Devon Names in the Calendars of the
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Administrations
Extracted by Jean E. Harris
Explanatory Note
PCC Administrations 1559-1580
PCC Administrations 1581-1595
PCC Administrations 1596-1608
PCC Administrations 1609-1619
PCC Administrations 1620-1630
PCC Administrations 1631-1648
PCC Administrations 1649-1654
PCC Administrations 1655-1660
Explanatory Note
When a person owning any kind of property dies without having made a will during his/her lifetime, then that person is said to have died intestate. The law then provides for such an event by the granting Letters of Administration to the next-of-kin or some other person who has to apply for these in order to administer the estate of the deceased. The law also provides for exactly how this estate is to be distributed amongst the next-of-kin or others and the Administrator has to do all of this in accordance with the current Administration of Estates Act.
If there is no next-of-kin or even if there is one, that person may not be willing to administer the estate. In that event then some other person, perhaps another relative or a creditor, has to apply for Letters of Administration in exactly the same way in order to settle the affairs of the deceased person. The Letters of Administration (Admins) granted by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury are very useful given the loss of all of the old Devon probates when Exeter was bombed in 1942. These identify not only the deceased but also their administrators with their relationship to the deceased be it widow (relict), child, friend or others.
PCC Administration Calendars | ||
1559-1571 | Admins in PCC Vol 1 - Ed. R.M.Glencross | |
1572-1580 | Admins in PCC Vol 2 - Ed R.M. Glencross | |
1581-1595 | Index Library Vol 76 | |
1596-1608 | Index Library Vol 81 | |
1609-1619 | Index Library Vol 83 | |
1620-1630 | Book - Ed. J.H. Morrison | |
Preface: "The original Acts and Bonds, constituting (in effect) the "Letters of Administration" issued by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury in respect of persons dying intestate within its jurisdiction, are not extant before the year 1714 in its official archives, now preserved at Somerset House. House. ----" | ||
This Preface should be read as Morrison explains the Administration Act Books and also his book of Abstracts. | ||
1631-1648 | Index Library Vol 6 (Vol 100) | |
1643-1652 | Prerogative Court of Canterbury sentences: a rough list transcribed from the original calendars | |
1649-1654 | Index Library Vol 68 | |
1655-1660 | Index Library Vol 72 (A-F), Vol 74 (G-Q), Vol 75 (R-Z) |
The original PCC Admon Act Books 1559-1660 are held at the National Archives, Kew, London. The Latter Day Saints (Mormons) have filmed all of these and their film numbers are 093245 - 093261.