



Extracted by Jean E. Harris from:


This was a church court of appeal and the archives still held at the Lambeth Palace Library are quite extensive. The following is the quote from their web site:

"The Court of Arches, the court of appeal of the Archbishop of Canterbury, dates back to the 13th century, but with the exception of a dozen volumes, the extensive archive dates from the Restoration. In its heyday the court exercised an extensive jurisdiction over marriage, probate and testamentary disputes, defamation, church property (rates, tithes, fabric of churches), and morals of the clergy and laity. The archive is very extensive. It includes over 2000 process books, transcripts of proceedings in the lower court sent up on appeal, and exhibits, including mediaeval title deeds (Fineshade cartulary), court books, probate accounts, churchwardens' accounts, rate books etc."

Given that the Court of Arches resolved many disputes regarding probates, it is reasonable to assume that copies of the wills were provided to this court to determine the rights of either the plaintiffs or the defendants. There is a book that has an index to all the cases in these Court of Arches records:

Index of cases in the records of the Court of Arches at Lambeth Palace Library 1660-1913, - J. Houston, ed. [British Record Society, Index Library, Volume 85]

The Toronto Reference Library has a copy of this volume and from this I have extracted Devon names for which there is a reference to either a legacy or a will. Also here is a summary list giving the definitions of the abbreviations. The Latter Day Saints (Mormons) has filmed some of these records and the film numbers can be found at their web site by entering "Church of England Court of Arches of Canterbury".


A 1-41Act Books, 1635, 1660-1773: a brief chronological record of business transacted by the court
Aa 1-99         Acts of Court, 1679-1818: drafts for the Act Books. The Acts of court are included in the index only for periods not covered by the act books.
Aaa 1-50Assignation Books 1663-1875: rough record of steps assigned in each suit for the use of officials. This series has not been included in the index as the information is duplicated in the act books.
B 1-19Sentences, 1560-1561, 1622-1623, 1639-1640, 1661-1797.*
Bb 1-106Decrees 1634-1638, 1664-1799: files of orders addressed to local apparitors and returned on execution of the instructions. The decrees include citations to appear, monitions to carry out instructions, and inhibitions to lower courts*
Bbb 1-1598Commissions 'in partibus', 1662-1805: commissions to local officials to take evidence of parties or witnesses unable to come to London. The commisssions were returned with the evidence (see also E-Eee).
C 1-6Appeals, 1661-1803
D 1-2351Process Books, 1660-1893: copies of acts and documents relating to the conduct of the suit in the lower court.
E 1-48Libels, Articles, Allegations and Interrogatories, 1660-1799
E 1-11Personal Answers, 1661-1798: answers of the principal parties to articles set out in E.
Eee 1-81Depositions 1664-1855: answers of witnesses to interrogatories set out in E.
F 1-12Muniment Books 1554-1815: copies of documents produced in evidence and not retained by the court.*
Ff 1-296Original Exhibits, 1554-1915: documents produced in evidence and retained by the court.
G 1-178Papers exhibited, 1660-1799: documents produced during the prosecution of a case, including petions, penances, and curations, 1660-1677 (# 0-02); excommunication schedules, 1666-1725 (#1-4); letters of request, 1701-1713 (# 5); royal monitions 1683-1713 (#6); royal writs of prohibition, 1662- 1709 (#7-15); proxies, 1668-1714 (#16); testamentary inventories and accounts, 1661-1710 (#17-59); copies of wills and codicials, 1701-1719 (#60-71, 98, 103); miscellaneous documents, 1700-1800 (#72-156); exhibits by cases 1728-1799 (#157-178).
H 1-996Nineteenth Century case papers, 1800-1880
Hh 1-51Nineteenth Century case papers, 1869-1913
Hhh 1-11Nineteenth century administrative papers
J 1-35Bill of Costs, 1663-1909: accounts of expenses often including those incurred in the lower court.
Jj 1-9Bonds, 1662-1796: bonds to pay legacies, to observe covenants and sentences.
