik37, 39
Potonié, Henry31
Presl, Carl Borivoj47
Pugsley, H.W49
Pursh, Frederick Traugott50, 53
Ralfs, John42
Read, Rev T41
Reid, Clement28, 32, 34-5
Reid, Mrs Eleanor M28, 34-5
Retzius, Anders Josef57
Rock, William Frederick36
Rogers, Emily42
Rogers, Inkermann31, 36
Rogers, John42
Rogers, W.M49
Rostafiński, Jósef Thomasz37
Rostrup, Frederik Georg Emil36
Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm54
Seward, Professor28
Schiffner, Victor, Félix35
Schlechter, Rudolf31
Schlotheim, Ernst Friedrich, Baron von33
Schrank, Franz Paula von56
Schultz, Arthur56, 58
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio52, 54
Scott, D.H47
Smith, James Edward57
Sternberg, Kaspar Maria von29-30, 32
Stokes, Jonathan S56-7
Stur, Dionys Rudolf Josef von30
Syme, John Thomas Irvine Boswell53
Tausch, Ignaz Friedrich57
Thuillier, Jean Louis40
Tourette, Marc Antoine Louis Claret de la57
Town, Mrs Joanna41
Tozer, Rev Mr John Savery45-7
Tregelles, G.T31
Unger, Franz Joseph Andreas Nicholaus31
Ussher, W.A.E33
Vicary, Mr33
Warren, Rev G41
Watson, W39, 45-6
Webb, Philip Barler47
Weihe, Carl Ernst August58
Weiss, Frederick Earnest29
Wettstein, Dr R von49
Willdenow, Karl Ludwig von40, 56
Williams, Samuel31
Wilson, William M46
Wolley-Dodd, Major A.H.49-50
Wyatt, Mrs Mary42
Zeiller, Charles Renée30-3