




An Account of the Church of Ottery St Mary


F.G. Coleridge

Exeter Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society. [Printed by I. Shrimpton, Oxford 1842].

Prepared by Michael Steer

In the summer of 1841, several members of the Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society visited the church at Ottery St Mary and determined that the Society would make it the subject of its first publication. The resultant publication focuses on the history of the Church's foundation, its College and its history subsequent to the Reformation. There is an extensive appendix comprised of ancient documents, mostly in Latin, as well as architectural plans and drawings, these all part of an architectural description that can be relied upon for the accuracy of its detail and measurement. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Acornbury, Maud prioress of38
Albussaco, Willielmo de73
Alexander IV, pope18
Alford, Melchizedech42, 47
Alington, Sir Giles15
Alley, bishop14
Amrob, duke66
Anne, queen42
Aquino, Thomas de87
Arbtert, canon66
Arundell, Sir Edward de87
Arundell, Sibille de87
Attemore, Andrew13
Atte More, Margarete18
At Welles, Johanni21
At Welles, Rogeri21
Aysheford, Edmund BA44
Bakeput, Radulpho de66
Ball, John MA43-4
Balle, Henry20
Barbitonsori, Galfrido88
Barclay, Alexander14-6
Barnes, John43-4
Bastcombe, Baldwin14
Bellocampo, Johanne de74
Bellocampo, magistro Philippo de87
Benedict XII, pope7, 37
Bennet, William26
Benynes, Johannis21
Birstall, William MA43
Bitton, bishop Thomas6
Blaunkmonster, Randulpho de88
Blore, Mr60
Bokeland, John13, 20
Bonefaster, John26
Bonet, Henry13
Bourchier knot57
Braddon, Thomas104-6
Bradford, Mr44
Bramston, Roger14, 93
Brantyngham, bishop Thomas3, 17, 24
Braybrok, Willielmo de88-9
Braybroke, Robert91
Braybrook, Mr Nicholas16, 29, 88-9
Brihtric, minister66
Brokeshoe, John91
Brompston, Roger91-2
Bronescombe, bishop Walter4-5, 62-3, 66-8
Browne, Richard93
Browne, William52
Bryenchome, Gaufrido de73
Buller, Sir Francis Bt48
Buller, Lady Susannah48
Burn, Dr67
Byschap, John26
Byttysgate, Joan17
Byttysgate, Thomas (also Byttelisgate)17
Cacis, Bernardo de73
Cadhay family53
Cadhay, Johanne49
Cadwodleigh, John14
Callamy45, 47
Calley, Ricardi21
Canterbury, William archbishop89
Cavendish, Walter16
Chalvedon, Andrew23
Channon, Richard103-7
Chard, Thomas13
Charles I29, 35
Charles II34-5
Check, Elizabeth47
Cissori, Johanne88
Clement VI, pope74
Clifford, Petro de74
Clyfford, Johanne de88
Coke, John esq52
Coleridge, F G esq2
Coleridge, George BA44-5
Coleridge, John BA42-3, 45
Coleridge, Ann48
Coleridge, John48
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor48
Collins, Mr Robert47
Collins, Simon47
Colyn, John26
Cook, Christopher gent104-5
Coplestone arms54
Coplestone, Elizabeth54
Coplestone, Richard esq54
Cornish, Sidney William DD42, 44
Cornish, bishop Thomas13, 15
Coterel, John13
Cotingham, Thomas de84
Cotton, bishop41
Courtenay arms39, 59, 61
Courtenay, earl Hugh de74
Courtenay, bishop Peter12, 22, 25, 34, 57, 59
Courtenay, Peter, armiger17, 39
Courtenay, Thomas de74
Courtenay, magister Willielmo de88, 90
Crecow, Willielmi23
Crika, William de5
Cromwell, Oliver47
Crosse, John43
Cullyng, William90
Curturtin, John14
Danyel, John26
Davey, Miss Mary47
Dener, dom Johann27
Dennis, Sir Robert Kt104, 106
Dennis, Sir Thomas Kt104, 106-7
Dicker, William93
Dorset, marquis of17
Drake arms54
Drake, Dorothy51
Drake, magister Johannis27, 51
Dudman, Walter14
Dugdale12, 36-7, 39
Duke, Mrs Mary47
Duno, Johanne de73
Dycher, William14
Dynham, John lord, KG27
Dynham, Olivero de74
Dyres, Matilde21
Eadgyd, queen65
Ealdred, archbishop66
