




Eighth Report of the Botany Committee

Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. 48, (1916), pp. 137-153.


W.P. Hiern. (Ed.)

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Committee’s Eighth Report was presented at the Association’s Plymouth meeting, 19th July, 1916. Botany refers to the scientific study of the physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance of plants. The Association’s Botany Section was founded in 1908 to promote the study and enjoyment of Devon's wild plants, including bryophytes (mosses), lichens and fungi. Their Report can be found in a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal that can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Committee Members.

Miss Rose E. Carr-Smith,
The Hon. Mrs. Mabel Colborne,
Mr. W. P. Hiern, (Secretary)
Miss C.E. Larter
Mr. C. H. Laycock,
Rev. A.C. Morris,
Mr. H. G. Peacock,
Miss C. L. Peck,
Dr. A. B. Prowse,
Mr. A. Sharland.


Agardh, Jacob Georg153
Ascherson, Paul Friedrich138, 149
Babington, Charles Cardale145, 148-9, 152
Bary, Anton de139-40, 151
Bastow, Richard Austin148
Batsch, August, Johann George, Karl150
Beauverd, Gustave153
Bentham, George137
Berkeley, Miles Joseph141-2, 150
Bernhardi, Johann Jacob143
Blytt, Matthias Numsen150
Bonnet, Charles153
Brace, Lewis Jones Knight141
Bracken, Mr C.W153
Brébisson, Louis Alphonse de144, 147
Bridel, Samuel Elysée von149
Brokenshire, Mr F.A138, 144
Brown, Addison139
Brutelle, Charles Louis L’Héritier151
Buchenau, Franz Georg Philipp138
Bulliard, Jean Baptiste François Pierre143-4
Burman, Johannes147
Canby, William Marriott147, 152
Candolle, Augustin Pyramus139-41, 143-5, 149, 151, 153
Carter, Henry John146
Castagne, Jean Louis Martin141
Choisy, Jacques Denys148
Chope, Mr R.P137
Clifford, Miss C. M145, 147
Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt140
Corda, August Carl Joseph140-1, 151, 153
Cumming, Mr J144-5
Curtis, William144, 153
Daniel, Mrs146
Darby, John M139
Davy, Lady152
Denmeade, Miss K.M144, 147, 149
Desfontaines, René Louiche153
Desvaux, Nicaise Auguste139
Dillwyn, Lewis Weston139
Donn, James145
Douglas, David144
Drabble, Dr146
Druce, Mr147, 149, 153
Duby, Jean Etienne142
Dumortier, Bartholémy Charles Joseph138, 148
Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried143
Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von144-5
Focke, Wilhelm Olbers144-5, 147
Foucaud, Julien146
Fourraud, Jean Pierre152
Fries, Elias Magnus141-4, 146, 149-50
Fuckel, Karl Wilhelm Gottlieb Leopold151
Garcke, Christian August Friedrich152
Gay, J137
Gibson, A139
Gill, Miss143-4, 150
Gillekens, Léopold Guillaume150
Gmelin, Johann Friedrich142-3
Godron, Dominique Alexandre137, 145
Graebner, Karl Otto Robert Peter Paul149
Gray, Asa143
Gray, Samuel Frederick150
Gregory, Eliza Standerwick146
Grenier, Jean Charles Marie137
Greville, Robert Kaye140, 143
Guppy, Dr H.B152
Gussoni, Giovanni146
Haddon, Mr Norman G139, 142, 150-1
Haller, Albrecht von146
Harris, Mr G.T145-6
Hart, Mr137
Harvey, Rev H.H143-4
Hassall, Arthur Hill139
Hayne, Friedrich Gottlob148
Hicking, Mr J139
Hiern, W.P137, 152
Hoffmann, Georg Franz145
