




President’s Address

Trans. Devon. Assoc., vol.   XXV (1893), pp. 25-158.


T.N. Brushfield, Esq., M.D.

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Devonshire Association’s Presidential Address was delivered at its July 1893 Torquay meeting. The President’s aim was to point out “in what directions English literature generally, as well as locally, has been aided by the labours of Devonshire men and Devonshire residents, while drawing attention to some of the more notable works and institutions that stand out prominently above their fellows”. The Association President for 1893, Thomas Nadauld Brushfield (1828–1910) was an early psychiatrist, or alienist and a noted antiquarian. His comprehensive biography with portrait is available in Wikipedia, and his obituary is available in GENUKI. Dr Brushfield’s Presidential Address, from a copy of a rare journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers


Adams, Clement 144
Adrian IV, Pope 84
Alcwine 26
Aldred, Mr. 126
Alexander 107
Alexander VI, Pope 84, 142
Alford, Rev. D.P. 121, 134
Alfred, King 121
Alfredus 27
Alfricus 27
Alley, Bishop William 50, 153
Allibone, Samuel Austin 124
Alphredus, Bishop 153
Alured, Thomas 126
Amadas, Captain Philip 96
Ames, Herbert 121
Anjou, Margaret of 37
Arber, Professor Edward 25, 64, 87, 120, 129, 133-4, 136, 142-4, 146, 149
Archer, T.A. 30
Ariosto 68
Aristotle 35
Armin, Robert 120
Arthur, King 145
Ash, Simon 32, 153
Aubrey, John 139
Babington, Bishop Gervase 50, 54, 109, 149
Bacon, Lady Ann 122
Bacon, Lord Chancellor 122, 141
Bacon, Sir Nicholas 140-1
Bacon, Robert 30
Baddeley, Rychard 124
Baldwin, Archbishop Thomas 30-2, 115,153
Bale, Bishop 36, 152
Bamfield, Richard 127
Bampton, John de 35, 153
Bancroft, Archbishop 73
Bangor, Bishop of 81
Barcham, Dr. John 140, 153
Barclay, Alexander 39-42, 119, 153
Barett, Roger 44
Bari, Giraldus de 31
Baring-Gould, Rev. Sabine 141
Barkham, John 99, 148
Barlow, John 125, 153
Barlowe, Captain Arthur 96
Barnes, R. 39
Bartholomew, Bishop 30, 32, 116, 153
Baskerville, Sir Simon 152
Bath, Countess of 102
Bath, Lord 102
Becket, Thomas a 30-1
Beaumont, Francis 70
Bede, Venerable 26-7, 58
Bellarmine, Cardinal 49-50
Benedict Biscop 26
Berners, Juliana 37
Bethune, Captain C.R.D. 143
Beville, Sir R. 95
Bigges, Walter 145
Bill, John 80
Bishop, E. 113
Bitton, Bishop Thomas de 37
Black, Mr. W.H. 35, 117
Blackmore, R.D. 149
Bliss, Dr. Philip 75, 87, 99, 113
Blount, E. 120
Blundell, Peter 79, 153
Blundon, Robert de 117
Boase, Frederic 118
Bodley, John 79-80, 153
Bodley, Sir Josias 79, 100
Bodley, Dr, Lawrence 79-80, 140
Bodley, Sir Thomas 79-80, 100, 140, 153
Boethius 32, 45, 116, 121, 151
Boniface, Saint 26-7, 113, 153
Borough, Christopher 88, 153
Borough family 87
Borough, Steven 87-9, 143-4, 153
Borough, William 85, 88, 144
Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne 109
Boswell, James 127
Botfield, Beriah 115, 131
Bothwell 48
Bourne, Henry Richard Fox 142
Bowring, Sir John 116, 140
