


Surname Index


Short Notes on the Church and Parish of Ottery St. Mary, Devon


Sidney William Cornish

W. Pollard (1869) 64 pp.

Index prepared by Michael Steer

Ottery St Mary is first mentioned in the Domesday Book, where it appears as 'Otri' and 'Otrei'. 'Oteri Sancte Marie' is first mentioned in 1242. The town takes its name from the river Otter, the river taking its name from the animal. The 'St Mary' element refers to the fact that the town belonged to the church of St Mary in Rouen in 1086. The beautiful old parish church has been called a miniature Exeter Cathedral, and is renowned for its painted roof and fan vaulted aisle, the Dorset Aisle. The similarity to Exeter Cathedral is due to it having been planned by Bishop Grandisson. It was restored by the Victorian architect William Butterfield. This rare booklet, a miscellany of notes and records compiled by the vicar and now widely available as a re-print, was produced digitally from a copy held in the Harvard University Library collection that can be downloaded from https://books.google.co.uk/books, with a search by either author or title. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Alford, Elizabeth35
Alford, Rev Melchizedek35, 41
Anderson, Misses54
A'Thorn, Jane54
A'Thorn, Roger54
Axe, George20, 35
Axe, Thomas35-6
Augustine, Saint22
Austen, Rev Greaves, MA43
Axe, Mr Thomas20
Ayshford, Edmond, BA42
Bagwell, William Esq18, 52
Baker, Mr John13
Ball, John, MA42-3
Barclay, Alexander3
Barnes, John42
Beaumont, Henry63
Bedford, Earl of54
Benedict XII, Pope2
Bennett, Rev Mr53
Berkley, James de34
Bittlesgate family6
Bittlesgate, Jane52
Bittlesgate, Richard6
Bittlesgate, Thomas52
Blackall, Bishop Ofspring54
Blore, Mr5, 9
Bodley, Joan29
Bodley, Robert29
Bodley, Sir Thomas29
Boles, Rev James Thomas, MA14, 42
Bonville, Cicely6, 52
Bonville family53
Bonville, Richard Lord6
Bonville, William Lord52
Bowyer, Rev James38
Bradfield family53
Bradford, __42
Brandt, Sebastian3
Brantyngham, Bishop Thomas4, 29, 52
Braybrook, Nicholas4
Bristall, Dr35
Bristall, William, MA42
Bronescombe, Bishop1-2, 63
Browne, William, MA34
Buller, Baron Churston37
Buller, Sir Francis36-8
Burrows, ___41
Butterfield, Mr10-11, 64
Bytellisgate, Jane4
Bytellisgate, Thomas4
Cadhay family51
Cadhay, Johannae17, 51
Calame, Mr27
Carew family25
Carew, Sir Gawen25
Carew, Sir Peter25
Carey, Bishop39
Chamberlain, George William MA42
Channon, Elizabeth35
Channon, Richard Esq27, 35
Chard, Bishop Thomas3
Charles I5, 63
Charlotte, Princess37
Chilcott, ___42
Coke, John, of Thorn Esq19
Colby, Mr35
Coleridge, Anne17
Coleridge, Bishop14
Coleridge, Frances21
Coleridge, Francis George22-3
Coleridge, Mr Francis James22
Coleridge, Frederick John, MA42
Coleridge, Frederick William21
Coleridge, Rev George, BA40, 42-3
Coleridge, George May, MA44
Coleridge, Miss H D23
Coleridge, Henry Nelson39
Coleridge, Colonel James21, 39
Coleridge, James Henry, MA42
Coleridge, James Duke, DCL44
Coleridge, Rev John BA17, 36, 38, 40-3
Coleridge, Sir John Duke10-11, 22
Coleridge, Sir John Taylor10, 23, 44, 64
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor36, 38-9, 49
Coleridge, William Hart40
Coles, Captain Humphry35
Connant, Dr27
Cooke family54
Cooke, Jane54
Cooke, Henry54
Cooke, Richard54
Coplestone family53-4
Cornish, George Esq39
Cornish, George James39
Cornish, Sarah39
Cornish, Sidney W, DD41-2
Cornish, Thomas3
Coventry, John MA42
Crescet, Mr27
Cromwell, Oliveriv, 26, 32
Crosse, John42
Courtenay, Peter de, Esq4
Creyke, Stephen, MA44
Crichlow, Henry McIntosh, MA42
Cullen, Dr62
