


Name Index


Fifth Report of the Committee on Devonshire Records: Phillipps, Dredge, and Plymouth Institution MSS

Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 25 (1893), pp. 218-248.


J. Brooking-Rowe (ed.)

Prepared by Michael Steer

The report, read at the Association's 1893 Torquay meeting focuses on manuscripts of the late Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt, the Dredge manuscripts and the collection of the Plymouth Institution, in particular documents relating to Devonshire. The purpose of the Committee was to investigate and report on manuscripts, records and ancient documents existing in or related to Devonshire, with the nature of their contents, their localities and whether or not they are in private or public hands. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the University of Michigan Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.

Albemarle, Duke of235
Allen, Ann226
Allen, Arabella227
Allen, Elizabeth226-7
Allen family221
Allen, Grace226-7, 230
Allen, Hannah224-6
Allen, Hannah (2)226
Allen, John223-5, 227-9, 231-2
Allen, John (2)226, 230, 238, 240-1
Allen, John (3)226
Allen, John (4)227
Allen, Joseph224, 227
Allen, Joseph jnr227
Allen, Margret227
Allen, Mary225, 231
Allen, Mary (2)225-6, 231
Allen, Samuell224-5, 231
Allen, Samuell jnr225-6, 230
Allen, Thomas225
Allen, Thomasin224, 228, 231
Allen, Thomazyn225, 231
Allen, William224-30, 237
Allen, William jnr224-5
Allen, William (3)226
Allen, William (4)227
Allyn, Gideon230
Allyn, John230
Allyn, Jone231
Allyn, Judeth224
Andrews, William223
Anglesey, Earl of240
Anstis, John219
Arlington, Earl of242
Ashford, Roger238
Ashley Cooper, Sir Anthony240, 242
Ashton, Dr Roger225, 229, 235, 238
Askew, Sir George241
Baker, Mr244
Barker, Mr Daniell228-9, 232
Barry, Captain243
Bastard, Grace227
Bastard, William Esq227
Bastard, Sir William227, 235
Bellew, Mr240
Bennet, Captain243
Benthall, J219
Berckley, Lord238
Blood, Captain John238, 240
Bowls, Mr243
Boyce, Mr227
Brandenburg, Duke of234
Bridlington, St John of248
Bromley, Captain243
Brownlow, Rt Rev Monsignor218
Brushfield, Dr218-9
Buckingham, Duke of239, 243
Burdwood, Anne238
Burgh, Captain243
Cambridge, Charles Duke of236
Cambridge, Edgar Duke of238-9
Canterbury, St Thomas of247-8
Carew, Sir Thomas239
Cartwright, Sir Philip243
Cary, Mr240
Chanter, Mr J R218
Charles II221, 229, 233, 235, 239
Charleton, Sir Job234-5
Chichely, Sir John243
Chisley, Sir John241
Chudleigh, Baron of242
Cleaveland, Duchess of241
Clegat, Mr Nicholas229, 237
Clifford, Sir Thomas239-40, 242
Cockram, John238
Condy, Prince of235
Coningsmerck, Count Charles John237
Cosen, Dr John242
Cotten, Mr William229, 240
Cotterell, Mr243
Cotton, R W218
Courtenay, Sir William232
Cowie, Very Rev Dean218
Cox, Sir John243
Curle, Nicholas226
Davy, Sir John240
Dell, Mr John229
De Witt234
Digby, Captain243
Doracot, Mr John228
Downe, Mr Thomas224-5
Downing, William241
Dredge, Rev J Ingle218, 220
Duncomb, Sir John240
Edward I219
Elizabeth I219, 221, 248
Elliott, Captain243
Eveligh, Mr232
Falstoff, Sir John247
fforde, Mr John224, 233
ffrayne, Joseph227
ffrayne, Margret227
Ford, Mr Peter230
Foot, Mr Peter229
frier, Mr R238
Gay, Mr John231
Gayer, Hannah224-5
Gayer, Samuell224-5
Gerrard, Sir Gilbert, Knt Bt242
Gilbert, Mr John227-9, 237
Glanvill, Joseph230
Gold, Mr William240
Greensworth, Mr Henry226, 235-7
Gregor, Francis230
Gregor, Honor225
Gregor, Mr Peter225, 230
Gregory, Sargeant236
Hall, Mr243
Hamilton, Mr243
Hamilton Smith, Colonel C, FRS221, 244
Hannam, Captain243
Harbord, Sir Charles243