Boyle, William 128
Bracton, Henry de 33-4, 39, 110, 116, 154
Bradshaw, Judge John 33
Brandt, Sebastian 40, 42, 119
Brantingham, Thomas de 39, 110
Bray, Henry 44
Bray, Mrs. 134
Brewer, J. S. 120, 149
Brice, Andrew 81, 103, 129
Brice, Rev. Thomas 59, 154
Bright, Edward 127
Brit, Walter 152
Bronescombe, Bishop Walter 110, 116
Brown, A. 146
Browne, William 62-3, 72, 83, 85, 91, 111, 131-2, 141, 143, 154
Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth Barratt 63
Brownlow, Very Rev. Canon 113
Brydges, Sir E. 61, 128
Brygge, John 36, 117
Buchanan, George 48, 123
Buckingham, Duke of 126
Buckingham, Earl of 117
Buckingham, Marquis of 141
Buckle, Henry Thomas 58, 129
Budæus, S.P. 90
Buff, Adolf 139
Bullen, Mr. A. H. A 61-2, 68, 130, 133, 136
Bullen, W. 149
Bunyan, John 150
Burchard, Saint 27, 154
Burscough, Rev. R. 141
Burton, Robert 69, 145
Bury, John 125, 154
Bysshe, Edward 37
Cædmon 26
Calamy, Edward 128
Calthrop, Martyn 133
Calvin, John 48, 111
Camararius, P. 49
Cambrensis, Giraldus 31-2, 99
Camden, William 32, 36, 38, 46-7, 91, 98, 101-3, 142, 145
Campion, Edward 48
Canterbury, Alfred of 113
Canterbury, St. Thomas of 115
Canute, King 28, 114
Carew, Sir George 101, 149, 154
Carew, Sir Peter 81-2
Carew, Richard 112, 149
Carew, Thomas 149
Carlton, Sir Dudley 137
Carlyle, Thomas 25, 109
Carpenter, John 52, 154
Carpenter, Nathaniel 52, 58, 83, 129, 142, 154
Cates, T. 145
Cave-Browne, Rev, J. 148
Cawood, John 44, 129
Caxton, William 45, 117, 120-1
Cecil, Sir Robert 101
Ceolford 26
Chamberlain, Lord 137
Chambers, Robert 131
Chambers, William 131
Chanter, Mr. J.R. 59, 102, 124, 129, 138
Chapple, Mr. William 106, 136, 151
Chardon, Bishop John 52, 54
Charldon, John 52, 54
Charlemagne 35, 145
Charles I 33, 68, 71, 104, 119, 136
Charles II 136
Charles V 143
Charles, Prince 53, 148
Chaucer, Geoffrey 25, 34, 39-40, 59, 114, 116, 121
Chichele, Archbishop 82
Chichester, Sir Arthur 118
Chichester family 118
Chichester, Sir John 141
Chichester, Lord 82, 141
Chichester, Richard 36, 154
Chichester, Bishop Robert 118
Cistercian, Roger the 31
Clark, John Willis 115
Clarendon, Earl of 101
Clermont, Lord 118, 141
Clout, Colin 61
Coffin, Edward 48, 123, 154
Coke, Edward 33, 73
Cole, Dr. Henry 122
Collier, John Payne 67, 71, 130, 133-5, 140, 144-6
Collins, Mortimer 66
Colson, Mr. F.H. 132
Columbus, Christopher 84, 147
Conybeare, Rev. J.J. 114
Conybeare, Rev. W. D. 114
Cootie, Mr. C.H. 139
Copus, Alanus 122
Cornish, Bishop 40
Cornish, Rev. F.W. 132
Cortes, Hernando 84
Cotton, Mr. R.W. 88, 115, 143-4, 148
Cotton, Bishop W. 140
Courtenay, Edward 42, 154
Courtenay family 120
Coverdale, Miles 42, 120, 154
Cowell, John 72, 137, 154
Cowper 100, 110, 128
Craik, George Lillie 117
Crakanthorp, Richard 100
Cranmer, Archbishop Thomas 122
Creighton, Rev. Mandell 85, 108, 122
Crichton, the Admirable 76
Croker, T. Crofton 131
Cromwell, Oliver 108, 145
Cromwell, Richard 108
Crouch, Humphrey 145
Curll, Edward 105
Cutcliffe, John 109
Cuthbert, Abbot 27, 58
