President’s Address
Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol. XXV (1893), pp. 25-158.
T.N. Brushfield, Esq., M.D.
Prepared by Michael Steer
The Devonshire Association’s Presidential Address was delivered at its July 1893 Torquay meeting. The President’s aim was to point out “in what directions English literature generally, as well as locally, has been aided by the labours of Devonshire men and Devonshire residents, while drawing attention to some of the more notable works and institutions that stand out prominently above their fellows”. The Association President for 1893, Thomas Nadauld Brushfield (1828–1910) was an early psychiatrist, or alienist and a noted antiquarian. His comprehensive biography with portrait is available in Wikipedia, and his obituary is available in GENUKI. Dr Brushfield’s Presidential Address, from a copy of a rare journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers
Page | |
Adams, Clement | 144 |
Adrian IV, Pope | 84 |
Alcwine | 26 |
Aldred, Mr. | 126 |
Alexander | 107 |
Alexander VI, Pope | 84, 142 |
Alford, Rev. D.P. | 121, 134 |
Alfred, King | 121 |
Alfredus | 27 |
Alfricus | 27 |
Alley, Bishop William | 50, 153 |
Allibone, Samuel Austin | 124 |
Alphredus, Bishop | 153 |
Alured, Thomas | 126 |
Amadas, Captain Philip | 96 |
Ames, Herbert | 121 |
Anjou, Margaret of | 37 |
Arber, Professor Edward | 25, 64, 87, 120, 129, 133-4, 136, 142-4, 146, 149 |
Archer, T.A. | 30 |
Ariosto | 68 |
Aristotle | 35 |
Armin, Robert | 120 |
Arthur, King | 145 |
Ash, Simon | 32, 153 |
Aubrey, John | 139 |
B | |
Babington, Bishop Gervase | 50, 54, 109, 149 |
Bacon, Lady Ann | 122 |
Bacon, Lord Chancellor | 122, 141 |
Bacon, Sir Nicholas | 140-1 |
Bacon, Robert | 30 |
Baddeley, Rychard | 124 |
Baldwin, Archbishop Thomas | 30-2, 115,153 |
Bale, Bishop | 36, 152 |
Bamfield, Richard | 127 |
Bampton, John de | 35, 153 |
Bancroft, Archbishop | 73 |
Bangor, Bishop of | 81 |
Barcham, Dr. John | 140, 153 |
Barclay, Alexander | 39-42, 119, 153 |
Barett, Roger | 44 |
Bari, Giraldus de | 31 |
Baring-Gould, Rev. Sabine | 141 |
Barkham, John | 99, 148 |
Barlow, John | 125, 153 |
Barlowe, Captain Arthur | 96 |
Barnes, R. | 39 |
Bartholomew, Bishop | 30, 32, 116, 153 |
Baskerville, Sir Simon | 152 |
Bath, Countess of | 102 |
Bath, Lord | 102 |
Becket, Thomas a | 30-1 |
Beaumont, Francis | 70 |
Bede, Venerable | 26-7, 58 |
Bellarmine, Cardinal | 49-50 |
Benedict Biscop | 26 |
Berners, Juliana | 37 |
Bethune, Captain C.R.D. | 143 |
Beville, Sir R. | 95 |
Bigges, Walter | 145 |
Bill, John | 80 |
Bishop, E. | 113 |
Bitton, Bishop Thomas de | 37 |
Black, Mr. W.H. | 35, 117 |
Blackmore, R.D. | 149 |
Bliss, Dr. Philip | 75, 87, 99, 113 |
Blount, E. | 120 |
Blundell, Peter | 79, 153 |
Blundon, Robert de | 117 |
Boase, Frederic | 118 |
Bodley, John | 79-80, 153 |
Bodley, Sir Josias | 79, 100 |
Bodley, Dr, Lawrence | 79-80, 140 |
Bodley, Sir Thomas | 79-80, 100, 140, 153 |
Boethius | 32, 45, 116, 121, 151 |
Boniface, Saint | 26-7, 113, 153 |
Borough, Christopher | 88, 153 |
