Will of Lucretia Bedford Jago, Widow of Saint Andrew
Proved 27 February 1841
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/1941/141, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Transcribed by Ros Dunning
This is the last Will and testament of me Lucretia Bedford Jago of the Parish of St Andrew Plymouth in the County of Devon widow I give and bequeath unto my dear daughter Lucretia the two hundred and twenty pounds for which I have a note of hand from my son Robert being part of my legacy from my late dear husband and also all my books with my name written in them my large china tea pot and bowl & my silver tea caddy given me by my late uncle Stephen also my little mahogany bureau and bookcase given me by my late dear mother I give and bequeath unto my eldest son Robert and my said daughter the use and enjoyment of all my household goods and furniture plate linen china etc. so long as they shall continue to live together but in the event of their separating to be equally divided between them unless the separation takes place in consequence of my said daughter's marriage in which case I give all my furniture (excepting the articles above stated) to my son Robert And I appoint my said son & daughter Executors of this my will In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the 28th day of December one thousand eight hundred and thirty six Lucretia Bedford Jago
But if my said son & daughter continue to live together until the end of their lives the survivor will be entitled to all the furniture
(Attestation Clause)
Nov 16th 1840 James Yonge M D Crescent _ Jane Price
(Personal Appearance by Jane Price Servant as to validity of Will)
Proved at London 27 February 1841 to Robert Stephens Jago and Catherine Lucretia Jago Spinster