Earle, Katherine43
Earle, Richard43
Eddeworth, Stephano de66
Edward the black prince17
Edward the confessor4, 6-7, 65, 69, 73, 79, 87
Edward the elder65
Edward II38
Edward III6-7, 12, 17, 36-9, 54, 69, 73-5, 82
Edward IV23
Edward VI29, 31, 34, 103-4
Elfrid, bishop66
Egelric, bishop66
Elizabeth I29, 32, 34, 41-2, 103
Ellis, John BA45
Everard, Petro66
Exeter, John de40
Fairfax, general Sir Thomas46
Farcy, Oliver de72, 75-6, 81-2
Farthing, Ralph42
Faukham, Willielmo de66
Fayrsy, Oliver7
Flea, John MA44
Flete, dom Johan26
Ford, abbot of5, 68
Forde, John MA45, 92
Forward, John42, 45
Forward, Nicholas42, 44, 103-5
Forward, Thomas BA44-5
Fowling, Humphrey gent103-7
Fox, bishop13
France, Philip IV king of38
Frank, Thomas92
Fraunceys, Johanne74
Frescon, Johannis19
Fry, Nicholas esq52
Fysher, John14
Galfridus, vicar6, 68
Garth, Richard92
Gatchell, Thomas BA42, 45
George I42
George II42
George III42
Gervys, William92
Geyrd, duke66
Gibson, bishop3
Gidley, John esq1
Glade, Thome21
Gloucester, duke of42
Gonisale, Richard de (also Gomersale)13, 72
Gore, William16
Gould, John47
Grandisson, Agnes de37-8, 53
Grandisson arms36, 39-40, 59, 61, 107
Grandisson, Beatrix de54
Grandisson, Blanche de38
Grandisson, Elizabeth de37
Grandisson family57
Grandisson, bishop John deix, 3, 7, 10-1, 13, 16, 18, 22, 27-8, 34, 36-8, 40, 62-3, 72-4, 81, 83-4, 89-92, 107
Grandisson, Katherine de38, 92
Grandisson, Mabill de38
Grandisson, Maud de38
Grandisson, Otho de10-1, 16-7, 25, 36-8, 40, 54, 79, 83
Grandisson, Peter lord37-8, 40
Grandisson, Sibilla de10, 17, 22, 27, 37, 79, 92
Grandisson, Thomas de, clerk38
Grandisson, Sir Thomas de17, 37-9
Grandisson, archdeacon William de38, 92
Grandisson, lord William de10, 17, 22, 27, 36-7, 39-40, 53, 79
Gray, marchioness Cicely17
Gray, marquis Thomas17
Greaves, Austin BA43
Grenfeld, Hugo26
Grenvile, Hugonis49
Grenvile, Johanne49
Grete, domino Waltero27
Guderling, magister Johannes48
Gundrie, Hugh44-5
Hacche, Thomas91
Hall, bishop44
Hall, George45
Hals, Richard93
Hancock, John13
Harbelyn, Johannis21
Haw, Thoma24
Haycraft, John44
Haydon, Amicii50
Haydon family50
Haydon, Johanna49
Haydon, John esq, armig31, 49-50, 56, 94
Haydon, Roberti, armig50, 103
Haydon, Roger14
Haydon, Sara50
Hayman, Robert26
Hayne, Ricardi26
Hayward, John esq1
Hebere, John14
Henrici, Beati26
Henry I49
Henry III4, 66
Henry IV67
Henry V4, 65
Henry VI12, 21
Henry VII27
Henry VIII12, 14-5, 29, 33, 57, 84, 92-3, 101, 103
Herne, John26
Herne, Thomas14
Hertford, earl of29
Herward, magister Roberto87
Hext, Thomas90
Hillyng, Willi23
Holand, John de88
Holcombe, Alice26
Holcombe, cantore27-8
Holme, Richard MA42-3, 45
Howell, Richard91
Howse, Walter de la18, 82
Hull, William42
Hurd, Elizabeth48
Hurd, Sir Isaac48
Hurd, John48
Isabel, queen dowager38, 86
James I29, 35, 59
James II35
Jenkinson, Richard MA42, 45
John XXII, pope10, 17, 37, 75, 79
Kaereu, Johanne de74
Kent, Richard earl of15
Knightstone, John de17, 74
Kightstone, Richard de17
Knolle, John14
Kyng, Willo22
Lacy, bishop Edmund3, 12, 23, 41, 84
Ladpin, bishop66
Lancaster, Edward earl of39, 86
Langrige, Thome19
Langton, archbishop Stephen67
Laurens, John92
Leap, Robert26
Leofric, bishop66
Leofstan, bishop66
Leoppine, bishop66
Lewes, Hugh42
Lfgear, minister66
Lira, Nicholai de87
Lodovico, bishop of Hereford87-8
Lunday, Willielmo85
Lysons, Messrs54
Malmaynes, Beatrix de36
Malmaynes, Nicholas de36
March, earl of61
Marker, Richard BA43
Mary, queen29
Mainwarynge, Ralph (Manwaring)41, 104-6
Mercer, Richard MA43-4
Merumann, bishop66
Middleton, John de6
Milmede, Sibille24
Mitchell, Thomas13
Montacute arms16, 59, 61
Montacute, Katherine de16, 39
Montacute, Sibill de39