Dalen, Cornelius van 148
Daniel 108
Dares 116
Darnley, Lord 48
David, King 53
Davidson, Mr. J.B. 44, 105, 137, 149-50
Davies, John 120, 134
Davis, John 85, 91, 144, 154
Dekker, Thomas 69, 72, 135, 146
Deloney, Tomas 72
Devon, F. 119
Devonius, John 31
Devonshire, Dick of 68
Devonshire, Earl of 69, 120, 154
Dibdin, Dr. Thomas Frognall 114, 140
Diogenes 112
Doddridge, John 75, 154
Doddridge, Sir John 74-5, 110, 150, 154
Doddridge, Pentecost 75
Dollinger, Dr. John Joseph Ignatius 121, 123, 141
Dominus, Antony de 123
Dore, Abbot of 32
Dorman, Thomas 122
Down, Bishop of 52
Downe, John 51, 59, 129, 154
Drake, Sir Francis 67, 78, 85-7, 91, 94, 130, 142, 144-5, 154
Drake, Nathan 70
Drayton, Michael 63
Dredge, Rev. J. Ingle 49, 52, 121-7, 129, 134, 137, 139, 141, 158
Drury, Robert 124
Duck, Sir Arthur 74, 82, 154
Dunscombe, Mr. 150
Dunton, John 145
Dyce, Rev. Alexander 70, 133, 135
Dymond, R. 135, 149
Ebsworth, Rev. J.W. 132
Eden, Richard 88
Edgecumbe, Sir Richard 129
Edward I 67-8, 117
Edward II 67
Edward III 39
Edward VI 43, 127
Edward, Prince of Lancaster 37, 43
Edward, Prince, of Westminster 37, 43
Edwards, Edward 96, 138, 141
Eleanor, Queen 67, 133
Eliot, Sir John 76, 138
Elizabeth I 39, 42, 45-8, 55, 57, 60-1, 66-8, 71-2, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84-5, 89, 96-7, 100, 110-1, 120-3, 126, 134, 142
Elizabeth, Lady 77
Elizabeth, Saint of Flanders 31
Ellacombe, Rev. H.T. 37
Ellis, George 131
Ellis, Sir H. 139
Elworthy, Mr.F.T. 44, 118, 120
Ely, Bishop of 100
Erasmus 42
Est, William 51, 155
Ever, Ralph Lord 126
Exeter, Bishop of 48, 55, 104, 110, 113, 117, 125
Exeter, Joseph of 153
Exeter, Walter of 35, 153
Exeter, William of 35
Faraday, Michael 53
Faustina 31
Feilde, J. 124
Felix 29
Ferumbras, Sir 35, 117-8, 155
Fishacre, Richard 30, 155
Fitz, Sir John 72, 136
Fletcher, John 62, 70, 123
Foley, Rev. H. 123-4
Foliot, Gilbert 31, 155
Foliot, Robert 29, 31, 155
Ford, Jack 134
Ford, John 155
Ford, John de 31, 69-70, 111, 155
Ford, Roger de 31-2, 155
Ford, Walter 82
Forde, John 134-5
Forster, J. 138
Fortescue, Sir Faithful 82, 141, 155
Fortescue family 118, 141
Fortescue, Sir John 37-8, 110, 140, 155
Foss, Edward 37-8
Fox, John 129
Francis I 107
Fraxinus 32
Freeman, Professor 81
Fresne, Simon du 116
Frobisher, Martin 89, 91
Froude, James Anthony 47, 86, 122, 147
Fulford, Master Thomas 54, 127
Fulford, Ursula 54
Fuller, Thomas 29-31, 33, 36, 49, 55, 57, 73, 75, 83, 99-100, 113, 122, 125
Furioso, Orlando 68
Furnivall, Dr.F,J. 120, 139
Gager, Dr. William 71, 136
Gardiner, Stephen 122-3, 126, 128, 137
Gardiner, S.R. 113, 134, 139
Garland, John 109
Garner, Richard Lynch 87
Garzoni, Giovanna 120
Gascoigne, George 59, 89
Gates, Sir Thomas 94, 146, 155
Gee, Edward 50, 124, 155
Gee, John 49, 124, 155
Gentiles, D. 136
Gifford, Humphrey 61, 132, 134, 138, 155
Gifford, W. 135
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey 78, 85, 89-90, 95, 130, 139, 144, 155
Gilbert, Otho 89
Giles, Rev. Dr. J.A. 27, 31
Gladstone, William Ewart 57, 111, 147