Borough family | 87 |
Borough, Steven | 87-9, 143-4, 153 |
Borough, William | 85, 88, 144 |
Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne | 109 |
Boswell, James | 127 |
Botfield, Beriah | 115, 131 |
Bothwell | 48 |
Bourne, Henry Richard Fox | 142 |
Bowring, Sir John | 116, 140 |
Boyle, William | 128 |
Bracton, Henry de | 33-4, 39, 110, 116, 154 |
Bradshaw, Judge John | 33 |
Brandt, Sebastian | 40, 42, 119 |
Brantingham, Thomas de | 39, 110 |
Bray, Henry | 44 |
Bray, Mrs. | 134 |
Brewer, J. S. | 120, 149 |
Brice, Andrew | 81, 103, 129 |
Brice, Rev. Thomas | 59, 154 |
Bright, Edward | 127 |
Brit, Walter | 152 |
Bronescombe, Bishop Walter | 110, 116 |
Brown, A. | 146 |
Browne, William | 62-3, 72, 83, 85, 91, 111, 131-2, 141, 143, 154 |
Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barratt | 63 |
Brownlow, Very Rev. Canon | 113 |
Brydges, Sir E. | 61, 128 |
Brygge, John | 36, 117 |
Buchanan, George | 48, 123 |
Buckingham, Duke of | 126 |
Buckingham, Earl of | 117 |
Buckingham, Marquis of | 141 |
Buckle, Henry Thomas | 58, 129 |
Budæus, S.P. | 90 |
Buff, Adolf | 139 |
Bullen, Mr. A. H. A | 61-2, 68, 130, 133, 136 |
Bullen, W. | 149 |
Bunyan, John | 150 |
Burchard, Saint | 27, 154 |
Burscough, Rev. R. | 141 |
Burton, Robert | 69, 145 |
Bury, John | 125, 154 |
Bysshe, Edward | 37 |
C | |
Cædmon | 26 |
Calamy, Edward | 128 |
Calthrop, Martyn | 133 |
Calvin, John | 48, 111 |
Camararius, P. | 49 |
Cambrensis, Giraldus | 31-2, 99 |
Camden, William | 32, 36, 38, 46-7, 91, 98, 101-3, 142, 145 |
Campion, Edward | 48 |
Canterbury, Alfred of | 113 |
Canterbury, St. Thomas of | 115 |
Canute, King | 28, 114 |
Carew, Sir George | 101, 149, 154 |
Carew, Sir Peter | 81-2 |
Carew, Richard | 112, 149 |
Carew, Thomas | 149 |
Carlton, Sir Dudley | 137 |
Carlyle, Thomas | 25, 109 |
Carpenter, John | 52, 154 |
Carpenter, Nathaniel | 52, 58, 83, 129, 142, 154 |
Cates, T. | 145 |
Cave-Browne, Rev, J. | 148 |
Cawood, John | 44, 129 |
Caxton, William | 45, 117, 120-1 |
Cecil, Sir Robert | 101 |
Ceolford | 26 |
Chamberlain, Lord | 137 |
Chambers, Robert | 131 |
Chambers, William | 131 |
Chanter, Mr. J.R. | 59, 102, 124, 129, 138 |
Chapple, Mr. William | 106, 136, 151 |
Chardon, Bishop John | 52, 54 |
Charldon, John | 52, 54 |
Charlemagne | 35, 145 |
Charles I | 33, 68, 71, 104, 119, 136 |
Charles II | 136 |
Charles V | 143 |
Charles, Prince | 53, 148 |
Chaucer, Geoffrey | 25, 34, 39-40, 59, 114, 116, 121 |
Chichele, Archbishop | 82 |
Chichester, Sir Arthur | 118 |
Chichester family | 118 |
Chichester, Sir John | 141 |
Chichester, Lord | 82, 141 |
Chichester, Richard | 36, 154 |
Chichester, Bishop Robert | 118 |
Cistercian, Roger the | 31 |
Clark, John Willis | 115 |
Clarendon, Earl of | 101 |
Clermont, Lord | 118, 141 |
Clout, Colin | 61 |
Coffin, Edward | 48, 123, 154 |
Coke, Edward | 33, 73 |
Cole, Dr. Henry | 122 |
Collier, John Payne | 67, 71, 130, 133-5, 140, 144-6 |
Collins, Mortimer | 66 |
Colson, Mr. F.H. | 132 |
Columbus, Christopher | 84, 147 |
Conybeare, Rev. J.J. | 114 |