Culme, William9
Cutler, Sir John35
Davy, John of Creedy51
Davy, Margaret51
Davy, Mr38, 46
Davy, Mr T B22
Deacon, Rev G E14
Denison, Rev George Anthony14
Digby, Mr13
Dornford, Rev Prebendary14-15
Douglas, Philip Williams, MA42
Dowell, George, MA42
Drake, Dorothy18
Drake, John of Ayshe, Esq18
Drury, Archdeacon53
Drury, Rev Charles53
Drury, Rev Dr53
Drury, Mr Gerald53
Duntze, John Esq63
Eade, Edward, MA42
Edmund, Saint22
Edward, the Black Prince4
Edward the Confessor1-2, 22, 63
Edward I33, 53
Edward II4, 51
Edward III2, 4, 52, 54
Edward IV53
Edward VI5, 25
Effingham, Earl of37
Elizabeth I5, 7, 45, 53
Ellacombe, Rev R T44
Ellis, John BA42
Etheldreda, Saint22
Eveleigh, John Esq53
Eveleigh, George53
Eveleigh, Sarah33
Exeter, John de63
Fairfax, Sir Thomas8, 26, 63
Fallot, Robert52
Farthing, Ralph41
Fayre, John, MA42
Fayrsey, Oliver2
Fley, John, MA42
Forbes, Bishop22
Fortescue, Robert Henry MA42
Forward, John41
Forward, Nicholas41
Forward, Thomas, BA42
Foss, Mr37
Fox, Bishop3
Froude, Archdeacon38
Froude, Richard Hurrell, MA38, 44
Fry, Nicholas, of Yarty Esq18
Furnival, James MA42
Gardiner, Henry, MA42
Gatchell, Rev Thomas, BA17, 41-2
George II37
George III47, 62-3
George IV37
Gloucester, Duke of35
Grandisson, Beatrix5, 9
Grandisson, Bishop John de1-2, 4-5, 7, 11, 16, 24, 29, 33, 54, 63
Grandisson, Katherine2, 4
Grandisson, Lord Peter de4, 34
Grandisson, Otho de4-5
Grandisson, Sibila de4
Grandisson, Thomas de4
Grandisson, Lord William de4, 33
Grant, Charles, RN54
Graves, Elizabeth52
Graves, Hon Elizabeth Anne18, 52
Graves, Admiral Thomas (Lord Graves)52
Greaves, Austen, MA42
Grenvile, Hugonis, gent.17, 51
Grenvill, Joan51
Grenvill, Robert51
Grey, Cicely6, 52
Grey, Henry, Duke of Suffolk53
Grey, Thomas, Marquis of Dorset6, 25, 52
Gudderling, Joannes17
Gundrie, Hugh42, 46
Hall, George42
Harding, Leiutenant Colonel, FGS51
Hardman21, 23
Hare, Anne Elizabeth52
Hare, Sir Thomas, Bt.52
Hawtrey, Stephen Esq53
Haycroft, John42
Haydon, Amicii19
Haydon, Christiana51
Haydon family18, 51
Haydon, Mr Frank Scott52
Haydon, Gideon51
Haydon, Johanna17, 51-2
Haydon, Johannes, Armig.17, 20, 51-2
Haydon, John de Boughwood51
Haydon, Margaret41
Haydon, Richard51
Haydon, Roberti, Armig.19, 51
Haydon, Sara19
Haydon, Thomas51
Heard, Sir Isaac37-8, 41
Heath, Mrs32
Henry I20
Henry II52
Henry III53-4
Henry III1
Henry VI52-3, 63
Henry VII63
Henry VIII5, 43, 45, 51, 53-4, 63
Hill, Francis Thomas42
Holberton, Robert, MA44
Hole, George, BCL44
Hole, Rev Prebendary14
Holme, Rev Richard, MA36, 41-3
Hone familyiv, 29
Hone, Joan29
Hone, Robert Esq29
Hope, Mr Beresford15
How, J M Esq63
Howitt, Maryii
Hull, William41
Hunt, Rev Augustus Archer, MA14, 42
Hunt, Edward George, MA42
Hitchinson, Mr P O48
Hydon, Gideon Esq27
Isabel, Queen4
James I8
James, Rev R W22
Jeffries, Judge28
Jenkinson, Richard, MA41-2
John, King54
John XXII, Pope4, 34
Jones, Inigo47
Juxon, Archbishop28
Keeble, Mr35
Kennaway, Charles Edward, MA44
Kennaway, Sir John, Bt9, 47, 63
Kennaway, John Henry48
Kennicott, Dr36
Kestells family39
Kestells, Sarah39
Kingsmill, Admiral Sir Robert37
Kirwan, Rev R, MA55
Knightston, John de52
Knightston, Margaret52
Knightson, Richard52
Lacy, Bishop29
Lamb, Charles38
Lancaster, Edmund Earl of33
Laurence, John63
Lavington, Bishop36
Leigh, John Esq51
Leigh, William30
Lewes, Hugh41
Light, Mr27
Livermore, Mr13
Locke, John48
Lott, William Buckland MA42
Lowe, Rev E C14
Lupo, John de53
Lupo, Robert de (Wolfe)53
Luxmoore, John DD43
Mainwarynge, Ralph41
Malherbe family53
Mallett, Joan53
Mallett, John53
Mansfield, Lord Chief Justice37
Marker, Rev Henry54