Glanville family 100
Glanville, Ranulf de 33
Gloucester, Humphry de 36
Godwin, Bishop Francis 27, 30, 54, 81, 113, 127, 141, 155
Godwin, Morgan 127
Goldsmid, Edmund 113, 142-3
Gollancz, Mr. Isreal 114
Gosse, Mr. Edmund 60, 95, 98, 131, 138
Gosson, Stephen 71
Gould, J. 121
Gould, Katherine 123
Gower, John 34
Grafton, Richard 44
Green, John Richard 26, 42, 47, 58, 70-1, 108, 113, 129, 134, 143
Greene, Robert 66-8
Greepe, Thomas 145
Grenville, Sir Bernard 51
Grenville, Sir Richard 85, 95-6, 146
Grey, Lady Jane 100
Gribble, J.R. 102
Grindal, Archbishop 125
Gringoire, Pierre 40
Grosart, Dr. Alexander Belloch 60, 131-2
Grosse, Alexander 125, 133, 155
Grove, William Robert 53
Guillim, John 99
Gutch, John 100, 126
Guthlac, Saint 29
Hakewell, Dr. George 51, 53-4, 75, 126, 155
Hakewell, William 75, 127, 140, 155
Hakluyt, Richard 85-6, 88-90, 94-6, 98, 111, 113, 142-7
Hale, Archdeacon 37
Hall, Bishop Dr. Joseph 48, 51, 54-6, 110, 123, 128, 155
Hallam, Henry 47-8, 57, 67, 70, 73-4, 113, 129, 142
Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard, 69
Harding, Dr. Thomas 122, 155
Halse, Sir Nicholas 84, 155
Hannah, Rev. J. 130-1
Hannah, Rev. Dr. S. 60-1
Harding, Dr. Thomas 46-7
Harpsfield, Nicholas 122
Harriot, Thomas 95-6
Harris, Rev. S.G. 126
Hart, John 48, 123
Hatton, Edward 48
Hawker, Rev. Treasurer 120, 126, 135
Hawkins family 86, 111
Hawkins, Sir John 78, 85-7, 91, 130, 142-5, 155-6
Hawkins, Sir Richard 87, 156
Hawkins, William 78, 86, 143
Hayes, Edward 90
Hazlitt, William C. 62, 83, 131-2, 135, 143, 146
Heale, William 71, 156
Hearne, Thomas 74, 79
Heinschenius 27
Helen of Troy 68
Hengistus 36
Henry II 32, 84, 99
Henry III 116, 119
Henry IV 134, 149
Henry V 101
Henry VI 37
Henry VII 100
Henry VIII 86, 100
Henry, Prince 77, 94, 107
Herbert, Sir Henry 136
Herodotus 97
Herrick, Robert 62, 64-6, 111-2, 118, 132-3, 156
Herrtage, Mr. S.J. 35
Heskyns, Thomas 122
Heywood, Thomas 68, 71
Hickes, Dr. G. 114
Hieron, Samuel 51, 54, 59, 126, 156
Hill, George Birkbeck 127
Hingeston-Randolph, Rev. F.C. 39, 110, 116-7
Hoare, Sir R.C. 31
Hodsdon, C. 144
Holinshed, Raphael 75, 81, 89, 99, 102
Homer 33
Hone, Robert 79
Hood, Robin 41
Hook, Dr. 30, 137
Hooker, John 27, 30, 32, 35, 43, 57, 74, 81-3, 99-100, 102-4, 106, 112, 114, 117, 126, 128-9, 137, 141, 149-50, 156
Hooker, Richard 57-8, 111, 156
Hopper, C. 145
Horace 25, 108
Hornby, Dr. James John 116
Hume, David 97, 109, 147
Hunt, Leigh 60, 62
Hunt, Nicholas 78, 156
Hunt, Thomas 45
Huth, Henry 120, 132
Hutton, H. 120
Hutton, Thomas 126, 156
Iddesleigh, Earl of 129
Innocent VI 117
Iscanus, Josephus 30, 32-3, 83, 116
Izacke, Richard 36, 103, 125
Jackson, Abraham 125, 156
Jackson, T.G. 140
Jacques, John 122
Jaffé, Phillipus 113
James I 52, 55, 60, 73, 76-7, 81, 85, 90, 98, 100, 108, 111, 126, 138-9, 148
James, Saint 44
James, Dr. Thomas 79, 140
Jamieson, John 41
Jamieson, T. H. 119
Janes, John 91, 144
Jefferys, Judge George 131
Jermin, Michael 53, 126, 156