Conybeare, Rev. W. D. | 114 |
Cootie, Mr. C.H. | 139 |
Copus, Alanus | 122 |
Cornish, Bishop | 40 |
Cornish, Rev. F.W. | 132 |
Cortes, Hernando | 84 |
Cotton, Mr. R.W. | 88, 115, 143-4, 148 |
Cotton, Bishop W. | 140 |
Courtenay, Edward | 42, 154 |
Courtenay family | 120 |
Coverdale, Miles | 42, 120, 154 |
Cowell, John | 72, 137, 154 |
Cowper | 100, 110, 128 |
Craik, George Lillie | 117 |
Crakanthorp, Richard | 100 |
Cranmer, Archbishop Thomas | 122 |
Creighton, Rev. Mandell | 85, 108, 122 |
Crichton, the Admirable | 76 |
Croker, T. Crofton | 131 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 108, 145 |
Cromwell, Richard | 108 |
Crouch, Humphrey | 145 |
Curll, Edward | 105 |
Cutcliffe, John | 109 |
Cuthbert, Abbot | 27, 58 |
D | |
Dalen, Cornelius van | 148 |
Daniel | 108 |
Dares | 116 |
Darnley, Lord | 48 |
David, King | 53 |
Davidson, Mr. J.B. | 44, 105, 137, 149-50 |
Davies, John | 120, 134 |
Davis, John | 85, 91, 144, 154 |
Dekker, Thomas | 69, 72, 135, 146 |
Deloney, Tomas | 72 |
Devon, F. | 119 |
Devonius, John | 31 |
Devonshire, Dick of | 68 |
Devonshire, Earl of | 69, 120, 154 |
Dibdin, Dr. Thomas Frognall | 114, 140 |
Diogenes | 112 |
Doddridge, John | 75, 154 |
Doddridge, Sir John | 74-5, 110, 150, 154 |
Doddridge, Pentecost | 75 |
Dollinger, Dr. John Joseph Ignatius | 121, 123, 141 |
Dominus, Antony de | 123 |
Dore, Abbot of | 32 |
Dorman, Thomas | 122 |
Down, Bishop of | 52 |
Downe, John | 51, 59, 129, 154 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 67, 78, 85-7, 91, 94, 130, 142, 144-5, 154 |
Drake, Nathan | 70 |
Drayton, Michael | 63 |
Dredge, Rev. J. Ingle | 49, 52, 121-7, 129, 134, 137, 139, 141, 158 |
Drury, Robert | 124 |
Duck, Sir Arthur | 74, 82, 154 |
Dunscombe, Mr. | 150 |
Dunton, John | 145 |
Dyce, Rev. Alexander | 70, 133, 135 |
Dymond, R. | 135, 149 |
E | |
Ebsworth, Rev. J.W. | 132 |
Eden, Richard | 88 |
Edgecumbe, Sir Richard | 129 |
Edward I | 67-8, 117 |
Edward II | 67 |
Edward III | 39 |
Edward VI | 43, 127 |
Edward, Prince of Lancaster | 37, 43 |
Edward, Prince, of Westminster | 37, 43 |
Edwards, Edward | 96, 138, 141 |
Eleanor, Queen | 67, 133 |
Eliot, Sir John | 76, 138 |
Elizabeth I | 39, 42, 45-8, 55, 57, 60-1, 66-8, 71-2, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84-5, 89, 96-7, 100, 110-1, 120-3, 126, 134, 142 |
Elizabeth, Lady | 77 |
Elizabeth, Saint of Flanders | 31 |
Ellacombe, Rev. H.T. | 37 |
Ellis, George | 131 |
Ellis, Sir H. | 139 |
Elworthy, Mr.F.T. | 44, 118, 120 |
Ely, Bishop of | 100 |
Erasmus | 42 |
Est, William | 51, 155 |
Ever, Ralph Lord | 126 |
Exeter, Bishop of | 48, 55, 104, 110, 113, 117, 125 |
Exeter, Joseph of | 153 |
Exeter, Walter of | 35, 153 |
Exeter, William of | 35 |
F | |
Faraday, Michael | 53 |
Faustina | 31 |
Feilde, J. | 124 |
Felix | 29 |
Ferumbras, Sir | 35, 117-8, 155 |
Fishacre, Richard | 30, 155 |
Fitz, Sir John | 72, 136 |
Fletcher, John | 62, 70, 123 |
Foley, Rev. H. | 123-4 |
Foliot, Gilbert | 31, 155 |
Foliot, Robert | 29, 31, 155 |
Ford, Jack | 134 |
Ford, John | 155 |