Jjj 1-11Financial Documents, 1702-1898: miscellaneous accounts by officials.*
K 1-22Books relating to Proctors, 18th-19th Centuries.*
Kk 1-15Papers relating to Proctors, 18th-19th Centuries.*
Kkk 1-20Commission for the admission of Advocates and Proctors, 1701-1862.*
Ll 1-20Records of Other Courts, 1635-1824.*
M 1-Records of cases heard from 1914 onwards.*
N 1-6Statutes, precedents, and forms.*
O 1-13List and Indexes.*
*Only the records from 1660 are entered in the list of cases. For details of the earlier records refer to the catalogue of the Court of Arches at Lambeth Palace Library


  legacy of Giles VINICOMBE of Crediton, Devon (Exeter)
  (see also WINICOMBE v ADAMS)
ADAMS v SAWLE1731Mary A. v Agnes S.
  will of Nich. Rook. R. of Dartington, Devon
  sentence 15 Feb 1732 (Exeter)
  A28; B15/208; D6; E 30/13; J 14/37
ANDREWES v ANDREWES & LUX1713Judith A. v Danl A. & Wm L.
  legacy of Gideon ANDREWES of Kenton, Devon
  (Archdnry of Exeter)
  A26; D34,36,1325
APPLING v HORE & CARSLAKE1788Wm Bernard A. v Wm H. & Bampfield C.
  legacy of Wm APPLING of Branscombe, Devon
  Aa82/87; Aa84/2,14,19; Aa85/2,10; Aa86/23, 48;
  Bbb 1557-9,1561; E47/32; G154/27,51
ARTHUR v LANYON1678Danl.A. v Phil & Hester L
  legacy of Jn LANYON of Plymouth, Devon
  A13 ff/58,70,80,119,186
ASHFORD v ASHFORD1792Jn A. v Grace A.
  will of Bart ASHFORD of Alphington, Devon (Exeter)
  Aa86/49; C5/141; D54; E45/75; G155/20
ASKIN v LACEY1678Mercy A. als COPLESTON v. Wm L.
  legacy Mercy HOALE of Upton Pyne, Devon
ATKINS v HAYMAN1706Susan A. v Geo. H
  will of Mary LARE of Ottery St Mary, Devon
AUSTIN v SOWTON1703Florence A. v Mary S.
  legacy of Jonathan SOWTON of Stockland, Dorset
  A24; G62/4
BATTIN v EDMONDS1707Abraham B. v Wm E.
  will of Agnes YEABSLEY of Doddiscombleigh, Devon
  (Archdnry of Exeter)
BAYLY v HELE1684Jn B v Joan H. of Ashreigney, Devon
  will of Richd. BAYLY of Winkleigh, Devon (Exeter)
BEARE v IVY & BEARE1671Wm B. v Jn I. & Peter B.
  will of Jn BREWER of Tiverton, Devon
  sentence 27 Jan 1673 (Exeter)
  A8 f141;A9 ff13,23,31,36,45,52,79,89,124;
  A10 ff134,16,22,34,38,52,74,104,113,114,121.
  142,171,180,189,194; B8/122;
  Bbb301,303; C1 f300; D1118; G 01/2,3
BELTON v RIGSBY1714Cath B. of Gt Torrington, Devon v. Mary R.
  sentence 4 Feb 1715
  Aa 21/223, 248, 258, 272; B14/274; J8/34
BICKFORD & COCK v BROWNE1699Eliz. B.& Eliz.c. v Agnes B.
  will of Thos. BROWNE of Stoke-in-Teignhead, Devon
  sentence 18 June 1700 (Archdnry of Exeter)
  A23; B13/92; C3 f5; D168A,283; J5/52
BISHOP & BARTER1740Eliz. B. v Robt. B.for Mary Scott
  legacy of Mary MOSES of Exeter (Exeter)
  A30; E36/89
  legacy of Thos. BLACKALLER of Churston Ferrers, Devon
BLACKMORE v BURROUGH1686Jane B. als HEIFER v Hannah B.
  inventory of goods of Thomas HEIFER of Harpford, Devon
  sentence 13 Dec 1686
BRIANT v SEARLE1667Mary B. als SEARLE v Jn S.
  will of Jn SEARLE of Kings Teignton, Devon (Exeter)
  A5; D294
BROWNE v BICKFORD & COCK1699Agnes B. v Elias B & Eliz. C
  will of Thos. BROWNE of Stoke-in-Teignhead, Devon
  (Archdnry Exeter)
  D168A 283
BULLER v MILLES1784Wm B. (D(ean) of Exeter) v Jeremiah & Thos M.
  (will of Jeremiah MILLES, late D.)
