An Account of the Church of Ottery St Mary
F.G. Coleridge
Exeter Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society. [Printed by I. Shrimpton, Oxford 1842].
Prepared by Michael Steer
In the summer of 1841, several members of the Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society visited the church at Ottery St Mary and determined that the Society would make it the subject of its first publication. The resultant publication focuses on the history of the Church's foundation, its College and its history subsequent to the Reformation. There is an extensive appendix comprised of ancient documents, mostly in Latin, as well as architectural plans and drawings, these all part of an architectural description that can be relied upon for the accuracy of its detail and measurement. This rare and much sought-after book was produced digitally by Google from a copy in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library collection and can be downloaded from HathiTrust. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Page | |
A | |
Acornbury, Maud prioress of | 38 |
Albussaco, Willielmo de | 73 |
Alexander IV, pope | 18 |
Alford, Melchizedech | 42, 47 |
Alington, Sir Giles | 15 |
Alley, bishop | 14 |
Amrob, duke | 66 |
Anne, queen | 42 |
Aquino, Thomas de | 87 |
Arbtert, canon | 66 |
Arundell, Sir Edward de | 87 |
Arundell, Sibille de | 87 |
Attemore, Andrew | 13 |
Atte More, Margarete | 18 |
At Welles, Johanni | 21 |
At Welles, Rogeri | 21 |
Aysheford, Edmund BA | 44 |
B | |
Bakeput, Radulpho de | 66 |
Bale | 15 |
Ball, John MA | 43-4 |
Balle, Henry | 20 |
Barbitonsori, Galfrido | 88 |
Barclay, Alexander | 14-6 |
Barnes, John | 43-4 |
Bastcombe, Baldwin | 14 |
Baxter | 47 |
Bellocampo, Johanne de | 74 |
Bellocampo, magistro Philippo de | 87 |
Benedict XII, pope | 7, 37 |
Bennet, William | 26 |
Benynes, Johannis | 21 |
Birstall, William MA | 43 |
Bitton, bishop Thomas | 6 |
Blaunkmonster, Randulpho de | 88 |
Blore, Mr | 60 |
Bokeland, John | 13, 20 |
Bonefaster, John | 26 |
Bonet, Henry | 13 |
Bourchier knot | 57 |
Braddon, Thomas | 104-6 |
Bradford, Mr | 44 |
Bramston, Roger | 14, 93 |
Brantyngham, bishop Thomas | 3, 17, 24 |
Braybrok, Willielmo de | 88-9 |
Braybroke, Robert | 91 |
Braybrook, Mr Nicholas | 16, 29, 88-9 |
Brihtric, minister | 66 |
Brokeshoe, John | 91 |
Brompston, Roger | 91-2 |
Bronescombe, bishop Walter | 4-5, 62-3, 66-8 |
Browne, Richard | 93 |
Browne, William | 52 |
Bryenchome, Gaufrido de | 73 |
Buller, Sir Francis Bt | 48 |
Buller, Lady Susannah | 48 |
Burn, Dr | 67 |
Burrows | 42 |
Byschap, John | 26 |
Byttysgate, Joan | 17 |
Byttysgate, Thomas (also Byttelisgate) | 17 |
C | |
Cacis, Bernardo de | 73 |
Cadhay family | 53 |
Cadhay, Johanne | 49 |
Cadwodleigh, John | 14 |
Callamy | 45, 47 |
Calley, Ricardi | 21 |
Canterbury, William archbishop | 89 |
Cavendish, Walter | 16 |
Chalvedon, Andrew | 23 |
Channon, Richard | 103-7 |
Chard, Thomas | 13 |
Charles I | 29, 35 |
Charles II | 34-5 |
Check, Elizabeth | 47 |
Chilcott | 43 |
Cissori, Johanne | 88 |
Clement VI, pope | 74 |
Clifford, Petro de | 74 |
Clyfford, Johanne de | 88 |
