IPM - John WHITYNG 1529
From the Moger collection of IPMs held at the Devon Heritage Centre
Transcribed by Fay Sampson Priestley
WHITYNG, [Whytyng], John. 21 Henry VIII. [1529]
Chancery Inq. p.m. Ser.II. Vol,49 (9)
m.1. Commission directed to Hugh Stuckley, Roger Blewet, George Gylberte & Nicholas Fitz James. Dated at Westminster 22 Oct. 21 Henry VIII. [1529]
m.2. Devon. Delivered into court 30 Nov. by Robert Willoughby.
(In bad condition)
Inquisition taken at Southemolton 22 Nov, 21 Henry VIII [1529] before the said Hugh & Roger after the death of John Whytyng esq., by the oath of Thomas Carew, John Barnhouse, Richard Poye, Charles Faryngdon esquires, Robert Stowford, John Cruys of Morchard, John Wykes of Southtawton, John God……, …., ……., John Shapcot and Hugh Southcomb who say that John Whytyng was seised of 3 messuages [&c.]1 in Wonford; 4 messuages [&c.] in More & Ringyswell; - the manor of Upton Prodehame; 12 messuages [&c.] in Payhembury; 2 messuages [&c.] in Mylton; 100 acres in Luttokyshele; a messuage & garden & 12 acres in [Honyton]; - [100] acres [&c.] in Sudbery; - 1 messuage [&c.] in Cokynghayes; and the manor of Wode.
By charter dated 14 Sept. 24 Henry VII. [1508] he enfeoffed thereof Peter Eggecumbe [Knt.] Amyas Pawlet knt, John Kyrkeham, knt., Humfry Walrond, Wistan Browne, William Mordaunt, John Roo, sergeant-at-law, Humfry Browne, John Brent, John Kaylwaye of Colompton, George Tanner & John Smyth to fulfil his last will. Peter Amyas, John Roo, Humfry Browne, John Kaylway and John Smyth are yet living & so seised of the premises.
The said "John Whytyng of Wood Esquyer" made his will [recited] 24 Feb. 13 Henry VIII [1521/2]. Mentions his said charter as including lands in Upton Prodeham, Payhembury, Mylton, Cokynghayes, Wood otherwise Lytyll Kentysbury, Cottyshaye, Honyton, Luttokyshele and Sydbury co. Devon, and lands [named] in Somerset & Dorset. At the request of testator the said feoffees by deed dated 15 Feb. 2 Henry VIII [1510/11] made estate of lands in Somerset & Dorset to the said John Whytyng and Anne his wife, for their lives. Desires that his said feoffees shall stand seised of the "mancyon place" of Wood, and lands there and in Cattyshays, to the use of said Anne for life. After her death the feoffees are to "performe and make suertye" of all estates and grants to tenants made by testator's father Robert Whytyng and his brothers George and Christofer & himself; & to pay his debts.
Bequeaths annuity to the said John Smyth "my Bayly and seruaunt," and an annuity to his daughter Jane Whytyng a nun of Wilton Wilts.
The said John Whytyng was also seised of the manor of Prodehomeslegh and 1 tenement 100 acres of land, 20 of meadow 40 of wood & furze and 3s rent in Furseley.
By charter dated 12 Jan. 15 Henry VIII [1523/4] he enfeoffed thereof John Kyrkeham knt., John Roo, Nicholas Ayshefford, John Brent, John Kaylwaye, John Somaster, John Willoughby clk., William Brent, John Drake, William Somaster jun., and John Smyth to fulfil his last will, John Kyrkham & John Brent are dead.
By his last will [recited] dated 12 July 16 Henry V III [1524] the said John Whytyng desired that the said feoffees should stand seised of these lands to the use of the testator for his life and after his death to the use of Anne his wife for life after her death to the use of the testator's heirs.
The manor of Prodehomeslegh is held of the dean & chapter of Exeter; worth by the year clear £20; - Furselegh held of John bishop of Exeter worth &c., 16s.; Upton Prodehame and Payhembury held of Henry marquis of Exeter worth &c., £10; - Cokynhays held of the heir of Chalon' by fealty of the manor of Strete worth &c., 20s.; Wonford held of the King's honor of Bradnynche; More & Ryngyswell held of Thomas Speke worth &c., 16s.
John Whytyng died [15] March 20 Henry VIII. [1528/9].
Daughters & heirs Mary wife of Humfry Keynes aged 27, Agnes wife of Henry Walrond aged 25; Isabel aged 14 Joan aged 12, & Elizabeth aged 4.
WHITYNG [WHYTYNG] John. 21 Henry VIII. [1529]
Chancery Inq. p.m. Ser.II. Vol. 50 (127)
m.1. Writ dated at Westminster 1 April 20 Henry VIII. [1529]
m.2. Cornwall. Delivered into court 2 Oct. by George Roll'.
Inquisition taken at Lotwithiell 6 Sept. 21 Henry VIII [1529] before Peter Eggecombe Knt., escheator after the death of John Whytyng'; by the oath of John Flammak, Walter Kendall, John Lelyowe, esquires William Blight, William Frye of Pobru[ddon?], Henry Kendall, John Wethiell, John Boyne, John Lenne, John Doyngell, John Helger, John Goodman, William Cristofer, John Amyas & John Kympe of Leskerd; who say that John Whytyng was seised of a moiety of the manor of Tresparvett, held of Patrick Bellewe and Robert Dyllon' esquires of the manor of Aysshetorre by knight's service by ½ a "Feemorteyn" worth by the year clear £2.10s; - 2 tenements & gardens in Treburtell and Launceston held of the prior of Launceston by 11d. rent; worth &c., 16s.
John Whytyng died 15 March 20 Henry VIII. [1528/9]
Daughters & heirs, Mary wife of Humfry Keyns ages 27; Agnes wife of Henry Walron' aged 25; Isabel aged 15; Joan now a nun in Wylton Abbey Wilts aged 12 and Elizabeth aged 5.
Lands in Dorset acquired after the death of Christopher Whiting
Portion of the manor of Stokewake held of the abbess and Convent of Shaftesbury by service of indoor steward of the house of Shaftesbury to array the house on the installation of every abbess.
Portion of the the manor of Hulle held of John Chokke knt, lord of Mapower by service of fealty and 4d yearly at Michaelmas.
Portion of the manor of Caundelwake alias Caundel held of the abbot and Convent of Cirencester by service of 1d yearly at Michaelmas. The total value of the above property being £43.13.4d out of which is paid in perpetuity to the heirs of John Keynes £24.
Lands in Somerset acquired on marriage to Anne Pauncefoot
The manor and advowson of Compton Pauncefoot worth £23 held of John, Lord Dynham, service unknown.
Three messuages, 9 cottages, and 60 acres of arable land in Blackford worth 40s, and 20 acres in Maperton worth 10s held of Richard [Whiting] abbot of Glastonbury by doing fealty and suit to his court of frankpledge of Whytley at Hockday and Michaelmas for all service.
Lands in Wiltshire acquired on marriage to Anne Pauncefoot
A capital messuage, four virgates of land, 20 acres of meadow at Broughton worth 40s, held of John Ryse, clerk, master of the Alms House at Portsmouth, service unknown.
1For details here omitted see Ch. I.P.M. Ser.II. Vol. 15 (77) Christofer Whytyng & Ser.II. Vol.14 (23) Robert Whityng.
Sources: IPMs in WSL; Richard Whiting, Notes and Materials towards a history of Whiting of Wood - A Mediaeval landed family, 1974 (MS in DRO).