  Aa79/20; E46/44, E47/3; G151/49; G152/52
BUTSON v SPARKE1669Jn B. v Jn S.
  legacy of Agnes BUTSON of Exeter
  A6, A7; Bbb179,187,193
CAREW v KEED1667Peter C. v Mary K,
  will of Eliz. COOKE of Alphington, Devon
  sentence 5 July 1667 (Exeter)
  A5, B5/35; B7/49; C 1ff 148/9
CHIDLEY v BARKHAM & ALLEN1670Sir Geo.C. bt v Jn B. & Wm A.
  legacy of Wm STRODE of Mempe, Devon
  A7; A8ff 19,27,34
  will of Jn CHURCHWARD of Totnes, Devon
  (Archdnry of Totnes - Exeter)
  Aa 85/37; D411; E45/68; G154/94,97
CLAP v CLAP1691Deborah C. v Wm C.
  will of Hester CLAP of Salcombe, Devon
CLIFFE v CLIFFE1671Rich. C. v Weymond C.
  legacy of Thos CLIFFE of Curriton, Devon
  A9 ff2,13,24; A11; A13 ff2,72
COLES v COLES1672Jn C. v Wm C.
  will of Robt COLES of Willand, Devon (Exeter)
  A9 f142; A10 ff 72,98,117,132,156; D446
COOKE v FARR1763Mich. C. v Jn F.
  will of Mich. COOKE of Bicton, Devon (Exeter)
  sentence 1 Dec 1763
  A34; B18/29; B19/40; D467; E40/87; J19/32
COPPLESTON v TOMPKINS1676Jn C. S.T.P., Chancellor of Exeter Cathedral
  v Jn T.
  will of Thos. TOMPKINS, late Chancellor
CROSS v WEBBER1772Rich. C. v Fra W.
  will of Chas WEBBER farmer of Topsham, Devon
  A35 ff203,205,211,215,216,221,222,234;
  C6/72; D528; E41/118
DAVY v FREAGLE & DELVE1663Ann D. v Ursula F. als DELVE & Mary D.
  legacy of Jn DAVY of Medland, Devon
  A2 ff174,196,209,232,241
DESAUNES v DECUS1786Clarissa, Fra. HARDY & Eliz. D. v Marianna D.
  legacy of Jn SELLON of Exeter
  Aa 81/29-31; Bbb 1545-7; E47/11,13,14;
  F12 f69; G152/70-5
EDWARDS & LEWES v STOCKARD1710Cath E.& Frances L. v Henrietta S.
  will of Thos. BERRIE of Berrynarbor, Devon
  (Archdnry of Barnstaple)
  legacy of Jn HOLWELL of Woodbury, Devon
  sentence 24 May 1754
  A33; B17/219; D671; E 38/1; J18/72
ELLIS v LAND1663Marg. E. als LAND v Richd.L
  legacy of Marg. WEARE of Holbeton, Devon
  A2 f207; G18/5
  legacy of Jn MICHELMORE of Harberton, Devon
  A2 ff19,23,34,40,56,72,78,82,89,108;F7 f232
EVANS v EATON1783Maria Sophia E. v Hannah Sophia E.
  legacy of Jn EATON of Bradninch, Devon
  will of Wm HURRELL of Matborough, Devon
  sentence 21 Nov 1682 (Exeter)
  A 15 A 16; B10/79; Bbb519
  (see also HURRELL v FORD)
FRIEND v LEY1720Arthur F. v Sarah L.
  will of Sarah COLES of Huish, Devon
  sentence Feb 1722
  Aa 27/111; B15/45; D782; J10/20
FRY v MELHUISH1788Mary F. v Eliz M.
  will of Thos FRY of Cullompton, Devon (Exeter)
  Aa 83/1
FUGARS v FUGARS1718Robina F. v Jas F.
  will of Wm FUGARS of Ponghill, Devon
  sentence 16 May 1718
  Aa 24/207,222,232; Aa 25/6,13,24,28,36,61,68;
  Aa 26/37; B15/3; D794; F10 f33(will); Ff250; J8/97
GENTOT v DECUS1786Susanna Ann G. v Marianna D.
  legacy of Jn SELLON of Exeter
  Aa 81/10, 46; Bbb 1548; E47/15; F12 f71
GILL v RICHARDS1666Eliz G. als RICHARDS v Thos R.
  legacy of Jane RICHARDS of Rewe, Devon
  sentence 5 July 1667 (Exeter)
  A5; B5/36; B7/50; C1 ff121-2; D1741
GLUB v CRADOCK & LANGDON1742Emlyn G. v Wm C. & Thos L.
