


Name Index


The tourist's companion; being a guide to the towns of Plymouth, Plymouth-Dock, Stonehouse, Morice-town, Stoke, and their vicinities

Part 1: pp. 1-81

London, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown (1823) xii, 316 pp.

Prepared by Michael Steer

Throughout the Industrial Revolution Plymouth grew as a major shipping port, handling imports and passengers from the Americas, while neighbouring Devonport grew as an important Royal Naval shipbuilding and dockyard town. The county boroughs of Plymouth and Devonport, and the urban district of East Stonehouse were merged in 1914 to form the single county borough of Plymouth. The city's naval importance later led to its partial destruction during World War II. After the war the city centre was completely rebuilt. This early tourist 'vade mecum' conveys an enormous amount of information, much of it perhaps of little use to a touring visitor, but undoubtedly of much interest to the historian or genealogist. The guide represents a discrete pinch in time (1823), since the inevitable attrition of those whose names appear in it, would make its continued use redundant in several years. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the Library of Congress collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

An alphabetic list of the Trades People, their occupations and the names of the streets in which they reside is presented from pp. 81 to 134.

These names are not included in the present index.


Anne, Queen31
Archdall, R Esq69
Arthur, John Esq68, 70
Arthur, Captain Richard8, 68-9
Baker, J79
Baldy, Mr P W74
Ball, Mr J H51
Barter, E78
Barton, James68
Bayly, Richard Esq71-2, 75, 77
Bedford, Duke of65
Bell, Dr45-6
Bennett, Mr66, 76
Bidlake, Rev John DD6-7, 9
Billing, Thomas Esq72
Birdwood, Peter68
Blackburn, Mr21
Blewett, Mr I E71-2
Bond, Mr10
Boringdon, Lord21, 63
Boulter, Mr66
Brook, E79
Brooks, Rev J67
Buckingham, Mr77
Buckley, Rev J67
Bulcock, Robert Esq71
Bulley (Library)76
Burke, Mr6
Burnard, Mr Robert74
Burt, Mr William12, 72
Butter, Mr (and Dr)74
Cardew, Mr James70
Carew, Mr1, 59
Chadder, S80
Chandos, Lord1
Charles I29
Charles II31, 52, 54
Charlotte, Princess12
Chegwin, Mr Richard70
Churchill, Mr74
Clarendon, Lord Chancellor1
Claringbull, W16
Clarke, E78
Clarkson, Mr79
Clouter, Jonathan Esq72
Coad, G80
Collier, John Esq71-3
Congreve, Sir William Bt2
Cookworthy, J C, MD74-5, 78
Cookworthy, Joseph Esq75
Corydon, G Esq73
Cotton, R80
Courtis, Mr73, 78, 80
Courtney, Rev Septimus MA66
Creykie, Richard Esq71
Croft, Mr C jnr74
Croft, Mrs74
Cummins, R Y69
Curgenven, Mr Peter70
Denham, Rev D67
Dickins & Warwick, Messrs77
Dilling, R79
Doney, Rev J67
Drake, Sir Francis4-5, 31
Drewitt, Mr Stephen73
Driscoll, Mr77
Dufour, Louis Esq55
Dunsterville, Bartholomew68
Eastlake, Mr Charles8
Eastlake, George Esq9, 68, 73, 76
Eastlake, Messrs69
Eastlake, William Esq68, 73
Easton, Mr William70
Edgeland, Mrs74
Edward the Black Prince1, 22
Edward III22
Elford, Jonathan Esq72
Elford, Jonathan, Esq Jnr74
Elford, Sir William Bt67, 72
Elgin, Lord36
Elizabeth I5
Elliot, James Esq68, 72
Exeter, Lord Bishop of51
Featherstone, John79
Fillis, Richard68
Filmore, Captain J, RN76
Fishley, J80
Fortescue, Mr Robert74
Foster, Samuel68
Foulston, John33, 35, 37
Fownes, J Y Esq76
Fox, John Esq70
Fox, Sons & Co26
Fox, T W Esq71
Franco, Ralph Esq72
Freeman, Mr74
Fuge, Benjamin Esq68-9
Fuge, Mr John Hele68, 74
Fuge, Mr S74
Fursdon, W80
Gandy, Henry Esq74-5
Gandy, Rev John, MA6, 29, 45, 66
George II49, 55
George IV31
Gilbert, Canon44
Gill, F79
Glanville, Joseph6
Glanville (Library)76
Glanville, Mr Richard73
Gledstanes, R Esq69
Hammick, Stephen68
Hammick, Steven Love68
Hannaford, Mr76, 78
Hardwick, Lord16
Haviland (Library)76
Hawker, John Esq68, 71
Hawker, Lieutenant Colonel69
Hawker, Rev Robert, DD6, 30, 44-5, 49, 66, 75
Hawker, William Henry Esq68, 71
Hawkins, Sir John5