Ford, John de | 31, 69-70, 111, 155 |
Ford, Roger de | 31-2, 155 |
Ford, Walter | 82 |
Forde, John | 134-5 |
Forster, J. | 138 |
Fortescue, Sir Faithful | 82, 141, 155 |
Fortescue family | 118, 141 |
Fortescue, Sir John | 37-8, 110, 140, 155 |
Foss, Edward | 37-8 |
Fox, John | 129 |
Francis I | 107 |
Fraxinus | 32 |
Freeman, Professor | 81 |
Fresne, Simon du | 116 |
Frobisher, Martin | 89, 91 |
Froude, James Anthony | 47, 86, 122, 147 |
Fulford, Master Thomas | 54, 127 |
Fulford, Ursula | 54 |
Fuller, Thomas | 29-31, 33, 36, 49, 55, 57, 73, 75, 83, 99-100, 113, 122, 125 |
Furioso, Orlando | 68 |
Furnivall, Dr.F,J. | 120, 139 |
G | |
Gager, Dr. William | 71, 136 |
Gardiner, Stephen | 122-3, 126, 128, 137 |
Gardiner, S.R. | 113, 134, 139 |
Garland, John | 109 |
Garner, Richard Lynch | 87 |
Garzoni, Giovanna | 120 |
Gascoigne, George | 59, 89 |
Gates, Sir Thomas | 94, 146, 155 |
Gee, Edward | 50, 124, 155 |
Gee, John | 49, 124, 155 |
Gentiles, D. | 136 |
Gifford, Humphrey | 61, 132, 134, 138, 155 |
Gifford, W. | 135 |
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey | 78, 85, 89-90, 95, 130, 139, 144, 155 |
Gilbert, Otho | 89 |
Giles, Rev. Dr. J.A. | 27, 31 |
Gladstone, William Ewart | 57, 111, 147 |
Glanville family | 100 |
Glanville, Ranulf de | 33 |
Gloucester, Humphry de | 36 |
Godwin, Bishop Francis | 27, 30, 54, 81, 113, 127, 141, 155 |
Godwin, Morgan | 127 |
Goldsmid, Edmund | 113, 142-3 |
Gollancz, Mr. Isreal | 114 |
Gosse, Mr. Edmund | 60, 95, 98, 131, 138 |
Gosson, Stephen | 71 |
Gould, J. | 121 |
Gould, Katherine | 123 |
Gower, John | 34 |
Grafton, Richard | 44 |
Green, John Richard | 26, 42, 47, 58, 70-1, 108, 113, 129, 134, 143 |
Greene, Robert | 66-8 |
Greepe, Thomas | 145 |
Grenville, Sir Bernard | 51 |
Grenville, Sir Richard | 85, 95-6, 146 |
Grey, Lady Jane | 100 |
Gribble, J.R. | 102 |
Grindal, Archbishop | 125 |
Gringoire, Pierre | 40 |
Grosart, Dr. Alexander Belloch | 60, 131-2 |
Grosse, Alexander | 125, 133, 155 |
Grove, William Robert | 53 |
Guillim, John | 99 |
Gutch, John | 100, 126 |
Guthlac, Saint | 29 |
H | |
Hakewell, Dr. George | 51, 53-4, 75, 126, 155 |
Hakewell, William | 75, 127, 140, 155 |
Hakluyt, Richard | 85-6, 88-90, 94-6, 98, 111, 113, 142-7 |
Hale, Archdeacon | 37 |
Hall, Bishop Dr. Joseph | 48, 51, 54-6, 110, 123, 128, 155 |
Hallam, Henry | 47-8, 57, 67, 70, 73-4, 113, 129, 142 |
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard, | 69 |
Harding, Dr. Thomas | 122, 155 |
Halse, Sir Nicholas | 84, 155 |
Hannah, Rev. J. | 130-1 |
Hannah, Rev. Dr. S. | 60-1 |
Harding, Dr. Thomas | 46-7 |
Harpsfield, Nicholas | 122 |
Harriot, Thomas | 95-6 |
Harris, Rev. S.G. | 126 |
Hart, John | 48, 123 |
Hatton, Edward | 48 |
Hawker, Rev. Treasurer | 120, 126, 135 |
Hawkins family | 86, 111 |
Hawkins, Sir John | 78, 85-7, 91, 130, 142-5, 155-6 |
Hawkins, Sir Richard | 87, 156 |
Hawkins, William | 78, 86, 143 |
Hayes, Edward | 90 |
Hazlitt, William C. | 62, 83, 131-2, 135, 143, 146 |
Heale, William | 71, 156 |
Hearne, Thomas | 74, 79 |
