Name Index
Eighth Report of the Committee on Devonshire Records: Plymouth Proprietary Library
Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 29 (1897), pp. 79-144.
J. Brooking-Rowe (ed.)
Prepared by Michael Steer
The report, read at the Association's 1897 Kingsbridge meeting continues the account of Plymouth Proprietary Library Manuscripts, in particular documents relating to the remainder of Northcote's Transcript of Fox's Manuscript. The purpose of the Committee was to investigate and report on manuscripts, records and ancient documents existing in or related to Devonshire, with the nature of their contents, their localities and whether or not they are in private or public hands. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the New York Public Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.
Page | |
A | |
Albacini, Mr Carlo | 140 |
Ancaster, Duchess of | 139 |
Archer, Edward | 119 |
Archer, Miss | 123 |
Atkin, Mr John | 87, 89 |
Atkin, Mr William | 89 |
B | |
Ball, Mark Esq | 144 |
Barlow | 107 |
Barly, Mrs | 121 |
Barron, William | 128 |
Bastard, Mr | 99 |
Batt family | 85-6 |
Batt, Jack | 85 |
Batt, Miss Jane | 85 |
Batt, John | 85 |
Batt, Mark Esq | 82-3, 85-6 |
Batt, Mrs | 86 |
Batt, William | 83, 85 |
Beaumont, George | 135 |
Bellman | 86 |
Berridge | 128 |
Black, Miss | 132 |
Blight, Mrs | 109 |
Blight, Robin | 109 |
Bonomi, Mr Joseph | 139-41 |
Boscowen, Admiral | 131 |
Boswell, Mr | 108, 137 |
Boydell | 135 |
Boyle | 89 |
Brent, William | 119 |
Brett, Mr George | 114, 144 |
Brett, Mr Lyne (also Line) | 106, 114-5, 117-9 |
Brett, Mr Samuel | 114 |
Brownlow, W R, DD | 79 |
Brunel | 112 |
Brushfield, T N, MD | 79 |
Burke, Mr Edmund | 103, 130 |
Burnett, Dr | 89 |
Butler, Mrs | 135 |
Buttell, Mary | 97 |
C | |
Carwadine | 135 |
Catton | 128 |
Chambers, Sir William | 122, 140 |
Clark, Dr | 90 |
Clark, Thomas | 128 |
Cleather, Mr George | 107 |
Cockey, Mr Mordecai | 80 |
Cockey, Philip | 119 |
Coke | 83 |
Copley, Mr | 130 |
Corham, Dr | 80 |
Corham, Mrs Ellen | 80 |
Courtenay | 141 |
Cowie, Benjamin DD | 79 |
Cranch, Mr | 122 |
Croker, Grace | 85 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 88 |
Cumberland, Duke of | 142 |
Curry, Mr | 97 |
D | |
Dance, Nathaniel | 137 |
Devonshire, Duke of | 123 |
Doughty, William | 128 |
Dredge, Rev J Ingle | 79 |
Drew | 85 |
Dunsterville, Mr | 99, 120 |
Dunsterville, Mrs | 109 |
Dusiegn | 128 |
E | |
Edgecombe family | 122 |
Edgecombe, Lord | 122-3 |
Edgley, Mr Thomas | 79-80 |
Edward V | 135 |
Elford, Rev Lancelot | 99, 109-10, 119 |
Elford, William | 119, 135 |
Eliot, Lord | 99 |
Ellison, Mrs | 106 |
Enty, Mr John | 80, 144 |
Exeter, Bishop of | 86, 89 |
F | |
Falmouth, Lord | 131 |
Fletcher, Sir Richard | 111 |
Foot, Jonas | 119 |
Forse, John | 108 |
Foster, Rev Dr James | 114 |
Fox, Mr Charles | 102, 107, 144 |
Fox, John | 144 |
Fox, Mrs Moll | 87 |
Foxe | 79, 94 |
Fuseli | 138 |
G | |
Gandy, Mr Henry | 144 |
Gandy, Rev Mr John | 92, 94, 100, 107-9 |
Gandy, Samuel W | 119, 142 |
Gandy, William | 142, 143-4 |
Gardiner, Luke | 129 |
Gennys, Nicholas | 119 |
George II | 142 |
George III | 124 |
Gibbon, Mr | 135 |
Gilbert, Lieutenant | 85-6 |
Gilbert, Mrs | 86 |
Gildrey | 138 |
Gill, Mr Charles | 128, 138 |
Gilling, Mr Isaac | 80, 144 |
Gloucester, Richard of | 135 |
Goddard, Captain | 143 |
Goldsmith, Dr | 130 |
Graham, Mr | 113 |
Grenville, Sir Gawder | 134 |
Grigg, Mark | 85 |
H | |
Hallett, Mr | 80, 83, 86-8 |
Harding, Mr Nathaniel | 83, 144 |
Harvey | 86 |
Hawker, J, alias Pedlar | 144 |
Heywood, Mr | 99 |
