Name Index
Address of the President, 24th July, 1917
Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 49, (1917), pp. 27-59.
W.P. Hiern, M.A., F.R.S.
Prepared by Michael Steer
The Devonshire Association’s Presidential Address was read at its July 1917 Barnstaple meeting. The author provides “a general sketch of Devonshire botany, as well past as present, together with some particulars relating to special portions of the subject”. Of particular interest to the genealogist is a list of current (1917) Devon botanists, particularly those Devonians conducting research in the field (pp.41-43). The Address, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
Agardh, Karl | 42 |
Allioni, Carlo | 53-4 |
Andreánszky, Gábor | 30 |
Arber, Edward Alexander Newell | 28-31, 33, 36 |
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich August | 56 |
Babington, C.C. | 49 |
Baker, J.G | 47 |
Baker, Dr Sarah M | 50 |
Batters, Edward Arthur Lionel, B.A., LL.B., F.L.S | 42-3 |
Berkeley | 42 |
Besler, Basilius | 53 |
Blandford, Maude H | 50 |
Bohling, Maude H | 50 |
Bor, Norman Loftus | 53 |
Braun, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich | 40 |
Bridel, Samuel Elisée von | 47 |
Brokenshire, F.A | 41 |
Brongniart, Adolphé Theodore | 29-33 |
Brown, Robert | 52-3 |
Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de | 49, 54 |
Champernowne, Mr | 33 |
Chevallier, François Fulgis | 40 |
Clements, F.E | 50 |
Courset, Georges Louis Marie Dumont de | 54 |
Crantz, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von | 54 |
Crawford, Francis C | 54 |
Curtis, William | 55 |
Cutler, Miss Catherine | 42 |
Dahl, Anders | 56 |
De Barry | 36 |
Delarbre, Antoin | 52 |
Desfontaines, Renée Louiche | 53 |
Desvaux, Nicaise Auguste | 40 |
Downes, Rev W | 33 |
Drabble, Dr E | 49 |
Dumont de Courset, Georges Louis Marie | 32 |
Ehrhart, Jakob Friedrich | 58 |
Ettingshausen, Constantin von | 30 |
Focke, W.O | 49 |
Fries, Elias Magnus | 37, 53 |
Fry, Agnes | 36 |
Fry, Sir Edward | 36, 53 |
Fryer, Alfred | 52 |
Gaertner, Joseph | 32, 52, 54 |
Gardiner, Starkie | 34 |
Gaudin, Jean Francois Aimée Gottlieb Philippe | 56 |
Gay, Claude | 56 |
Gmelin, Johann Friedrich | 32 |
Goode, R,H, | 28, 31, 56-8 |
Göppert, Johann Heinrich Robert | 33 |
Gouan, Antoine | 53 |
Gray, Asa | 39 |
Gregory, Mrs E.S | 49 |
Greville, Dr | 42, 46 |
Griffiths, Mrs Amelia Warren | 42 |
Griffiths, Rev William | 42 |
Groves, H | 49 |
Groves, J | 49 |
Groves, William Bywater | 40 |
Haddon, Norman G | 37-8 |
Hall, Townshend Monkton | 36 |
Hamling, Joseph Greene | 36 |
Harris, Mr G.T | 39, 41 |
Harvey, William Henry | 42 |
Heer, Dr Oswald | 34-5 |
Hill, Miss | 42 |
Hoffmann, Georg Franz | 32 |
Holmes, Edward Morell, F.L.S. | 37-9, 41-3, 45-6 |
Hoppe, David Heinrich | 57 |
Hore, Rev William Strong, M.A., F.L.S. | 42 |
Hudson, William | 52-4, 56-7 |
Hurst, Mr Cecil P | 45-6 |
Hutchinson, P.O | 34 |
Hutton, William | 30, 32 |
Ingham, W | 45 |
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph von | 52 |
Jones | 40-1 |
Jordan, Claude Thomas Akexis | 53 |
Julian, Mrs Hester Forbes | 36 |
Kidston, Robert | 29-33 |
Kingston | 40-1 |
Koch, Karl | 52 |
Kützing, Friedrich Traugott | 40-1 |
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste | 52 |
Lamouroux, Jean Vincent Félix | 43 |
Larter, Miss Clara Ethelinda, F.L.S | 43, 45, 59 |
Ledebour, Carl Friedrich von | 53 |
Lesquereux, Charles Léo | 31 |
Lindley, John | 30, 32 |
Link, Johann Heinrich Friedrich | 57 |
Macvicar, S.M | 45 |
Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von | 41 |
Massee, George Edward | 35-6 |
Mendel | 49 |
Miller, Philip | 49, 54 |
Moench, Conrad | 54 |
Möhring, Paul Heinrich Gerhard | 47 |
Murr, Josef | 54, 57 |
Parfitt, Edward | 38-9, 41, 44-6 |
Paulson, R, F.L.S | 39 |
Peacock, H.J | 38 |
Pengelly, William | 27, 34-6 |
Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik | 37, 39 |
Potonié, Henry | 31 |
Presl, Carl Borivoj | 47 |
Pugsley, H.W | 49 |
Pursh, Frederick Traugott | 50, 53 |
Ralfs, John | 42 |
Read, Rev T | 41 |
Reid, Clement | 28, 32, 34-5 |
Reid, Mrs Eleanor M | 28, 34-5 |
Reinke | 43 |
Retzius, Anders Josef | 57 |
Rock, William Frederick | 36 |
Rogers, Emily | 42 |
Rogers, Inkermann | 31, 36 |
Rogers, John | 42 |
Rogers, W.M | 49 |
Rostafiński, Jósef Thomasz | 37 |
Rostrup, Frederik Georg Emil | 36 |
Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm | 54 |
Seward, Professor | 28 |
Schiffner, Victor, Félix | 35 |
Schlechter, Rudolf | 31 |
Schlotheim, Ernst Friedrich, Baron von | 33 |
Schrank, Franz Paula von | 56 |
Schultz, Arthur | 56, 58 |
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio | 52, 54 |
Scott, D.H | 47 |
Smith, James Edward | 57 |
Sternberg, Kaspar Maria von | 29-30, 32 |
Stokes, Jonathan S | 56-7 |
Stur, Dionys Rudolf Josef von | 30 |
Syme, John Thomas Irvine Boswell | 53 |
Tausch, Ignaz Friedrich | 57 |
Thuillier, Jean Louis | 40 |
Tourette, Marc Antoine Louis Claret de la | 57 |
Town, Mrs Joanna | 41 |
Tozer, Rev Mr John Savery | 45-7 |
Tregelles, G.T | 31 |
Unger, Franz Joseph Andreas Nicholaus | 31 |
Ussher, W.A.E | 33 |
Vicary, Mr | 33 |
Warren, Rev G | 41 |
Watson, W | 39, 45-6 |
Webb, Philip Barler | 47 |
Weihe, Carl Ernst August | 58 |
Weiss, Frederick Earnest | 29 |
Wettstein, Dr R von | 49 |
Willdenow, Karl Ludwig von | 40, 56 |
Williams, Samuel | 31 |
Wilson, William M | 46 |
Wolley-Dodd, Major A.H. | 49-50 |
Wyatt, Mrs Mary | 42 |
Zeiller, Charles Renée | 30-3 |