Harpur, Mr William228
Harris, Mr John228
Hele, Mrs240
Henry III219
Henry VI246
Henry VIII247
Hermon, Sir John241
Heywood, Serjeant219
Hingston, Benjamin225-7, 231
Hingston, Benjamin jnr225
Hingston, Honor225
Hingston, Peter227
Hingston, Richard232
Hollis, Sir Fred243
Holmes, Sir Robert241-2
Hornick, Mr Anthony237
Horsman, Mr Andrew229, 231, 235
Howard, Lord244
Howard, Mr243
Hughes, Rev J B245
Hughes, Mr O242
Hull, Mr James229
Hurl, Thomas227
Hurl, Christobella227
Hurl, Sarah227
Hurrel, Thomas227
Jacob, Mr Nathaniell226
Jeaffreson, Mr John Cordy244
Jennings, Mr William228
John, King219
Jones, Judge Thomas235
Jones, Sir William236
Jope, Mr John230, 238
Jordan, Sir Joseph241
Kemthorne, Sir John241
Lampleigh, Dr229, 236
Lanyon, Mr John229, 235
Louderdale, Duke of (also Earl)242
Ludman, Captain243
Luke, Rev George Sercombe219
Lymbier, Elizabeth226
Lymbier, Mr Thomas226
Maidstone, Lord243
Martyn, Mr John228
Martyn, Mr Thomas225
Martyn, Mr William229
Maynard, Mrs Ann230, 242
Maynard, Mr Christopher229-30, 232, 242
Maynard, Sir John236
Mayne, John238
Medford, Blanch231
Medford, Uncle231
Midland, Mr William239-40
Milles, Dean Jer219
Monke, D241
Montague, Mr243
Moore, cozen226
Moore, Mary226
Morrice, William235
Munke, Christopher235
Munnion, Mr John229
Munnion, William (also Munyon)231-2
Napier, Mr243
Newte, Mr245
Nicholls, Mr Richard243
Northcote, Mr Samuel242
Northumberland, Earl of241
Oliver, Benjamin239
Oltramary, Mr227
Opie, Richard231
Orange, Prince of238, 242
Ormond, Duke of238
Payne, Mr Thomas227
Payne, Thomas jnr227
Pearce, Captain243
Phillip, Richard231
Phillipps, Sir Thomas Bt FSA etc218
Piper, Colonel Hugh234-5, 244
Porter, Mr Francis244
Rabiniere, Monsieur de la243
Ratcliffe, Thomas223
Raynsford, Lord Judge (also Rainsford)235
Reed, Mr Thomas (also Read)226
Riders, Cardanus237
Roberts, Lord240
Roche, John224
Roche, Thomas224
Roper, Ricardi246
Rook, Mr Arthur233
Rowe, Mr J Brooking218
Rynkstone, Willehm247
Saint Amen, Mrs Anne238
Sanditch, Earl of (Sandwich)234, 241, 243
Scagewell, Mr Peter (also Schaggell)229, 238, 240
Seymour, Edward Esq235
Seymour, Lord241
Shaftesbury, Earl of242
Sharland, Clerk245
Shenton, Rev George Darnell218
Sherwill, Mr Nicholas227
Shovell, Sir Cloudesley221
Shute, Mr240
Skelton, Sir John234, 244
Skelton, Mr243
Somerset, Duke of241
Somor, Johannes246
Southampton, Earl of241
Sparke, Mr John235-6
Sparrow, Bishop Anthony233
Spurway, Rev John245
Squire, Mrs Caroline Hamley223
Sprag, Sir Edward241
Stert, Alce226
Stert, Mrs Eliza231
Stert, Elizabeth226
Stert, Mary225-6, 231
Stert, Mary (2)226
Stert, Mary (3)227
Stert, Richard227
Stert, Thomas226
Stert, Walter gent225-7, 230-1
Stert, Walter jnr227
Strelly, Mr George (also Strilly)228, 238
Stutt, Mr Thomas228
Symons, Mrs Thomasin224, 230
Symons, Mr William (also Simons)228-9
Tallant, Mr240
Thinn, Thomas Esq237
Thomas, William238
Tom, Mr William229
Topham, John219
Trevanion, Mr243
Tufton, Mr243
Turner, Sir William234
Tuscany, Duke of240
Vaughan, Mr Roger243
Ward, Bishop Seth232
Warren, William239
Waterworth, Captain243
Webb, Mr Henry229
Weeks, Mr William229
Whiddon, Francis224
Whiddon, Judeth224
William III, Prince of Orange238, 242
Williams, William Esq236
Windeatt, Mr Edward218
Wood, Anthony219
Woods, Sir Henry241
Woods, John238
Woollcombe family221, 223
Woollcombe, Henry222
Worcestre, Willelmi246
Worth, Mr R N218, 221, 223, 244-5
Wren, Mr243
Yeabsly, Mr225
Yennes, Captain243
Yonge family221
Yonge, James, MD, FRS221-2
Yonge, Jane222
Yorke, James Duke of234-6, 238-4, 241, 243
Yorke, Katherine241