IPM - Mauger de SANCTO ALBINO 1294
From the Moger collection of IPMs held at the Devon Heritage Centre
Transcribed by Fay Sampson Priestley
Abstract No.2
New ref. Ch. I.P.M.
Ser. II File 67. No,17.
Writ annexed dated at Portsmouth 13 August 22 Edw.I. [1294]
Inquisition made before Malcolm de Harlegh, escheator this side of Trent, at Exeter, on Sunday the feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist [Sunday 29 Aug. 1294]. 22 Edw.I. by the oath of Henry de Ralegh, Nicholas de Fillegh, Baldwin de Bellestone, Herbert de Pyn, knights, John de Gellington, Richard de Hele, Thos. de Derwyk, Richard de Molyns, Walter de Yaltheford, John le Long, Will. Dyrwyne, Robt. de Conwyk, Henry Dolyn, Rich. de la Leye, Rich. de Uppecotte, John son of Ralph de Valle Torte [Vautort]. Hen. de Frauntheyny, Hen. de la Wildeyerd, John de la Yurd, Hen. de la Walen, Will. Bazel, Adam de Merwode and John Danaylis
WHO SAY that Mauger de St Aubyn, and Isabel his wife (yet living), held the manor of Ho of Peter de Prydiaus, on of Roger de Prydyaus, by one knight's fee, and Peter [held] of the barony of Hurberton which is in the King's hand, worth by the year, £5.
They likewise held jointly 20 librates of land in Sla[p]ton by ½ a knight's fee, of Will. son of Martin; and the manor of Pearrecumb of the said Will. Martin by one knight's fee, worth yearly £8: and one water-mill of the heir of Philip de Reneton, rent, 1; worth yearly £2.
Mauger held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Pydekwille of Sir Geoffrey de Caunuyle, by one knight's fee, worth yearly £10.
And of Thos. de Merton the manor of Haname by one knight's fee; worth yearly [£5].
Mauger, son and heir of the said Mauger, aged 12.