Heinschenius | 27 |
Helen of Troy | 68 |
Hengistus | 36 |
Henry II | 32, 84, 99 |
Henry III | 116, 119 |
Henry IV | 134, 149 |
Henry V | 101 |
Henry VI | 37 |
Henry VII | 100 |
Henry VIII | 86, 100 |
Henry, Prince | 77, 94, 107 |
Herbert, Sir Henry | 136 |
Herodotus | 97 |
Herrick, Robert | 62, 64-6, 111-2, 118, 132-3, 156 |
Herrtage, Mr. S.J. | 35 |
Heskyns, Thomas | 122 |
Heywood, Thomas | 68, 71 |
Hickes, Dr. G. | 114 |
Hieron, Samuel | 51, 54, 59, 126, 156 |
Hill, George Birkbeck | 127 |
Hingeston-Randolph, Rev. F.C. | 39, 110, 116-7 |
Hoare, Sir R.C. | 31 |
Hodsdon, C. | 144 |
Holinshed, Raphael | 75, 81, 89, 99, 102 |
Homer | 33 |
Hone, Robert | 79 |
Hood, Robin | 41 |
Hook, Dr. | 30, 137 |
Hooker, John | 27, 30, 32, 35, 43, 57, 74, 81-3, 99-100, 102-4, 106, 112, 114, 117, 126, 128-9, 137, 141, 149-50, 156 |
Hooker, Richard | 57-8, 111, 156 |
Hopper, C. | 145 |
Horace | 25, 108 |
Hornby, Dr. James John | 116 |
Hume, David | 97, 109, 147 |
Hunt, Leigh | 60, 62 |
Hunt, Nicholas | 78, 156 |
Hunt, Thomas | 45 |
Huth, Henry | 120, 132 |
Hutton, H. | 120 |
Hutton, Thomas | 126, 156 |
I | |
Iddesleigh, Earl of | 129 |
Innocent VI | 117 |
Iscanus, Josephus | 30, 32-3, 83, 116 |
Izacke, Richard | 36, 103, 125 |
J | |
Jackson, Abraham | 125, 156 |
Jackson, T.G. | 140 |
Jacques, John | 122 |
Jaffé, Phillipus | 113 |
James I | 52, 55, 60, 73, 76-7, 81, 85, 90, 98, 100, 108, 111, 126, 138-9, 148 |
James, Saint | 44 |
James, Dr. Thomas | 79, 140 |
Jamieson, John | 41 |
Jamieson, T. H. | 119 |
Janes, John | 91, 144 |
Jefferys, Judge George | 131 |
Jermin, Michael | 53, 126, 156 |
Jewel, Bishop John | 43, 46-7, 110, 122, 126, 129, 156 |
Joane, Pope | 81 |
Job | 114, 134 |
John, King | 99 |
Johnson, Dr. Samuel | 54 |
Jones, Mr. Pitman | 106 |
Jonson, Ben | 63, 65, 72, 75, 132, 135, 138 |
Jourdan, S. | 94, 146 |
Jusserand, Jean Jules | 116 |
Justinian | 73 |
Juvenal | 108 |
K | |
Keats, John | 63 |
Kellet, Edward | 125, 156 |
Kempe, William | 59,78, 129, 156 |
Kennet, Bishop Dr. White | 42-3 |
Keymer, John | 139 |
Keymis, Captain Lawrence | 98 |
Kidley, William | 87, 156 |
Kingsley, Rev. Charles | 60, 146 |
Kirkham, Sir John | 41 |
Kitson, Alexander | 122 |
Knight, C. | 145 |
Knolles, Richard | 108 |
L | |
Lacy, Bishop Edmund | 39 |
Langbaine, Gerard | 74 |
Langdon, Robert | 45, 121 |
Langford, J.A. | 120 |
Langman, Roger | 117 |
Langton, Archbishop Stephen | 109 |
Lamb, Charles | 69 |
Langland, William | 34 |
Lansdowne, Marquess of | 134-5, 139, 144 |
Laud, Archbishop William | 48, 52, 56, 100-1 |
Laughton, Professor P.K. | 86, 143, 145 |
Lawes, Henry | 62 |
Lee, Henry | 44 |
Leicester, Earl of | 130 |
Leland, John | 32, 103, 116 |
Le Neve, Peter | 113, 116, 120 |
Leng, Robert | 145 |
Leofric, Bishop | 28-9, 80, 114, 121, 141, 156 |
Levian, Mr. E. | 106 |
Lincoln, Dean of | 48 |
Linschoten, J.H. van | 146 |
Livingus | 27 |
Llandaff, Bishop of | 81 |
Lovelace, Richard | 151 |
Lloyd, D. | 138 |
Locke, John | 128-9, 147 |
London, Bishop of | 47 |
Lowell, J.R. | 26 |
Lowndes, William Thomas | 124 |