  will of Jasper TOWNSEND of Huntshaw, Devon
  (Archdnry of Barnstaple & Canterbury s.v.Exeter)
  A 31
  [s.v. - sede vacante]
GOODYEARE v LANYON1678Moses & Aaron G. v Phil & Hester L.
  legacy of Jn LANYON of Plymouth, Devon
  A14; Bbb 446, 454
HAMMOND v LETHEREN1683Simon H. v Richd L.
  will of John HAMMOND of Winkleigh, Devon
  sentence 25 Feb 1685 (Exeter)
  A16, A17; B10/201; Bbb 558,593;D 926,927; E7/90
HARRIS v FORTESCUE1666Phil H. v Bart F.
  will of Arthur HARRIS of Norton, Devon (Exeter)
  A5; D768
HARRIS V HARRIS1771Jos H. v Jn & Grace H.
  will of Robt HARRIS of Crediton, Devon
  A35 ff167,172,174,177,182,191,196,200,206,213,217,
  219,225,236,245,246; D962; E41/106; G140/69,73; J21/7
HARWAR v DOWNMAN1663Ann, Jn, Wm, Ann, Prudence, Ralph & Saml H.
  v Edw & Jas D.
  legacy of Judith SIMMONDS of Plymouth, Devon
  receipt 31 July 1663
  A 2 ff225
HOARD v SAVERY1725Wm H. chwdn of Cornwood, Devon v Waltham S.
  legacy of Wm SAVERY
HOLE v DOLMAN & WELLINGTON1736Rebecca H. v Robt D. of Northam, Devon & Peter W.
  will of Jeffery FOLLET (Archdnry of Barnstaple & Exeter)
HONEY v HONEY1836Eliz H. v Wm, Rich H.
  legacy of Mary HONEY of Plympton St Mary, Devon
HUNT v SARELL1753Wilmot H. v Rich S.
  legacy of Jn HUNT of Chagford, Devon
  sentence 17 June 1754
  A33; B18/1; B19/1; E38/6; J18/70
HURRELL v FORD1681Joan H.als STEVENS v Jn F.
  will of Wm HURRELL of Marlborough, Devon
  (see also FORD v STEVINS)
HUTCHINGS v SPARKE1787Hannah & Mary H. v Robt S.
  legacy of Hy SPARKE of Dartmouth, Devon
  As85/3; E47/24, 25; G153/27,28
JENNINGS v BRERETON & RHODES1791Oliver J. of Clyst Honiton, Devon, v
  Maria, Philipa B. & Geo R. clk - tithes
  will of Jn SLEECH, late R. (?Rector)
  Aa 86/3, Aa 87/1,3,15,23, Aa 89/2; D1144;
  E45/72, E47/55; G154/108, G155/14; J23/4
JOPE v COURTENAY1730Ann J. v Geo C.
  will of Eliz COURTNAY of Walreddon, Whitechurch, Devon
  sentence 1 Mar 1731 (Archdnry of Totnes, Exeter)
  A27; B15/190, B16/54; D1159; E29/130, E31/44
LEY v JORDAN1712---L. v Thos J.
  will of Hugh JORDAN of E(ast)Ogwell, Devon
LEWIS & MOULTON1688Geo L. v Lucy M.
  will of Jn LEWIS of Newton Bushell, Devon
  sentence 9 Dec 1690 (Archdnry of Totnes)
  A19, A20; B5/211, B11/150; B12/7; Bbb750; C2 f382;
  Eee 7ff150-1; J 5/52
LYDE v DATE1744Jn L v Hugh D.
  will of Jas BUCKLEY, farmer of Churstow,tithes, Devon
  sentence 24 May 1745 (Exeter)
  A31; B16/210, B17/165; C5 f96; D1328; E36/181; J17/28
  will of Arthur MADDAFORD of Tavistock, Devon
  sentence 2 May 1761 (Archdnry of Totnes)
  A34; B19/36; D1914; E40/48; G133/146; J19/44
MANLY v MANLY1707Jn M. v Alex M.
  will of Robt MANLY of Tiverton, Devon
  sentence 9 Dec 1707 (Exeter)
  A25; B14/125; Bbb 943; D1345; F9 f146; J7/31
MARWOOD v STREETE1667Thos M. for Jn & Wm STREETE v Robt S.
  will of Wm STREETE of South Pool, Devon (Exeter)
  A5; D1365
MASON v REYNOLDS1853Wm M. v Hy Revell R. solicitor for H.M.Treasury
  will of Robt NICHOLLS of Tamerton Folliott, Devon
  Inter. decree 15 April 1854 (Exeter)
MASTER v BARKHAM & ALLEN1671Rich M. for Robert COLE v Wm B. & Jn A.
  will of Wm STRODE of ?