Montacute, earl William de (also Monte Acuto)16, 38-9, 87-8
Monte Acuto, Catherine de22, 27
Monte Acuto, Johanne de87, 89
Moor, Andrew de88
More, Hugonis94
More, Johanni21
Mortimer arms of38
Mortimer, Blanche de38
Mortimer, earl Roger38
Mounceux, John de88
Mountenay, Sir Theobald de16, 36-7
Munday, Matthew BA45
Munet, Richardo66
Nassington, Thomas de82
Nassington, William de71-2
Newenham, abbot of11, 18, 27, 82
Norfolk, Thomas duke of15
Northwode, Agnes de17, 22, 27, 37-8, 53
Northwode, John de37, 53
Northwode Dr John DD53
Northwode, Sir Johannis Kt22, 37-8
Oldham, bishop Hugh13-4, 57
Oliver, Rev George1, 6-7, 14, 29, 37
Orange, prince of35
Ortric, Abbot66
Otho, cardinal6
Otry, Richard de13
Parr, Mr Edward47
Passemer, Thomas43-4
Patteshull, Sir John de38
Patteshull, lady Mabill de38
Pateshulle, Peter de16, 22
Patteshulle, Thome22
Pempel, Stephen de88
Penestrini, Petrus cardinal92
Percy, Galfrido de66
Perriam, William47
Peryens, Robert92-3
Philips, Nicholas14
Pickering, Colonel46
Plumbero, Johanni22
Porter, Thomas esqix
Power, Johanne74
Præneste, Cardinal Peter, bishop of10, 17, 22, 27
Præsulibus, Godwin de38
Pratellis, Roberto de73
Prestocoote, John (Prescote)17, 24
Prince, Rev John31
Pulfpob, abbot66
Pulman, James esq36
Quivil, bishop Peter6, 62, 68
Rabayne, Elija de66
Radford, Agnes47
Radford, John47
Ralegh, Richard28
Randoll, Samuel BA43-4
Raulagh, Johanne de74
Raymond, Willi21
Read, William MA45
Richard II4, 65-7
Richard III12, 23
Risdon, Tristram3, 17, 31, 37, 40, 53
Roculo, minister66
Roirois, minister66
Rome, John bishop of92
Rost, John42, 45
Rotbeard, minister66
Rymer14, 69
Sage, Thomas88
Salisbury, Katherine countess of17, 38-9
Salisbury, William earl of38, 87
Salter, Frederick BA45
Sancto Gorono, William de5, 67
Sarger, John13
Saunders, Anthony (also Sanders)32, 43, 104-5, 107
Selman, John3
Seymour, Edward29
Shaplin, Richard gent104
Shareshull, magister Johanne88
Sharnebrok, John de (also Charnebroke)6, 69
Sheldoc, Johanne23
Sherman, Dorothy51
Sherman family53
Sherman, Gideon esq52
Sherman, John50, 53
Sherman, Richard53
Sherman, William17, 27, 53, 94
Shernocke, Hugh (Charnocke)14
Shute, Grace47
Sifreard, bishop66
Slade, William13
Smerdon, Fulwood, MA42, 44-5
Smith, George MA42, 45
Smith, Oliver (Smyth)14, 48, 90, 92
Smyth, John91
Smyth, Wilmote91
Snallbyn, Thomas26
Somerset, duke of29
Southcott, Hannah48
Southcott, Joanna48
Southcott, William48
Southey, Mr52
Stafford knot57
Stafford, bishop16
Stapledon, bishop Walter6, 68
Stephens, Thomas13
Stigand, archbishop66
Stokeman, Roger (also Stokman)14, 90-3
Stowford, William90
St Paul, Sir John de38
Suffolk, duke of17
Swaynden, Matilde22
Sweyne, Ricardi21
Sweyne, Stephen19
Tanner, bishop12, 15
Terlinge, Alexander103-7
Thomas, clockmaker28
Thomson, Henry Thurston BA45
Thormerton, master John6, 68
Tostis, duke66
Tregoz, John lord37
Tregoz, lady Sibill37, 39
Trent, William94
Trynech, Nicholai de87
Tuggell, Thomas88-9
Turbeville, bishop14
Tyrel, John13
Vallibus, Johanne de66
Vaughan, Carolus armig54
Veysey, bishop, John3, 12, 14-5, 59, 107
Victoria, queen42
Vulfric, abbot66
Wakefield, Thomas46
Wall, John47
Walrond, Humphry esq103
Walter, precentor6
Ware, Johannis24
Ware, Mr44
Ware, Roger26, 44
Ware, Thomas28
Ware, William28
Warren, John DD43-5
Westbury, Roger de88
Whiteway, William MA45
William I4
William III42
William parochus17
Wlfgar, duke (also minister)66
Wood, Anthony47
Wood, Dr47
Wood, Mrs Frances47
Woodville, Anthony17
Wreford, Mr Samuel18
Wygorn, bishop Willielmus88
Wykford, Robert de88
Wylieth, Johanne88
Wyntburn, Richardi25
Wyntreshutt, Willielmus de66
Yarde, Miss Susannah48
Yong, John93
Yteldeof, duke66