Surname Index
North Devon Magazine: Containing The Cave and Lundy Review, Volumes 1-2
W Searle, Barnstaple, (1824), map, pp. 284
Prepared by Michael Steer
The Magazine's content is varied and quaint. There is a strong focus on Barnstaple - for example a song about Barnstaple Fair - with frequent use of the old name Barum that was revived in Victorian times. The place sounds very lively, with a lot of gossip and romance conducted in coded form through the pages of the magazine. A handwritten annotation to the Google Books copy identifies the pseudonymous editor, "Dry-Den Beauclerc", as the curate of Braunton. Barnstaple was quite a busy place for literature in the early 19th century. The Lundy Review and The Cave is a miscellany of stories, poetry, puns, epigrams, acrostics, all with the mild, faint flavour of a curate's tea-party in a cathedral town like Barchester. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally from a copy held in the Harvard University collection (the gift of William Endicott in 1921) that can be downloaded from https://books.google.co.uk/books, with a search by either author or title. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
Ackerman | 214-5 |
Alexander, Emperor (Russia) | 31 |
Alfred, King | 21, 129-31 |
Alphege, Archbishop | 156 |
Ambrose, Bishop | 119 |
Anderson, Miss | 96 |
Anderson, Sir Robert | 237 |
Anlaf | 132-3 |
Anne, Queen | 54, 194 |
Anson | 75 |
Apsley, Robert Snr | 237 |
Archer, Robert Ewan Esq | 139, 142-3, 262 |
Asser, Bishop | 21 |
Athelstan, King | 66, 129-32, 139, 167, 235 |
Aquinas, Thomas | 209 |
Augustine | 119 |
Badcock | 145 |
Badelly, John MD | 67 |
Baker | 146 |
Baldwin, Craddock & Joy, Messrs | 216 |
Banks, Sir Joseph | 114 |
Barnwell, George | 151 |
Barton, Captain | 56, 60 |
Basset family | 236 |
Bates, Mrs | 150 |
Bath, Lord & Lady | 236-8 |
Bathon, Walter de | 53 |
Beauclerc, Dry-Den (pseudonym) | 3, 5, 163, 171, 265-6 |
Beauharnois, Eugene | 258 |
Beaumont, Fletcher (pseudonym?) | 163 |
Becket, Thomas à | 140, 145-6, 153 |
Behring | 75 |
Bell, J | 97 |
Bellomont, Philip de | 53 |
Benedict, Abbot | 118 |
Benson, Mr Jeffrey | 7-9, 50, 54-6, 60, 263 |
Beshkakoff, Colonel | 27 |
Bischoff, Mr James | 67 |
Bissett, Margaret | 53 |
Bohun, Humphry de | 54 |
Boileau | 113 |
Bowring, Mr | 82 |
Buckingham, Duke & Duchess of | 112, 202-3 |
Buckland, Rev William, BD, FRS, FLS | 68-9 |
Budd, farmer | 61 |
Burdett, Sir Francis | 120 |
Burke | 208 |
Burns, Robert | 93 |
Butler, Alban | 145 |
Butler, Lieutenant | 45 |
Byron, Noel | 11, 169, 198-9, 213-4, 252, 257 |
Cade | 100 |
Camden | 146 |
Canning, George Esq | 184, 224 |
Carew family | 87 |
Carew, Squire | 87 |
Cario, Odo de | 87 |
Casteret, Lord | 54 |
Celestine, Pope | 118 |
Chad, Bishop | 118 |
Champernowne, Lady Joan (also Jane) | 54 |
Charles I | 54, 202-3 |
Charles II | 112 |
Chichester, Edward | 237 |
Chichester family | 236 |
Chichester, Richard, Bishop of | 119 |
Clarke, E, LLD | 68 |
Clarkson, Mr T | 67 |
Cleveland, Mr | 56, 59, 62 |
Cobbett | 209, 214 |
Coleridge | 215 |
Columbus, Christopher | 75 |
Cook, Captain James | 75 |
Courtney, Captain Stephen | 185 |
Coxe | 214, 252 |
Crabbe | 140 |
Crymes, Lieutenant | 56, 58, 60, 62 |
Cunningham | 90, 213 |
Cutliffe, Rev Mr | 60 |
Cutcliffe, Robert | 56 |
Cutcliffe, Thomas | 56 |
Dalgetty, Sir Duguld | 22 |
Descartes, | 111 |
DeWishe, Richard | 119 |
Dinant, Galfrid | 53 |
D'Israeli, Benjamin | 214 |
Drake, Sir Francis | 75, 237 |
Dryden | 11 |
Duilman, Alf von | 100 |
Enghien, Duc d' | 130 |
Edmund | 129, 132 |
Edred | 129 |
Edward the Elder | 129, 132-3 |
Edward, King of the West Saxons | 118 |
Edward II | 53, 145 |
Edward III | 54, 131 |
Edwin | 129 |
Elfrida | 118 |
Ethelward | 129 |
Ferdinand VII | 69, 135-6 |
Ferris, Mr | 108 |
