IPM - John KEYNES 1494
From the Moger collection of IPMs held at the Devon Heritage Centre
Transcribed by Fay Sampson Priestley
KEYNES, John. 9 Henry VII. [1494]
Chancery Inq.p.m. Ser.II. Vol.23. (22)
m.1. Commission directed to Robert Willoghby, Knt., lord de Broke, John Biconell, Knt., Amyas Paulet, Knt., Walter Enderby, Morgan Kydwelly, Thomas Greynvile, Roger Holand, John Heyron, John More, William Twyneho, Richard Elyot & John Michell, to enquire as to concealed lands in Somerset, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall, & Wilts. Dated at Westminster 9 Dec. 9 Hen.VII. [1493]
m.2. Devon.
Delivered into Court 9 May by Walter Enderby.
Inquisition taken at Exeter 10 Apr. 9 Hen.VII. [1494] before Walter Enderby & John More, by the oath of Richard Pomerey, Knt., William Fortescu, Robert Yeo, Nicholas Yeo, Robert Pomerey, Thomas Wurthe, esquires, John Chamberleyn, John Sawle, William Cosby, John Boudon, Ralph Pudsey, Nicholas Kyrkeham, William Bernehous & William Tankerat: who say that John Keynes was seised of the manor of Wynkelegh Keynes, & by his charter dated 10 June 16 Edw.IV. [1476] enfeoffed thereof William Yeo & Otho Gilbert & their heirs.
At the request of John Keynes they demised the same to said John, Joan his wife, & the heirs of John, by their charter dated 24 Dec. 18 Edw.IV. [1478]. The manor is held of the King's honour of Gloucester, by knight's service, worth &c. £10.
Joan survived her husband, & died seised thereof 20 March 8 Hen.VII. [1492/3].
John, son & heir of the said John & Joan, then aged 20.