Coke, John esq | 52 |
Coleridge, F G esq | 2 |
Coleridge, George BA | 44-5 |
Coleridge, John BA | 42-3, 45 |
Coleridge, Ann | 48 |
Coleridge, John | 48 |
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor | 48 |
Collins, Mr Robert | 47 |
Collins, Simon | 47 |
Colyn, John | 26 |
Cook, Christopher gent | 104-5 |
Coplestone arms | 54 |
Coplestone, Elizabeth | 54 |
Coplestone, Richard esq | 54 |
Cornish, Sidney William DD | 42, 44 |
Cornish, bishop Thomas | 13, 15 |
Coterel, John | 13 |
Cotingham, Thomas de | 84 |
Cotton, bishop | 41 |
Courtenay arms | 39, 59, 61 |
Courtenay, earl Hugh de | 74 |
Courtenay, bishop Peter | 12, 22, 25, 34, 57, 59 |
Courtenay, Peter, armiger | 17, 39 |
Courtenay, Thomas de | 74 |
Courtenay, magister Willielmo de | 88, 90 |
Crecow, Willielmi | 23 |
Crika, William de | 5 |
Cromwell, Oliver | 47 |
Crosse, John | 43 |
Cullyng, William | 90 |
Curturtin, John | 14 |
D | |
Danyel, John | 26 |
Davey, Miss Mary | 47 |
Dener, dom Johann | 27 |
Dennis, Sir Robert Kt | 104, 106 |
Dennis, Sir Thomas Kt | 104, 106-7 |
Dicker, William | 93 |
Dorset, marquis of | 17 |
Drake arms | 54 |
Drake, Dorothy | 51 |
Drake, magister Johannis | 27, 51 |
Dudman, Walter | 14 |
Dugdale | 12, 36-7, 39 |
Duke, Mrs Mary | 47 |
Duno, Johanne de | 73 |
Dycher, William | 14 |
Dynham, John lord, KG | 27 |
Dynham, Olivero de | 74 |
Dyres, Matilde | 21 |
E | |
Eadgyd, queen | 65 |
Ealdred, archbishop | 66 |
Earle, Katherine | 43 |
Earle, Richard | 43 |
Eddeworth, Stephano de | 66 |
Edward the black prince | 17 |
Edward the confessor | 4, 6-7, 65, 69, 73, 79, 87 |
Edward the elder | 65 |
Edward II | 38 |
Edward III | 6-7, 12, 17, 36-9, 54, 69, 73-5, 82 |
Edward IV | 23 |
Edward VI | 29, 31, 34, 103-4 |
Elfrid, bishop | 66 |
Egelric, bishop | 66 |
Elizabeth I | 29, 32, 34, 41-2, 103 |
Ellis, John BA | 45 |
Everard, Petro | 66 |
Exeter, John de | 40 |
F | |
Fairfax, general Sir Thomas | 46 |
Farcy, Oliver de | 72, 75-6, 81-2 |
Farthing, Ralph | 42 |
Faukham, Willielmo de | 66 |
Fayrsy, Oliver | 7 |
Flea, John MA | 44 |
Flete, dom Johan | 26 |
Ford, abbot of | 5, 68 |
Forde, John MA | 45, 92 |
Forward, John | 42, 45 |
Forward, Nicholas | 42, 44, 103-5 |
Forward, Thomas BA | 44-5 |
Fowling, Humphrey gent | 103-7 |
Fox, bishop | 13 |
France, Philip IV king of | 38 |
Frank, Thomas | 92 |
Fraunceys, Johanne | 74 |
Frescon, Johannis | 19 |
Fry, Nicholas esq | 52 |
Fuller | 29 |
Fysher, John | 14 |
G | |
Galfridus, vicar | 6, 68 |
Garth, Richard | 92 |
Gatchell, Thomas BA | 42, 45 |
George I | 42 |
George II | 42 |
George III | 42 |
Gervys, William | 92 |
Geyrd, duke | 66 |
Gibson, bishop | 3 |
Gidley, John esq | 1 |
Glade, Thome | 21 |
Gloucester, duke of | 42 |
Glover | 39 |
Gonisale, Richard de (also Gomersale) | 13, 72 |
Gore, William | 16 |
Gould, John | 47 |
Grandisson, Agnes de | 37-8, 53 |
Grandisson arms | 36, 39-40, 59, 61, 107 |
Grandisson, Beatrix de | 54 |
Grandisson, Blanche de | 38 |
Grandisson, Elizabeth de | 37 |
Grandisson family | 57 |
Grandisson, bishop John de | ix, 3, 7, 10-1, 13, 16, 18, 22, 27-8, 34, 36-8, 40, 62-3, 72-4, 81, 83-4, 89-92, 107 |
