


Oswyn Murray Wills


In 1942 the Exeter Probate Registry was bombed and all the Devon wills were destroyed.

Before the war Sir Oswyn Murray had made abstracts of a number of wills for families in which he had an interest. The abstracts are in a number of volumes in the Westcountry Studies Library and provide a source of information for some lucky family historians, a source which the LDS has microfilmed in its entirety.

The table below lists the Oswyn Murray LDS films, indicating the names each film covers, and providing accesses to the indexes that have created to date.

The wills are arranged in alphabetical order by surname so no index is required if you visit the library. Rather, these indexes are being created for those of us who can't visit the library, but who instead are using the LDS films of these volumes.

Many of the wills were proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC). These wills are available on-line from The National Archives. Also the wills & admons are available on film from the LDS. Most admons contain no more family information than the abstract and before 1733 admons were usually in Latin.

PCC and Nuncupative wills are noted. The latter were made orally and written down later by the witnesses.

1   Abbot-Belworthy     FHL BRITISH Film 917257
2Bence-BywaterFHL BRITISH Film 917258
3Cabell-ClayFHL BRITISH Film 916897
4Clegg-CuttingFHL BRITISH Film 916898
5Dabernon-DyerFHL BRITISH Film 916899
6Eales-FuttsFHL BRITISH Film 916900
7Gallard-GystFHL BRITISH Film 916901
8Hacche-HazillFHL BRITISH Film 916902
9Heaman-HolmoreFHL BRITISH Film 916903
10Holway-KymmyngFHL BRITISH Film 916904
11Lackyngton-LynneFHL BRITISH Film 916905
12Mabanke-MysandFHL BRITISH Film 916906
13Nanscawen-PerseyFHL BRITISH Film 916907
14Peter-PrustFHL BRITISH Film 916908
15Puddicombe-RyseFHL BRITISH Film 916909
16Saffin-SmithFHL BRITISH Film 916910
17Snell-SymonsFHL BRITISH Film 916911
18Tack-VyeFHL BRITISH Film 916912
19Waad-YoungFHL BRITISH Film 916913
202nd and 3rd series A-ZFHL BRITISH Film 916914