Fletcher, Giles | 27-8, 31 |
Franklin, Captain | 75, 108 |
Galt | 213 |
Gamon, Captain | 237 |
George IV | 269 |
Gibbons | 166, 208 |
Goethe | 96, 101 |
Gower, Lord | 54 |
Granger | 150 |
Grenville | 272 |
Gregory, Bishop | 118 |
Grey, Hon. Captain | 45 |
Grey, Mr William | 45 |
Greynfield, Dick | 236 |
Gunstone, Sir Thomas | 54 |
Gustavus | 22 |
Gwynne, Horace (pseudonym) | 167 |
Haco (the Good) | 130 |
Haddo, Miss | 96 |
Hall, Captain | 214 |
Harding, P | 207 |
Harrington | 225 |
Hayne | 233 |
Healfdene | 20 |
Henderson, Dr Alexander | 215 |
Henrietta, Queen | 202 |
Henry II | 140, 145-6, 153 |
Henry II (France) | 202 |
Henry III | 5, 119 |
Henry IV | 90 |
Herbert, Rev W | 67 |
Hobson, Mr | 268 |
Hogg | 90, 213 |
Hohenloe, Prince Alexander | 67 |
Holderness, May | 24-5, 29, 31 |
Hole, Mr | 57, 59-60 |
Home, Sir E | 171 |
Howe | 111 |
Howel | 152 |
Hubba | 14, 20-1, 131 |
Hudson, Jeffery | 112 |
Hume | 151, 207 |
Hunt | 113 |
Huntingdon, Henry | 132 |
Ingwere | 20 |
Innocent IV | 118 |
Irving | 214 |
Jacob, Mr | 217 |
James I | 202-3 |
Jamieson | 42 |
Jodelle | 202 |
Johnson, Ben (Jonson) | 87 |
Johnson, Dr | 208 |
Kater, Captain | 50 |
Kean | 126 |
Keats | 215 |
Killigrew, Mr | 202 |
King, Mr Thomas | 25 |
Kirke, Colonel | 151 |
Kitchener, Dr | 109 |
Kolli, Baron de | 69 |
Landor | 217 |
Layman, Jeffry Brougham Esq (fictional?) | 24 |
Lewis, Monk | 151 |
Lister, Mrs Elizabeth | 117 |
Locke | 209-10 |
Logan | 90 |
Louis, King of France (d'Outremer) | 130 |
Lutterell family | 54 |
Lyle, Annot | 22 |
Lysons | 146 |
Macculloch, Dr | 127 |
Macgillivray, Duncan (fictional?) | 93 |
Macgillivray, Rory (fictional) | 94 |
Mallet, Mr | 78 |
Maturin | 151, 214 |
Maximilian I | 97, 99, 101 |
McSwyles, Willy | 96 |
Meade, Mr | 202, 205 |
Medwin, Captain | 198-9, 214 |
Meusel | 100 |
Milles, Dean | 145 |
Moliere | 125 |
Moon, Mr | 78 |
Moore, Sir John | 227 |
Morisco, William de | 53 |
Mortho, Rogerus de | 145 |
Moubray | 110 |
Nelson, Horatio | 120, 128 |
Napoleon (Boney) | 22, 27, 120, 124, 130, 166, 191, 251 |
Nolan | 138 |
Norrys, Jack | 238 |
O'Connor, Miss Barbara | 67 |
O'Dagra, P Esq | 24 |
Odoacer | 191 |
Odun, Earl of Devon | 21 |
Opie, Mrs | 214 |
Osborne, Mr | 114 |
Pallet, J, Esq | 24 |
Parry | 75 |
Peel, Mr | 128 |
Perouse, de la | 75 |
Perpetua, Martyr | 118 |
Prynne | 145 |
Ragnar | 131 |
Raleigh, Sir Walter | 152 |
Rapin | 153 |
Richard I | 87 |
Risdon | 20 |
Ritson | 40 |
Rogers, Captain Woodes | 185-6 |
Ross, Sandy | 150 |
Rousseau | 166 |
Rush, Burrows (pseudonym?) | 63 |
Sanders, Mr | 150 |
Say & Seale, Lord | 54, 57, 59 |
Scott | 113, 169 |
Scott, Walter, Esq (Sir) | 64, 91, 97, 109, 154, 258 |
Searle, Mr | 33, 64, 79-80, 268-9 |
Shakespeare, William | 100, 108, 199, 252 |
Shelley | 213 |
Skinner, Mr Thomas | 238 |
Smith, Rev Mr | 56, 59-60 |
Smollett | 207 |
Southey | 90, 226 |
Sparkwyll, Ricardus de | 145 |
Stael, Madame de | 22, 166 |
Stafford, Sir Thomas | 54 |
Stapeldon, Bishop | 145 |
Stuart, James | 120 |
Stukely, Sir Lewis | 152 |
Stuteville, Sir Martin | 202, 205 |
St Vincent, Lord | 272 |
Succathus (Patrick) | 118 |
Swift, Dean | 207-8 |
Totness, Joel de | 131 |
Tracey, de family | 145 |
Tracey, Henry de | 53 |
Tracey, Sir William de | 53, 139-41, 144-7, 149, 153-4 |
Turner, Sharon | 140 |
Tyler, Watt | 100 |
Unna, Herman of | 100 |
Urban IV | 119 |
Valletort, Reginald | 53 |
Walpole | 112 |
Walton, Isaac | 214 |
Warren, Sir John | 56-8, 61 |
Webber, Major General | 142 |
Wecker | 111 |
Wellington, Duke of | 111, 269 |
Wellington, Sir Ralph | 54 |
Whitbread, Mr Samuel | 120 |
White, Boys Esq (pseudonym) | 24 |
Wilkie | 123 |
William I (Conqueror) | 240 |
William III & Mary | 54 |
Wilson, R | 225 |
Wordsworth, William | 90, 214 |
Wyatt, Philip | 235-6, 238-9 |
Wyvill family | 27 |