Jewel, Bishop John 43, 46-7, 110, 122, 126, 129, 156
Joane, Pope 81
Job 114, 134
John, King 99
Johnson, Dr. Samuel 54
Jones, Mr. Pitman 106
Jonson, Ben 63, 65, 72, 75, 132, 135, 138
Jourdan, S. 94, 146
Jusserand, Jean Jules 116
Justinian 73
Juvenal 108
Keats, John 63
Kellet, Edward 125, 156
Kempe, William 59,78, 129, 156
Kennet, Bishop Dr. White 42-3
Keymer, John 139
Keymis, Captain Lawrence 98
Kidley, William 87, 156
Kingsley, Rev. Charles 60, 146
Kirkham, Sir John 41
Kitson, Alexander 122
Knight, C. 145
Knolles, Richard 108
Lacy, Bishop Edmund 39
Langbaine, Gerard 74
Langdon, Robert 45, 121
Langford, J.A. 120
Langman, Roger 117
Langton, Archbishop Stephen 109
Lamb, Charles 69
Langland, William 34
Lansdowne, Marquess of 134-5, 139, 144
Laud, Archbishop William 48, 52, 56, 100-1
Laughton, Professor P.K. 86, 143, 145
Lawes, Henry 62
Lee, Henry 44
Leicester, Earl of 130
Leland, John 32, 103, 116
Le Neve, Peter 113, 116, 120
Leng, Robert 145
Leofric, Bishop 28-9, 80, 114, 121, 141, 156
Levian, Mr. E. 106
Lincoln, Dean of 48
Linschoten, J.H. van 146
Livingus 27
Llandaff, Bishop of 81
Lovelace, Richard 151
Lloyd, D. 138
Locke, John 128-9, 147
London, Bishop of 47
Lowell, J.R. 26
Lowndes, William Thomas 124
Lv’res, Lord 126
Lyde, Rev. George 102, 156
Lyfing (Lingus 27-9, 156
Lyly, John 66
Lysons Brothers 75, 124
Lytton, Lord Edward Robert Bulwer 107
Maclean, John 82, 101
Macray, Mr. William Dunn 80, 118, 140-1, 149
Maitland, F.W. 116
Malone, Edmond 62, 131
Mansell of Ottery 41
Manwood, Master Thomas 62
Markham, Captain Albert Hastings 91, 144
Markham, C.R. 142-4
Marlowe, Kit 59, 66-8
Marshall, Stephen 128
Martin, Richard 75, 138, 156
Martin, William 78, 100, 156
Mary I 42, 46, 79, 107, 121
Mary, Queen of Scots 48, 123
Masham, Mr. Thomas 98
Massinger, Philip 70, 135
Mayne, Jasper 69, 111
Merryweather, F.S. 114, 141
Midwinter, Thomas 150
Milton, John 33, 56-7, 62-3, 67, 77, 130, 132, 139
Misiatrus, Philander 125
Molle, H. 49
Molle, John 49, 124
Montrose, Marquis of 131
Moore, Dr. John 100
Moore, Mr. Stuart A. 103, 118, 149
More, Sir Thomas 42, 128
Morely, Lord 129
Moreman, Dr. John 43
Morgan, J. gent. 124
Morley, H. 33, 67, 114, 116, 119
Mornay, Philippe de 124
Morocco, King of 67
Morwen, John 43
Moscuie, Emperor of 144
Muley 134
Muller, Max 40
Munchausen, Baron 147
Munk, Dr. William 152
Muretus, M.A. 129
Neal, Daniel 128
Neckham, Alexander 109, 113
Nepoa, Cornelius 116
Newcomen, Matthew 128
Newton, Sir Isaac 128
Nicholas, Saint 44, 121
Norman, R. 89
Norris, Sir John 67
Northbrook, John 71
Norton, Bonham 82
Norton, T. 133
Oldys, William 100, 139, 141, 151
Oliphant, F.R. 99
Oliver, Rev. Dr. George 31-2, 34, 36, 48, 106, 113, 116-7, 120-1, 123, 125, 127, 140, 150
Omer, Saint 49
Osborne, Francis 132
Ovid 108
Oxenham, John 94, 157
Painter, W. 68
Page of Plymouth 72
Page, Ulalia 72
Paglio, Antonio della 42
Palk, Sir Lawrence 150
Paris 68
Parker, Henry 129
Parker, Archbishop Matthew 47
Parker, Sir Thomas 119
Parker, Captain William 94
Parsons, Robert 50
