Eighth Report of the Botany Committee
Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 48, (1916), pp. 137-153.
W.P. Hiern. (Ed.)
Prepared by Michael Steer
The Committee’s Eighth Report was presented at the Association’s Plymouth meeting, 19th July, 1916. Botany refers to the scientific study of the physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance of plants. The Association’s Botany Section was founded in 1908 to promote the study and enjoyment of Devon's wild plants, including bryophytes (mosses), lichens and fungi. Their Report can be found in a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal that can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Committee Members.
Miss Rose E. Carr-Smith,
The Hon. Mrs. Mabel Colborne,
Mr. W. P. Hiern, (Secretary)
Miss C.E. Larter
Mr. C. H. Laycock,
Rev. A.C. Morris,
Mr. H. G. Peacock,
Miss C. L. Peck,
Dr. A. B. Prowse,
Mr. A. Sharland.
Page | |
Agardh, Jacob Georg153 | |
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich | 138, 149 |
Babington, Charles Cardale | 145, 148-9, 152 |
Bary, Anton de | 139-40, 151 |
Bastow, Richard Austin | 148 |
Batsch, August, Johann George, Karl | 150 |
Beauverd, Gustave | 153 |
Bentham, George | 137 |
Berkeley, Miles Joseph | 141-2, 150 |
Bernhardi, Johann Jacob | 143 |
Blytt, Matthias Numsen | 150 |
Bonnet, Charles | 153 |
Brace, Lewis Jones Knight | 141 |
Bracken, Mr C.W | 153 |
Brébisson, Louis Alphonse de | 144, 147 |
Bridel, Samuel Elysée von | 149 |
Brokenshire, Mr F.A | 138, 144 |
Brown, Addison | 139 |
Brutelle, Charles Louis L’Héritier | 151 |
Buchenau, Franz Georg Philipp | 138 |
Bulliard, Jean Baptiste François Pierre | 143-4 |
Burman, Johannes | 147 |
Canby, William Marriott | 147, 152 |
Candolle, Augustin Pyramus | 139-41, 143-5, 149, 151, 153 |
Carter, Henry John | 146 |
Castagne, Jean Louis Martin | 141 |
Choisy, Jacques Denys | 148 |
Chope, Mr R.P | 137 |
Clifford, Miss C. M | 145, 147 |
Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt | 140 |
Corda, August Carl Joseph | 140-1, 151, 153 |
Cumming, Mr J | 144-5 |
Curtis, William | 144, 153 |
Daniel, Mrs | 146 |
Darby, John M | 139 |
Davy, Lady | 152 |
Denmeade, Miss K.M | 144, 147, 149 |
Desfontaines, René Louiche | 153 |
Desvaux, Nicaise Auguste | 139 |
Dillwyn, Lewis Weston | 139 |
Donn, James | 145 |
Douglas, David | 144 |
Drabble, Dr | 146 |
Druce, Mr | 147, 149, 153 |
Duby, Jean Etienne | 142 |
Dumortier, Bartholémy Charles Joseph | 138, 148 |
Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried | 143 |
Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von | 144-5 |
Focke, Wilhelm Olbers | 144-5, 147 |
Foucaud, Julien | 146 |
Fourraud, Jean Pierre | 152 |
Fries, Elias Magnus | 141-4, 146, 149-50 |
Fuckel, Karl Wilhelm Gottlieb Leopold | 151 |
Garcke, Christian August Friedrich | 152 |
Gay, J | 137 |
Gibson, A | 139 |
Gill, Miss | 143-4, 150 |
Gillekens, Léopold Guillaume | 150 |
Gmelin, Johann Friedrich | 142-3 |
Godron, Dominique Alexandre | 137, 145 |
Graebner, Karl Otto Robert Peter Paul | 149 |
Gray, Asa | 143 |
Gray, Samuel Frederick | 150 |
Gregory, Eliza Standerwick | 146 |
Grenier, Jean Charles Marie | 137 |
Greville, Robert Kaye | 140, 143 |
Guppy, Dr H.B | 152 |
Gussoni, Giovanni | 146 |
Haddon, Mr Norman G | 139, 142, 150-1 |
Haller, Albrecht von | 146 |
Harris, Mr G.T | 145-6 |
Hart, Mr | 137 |
Harvey, Rev H.H | 143-4 |
Hassall, Arthur Hill | 139 |
Hayne, Friedrich Gottlob | 148 |
Hicking, Mr J | 139 |
Hiern, W.P | 137, 152 |
Hoffmann, Georg Franz | 145 |
Holmes, Mr E. N | 153 |
Hooker, William Jackson | 149 |
Hore, Herbert W.S | 146, 149, 153 |
Hornemann, Jens Wilken | 142, 150 |
Hudson, William | 144-5, 151 |