Grandisson, Katherine de | 38, 92 |
Grandisson, Mabill de | 38 |
Grandisson, Maud de | 38 |
Grandisson, Otho de | 10-1, 16-7, 25, 36-8, 40, 54, 79, 83 |
Grandisson, Peter lord | 37-8, 40 |
Grandisson, Sibilla de | 10, 17, 22, 27, 37, 79, 92 |
Grandisson, Thomas de, clerk | 38 |
Grandisson, Sir Thomas de | 17, 37-9 |
Grandisson, archdeacon William de | 38, 92 |
Grandisson, lord William de | 10, 17, 22, 27, 36-7, 39-40, 53, 79 |
Gray, marchioness Cicely | 17 |
Gray, marquis Thomas | 17 |
Greaves, Austin BA | 43 |
Grenfeld, Hugo | 26 |
Grenvile, Hugonis | 49 |
Grenvile, Johanne | 49 |
Grete, domino Waltero | 27 |
Guderling, magister Johannes | 48 |
Gundrie, Hugh | 44-5 |
H | |
Hacche, Thomas | 91 |
Hall, bishop | 44 |
Hall, George | 45 |
Hals, Richard | 93 |
Hancock, John | 13 |
Harbelyn, Johannis | 21 |
Haw, Thoma | 24 |
Haycraft, John | 44 |
Haydon, Amicii | 50 |
Haydon family | 50 |
Haydon, Johanna | 49 |
Haydon, John esq, armig | 31, 49-50, 56, 94 |
Haydon, Roberti, armig | 50, 103 |
Haydon, Roger | 14 |
Haydon, Sara | 50 |
Hayman, Robert | 26 |
Hayne, Ricardi | 26 |
Hayward, John esq | 1 |
Hebere, John | 14 |
Henrici, Beati | 26 |
Henry I | 49 |
Henry III | 4, 66 |
Henry IV | 67 |
Henry V | 4, 65 |
Henry VI | 12, 21 |
Henry VII | 27 |
Henry VIII | 12, 14-5, 29, 33, 57, 84, 92-3, 101, 103 |
Herne, John | 26 |
Herne, Thomas | 14 |
Hertford, earl of | 29 |
Herward, magister Roberto | 87 |
Hext, Thomas | 90 |
Hillyng, Willi | 23 |
Holand, John de | 88 |
Holcombe, Alice | 26 |
Holcombe, cantore | 27-8 |
Holme, Richard MA | 42-3, 45 |
Howell, Richard | 91 |
Howse, Walter de la | 18, 82 |
Hull, William | 42 |
Hurd, Elizabeth | 48 |
Hurd, Sir Isaac | 48 |
Hurd, John | 48 |
I | |
Isabel, queen dowager | 38, 86 |
Izacke | 13 |
J | |
James I | 29, 35, 59 |
James II | 35 |
Jenkinson, Richard MA | 42, 45 |
John XXII, pope | 10, 17, 37, 75, 79 |
K | |
Kaereu, Johanne de | 74 |
Kennett | 67 |
Kent, Richard earl of | 15 |
Knightstone, John de | 17, 74 |
Kightstone, Richard de | 17 |
Knolle, John | 14 |
Kyng, Willo | 22 |
L | |
Lacy, bishop Edmund | 3, 12, 23, 41, 84 |
Ladpin, bishop | 66 |
Lancaster, Edward earl of | 39, 86 |
Langrige, Thome | 19 |
Langton, archbishop Stephen | 67 |
Laurens, John | 92 |
Leap, Robert | 26 |
Leofric, bishop | 66 |
Leofstan, bishop | 66 |
Leoppine, bishop | 66 |
Lewes, Hugh | 42 |
Lfgear, minister | 66 |
Lira, Nicholai de | 87 |
Lodovico, bishop of Hereford | 87-8 |
Lunday, Willielmo | 85 |
Lyndewode | 67-8 |
Lysons, Messrs | 54 |
M | |
Malmaynes, Beatrix de | 36 |
Malmaynes, Nicholas de | 36 |
March, earl of | 61 |
Marker, Richard BA | 43 |
Mary, queen | 29 |
Mainwarynge, Ralph (Manwaring) | 41, 104-6 |
Mercer, Richard MA | 43-4 |
Merumann, bishop | 66 |
Middleton, John de | 6 |
Milmede, Sibille | 24 |
Mitchell, Thomas | 13 |
Montacute arms | 16, 59, 61 |
Montacute, Katherine de | 16, 39 |
Montacute, Sibill de | 39 |
Montacute, earl William de (also Monte Acuto) | 16, 38-9, 87-8 |
Monte Acuto, Catherine de | 22, 27 |
Monte Acuto, Johanne de | 87, 89 |
Moor, Andrew de | 88 |
More, Hugonis | 94 |
More, Johanni | 21 |
Mortimer arms of | 38 |
