


Will of Robert Hewett, Yeoman of Shute, Devon

Proved 27 January 1640

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/262, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Coventry Quire Numbers: 1 - 53

Transcribed by Diane Harris

In the name of God Amen; this third day of October in the fifteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Charles, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith.
I Robert Hewett of the Parish of Shute in the County of Devon, Yeoman, being whole and perfect of memory blessed be god, but weak and sick of body do make this my last will and testament. Impremis I bequeath my soul to the [illegible] and [illegible] of Almighty God my maker and redeemer, and my body to the earth where it shall, please God, to be buried. And for the disposal of my temporal goods I give to my daughter Joane one hundred and fifty pounds to be paid at two several payments, that is to say three score and fifteen pound notes two years after my death, and three score and fifteen pound notes three years after my death. Also I give unto my brother Tristram Hewett two pieces and parcels of ground by [Four Moat? - a place name but illegible] during the whole term that I have in it.
Also I give unto his six children four and twenty pounds That is to say four pounds apiece by equal portions to be paid to them one year after my death. Also I give unto my sister Frescott Sprake three shillings a month during the term of her natural life to be paid monthly.
Also I give unto Thomas Bowden and Bridget Martin fifty shillings a year to be paid to them half a year after my death.
Also I give unto Tabitha Sprake five shillings, and unto John Wilfrade five shillings.
Also I give unto all my Godchildren Twelve pence apiece
Also I give unto the Poor of our Parish of Shute forty shillings to be paid on St Thomas Day next after my death.
Also I give unto the Poor of the Parish of Dolliton ten shillings to be paid and distributed unto them at the day of my funeral.
Also I give unto Mr Sallway our minister for preaching my funeral sermon ten shillings.
And for all that rest of my goods and chattels not yet given nor bequeathed I give unto my Wife Joane, whom I make my sole executrix.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Anno Domini 1639
Signed Robert Hewett
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of those whose names underwritten.
The marks of Thomas Bowden, William Broome Tofte and Nicholas Banfor.

Probate portion of will in Latin. Précis as follows.
Probate granted to Joanna Hewett widow of deceased, in London 27th Jan 1640.