Hoare, Mr | 108 |
Hodge, Major | 113 |
Hogarth | 80 |
Holland, Fox Lord | 129 |
Holland, Sir Nathaniel | 137 |
Hollar | 107 |
Hooper, G H | 133 |
Horneck, Mrs | 97 |
Howard, Mr | 120 |
Hudson, Mr | 95, 122, 126 |
Hugolino, Count | 103, 110 |
Hume, Sir Abraham | 134 |
Hunkyn, Dr | 80 |
Huxham, John MD | 79-82, 97, 107, 144 |
I | |
Inchiqueen, Earl & Countess of | 128 |
Inglefield | 96 |
Inglet, Mr Joseph | 143 |
J | |
Jenkins, Mr | 140 |
Johnson family | 142 |
Johnson, Mr | 111, 123, 128 |
Johnson Mrs | 124 |
Johnson, Dr Samuel | 89, 92, 94, 132, 134 |
Joie, Mr | 121 |
Jurin, Dr | 81 |
K | |
Kemble, John Philip | 129-30 |
Kennedy, Ralph | 132 |
Keppel, Hon Augustus | 122 |
Keppel, Lord | 122 |
King, Lord Chancellor | 89 |
Kingston, Duke & Duchess of | 95 |
Kirkley, Ralph | 137-8, 142 |
Knight, Miss Cornelia | 133 |
L | |
Lavington, Dr George | 91 |
Lawrence, Sir Thomas | 135 |
Leach, Mr George | 99, 119 |
Leach, George jnr | 119 |
Leslie & Taylor | 122, 129, 132, 141 |
Lester | 97 |
Lewis, Miss | 107 |
Littleton | 83 |
Lorraine, Claude | 142 |
Lowe, Mr Mauritius | 134 |
Luxmoore, Mrs | 109 |
Lyne | 114 |
M | |
Manbert | 144 |
Marci, Jusepi | 128 |
Matthews | 99 |
Montgomery, Miss | 129 |
Morley, Mr | 111 |
Morshead | 85 |
Mudge, John MD FRS | 97-103, 107-8, 110-3, 117, 119, 123 |
Mudge, Mrs | 102-4 |
Mudge, Thomas | 111-3 |
Mudge, Mr Zachariah | 86, 88-9, 91-2, 94, 97-8, 108-9, 113, 144 |
N | |
Newton, Dr | 128 |
Northcote, James Esq | 94, 102-3, 106, 110-3, 120, 128, 135-6, 142-4 |
Northcote, Mary | 107, 143 |
Northcote, Miss | 104 |
Northcote, Mrs | 143 |
Northcote, Mr Samuel snr | 106, 114, 117, 119 |
Northcote, Samuel jnr | 79, 92, 98-9, 106, 109, 119 |
O | |
Opie | 132, 135 |
P | |
Paget & Co | 144 |
Palmer family | 142 |
Palmer, Mr | 128, 131 |
Palmer, Miss Offy | 133, 135 |
Parry, Beach | 128 |
Patt, Miss | 109 |
Pearse | 109 |
Peirce, Mr James | 144 |
Penney, Mr | 83 |
Pitts, Mr | 103 |
Pocock, Mr | 132 |
R | |
Ralph, Miss Flint | 137 |
Raworth | 109 |
Rennell, Thomas | 95-7 |
Revell, Mr | 143 |
Reynolds, Miss Frances | 110, 128, 130, 133, 137 |
Reynolds, Mr | 88, 121 |
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Knt, PRA | 95, 102-4, 109-11, 120-42 |
Reynolds, Theophila | 121 |
Robins | 111 |
Rogers | 109 |
Romney | 134 |
Rosdew, Mr Dick | 98-9, 107, 109, 111-2 |
Rowe | 115 |
Rowe, Mr J Brooking | 79 |
S | |
Sandercock, Mr Jacob | 144 |
Saunders, Mr Andrew | 100, 109, 120 |
Score, William | 128 |
Seale, J Esq | 95 |
Seymour, Dr | 81 |
Shakespeare | 135 |
Sharp, Mr Joseph | 133 |
Shebbare, Dr John | 89 |
Shee, Mr | 129, 132 |
Slade, Mr | 83 |
Smith, Miss Judith | 115 |
Smith, Magdalen | 144 |
Smith, Mr | 102 |
Smithurst, Mr Benjamin | 115, 144 |
Smitz, Gaspar | 144 |
Sowter, Mr James | 144 |
Sprigg, Mrs | 113 |
Stephens, William | 88 |
Stewart, Mr | 140 |
Stucley, Lewis | 88 |
Stucley, Mrs Sarah | 88 |
Sydney, Algernon | 143 |
T | |
Taylor | 122, 129, 132, 141 |
Thrale, Mr | 138 |
Timbern Will | 82 |
Tolcher, George | 109 |
Tolcher, Henry Esq | 117-8 |
Trosse, Mr John | 86, 108 |
Tucker, Stephen | 144 |
V | |
Veal, Mr William | 82, 107 |
W | |
Wadden, John | 89 |
Walpole | 144 |
Watkins, Dr | 91-2 |
Werter | 130 |
West, Mr | 137-8 |
Westmacott, Richard | 141 |
Weston, Bishop | 88-9 |
White, Mr | 108 |
White, Mr Thomas Jeston | 144 |
Wilcocks, Mr | 143 |
Willcocks, Mr Joseph | 117 |
Windeatt, Mr Edward | 79 |
Woollcombe | 97 |
Wren, Sir Christopher | 128 |
Y | |
York, Duke of | 135 |
Yonge, Charles | 119 |
Yonge, Mrs | 107 |
Young, Rev James | 98, 108, 144 |