




Brudenell M I, Sandford Church

Devon & Cornwall Notes and Queries vol. IX, (January 1916 to January 1917), p. 92.


A.J.P. Skinner

Prepared by Michael Steer

St Swithuns, Sandford is an attractive country church with a lengthy history, set in a very pretty village, well worth visiting for its wonderful collection of 16th century carved bench ends. The Note provides information about members of the Brudenell family, one of whom is buried in the north aisle, and asks whether any reader has more information about Chaplain William Barton who married into the Brudenells’. This extract, from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive.  These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Note 82. Brudenell M.I., Sandford Church. - On the floor of the north aisle of Sandford Church is a gravestone inscribed:-

Here Lie the Remains of
Mr Harthory Brudenell
of High House in ye Parish of Dodbrook who executed
the office of Collector of
Excise with the greatest
Integrity near Fifty years.

He died Feb: 20, 1744. Aged 79.

Arms : - A chevron between three caps, impaling three lions rampant.

From Sandford Registers:-

1744. Mr. Harthory Brudenell buried Feb. 24. 1749. Gulielmus = Brudenell filius Gulielmi Barton cappelani et Francisce uxoris natus est 25 May, bapt: 29 June.

William Barton, chaplain of Sandford, 1741 to 1771, probably married Frances, daughter of Mr. Plarthory Brudenell, hence his burial at Sandford.

Is anything known of him?

A. J. P. S.