




Fourth Report of the Botany Committee

Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol.  44, (1912) pp. 125-135.


W.P. Hiern. (Ed.)

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Committee’s Fourth Report was presented at the Association’s Jubilee Exeter meeting, 24th July, 1912. The Association’s Botany Section was founded in 1908 to promote the study and enjoyment of Devon's wild plants, including bryophytes (mosses), lichens and fungi. During July the summer of 1911, Rev. W. Moyle Rogers visited the Dart valley and neighbouring hills and consequently produced for the Committee a list of the plants he observed. Records for the parishes of Ashburton, Buckland-in-the-Moor, Holne, Staverton, and Widecombe-in-the-Moor (in the No. 6 Torquay botanical district), and Buckfastleigh East, Buckfastleigh West, Rattery, and Dartington (in the No. 7 Plymouth botanical district) were also supplied by Mr. Rogers. The Report can be found in a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal that can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Committee Members.

Miss Rose E. Carr-Smith,
The Hon. Mrs. Colborne,
Sir Alfred Croft,
Miss C. E. Larter,
Mr. C. H. Laycock,
Dr. H. G. Peacock,
Miss C. L. Peck,
Dr. A. B. Prowse,
Miss Helen Saunders,
Mr. A. Sharland,
Mr. T. Wainwright,
Mr. W. P. Hiern (Secretary)


Babington, Charles Carsdale130
Bell-Irving, Mrs H133
Bernhardi, Johan Jacob132
Biffin, Mr129
Boreau, Alexandre134
Brokenshire, F.A127
Buchenau, Franz Georg Philipp135
Bulliard, Jean Baptiste François Pierre134
Cooke, Dr M.C129
Crantz, Heinrich Johann Nepomuk von127, 135
Davey, F.H135
Down, Miss J132
Drake, Mrs J.C134
Focke, H.C128-9, 131, 134-5
Fursdon, Miss130
Halls, Frank127
Harvey, Rev H.H.127-8
Hayne129, 132, 135
Herbert, William129
Holmes, E.M134
Hooker, William Jackson130
Hornemann, Jens Wilken127
Hudson, William132
Jacks, B.D128
Jackson, J.R130
Kaltenbach, Johan Heinrich127, 132, 135
Karsten, Gustav Karl Wilhelm Hermann129, 134-5
Kit127, 132
Kützing, Friedrich Traugott127-9, 132, 135
Lamotte131, 134
Larter, Miss C.E127-9, 131-3, 135
Lees, Edwin132
Lef128-9, 132, 135
Massee, George Edward127, 129, 134
Mohr, Paul Heinrich Gerhard127, 129-30, 134
Molland, L129
Moore, T129, 135
Müll, P.J.127-9, 132, 135
Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Gottfried Daniel127-8, 131-5
Parfitt, Ed129-30
Peacock, Dr H.G129, 131, 134-5
Peck, Miss128, 130-1
Pugsley, Mr H.W126, 131
Retzius, Anders Johan134
Rogers, Rev W. Moyle126-7, 129
Roth, Albercht Wilhelm134
Royle, James Forbes131, 134
Quélet, Lucien129-31, 134
Savery, Mr G.B129
Saunders, Miss H128-9, 135
Schleich128-9, 132, 135
Schott, Heinrich Wilhelm131-2, 135
Schultz, Friedrich135
Schrank, Franz Paula von128
Sharland, Mr A127, 130
Wainwright, Mr T127
Waldstein, Franz de Paula Adam von127, 132
Warry, Miss132
Weihe, Karl Ernst August127-8, 131-2, 134-5