Holmes, Mr E. N153
Hooker, William Jackson149
Hore, Herbert W.S146, 149, 153
Hornemann, Jens Wilken142, 150
Hudson, William144-5, 151
Hunnybun, Mr E.W149
Jones, Marcus E141
Jordan, Claude Thomas Alexis137, 145-6, 152
Karpelles, Ludwig147
Karsten, Gustav Karl Wilhelm Hermann141, 143, 149
Kitaibel, Pál144, 147
Koch, Johann Friedrich Wilhelm137, 144-5
Klebs, Georg Albrecht141-2
Körniche, Friedrich August141, 151
Lagerheim, Nils Gustaf von140
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste146
Lamotte, Martial153
Larter, Miss137, 144-9, 151-2
Lejeune, Alexandre Louis Simon144
Lévéille, Joseph-Henri140-1, 151
Ley, Rev138
Libert, Marie Anne140
Link, Johann Heinrich Friedrich140-1, 145, 151
Linnaeus, Carl137-153
Loiseleur-Deslongchamps, Jean-Louis-Auguste144
Longstaff, Mrs G.B138
Macbride, James Francis142-3
Marshall, Rev E.S137-8, 144-9
Martius, Carl Friedrich Philipp von138, 140, 149
Mason, Mr Samuel147
Milde, Carl August Julius149
Miller, Philip141, 144, 148, 150, 152
Mitten, William149
Miyabe Kingo141
Montagne, Jean Pierre François Camille141, 151
Morgan, Andrew Price142-3
Morris, Rev A.C143-4, 147
Moss, Charles Edward138, 146, 148
Moulins, Charles Robert Alexandre des142
Müller, O.F139
Müller, Philipp Jacob144-5
Murr, Josef137, 146
Nägeli, Karl Wilhelm von139
Nielsen, Peter141
Oudney, Walter140
Palla, Edouard138, 148
Parfitt, E144
Passerini, Giovanni144
Peacock, Mr H.G149
Peck, Charles Horton143
Peck, Miss146, 148
Persoon, Christiaan Hendrik140-4, 146, 151
Plowright, Charles Bagge140
Pratt, Miss H.E146
Prickman, Mr J.D143
Pugsley, Herbert William145-6
Quélet, Lucien149-50
Rabenhorst, Gottlob LUdwig139
Ralfs, John139
Read, Rev T139
Reboul, Eugène de141
Reichenbach, Georg Friedrich146
Rogers, John144
Rostkovius, Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Theophil142-3, 151
Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm139, 143, 149, 153
Rouy, Georges146, 148
Salisbury, Richard Anthony138, 148
Salm, C.E138
Savi, Gaetano149
Scheele, George Heinrich Adolf140, 148
Schaeffer, Jacob Christian
Schkuhr, Christian137, 143, 147
Schleicher, Johann Christoph140, 153
Schrader, Heinrich Adolph143
Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel von138, 143
Schröter, Carl Joseph140-2
Schumann, Julius (Heinrich Karl)141
Secretan, Louis149
Sharland, Mr145, 153
Sheldon, Edmund Perry143
Smith, Edward James146
Smith, Gerard Edwards148
Solander, Daniel139
Swanton, E.W137, 146-8, 152
Sydow, Hans142
Syme, John Thomas Irvine Boswell147
Takada, Mr H145-6
Tellam, Mr153
Transeau, Edgar Nelson142
Trotter, Alesandro146
Tulasne, Louis René140-1
Turpin, Pierre Jean François139
Unger, Franz Joseph Andreas Nicolaus151
Vahl, Martin146
Valeton, Theodoric147
Vaucher, Jean Pierre Etienne139
Wahl, Herbert Alexander137
Wahlenberg, Göran146
Wainwright, Mrs145, 148
Waldstein, Franz de Paula Adam von144
Wallroth, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm143, 151
Warren, Rev G139
Wedgwood, Mrs152
Weihe, Karl Ernst August144-5
West, Mr G.S139, 153
Wettstein, Richard138
Winterl, Jacob Joseph140-1
Wittrock, Veit Brecher139
Woodson, Robert Everard138, 148