Name Index
Powderham Castle: The historic home of the Courtenay family
B.C. Wood
Derby: English Life Publications Ltd. (1978)
Indexed by Michael Steer
This guide to Powderham Castle is a beautifully produced 'glossy' booklet, on sale for many years to visitors. It is crowded with superb photographs of Courtenay family treasures and views of the Castle and its surrounds. The text was written by Lady Paulina Pepys, with photography by Sydney W. Newberry.
Abbot, John White (artist) 25 Abingdon, 1st Earl of 7, 26 Anne, Queen 24 Aquitaine, Eleanor of 2 Athon 2 Avants of Dawlish 8 Aylesford, 2nd Earl 8 Beaufort, 5th Duke of 18 Beckford, William 12 Bertie, Lady Anne 7 (portrait) Bertie, Col. Reginald 26 Bertie, Richard 4 Black Prince 31 Bohun arms 1 Bohun, Humphrey Earl of Hereford & Essex 31 Bohun, Philip de 31 Bohun, Margaret de 31 Callet (portrait painter) 10 Carroll, J. 3 Carteret, Harriot, Lady 8 Cary (terrestrial globe) 28 Channon, J. 6 Charles II, King 6-7 Charlotte, Queen 8 Clack, Frances 20 Constantinople, Emperors of 2 Cosway, Richard (portrait painter) 4, 8, 10, 14, 18 Cotes, Francis Portrait painter) 18 Cottenham, 1st Earl 14, 26 Courtenay arms 1-2, 10, 18, 20 Courtenay, 11th Earl 29 Courtenay, Charles Pepys, 14th Earl 4, 26 Courtenay, 15th & 16th Earls 26 Courtenay, Edward 6, 22, 32 Courtenay, Edward, Earl of Devon 20 Courtenay, Elizabeth 18 Courtenay family 1, 12, 32 Courtenay family (French branch) 2 Courtenay, Frances 18 Courtenay, Henry, Marquess of Exeter 20, 22, 32 Courtenay, Henry Reginald, Bishop of Exeter 8 Courtenay, Hercules of Upcott 24 Courtenay, Hugh, 2nd Earl of Devon 31 Courtenay, Lady Agnes 4 Courtenay, Lady Amy 26 Courtenay, Lady Caroline 26 Courtenay, Louisa 14, 15 (portrait) Courtenay, Lucy 8 Courtenay, Mathilda 14, 15 (portrait) Courtenay, Peter, Bishop of Exeter 3 Courtenay, Reginald de 2 Courtenay, Rev. Henry Hugh, 15th Earl 4, 26 Courtenay, Lord Henry Reginald 25 Courtenay, Sir Philip 31 Courtenay, Sophia 14, 15 (portrait) Courtenay, William, Earl of Devon 20 Courtenay, Sir William 20 Courtenay, Sir William, 1st Viscount 4, 7-8, 14, 18, 27 Courtenay, William, 2nd Viscount 8, 18, 20, 25, 27 Courtenay, William 3rd Viscount 10, 12, 14, 24-5, 32 Craig, W.M. (drawing master) 25 Cromwell, Oliver 20 d'Aincourt, Hawise 2 d'Eresby, Katherine, Baroness 4 d'Hou, William 31 Downman (water colour artist) 8, 14 Edward I, King 31 Edward IV, King 20 Edward VI, King 28 Edward Marsh & Tatham 10, 14 Elizabeth, Queen of Henry VII 20 Fenton, Adam & Mabel de 31 | Finch, Lady Betty 8 Finch, Lady Frances, Viscountess Courtenay 4, 14, 15 (portrait), 18 Fortescue, Lady Elizabeth 4, 29 Fowler, Charles 1-2 Foy, Colonel 14 Francis I, King 20 Gardner (portrait painter) 25 George III, King 1 Halifax, Earl of 4 Halifax, 2nd Viscount 4 Heath, Thomas, of London 8 Henry II, King 2, 32 Henry VII 20 Henry VIII 20, 32 Honeywood, Lady Frances 18, 27-8 Honeywood, Sir John 18, 20 Hoppner (portrait painter) 8 Howard, Lady Elizabeth 8 Hudson ( portrait painter) 4, 8, 14, 27 Hume, Mr. 18 Jackson, Dr. 6 James I, King 24 Jansen, Cornelius (portrait painter) 27 Jenkins, Mr. of Exeter (plasterer) 18 Kneller (portrait painter) 7 Lewis (portrait painter) 4 Lisburne, Earl of 8 Locke, Colonel 14 Locke, Lady Mathilda 6 Louis XVI, King 10, 12 (portrait) Mary, Queen 6, 22, 32 Mogford, Thomas 3-4 Monck, General 6 Montrose, 1st Marquess of 20 Morland, Colonel 8 Morland, Caroline 8, 14 Opie, John (portrait painter) 28 Pepys, Lady Evelyn 14, 26 Pepys, Lady Charlotte Maria 14 Pepys-Leslie, Lady Harriet 1 Pepys, Sir Lucas 1 Peters (portrait painter) 20 Pitt, William the Younger 8 Plantagenet, Elizabeth 31 Plantagenet, Katherine 20 Powderham, John of 31 Redvers, de, family 32 Reynolds, Sir Joshua 4, 27 Richmond, Duke of 7 Richmond, George, (portrait painter) 4 Roberts, Ellis (portrait painter) 4 Rothes, Elizabeth Countess of 1 Seede, Bryce (organ builder) 10 Somerset, Lord Charles 18 Somerset, Lord Edward 14 Stewart, Frances 7 Stumbels of Totnes (clockmakers) 20 Taylor, Mr. Thomas of Ogwell 28 Teniers (artist) 20 Thomire, Pierre-Phillippe (bronze worker) 10 Valois, (French royal house) 2 Villiers, Barbara 7 Waller, Sir William 20 Watson, W. (portrait painter) 18 Westmacott, Richard (sculptor) 10 Whitty, Thomas (Axminster carpet-maker) 10 William III, King 4 William, 10th Earl of Devon 1-2, 4 (portrait), 12 William Reginald, 11th Earl of Devon 2-4 Wright, J.M. (portrait painter) 6 Wyatt, James (architect) 10 Wyatt Rebellion 24 |