Marker, Richard Esq9, 42, 53-4
Marker, Rev Thomas John53
Markland, Mr24
Mary, Queen53
Mason, George, MA42
Mercer family54
Mercer, John54
Mercer, Richard, MA42
Middleton, Thomas Fanshawe38
Milles, Dr Jeremiah48
Monmouth, Duke of28
Montacute, Katherine2, 4
Montacute, William (Earl of Salisbury)2, 4
Montgomery, Gerard39
Moore, John53
Moore-Stevens, Archdeacon64
Mortimer, Blanche de4
Mountenay, Sir Theobald4
Mundy, Matthew, BA42
Musgrave, Dr55
Newman, Dr38
Newte, Rev Richard28
Norfolk, Duke of37
Northwode, Agnes de4
Northwode, Sir John de4
Oldham, Bishop Hugh3, 5
Oliver, Dr3, 30, 34, 53
Palfrey, Mr27
Parker, Mr J H5
Parochus, William4
Passemer, Thomas42
Patteshulle, Sir John de4
Pattishulle, Mabill4
Patteshulle, Peter de4
Patteson, Frances Duke21
Patteson, Sir John21
Patteson, John Coleridge, MA (DD)42, 44
Pattrick, G H Esq21
Pawlet, Sir Amias, Knt51
Pawlet, Joan51
Pembroke, William Earl of34
Petre, Sir William53
Philip IV, (France)4
Phillpotts, Bishop39
Pickering, Colonel26
Pidsley, Mr Elias54
Pitfield family54
Pitt, Mr37
Podmore, Rev Richard Hillman, MA12, 14, 23, 42
Pole, Sir William51, 53-4
Polwhele1, 26, 32, 46-7
Portman family35
Portman, Henry Esq35
Portman, Sir William, Bt35
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth39
Praeneste, Peter, Cardinal Bishop of34
Preedy of Worcester21
Preneste, Peter, Cardinal Bishop de4
Prestocoote, John4
Pulman, James Esq4, 7, 41
Putt, Rev Thomas53
Quivil, Bishop6
Raleigh, Sir Walteriv, 46
Rammell, T W Esq62
Randoll, Samuel, BA42
Randolph, Rev J H23
Read, William MA42
Reynolds, Dr27
Richard II1
Richards, Joseph Loscombe, DD44
Rickman, Mr5
Risdon7, 51-2
Rivers, Lord, (Widville)52-3
Rolfe family54
Rolle, Lady Louisa21
Rose, General Sir Hugh (Lord Strathnairn)41
Rost, John, MA41-2
Russell, Lord25
Sackville, U B Lee, MA44
Salter, Frederick, BA42
Saunders, Antony42
Selway, Mr13
Seymour, Edward, Earl of Hertford5
Sheppard, Humphrey46
Sherman, Dorothy18
Sherman familyiv, 16-17, 19, 29, 53-4
Sherman, Gideon, Esq18, 52
Sherman, Gulielmi (William)19, 28, 53
Sherman, Joannis (Joan)19, 53
Sherman, John53
Sherman, Richardi19, 53
Smerdon, Fulwood, MA41-2
Smirke, Mr Edwards34
Smith, Elizabeth22
Smith, Rev George, MA22, 41, 42
Smyth, Major Carmichael50
Smyth, Oliver17
Sneyd-Kinnersley, T C Esq22
Somerset, Duke of53
Speke, Mrs Phillippa35
Spineto, Walter de54
Stafford, Lady Cicely, Countess of Wiltshire6
Stafford, Henry Lord, Earl of Wiltshire.6
St John, Mrs Claudia35
Stonehouse, Mrs Mary35
Stukely, Dr55
Suffolk, Duke of (Grey)53
Sutton, Sir Robert52
Thackeray, William Makepeace50
Thomson, Henry Thurston, BA42
Thorn, John54
Tidersleigh, Christiana51
Tidersleigh, Robert51
Tregoz, John Lord33
Tregoz, Sibilla de4, 33
Treley family53
Trosse family54
Turquand, Alexander Peter, MA42
Upton, Elias52
Upton, John52
Upton, Margaret52
Valerian, Emperor22
Vaughan, Charles Esq46
Venne, Rev Richard45
Veysie, Bishop (Veysey)3, 5, 29
Vivian family54
Walker, Rev John41, 45
Wall, John32
Wallop, Henry Esq35
Walrond, Mr Humphry53
Warbeck, Perkin63
Ware, Roger42
Warelwast, Bishop6
Warren, John, DD42-3
Webber, Rev R L14
White, Samuel48-9
Whiteway, Edward, MA42
Whitlock, George Esq41
Whitlock, Sir George Cornish, KCB41
Widville, Anthony52
Widville family52
Widville, Sur Richard53
Widville, Willielmus de52
William III & Mary (Prince of Orange)32, 63
Williams, Elizabeth52
Williams, William Peere, Esq51-2
Wollaston, Mr58
Woodford, Elizabeth32
Woodyer, Mr10, 12
Yarde family37
Yarde, Miss Susannah36
Yonge, Sir George, Bt1, 47, 63
Yonge, Sir Walter28, 35, 47-8
Young, Francis27