  (place name not stated ? Mempe, Devon as @ CHIDLEY etc)
  A9ff 15,20
MAYNE v CEELY1699Chris M. v Jn C., clk
  will of Jn MAYNE of Exeter (Salisbury)
  A22, A23; Bbb 844, 850, 857; C2 f794;
  F9 f93;G 60/1 (will)
MEDFORD v HORWOOD1663--- M. v Alice H.
  will of Jas COOKE of Branstaple, Devon
  A2 ff235,275,277
MORGAN v MORGAN1838Ann M. v Thos French M.
  will of Jn MORGAN of W. Appledore, Devon (Exeter)
  H558/1-12 (w.process book); Hhh 13pp164-8 (will)
MOULTON v LEWIS1690Lucy M. v Geo, Ann & Sybil L.
  will of Jn LEWIS of Newton Bushell, Devon
  A19, A20; Bbb720; D1445
MOXHAM v STARR1732Mary M. v Prudence S.
  will of Jn MOXHAM of Topsham peculiar, Devon
  sentence 3 Nov 1732 (D. & C. of Exeter)
  A28; B15/216, B16/73; D1446; E30/84; J14/28
MUNDY v SHEPPARD1770Thos M. v Martha S.
  will of Jas SHEPPARD of Ottery St Mary, Devon
  sentence 1 Dec 1770 (Exeter)
  A35 ff87,91,94,99,101,103,106,108,114,116,119,123;
  B19/58; D1458; E41/82; F11 ff1440;J20/15
  legacy of Paul PULLEYN of St Mary, Plympton, Devon
  A23; Bbb 861; E13/50; G60/3
NORTHEY v COCK1821Emmanuel N. v Richd C.
  admon of goods of Mary ROW of Broadwoodwiger, Devon
  H355/1-40; Hhh13 ff 33-37
NOSWORTHY v GOULD1683Rebecca N. v Joan G. als HINGSTON
  will of Jn HINGSTON of Exeter
  A16; D1503
OPY v PARRE1668Cath O. als CROCKER v Sibly P.
  will of Peter PARRE of Exeter
  A5; E2/276-83,286-7; E3/227
OSBORNE etc v REYNELL etc1682Hugh O., Mary SEAWARD als OSBORNE,
  Marg RYDER als OSBORNE etc
  v Thos R. Martin R. & Fra CHICHESTER
  legacy of Sir Jn FOWELL bt of Fowlescombe,Devon
  sentence 13 July 1682
  A15, A16; B10/73
PARKER v DURANT1684Agnes P. v Mary D.
  legacy of Thos DURANT of Plymouth, Devon
  Receipt 16 Feb 1685
  A17; Bbb616; F8 f204
  legacy of Geo PHILLIPS of Exeter
  A32; E37/55
POOKE v POOKE1740Leo P. als POCOCKE als PEACOCK v Geo P.
  will of Geo POOKE of Kentisbeare, Devon (Exeter)
  A30; D1655
RANDLE v STEVENS1696Bridle R. v Ann S.
  legacy of Alex CORNELIUS of Dalwood, Dorset
  A21, A22
RENDELL & HEARN v WINSOR & BENNETT  1818Samuel R. & Wm H. v Phil W. & Wm B.
  inventory of goods of Jn FOLLAND of Bovey Tracey, Devon
  H244/1-10 (Exeter)
ROOPE v ROOPE1663Edw R. v Nich R.
  will of Nich ROOPE of Dartmouth, Devon
  A2 ff216,261,305
ROWE v BLIGHE1754Wm R. v Alice B.
  will of Wm ATKINS of Hartland, Devon (Exeter)
  A33; D1803; E38/30; G128/22/39
ROYSTERNE v LANYON1678Heater R. v Phil L.
  legacy of Jn LANYON of Plymouth, Devon
  A14; Bbb 446,454
SAMSON v HARKER1830Amelia S. v Thos H.
  legacy of Wm HARKER of Exeter
SCOTT v ROBERTS1764Dorothy S. v Edm R.
  will of Jos MARTIN of Upton Pyne, Devon (Exeter)
  A34; Bbb/1470,1473; D1850; E40/96, E42/22; F11 f120;
  G134/81,82 (will)
SEARELL v BRADRIDGE1762Agnes S. v Peter B.