Peeke, Richard (Manly) 68, 157
Peckham, Sir George 90, 130
Pedler, E. H 114, 141
Peele, George 66-8, 111, 134, 157
Peele, James 133
Peele, Stephen 133
Pembroke, Countess of 63
Pembroke, Lord 132
Pengelly, Mr. William 132
Penynton, Robert de 115
Pepys, Samuel 69, 127
Percy, Thomas 131
Peterborough, Benedict, Abbot of 114
Petrarch 129
Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph 128
Philip II 85, 122
Piemont, Prince of 77
Pigafelta, Antonio 146
Pike, Dicke 68
Pilton, Thomas de 117
Pirkheimer, P. 51
Pits, J. 29, 31-2, 34, 43, 113, 115-8, 152
Pius IV 122
Pius V 47
Pizarro, Francisco 84
Plympton, Robert de 34-5, 117, 157
Pole, Sir William 103-4, 106, 111, 151, 157
Pollard, A. 133
Polo, Marco 147
Poole, R.L. 152
Pope Joan 141
Portugal, King of 67
Prideaux, Dr. John 53-4, 78, 126, 157
Prideaux, Colonel W.F. 142
Prince, Rev. John 27-8, 31-2, 35, 43, 74, 83, 94, 104-5, 109, 113-4, 116, 120, 125-6, 137, 150, 152
Prynne, William 52, 71
Pullen, Robert 109
Purchas, Samuel 85-6, 111, 146
Pynson, Richard 40
Quivil, Bishop Peter 110
Rainoldes, D. 136
Rainolds, Dr. J. 71, 123, 140, 157
Ralegh, Carew 139
Ralegh family 36
Ralegh, George 140
Ralegh, Phillip 139
Ralegh, Sir Walter 37, 59-61, 72, 76-8, 82, 85, 89, 94-100, 106, 108-9, 111-2, 129-31, 137-41, 146-8, 151, 157
Rankilor, Mr. H.M. 140
Rastall, John 122
Redbourn, Robert 122
Reynolds, Rev. H.E. 149
Reynolds, John 47-8, 54-5, 126, 128, 157
Reynolds, William 47, 50, 157
Rhodes, Hugh 43-4, 157
Richard II 36
Richardson, W. 81
Richelieu, Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis 107, 111
Rimbault, E. F. 131
Risdon, Tristram 90, 103, 105-6, 111, 118, 126, 150-1, 157
Rivington, C.R. 121
Robert of Plympton 157
Roberts, George 102
Roberts, Henry 145
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of 64
Rock, Dr. Daniel 121
Roe, Sir Thomas 101
Rogers, W.H.H. 140
Rolle, Sir H. 140
Rowley, Thomas 135
Rhodes, James Forde 120-1
Rolle, Hon. Mark 45
Rolte, Henry 45, 122
Ross, Alexander 151
Ross, Lord 49
Rossæus, William 47
Rowe, Mr. J. Brooking 134, 150
Rychard, Dan 45
Sackvil, Mr. 79
Sackville, T. 133
Saintsbury, G. 131
Sala, G.A. 147
Salisbury, Bishop of 46
Salisbury, Earl of 130, 139
Sancroft, Archbishop William 100
Sanders, Nicolas 122-3
Sanderson, W. 144
Savoy, Prince of 139
Savoy, Princess of 77, 139
Schomburgk, Sir R.H. 97-8, 147-8
Sclater, William 125, 157
Scott, Thomas 138
Sedley, Sir Charles 64
Serarius, N. 113
Shakespeare, William 66-8, 70, 94, 99, 111, 133-5, 146-7
Sharpe, Dr. 141
Shillingford, John 36, 157
Siberch, John 30, 115
Sidwell, Saint 149
Silvis, John de 117
Sixtus V 145
Slade, William 35, 157
Sloane, Hans 148
Smyth, Richard 51, 157
Socrates 128
Solomon 56
Sotheran, Mr. H. 121
Southey, Robert 132
Spain, Infanta of 53
Spain, King of 89
Spalatro, Archbishop of 100, 123
Spark, Micheall, senior 52
Sparke, John 86
Spedding, Mr. James 141
Speed, John 99, 101
Spelman, Henry 73
Spenser, Edmund 40, 60-2, 130-1
Spicers family 105
Spicer, Richard 152
Sprot, John 140