Lv’res, Lord | 126 |
Lyde, Rev. George | 102, 156 |
Lyfing (Lingus | 27-9, 156 |
Lyly, John | 66 |
Lysons Brothers | 75, 124 |
Lytton, Lord Edward Robert Bulwer | 107 |
M | |
Maclean, John | 82, 101 |
Macray, Mr. William Dunn | 80, 118, 140-1, 149 |
Maitland, F.W. | 116 |
Malone, Edmond | 62, 131 |
Mansell of Ottery | 41 |
Manwood, Master Thomas | 62 |
Markham, Captain Albert Hastings | 91, 144 |
Markham, C.R. | 142-4 |
Marlowe, Kit | 59, 66-8 |
Marshall, Stephen | 128 |
Martin, Richard | 75, 138, 156 |
Martin, William | 78, 100, 156 |
Mary I | 42, 46, 79, 107, 121 |
Mary, Queen of Scots | 48, 123 |
Masham, Mr. Thomas | 98 |
Massinger, Philip | 70, 135 |
Mayne, Jasper | 69, 111 |
Merryweather, F.S. | 114, 141 |
Midwinter, Thomas | 150 |
Milton, John | 33, 56-7, 62-3, 67, 77, 130, 132, 139 |
Misiatrus, Philander | 125 |
Molle, H. | 49 |
Molle, John | 49, 124 |
Montrose, Marquis of | 131 |
Moore, Dr. John | 100 |
Moore, Mr. Stuart A. | 103, 118, 149 |
More, Sir Thomas | 42, 128 |
Morely, Lord | 129 |
Moreman, Dr. John | 43 |
Morgan, J. gent. | 124 |
Morley, H. | 33, 67, 114, 116, 119 |
Mornay, Philippe de | 124 |
Morocco, King of | 67 |
Morwen, John | 43 |
Moscuie, Emperor of | 144 |
Muley | 134 |
Muller, Max | 40 |
Munchausen, Baron | 147 |
Munk, Dr. William | 152 |
Muretus, M.A. | 129 |
N | |
Neal, Daniel | 128 |
Neckham, Alexander | 109, 113 |
Nepoa, Cornelius | 116 |
Newcomen, Matthew | 128 |
Newton, Sir Isaac | 128 |
Nicholas, Saint | 44, 121 |
Norman, R. | 89 |
Norris, Sir John | 67 |
Northbrook, John | 71 |
Norton, Bonham | 82 |
Norton, T. | 133 |
O | |
Oldys, William | 100, 139, 141, 151 |
Oliphant, F.R. | 99 |
Oliver, Rev. Dr. George | 31-2, 34, 36, 48, 106, 113, 116-7, 120-1, 123, 125, 127, 140, 150 |
Omer, Saint | 49 |
Osborne, Francis | 132 |
Ovid | 108 |
Oxenham, John | 94, 157 |
P | |
Painter, W. | 68 |
Page of Plymouth | 72 |
Page, Ulalia | 72 |
Paglio, Antonio della | 42 |
Palk, Sir Lawrence | 150 |
Paris | 68 |
Parker, Henry | 129 |
Parker, Archbishop Matthew | 47 |
Parker, Sir Thomas | 119 |
Parker, Captain William | 94 |
Parsons, Robert | 50 |
Peeke, Richard (Manly) | 68, 157 |
Peckham, Sir George | 90, 130 |
Pedler, E. H | 114, 141 |
Peele, George | 66-8, 111, 134, 157 |
Peele, James | 133 |
Peele, Stephen | 133 |
Pembroke, Countess of | 63 |
Pembroke, Lord | 132 |
Pengelly, Mr. William | 132 |
Penynton, Robert de | 115 |
Pepys, Samuel | 69, 127 |
Percy, Thomas | 131 |
Peterborough, Benedict, Abbot of | 114 |
Petrarch | 129 |
Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph | 128 |
Philip II | 85, 122 |
Piemont, Prince of | 77 |
Pigafelta, Antonio | 146 |
Pike, Dicke | 68 |
Pilton, Thomas de | 117 |
Pirkheimer, P. | 51 |
Pits, J. | 29, 31-2, 34, 43, 113, 115-8, 152 |
Pius IV | 122 |
Pius V | 47 |
Pizarro, Francisco | 84 |
Plympton, Robert de | 34-5, 117, 157 |
Pole, Sir William | 103-4, 106, 111, 151, 157 |
Pollard, A. | 133 |
Polo, Marco | 147 |
Poole, R.L. | 152 |
Pope Joan | 141 |
Portugal, King of | 67 |
Prideaux, Dr. John | 53-4, 78, 126, 157 |