  legacy of Jacob SEARELL of Staverton, Devon
  sentence 23 Feb 1763 (Exeter)
  A34; B18/28; Bbb 1468; D 1855; E40/77; Jj 8/49
SEARLE v LONG1683Eliz S. v Thos L. clk
  will of Phil SEARLE,late R(ector) of Whimple, Devon
  A16 (Exeter)
SKINNER v SOMMERS & WEBBER1734Sarah S. v Nich S. & Wm W.
  will of Joan DOUNTON of Exeter
  sentence 4 Feb 1735 (Archdnry of Exeter)
  A28, A29; B16/99, B17/33; D1899; E30/160;
  will of Bridget WREYFORD of Ipplepen, Devon
  sentence 14 June 1711 (Exeter)
  A26; B14/193; C3 f247
  of the GOSPEL v ATKIN  
  legacy of Penelope SAFFIN of Exeter
  A31; E36/199; G119/2,15
  inventory of goods of Thos SOUTHCOMBE
  of Crediton,Devon
  sentence 30 June 1762 (Exeter)
  A34; B18/27, B19/39; C6/45; D1936,1945; E40/72
  G133/39,40; J19/28,29
STREETE v STREETE1668Wm S. & Jn S. p.c. v Dorothy S.
  will of Wm STREETE of S. Pool, Devon
  sentence 21 Nov 1670 (Exeter)
  A5, A6; A8 ff9,18, 19, 25, A9 f11, A10 f44; B 8/4
STRELLEY v STRELLEY1677Peter S. v Ann S.
  legacy of Geo STRELLEY of Plymouth, Devon
  A12, A13 f7
STRONG v STRONG & HART1747Jn S. v Wm S. & Thos H.
  will of Chas STRONG of Pinhoe, Devon
  will of Jn MATHEW of Rockbeare, Devon (Exeter)
  A14; D2013
SYNDERCOMBE v COMB1733Ann S. v Bennett C.
  will of Ruth BENNETT of Catstock, Devon
  receipt 21 July 1733
  A28; Bbb 1255; E 30/125; F10 f123; G105/5; Jj7/25
THORNE v THORNE1679Wm T., p.c. v Hy T.
  will of Hy THORNE of Bishop's Nympton, Devon
  A14, A18; Bbb462; E6/148
TRENEMAN v SAVERY1726Wm T. chwdn of Cornwood, Devon v Waltham S.
  legacy of Wm SAVERY of Slade (Cornwood, Devon)
  E28/71; G96/21
TRIPE v TRIPE1815Wm Dunning T. v Cornelius T.
  legacy in will of Eliz LUGGAR of Exeter
TUCKYR & PEARSE v SMITH & ROWELL1669Jn T. & Wm P. for Walter TUCKYR v Wm S. & Jn R.
  will of Walter SUCKLER of Lydford, Devon
TYRRELL v AYSH1671Moses T. v Ann A.
  legacy of Wm TYRRELL of Pinhoe, Devon (Exeter)
  A9 ff 10,45,51,82b; A10 f6; D21,32
VOYSEY v COLES1695Jn V. v Edw C.
  will of Wm HIDGE of Harberton, Devon
  sentence 15 Feb 1696 (Exeter)
  A21; B12/123;C2 f632; D2152; J4/7
WARHAM v WARHAM1702Thos W. v Thos. W
  legacy of Nich. WARHAM of Shute, Devon
  A23; G61/4 (will)
WAYE v EWENS1736Rich W. v Rich E.
  will of Mich MARDON of Bishop's Teignton, Devon
  sentence 21 June 1737 (Exeter)
  A29; B16/138, B17/69; D708; E33/50; F10 f158(will);
  G111/48, G113/40, G116/8; J15/69
WESTERN v POPE1671Eleanor & Ann W. v Jn P.
  will of Ambrose POPE of Cruwys Morchard, Devon
  sentence 28June 1672
  A8 ff113,137, A9 ff1,14,22,37,57,66,71,80,84,94,
  111,119128;B5/68, B8/108; D1656
WHITEWAY v FIELD1842Mark W. v Mary F.
  legacy of Wm MUDGE of Torquay, Devon
  (Archdnry of Totnes)
  D2295; H644/1-17
WINICOMBE v ADAMS1670Thos & Giles W. v Frances A. als WINICOMBE
  will of Giles WINICOMBE of Crediton, Devon
  sentence 26 Jan 1671
  A7; A8 ff12/33,39,47,51,66,70; B 8/8
  (see also VINICOMBE v ADAMS)