


IPM - Christofer WHITYNG 1501

From the Moger collection of IPMs held at the Devon Heritage Centre

Transcribed by Fay Sampson Priestley

WHITYNG, Christofer            17 Henry VII. [1501]
Chancery Inq. p.m. Ser.II. Vol,15 (77)
m.1. Writ dated at Westminster 10 July 16 Henry VII. [1501]

m.2. Devon. Delivered into court 16 Nov. by John Kyrton.
Inquisition taken at Southmolton 28 Oct. 17 Hen. VII. [1501] before Hugh Culme escheator after the death of Christofer Whityng; by the oath of John Soper, John Hayne, Robert Grene, John Shapland, William Hache, William Cloteworthy, John Hunt, John Horton, Richard Derson, Richard Willislegh, Roger Thorne, Robert Hunt and Richard Ledhed; who say that Christofer Whityng was seised of 3 messuages, 100 acres of land, 20 of meadow, 20 of wood, & 7s.4d. rent in Woneford [&c.]1 ; - 4 messuages, 340 acres of land [&c.] in More & Ringiswille [&c.] worth by the year clear 16s.; the manor of Prodomysle, held of the dean & chapter of Exeter; lands in Payhembury; - 2 messuages, 120 acres of land, & 10 of meadow in Milton held of the heir of Henry Ralegh Knt., by fealty worth &c., 16s.;
Robert Whityng father of said Christofer was seised of lands in Luttokishele, Honyton, Sudberye (worth &c., 7s.) & Cokynghays.
By charter dated 30 [sic] Sept. 5 Henry VII. [&c.]
Christofer Whityng was also seised of the manor of Woode & Cattishays [&c.]
John Haystok held of said Christofer 1 tenement 100 acres of land, 20 of meadow, 40 of wood and furze in Furslegh by 3s. rent; Robert Hoper 100 acres of land, 10 of meadow, 20 of wood & furze there by 8s.9d. rent; Robert Mathewe 200 acres of land, 20 of meadow, 50 of wood & furze there, by 16s.3d. rent; Christofer held the same of the bishop of Exeter; worth &c., 16s.

Christofer Whityng died 10 July last past [1501]2

John, brother and heir aged 27.


1For details here omitted see Ch. I.P.M. Ser.II. Vol. 14. (23) Robert Whityng.
2Sic; same date as writ.