Prideaux, Colonel W.F. | 142 |
Prince, Rev. John | 27-8, 31-2, 35, 43, 74, 83, 94, 104-5, 109, 113-4, 116, 120, 125-6, 137, 150, 152 |
Prynne, William | 52, 71 |
Pullen, Robert | 109 |
Purchas, Samuel | 85-6, 111, 146 |
Pynson, Richard | 40 |
Q | |
Quivil, Bishop Peter | 110 |
R | |
Rainoldes, D. | 136 |
Rainolds, Dr. J. | 71, 123, 140, 157 |
Ralegh, Carew | 139 |
Ralegh family | 36 |
Ralegh, George | 140 |
Ralegh, Phillip | 139 |
Ralegh, Sir Walter | 37, 59-61, 72, 76-8, 82, 85, 89, 94-100, 106, 108-9, 111-2, 129-31, 137-41, 146-8, 151, 157 |
Rankilor, Mr. H.M. | 140 |
Rastall, John | 122 |
Redbourn, Robert | 122 |
Reynolds, Rev. H.E. | 149 |
Reynolds, John | 47-8, 54-5, 126, 128, 157 |
Reynolds, William | 47, 50, 157 |
Rhodes, Hugh | 43-4, 157 |
Richard II | 36 |
Richardson, W. | 81 |
Richelieu, Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis | 107, 111 |
Rimbault, E. F. | 131 |
Risdon, Tristram | 90, 103, 105-6, 111, 118, 126, 150-1, 157 |
Rivington, C.R. | 121 |
Robert of Plympton | 157 |
Roberts, George | 102 |
Roberts, Henry | 145 |
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of | 64 |
Rock, Dr. Daniel | 121 |
Roe, Sir Thomas | 101 |
Rogers, W.H.H. | 140 |
Rolle, Sir H. | 140 |
Rowley, Thomas | 135 |
Rhodes, James Forde | 120-1 |
Rolle, Hon. Mark | 45 |
Rolte, Henry | 45, 122 |
Ross, Alexander | 151 |
Ross, Lord | 49 |
Rossæus, William | 47 |
Rowe, Mr. J. Brooking | 134, 150 |
Rychard, Dan | 45 |
S | |
Sackvil, Mr. | 79 |
Sackville, T. | 133 |
Saintsbury, G. | 131 |
Sala, G.A. | 147 |
Salisbury, Bishop of | 46 |
Salisbury, Earl of | 130, 139 |
Sancroft, Archbishop William | 100 |
Sanders, Nicolas | 122-3 |
Sanderson, W. | 144 |
Savoy, Prince of | 139 |
Savoy, Princess of | 77, 139 |
Schomburgk, Sir R.H. | 97-8, 147-8 |
Sclater, William | 125, 157 |
Scott, Thomas | 138 |
Sedley, Sir Charles | 64 |
Serarius, N. | 113 |
Shakespeare, William | 66-8, 70, 94, 99, 111, 133-5, 146-7 |
Sharpe, Dr. | 141 |
Shillingford, John | 36, 157 |
Siberch, John | 30, 115 |
Sidwell, Saint | 149 |
Silvis, John de | 117 |
Sixtus V | 145 |
Slade, William | 35, 157 |
Sloane, Hans | 148 |
Smyth, Richard | 51, 157 |
Socrates | 128 |
Solomon | 56 |
Sotheran, Mr. H. | 121 |
Southey, Robert | 132 |
Spain, Infanta of | 53 |
Spain, King of | 89 |
Spalatro, Archbishop of | 100, 123 |
Spark, Micheall, senior | 52 |
Sparke, John | 86 |
Spedding, Mr. James | 141 |
Speed, John | 99, 101 |
Spelman, Henry | 73 |
Spenser, Edmund | 40, 60-2, 130-1 |
Spicers family | 105 |
Spicer, Richard | 152 |
Sprot, John | 140 |
Spurston, William | 128 |
Stafford, Bishop Edmund | 34, 110 |
Stafford, Sir Thomas | 101 |
Stanberry, John | 109 |
Stanford, Dr. Villiers | 146 |
Stapeldon, Walter de | 34, 110, 117, 157 |
Staledon, Thomas | 122 |
St. Asaph, Bishop of | 81 |
Stebbing, William | 98 |
Stewart, Dugald | 127 |
Stow, Johann | 96 |
Strachy, William Esq. | 146 |
Strado, Francesco. | 69 |
Strangwidge, George | 72 |
Strode, William | 62, 68-9, 111, 134 |
Strype, John | 123, 125 |
Stuart, Queen Mary | 123 |