Hawkins, Sir William5
Haydon, Mr B R8
Heale & Co Messrs77
Heath, Mr Justice6
Heathman, Mr73
Hele, Elizeus Esq41
Hele, Mr J69, 73
Hennah, Rev R69
Henry VI2
Heyne, T79
Hingston, Joseph Esq71
Hockey, W79
Howard, Mr9, 69
Hoxland & Coleman Messrs10
Hughes, Dr7
Hunt, George Esq68, 71, 73
Huxham, Dr5
Ilbert, Mrs28
Issachar, H67
Jacobson, William Esq68, 73
Jago, Edward Esq68, 74
James II31
James, John Esq71
Jeffery, Mr76
Johnson, Dr Samuel6
Jones, Peggy78
Jory, Colonel (also G)43-4, 79
Julian, John Esq70
Julian, Richard Esq72
Kelway, Rev Mr48
King, H80
Lake, J80
Lampen, Rev Mr Robert MA29, 66, 75
Lamport, Mr H73
Lancaster, Mr45-6
Lane, W79
Lang, D Esq51
Langmead, William68
Lanyon, Mr John41, 43
Lavers, R78
Leonard, John68
Lockyer, Dr7
Lockyer, Edmund Esq67-8, 72-3
Lockyer, Mrs28
Lockyer, William Esq70
Lopes, Sir Messeh, BT72
Luscombe, Mr John L68, 74
Macaulay, Rev J H, AB76
Magrath, Dr7
Marks, John68
Marlborough, Duke of31
Marshall, Mr73
Martin, Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Byam KCB2, 7
Martin, R80
Maynard, Sir John Kt5, 41
Mildren, Mr66
Miller, Thomas Esq68, 71
Mingle, S79
M'Keever, Henry68
Moore, Mr E74
Moore, John Esq73-5
Moore, Joseph Esq72
Morley, Rt Hon Earl of72
Morris, Mr76
Morshead, Lieutenant Colonel H A69
Mudge, Dr5
Mudge, Rev Zachary (also Captain)5, 8, 29
Muller, C16
Mumford, J80
Murch, Mr76
Musgrave, Dr5
Nettleton, Mr Edward10
Niblet, H16
Nicholas, Pope28
Northcote, Mr James8, 38
Northcote, Mr Samuel7, 29
Northmore, James79
Northway, J79
Nugent, Mr E T76
Oborne, Mr66
Omnaney, Captain H M, RN76
Oxford, Earl of1
Pack, Lieutenant69
Pack, Major General Sir Denis69
Paddon, Mr J73
Pardon, George68
Parker, J79
Pascoe, John Esq72
Pennington, Mr69
Percy, ___, Esq72
Perriman, Mrs66
Phillips, William68
Pitt, Robert55
Plant, Robert68
Plimsaul, Mr John74
Pointer, Rev J67
Potbury, Charles68
Prance, William Esq75
Prideaux, Mr Charles36
Prideaux, W Esq9
Pridham, John Esq68, 72
Pridham, John D68
Pridham, Joseph Esq68, 73, 76
Prince, Rev John4
Prout, Mr Samuel Jnr8
Pym, Captain RN72
Pym, Samuel68
Radcliffe, Rev W72
Raleigh, Sir Walter5
Rattenbury, Mr R F67
Raynor, Mrs E75
Remmett, Robert Butler, MD7, 68-9, 74
Rendle, Mr78
Rennie & Whidbey, Messrs15
Richards, S79
Richards, T79
Ridley, Lieutenant Colonel69
Roberts, John79
Robins, John68
Rogers, Dame Betty47, 74
Rogers, Mr Philip8
Rosdew, Richard72
Row, William68
Rowe (Library)76
Rowe, Mr S75
Rowse, Mr78
Rudyerd, Mr17
Russell & Co78
Saunders, Mr J77
Saville, O Esq72
Sawyer, Rear Admiral Sir H72
Schow, Peter J Esq71
Seabrook, Rev Mr67
Seccombe, Mr74
Seccombe, Mr N74
Seymour, Sir Michael Bt7
Shepheard, Mr W69
Sherwill, Messrs Nicholas & Thomas42
Shortland, T G68
Sidley, G16
Single, Mr80
Skelton, Sir John28
Smart, Mr J22, 71, 73
Smeaton, Mr17-8, 20
Smith, Captain C H69
Smith, John Esq68, 72
Sparks, J79
Squire, Richard Jago Esq67-8, 73
Stephens, Rev Mr6, 9
Stert (Vessel)77
Stert, Elize Esq41
Stevens, Mr73, 76
Stewart, Thomas MD74
Strachan, Sir Richard Bt7-8
Stuart, W16
St Vincent, Earl16
Sudbury, Earl of1
Suffolk, Earl of1
Symons, Messrs & Co71
Symons, Peter68
Taylor, Rev Samuel30
Teed & Co, Messrs77
Tingcombe, John Esq68, 72
Tolcher, Henry68
Tolcher, John68
Tolmer, Mr A76
Tonkin, Peter Esq68, 71
Tonkin, W H Esq67-8
Tozer, John79
Tracey, Mr W74
Tucker, Benjamin Esq72
Tyrwhitt, Sir Thomas62, 72
Wales, George Prince of22, 31
Walker, Rev J, AB76
Warwick, Earl of1
Watson, Lieutenant James69
Webb, Mr80
Weekes, R78
Wellington, Duke of, KG, GCB69
Wells, Mr71
Whidbey, Josh Esq16
Whiddon, Mr34, 77
White, James68
Whiteford, Joseph Esq67-8
Whitfield, Mr73
Wilde, Mr75
Williams, Rev W, MA76
Wills, Mr R74
Wilson, Dr Aaron29
Winstanley, Mr Henry17
Woolcombe, Dr7
Woolcombe, Henry Esq35, 68-9, 72-3, 75
Woolridge, Captain8
Worsley, Rev I67
Worthington & Co78
Yeo, Mr77
Yogge, Mr28
Yonge, Dr Charles7, 28, 38
Yonge, Rev Duke37
Yonge, James, MD, FRS28, 74
Yorke, Right Hon Charles16-7, 37