Spurston, William 128
Stafford, Bishop Edmund 34, 110
Stafford, Sir Thomas 101
Stanberry, John 109
Stanford, Dr. Villiers 146
Stapeldon, Walter de 34, 110, 117, 157
Staledon, Thomas 122
St. Asaph, Bishop of 81
Stebbing, William 98
Stewart, Dugald 127
Stow, Johann 96
Strachy, William Esq. 146
Strado, Francesco. 69
Strangwidge, George 72
Strode, William 62, 68-9, 111, 134
Strype, John 123, 125
Stuart, Queen Mary 123
Stubbes, Philip 71
Stubbs, William 142
Stukeley family 133
Stukeley, Sir Lewis 82, 133, 141, 157
Stukeley, Sir Hugh 133
Stukeley, Captain Thomas 67, 133
Surrey, Earl of 59,
Sutcliffe, Dr. Matthew 50, 80, 125, 158
Sweet, Mr. H. 118
Swete, Rev. J. 105
Swinburne, Algernon Charles 66, 133
Taine, M. Hippolyte 58, 109
Tanner, Bishop 118
Tarbox, Rev. J.N. 147
Tavistock, Abbot of 117, 121
Taylor, John 105
Tennyson, Alfred Lord 95, 121, 146
Thompson, Rev. John 44
Thoms, W.T. 141
Thorpe, B. 28-9, 114
Timperley, Charles Henry 45
Tolley, David 43, 158
Tooker, William 55, 147
Totnes, Earl of 101, 153
Totnes, Vicar of 140
Tottel, Richard 59, 130
Tozer, Henry 125, 158
Travers, Walter 57
Troup, Mrs. F.B. 125
Turner, Robert 48, 123, 158
Twiss, Sir Travers 34
Tyndall, John 53
Tytler, P.H. 108
Upton, Nicholas 36, 158
Urban II 123
Ussher, Archbishop James 123
Valerius, Cornelius 52
Vasco da Gama 84
Vaux, S.W. 144
Vaz, Lopez 94
Vertue, G. 151
Virgil 108
von Kobell, Louisa 121, 123
Vowell, John 74, 82, 99, 103, 149-50
Wadham, Dorothy 79
Wadham, Nicholas 79, 140, 158
Walburga, Saint 27
Wales, Prince of 74
Wallis, Mr. A. 121
Wallis, Richard 122
Walpole, Horace 129, 149
Walton, Izaac 60, 128
Walton, John 45
Wanley, H. 114, 121
Warbeck, Perkin 70
Warburton, John Esq. 69, 134-5
Ware, Sir I. 101
Warren, Mr. F.E. 80, 140
Warton, Thomas 32-3, 44, 113, 116, 119, 134
Warwick, Guy Earl of 35
Watt, Isaac 137
Webster, John 135, 146
Westcote, Thomas 63, 103, 106, 111, 133, 151, 158
Wey, William 37, 158
Wharton, Henry 32
Whiddon, Captain Jacob 96
Whitbourne, Captain Richard 90, 158
Whitburn, T. 90
White, J.T. 120
Willcocks, W.A. 116
William I 26, 29, 100, 148
Williams, Rev. G. 37
Willibald, Saint 27, 110, 113, 158
Willoughby, Dean 115, 144
Wilfred 26
Willoughby, Sir H. 87-8
Wilmot, John 64
Windebank, Mr. 126
Winfrith, Saint 26, 153
Winstanley, William 72
Winwood, Sir Ralph 73, 137, 139-40
Wittie, Dr. Robert 125-6
Wollcombe, Robert 125, 158
Wood, Anthony A. 113
Wood, Nicholas 43, 47, 49-50, 55, 67, 71, 75, 83, 87, 99-101, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 131-3, 137, 140-1, 149
Wood, Rev. R. 102
Woodward, Robert 126
Woollcombe, Dr. Henry 105
Woolton, Bishop 52
Woolton Mrs. Mary 52
Worcester, Bishop of 53
Worcester, William of 103, 150
Worde, Wynken de 40
Wordsworth, William 130
Worth, Richard Nicholls 45, 94, 143, 150
Worthy, Mr. C. 150
Wright, Thomas 27-8, 30, 32-3, 113, 116, 118
Wulfric, Saint 31
Wunebald, Saint 27
Wyatt, Sir Thomas 59
Wyot, Philip 101, 158
Wycliffe, John 34
Yonge, Walter 102, 158
Young, Thomas 128
Zwingli, Ulrich 111