Stubbes, Philip | 71 |
Stubbs, William | 142 |
Stukeley family | 133 |
Stukeley, Sir Lewis | 82, 133, 141, 157 |
Stukeley, Sir Hugh | 133 |
Stukeley, Captain Thomas | 67, 133 |
Surrey, Earl of | 59, |
Sutcliffe, Dr. Matthew | 50, 80, 125, 158 |
Sweet, Mr. H. | 118 |
Swete, Rev. J. | 105 |
Swinburne, Algernon Charles | 66, 133 |
T | |
Taine, M. Hippolyte | 58, 109 |
Tanner, Bishop | 118 |
Tarbox, Rev. J.N. | 147 |
Tavistock, Abbot of | 117, 121 |
Taylor, John | 105 |
Tennyson, Alfred Lord | 95, 121, 146 |
Thompson, Rev. John | 44 |
Thoms, W.T. | 141 |
Thorpe, B. | 28-9, 114 |
Timperley, Charles Henry | 45 |
Tolley, David | 43, 158 |
Tooker, William | 55, 147 |
Totnes, Earl of | 101, 153 |
Totnes, Vicar of | 140 |
Tottel, Richard | 59, 130 |
Tozer, Henry | 125, 158 |
Travers, Walter | 57 |
Troup, Mrs. F.B. | 125 |
Turner, Robert | 48, 123, 158 |
Twiss, Sir Travers | 34 |
Tyndall, John | 53 |
Tytler, P.H. | 108 |
U | |
Upton, Nicholas | 36, 158 |
Urban II | 123 |
Ussher, Archbishop James | 123 |
V | |
Valerius, Cornelius | 52 |
Vasco da Gama | 84 |
Vaux, S.W. | 144 |
Vaz, Lopez | 94 |
Vertue, G. | 151 |
Virgil | 108 |
von Kobell, Louisa | 121, 123 |
Vowell, John | 74, 82, 99, 103, 149-50 |
W | |
Wadham, Dorothy | 79 |
Wadham, Nicholas | 79, 140, 158 |
Walburga, Saint | 27 |
Wales, Prince of | 74 |
Wallis, Mr. A. | 121 |
Wallis, Richard | 122 |
Walpole, Horace | 129, 149 |
Walton, Izaac | 60, 128 |
Walton, John | 45 |
Wanley, H. | 114, 121 |
Warbeck, Perkin | 70 |
Warburton, John Esq. | 69, 134-5 |
Ware, Sir I. | 101 |
Warren, Mr. F.E. | 80, 140 |
Warton, Thomas | 32-3, 44, 113, 116, 119, 134 |
Warwick, Guy Earl of | 35 |
Watt, Isaac | 137 |
Webster, John | 135, 146 |
Westcote, Thomas | 63, 103, 106, 111, 133, 151, 158 |
Wey, William | 37, 158 |
Wharton, Henry | 32 |
Whiddon, Captain Jacob | 96 |
Whitbourne, Captain Richard | 90, 158 |
Whitburn, T. | 90 |
White, J.T. | 120 |
Willcocks, W.A. | 116 |
William I | 26, 29, 100, 148 |
Williams, Rev. G. | 37 |
Willibald, Saint | 27, 110, 113, 158 |
Willoughby, Dean | 115, 144 |
Wilfred | 26 |
Willoughby, Sir H. | 87-8 |
Wilmot, John | 64 |
Windebank, Mr. | 126 |
Winfrith, Saint | 26, 153 |
Winstanley, William | 72 |
Winwood, Sir Ralph | 73, 137, 139-40 |
Wittie, Dr. Robert | 125-6 |
Wollcombe, Robert | 125, 158 |
Wood, Anthony A. | 113 |
Wood, Nicholas | 43, 47, 49-50, 55, 67, 71, 75, 83, 87, 99-101, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 131-3, 137, 140-1, 149 |
Wood, Rev. R. | 102 |
Woodward, Robert | 126 |
Woollcombe, Dr. Henry | 105 |
Woolton, Bishop | 52 |
Woolton Mrs. Mary | 52 |
Worcester, Bishop of | 53 |
Worcester, William of | 103, 150 |
Worde, Wynken de | 40 |
Wordsworth, William | 130 |
Worth, Richard Nicholls | 45, 94, 143, 150 |
Worthy, Mr. C. | 150 |
Wright, Thomas | 27-8, 30, 32-3, 113, 116, 118 |
Wulfric, Saint | 31 |
Wunebald, Saint | 27 |
Wyatt, Sir Thomas | 59 |
Wyot, Philip | 101, 158 |
Wycliffe, John | 34 |
Y | |
Yonge, Walter | 102, 158 |
Young, Thomas | 128 |
Z | |
Zwingli, Ulrich | 111 |