Hunnybun, Mr E.W | 149 |
Jacky | 140 |
Jones, Marcus E | 141 |
Jordan, Claude Thomas Alexis | 137, 145-6, 152 |
Karpelles, Ludwig | 147 |
Karsten, Gustav Karl Wilhelm Hermann | 141, 143, 149 |
Kitaibel, Pál | 144, 147 |
Koch, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm | 137, 144-5 |
Klebs, Georg Albrecht | 141-2 |
Körniche, Friedrich August | 141, 151 |
Lagerheim, Nils Gustaf von | 140 |
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste | 146 |
Lamotte, Martial | 153 |
Larter, Miss | 137, 144-9, 151-2 |
Lejeune, Alexandre Louis Simon | 144 |
Lévéille, Joseph-Henri | 140-1, 151 |
Ley, Rev | 138 |
Libert, Marie Anne | 140 |
Link, Johann Heinrich Friedrich | 140-1, 145, 151 |
Linnaeus, Carl | 137-153 |
Lister | 142-3 |
Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, Jean-Louis-Auguste | 144 |
Longstaff, Mrs G.B | 138 |
Macbride, James Francis | 142-3 |
Marshall, Rev E.S | 137-8, 144-9 |
Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von | 138, 140, 149 |
Mason, Mr Samuel | 147 |
Milde, Carl August Julius | 149 |
Miller, Philip | 141, 144, 148, 150, 152 |
Mitten, William | 149 |
Miyabe Kingo | 141 |
Montagne, Jean Pierre François Camille | 141, 151 |
Morgan, Andrew Price | 142-3 |
Morris, Rev A.C | 143-4, 147 |
Moss, Charles Edward | 138, 146, 148 |
Moulins, Charles Robert Alexandre des | 142 |
Müller, O.F | 139 |
Müller, Philipp Jacob | 144-5 |
Murr, Josef | 137, 146 |
Nägeli, Karl Wilhelm von | 139 |
Nielsen, Peter | 141 |
Oudney, Walter | 140 |
Palla, Edouard | 138, 148 |
Parfitt, E | 144 |
Passerini, Giovanni | 144 |
Peacock, Mr H.G | 149 |
Peck, Charles Horton | 143 |
Peck, Miss | 146, 148 |
Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik | 140-4, 146, 151 |
Plowright, Charles Bagge | 140 |
Pratt, Miss H.E | 146 |
Prickman, Mr J.D | 143 |
Pugsley, Herbert William | 145-6 |
Quélet, Lucien | 149-50 |
Rabenhorst, Gottlob LUdwig | 139 |
Ralfs, John | 139 |
Read, Rev T | 139 |
Reboul, Eugène de | 141 |
Reichenbach, Georg Friedrich | 146 |
Rogers, John | 144 |
Rostkovius, Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Theophil | 142-3, 151 |
Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm | 139, 143, 149, 153 |
Rouy, Georges | 146, 148 |
Salisbury, Richard Anthony | 138, 148 |
Salm, C.E | 138 |
Savi, Gaetano | 149 |
Scheele, George Heinrich Adolf | 140, 148 |
Schaeffer, Jacob Christian | |
Schkuhr, Christian | 137, 143, 147 |
Schleicher, Johann Christoph | 140, 153 |
Schrader, Heinrich Adolph | 143 |
Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel von | 138, 143 |
Schröter, Carl Joseph | 140-2 |
Schumann, Julius (Heinrich Karl) | 141 |
Secretan, Louis | 149 |
Sharland, Mr | 145, 153 |
Sheldon, Edmund Perry | 143 |
Smith, Edward James | 146 |
Smith, Gerard Edwards | 148 |
Solander, Daniel | 139 |
Swanton, E.W | 137, 146-8, 152 |
Sydow, Hans | 142 |
Syme, John Thomas Irvine Boswell | 147 |
Takada, Mr H | 145-6 |
Tellam, Mr | 153 |
Transeau, Edgar Nelson | 142 |
Trotter, Alesandro | 146 |
Tulasne, Louis René | 140-1 |
Turpin, Pierre Jean François | 139 |
Unger, Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus | 151 |
Vahl, Martin | 146 |
Valeton, Theodoric | 147 |
Vaucher, Jean Pierre Etienne | 139 |
Wahl, Herbert Alexander | 137 |
Wahlenberg, Göran | 146 |
Wainwright, Mrs | 145, 148 |
Waldstein, Franz de Paula Adam von | 144 |
Wallroth, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm | 143, 151 |
Warren, Rev G | 139 |
Wedgwood, Mrs | 152 |
Weihe, Karl Ernst August | 144-5 |
West, Mr G.S | 139, 153 |
Wettstein, Richard | 138 |
Winterl, Jacob Joseph | 140-1 |
Wittrock, Veit Brecher | 139 |
Woodson, Robert Everard | 138, 148 |