Mortimer, Blanche de | 38 |
Mortimer, earl Roger | 38 |
Mounceux, John de | 88 |
Mountenay, Sir Theobald de | 16, 36-7 |
Munday, Matthew BA | 45 |
Munet, Richardo | 66 |
N | |
Nassington, Thomas de | 82 |
Nassington, William de | 71-2 |
Newenham, abbot of | 11, 18, 27, 82 |
Norfolk, Thomas duke of | 15 |
Northwode, Agnes de | 17, 22, 27, 37-8, 53 |
Northwode, John de | 37, 53 |
Northwode Dr John DD | 53 |
Northwode, Sir Johannis Kt | 22, 37-8 |
O | |
Oldham, bishop Hugh | 13-4, 57 |
Oliver, Rev George | 1, 6-7, 14, 29, 37 |
Orange, prince of | 35 |
Ortric, Abbot | 66 |
Otho, cardinal | 6 |
Otry, Richard de | 13 |
P | |
Palmer | 45 |
Parnell | 17 |
Parr, Mr Edward | 47 |
Passemer, Thomas | 43-4 |
Patteshull, Sir John de | 38 |
Patteshull, lady Mabill de | 38 |
Pateshulle, Peter de | 16, 22 |
Patteshulle, Thome | 22 |
Pempel, Stephen de | 88 |
Penestrini, Petrus cardinal | 92 |
Percy, Galfrido de | 66 |
Perriam, William | 47 |
Peryens, Robert | 92-3 |
Philips, Nicholas | 14 |
Pickering, Colonel | 46 |
Plumbero, Johanni | 22 |
Porter, Thomas esq | ix |
Power, Johanne | 74 |
Præneste, Cardinal Peter, bishop of | 10, 17, 22, 27 |
Præsulibus, Godwin de | 38 |
Pratellis, Roberto de | 73 |
Prestocoote, John (Prescote) | 17, 24 |
Prince, Rev John | 31 |
Prynne | 6 |
Pulfpob, abbot | 66 |
Pulman, James esq | 36 |
Q | |
Quivil, bishop Peter | 6, 62, 68 |
R | |
Rabayne, Elija de | 66 |
Radford, Agnes | 47 |
Radford, John | 47 |
Ralegh, Richard | 28 |
Randoll, Samuel BA | 43-4 |
Raulagh, Johanne de | 74 |
Raymond, Willi | 21 |
Read, William MA | 45 |
Resenbold | 66 |
Richard II | 4, 65-7 |
Richard III | 12, 23 |
Risdon, Tristram | 3, 17, 31, 37, 40, 53 |
Roculo, minister | 66 |
Roirois, minister | 66 |
Rome, John bishop of | 92 |
Rost, John | 42, 45 |
Rotbeard, minister | 66 |
Rymer | 14, 69 |
S | |
Sage, Thomas | 88 |
Salisbury, Katherine countess of | 17, 38-9 |
Salisbury, William earl of | 38, 87 |
Salter, Frederick BA | 45 |
Sancto Gorono, William de | 5, 67 |
Sandford | 38 |
Sarger, John | 13 |
Saunders, Anthony (also Sanders) | 32, 43, 104-5, 107 |
Selman, John | 3 |
Seymour, Edward | 29 |
Shaplin, Richard gent | 104 |
Shareshull, magister Johanne | 88 |
Sharnebrok, John de (also Charnebroke) | 6, 69 |
Sheldoc, Johanne | 23 |
Sherman, Dorothy | 51 |
Sherman family | 53 |
Sherman, Gideon esq | 52 |
Sherman, John | 50, 53 |
Sherman, Richard | 53 |
Sherman, William | 17, 27, 53, 94 |
Shernocke, Hugh (Charnocke) | 14 |
Shute, Grace | 47 |
Sifreard, bishop | 66 |
Slade, William | 13 |
Smerdon, Fulwood, MA | 42, 44-5 |
Smith, George MA | 42, 45 |
Smith, Oliver (Smyth) | 14, 48, 90, 92 |
Smyth, John | 91 |
Smyth, Wilmote | 91 |
Snallbyn, Thomas | 26 |
Soames | 34 |
Somerset, duke of | 29 |
Southcott, Hannah | 48 |
Southcott, Joanna | 48 |
Southcott, William | 48 |
Southey, Mr | 52 |
Spelman | 17 |
Sprigge | 46 |
Stafford knot | 57 |
Stafford, bishop | 16 |
Stapledon, bishop Walter | 6, 68 |
Stephens, Thomas | 13 |
Stigand, archbishop | 66 |
Stokeman, Roger (also Stokman) | 14, 90-3 |
Stowford, William | 90 |
St Paul, Sir John de | 38 |
Suffolk, duke of | 17 |
Swaynden, Matilde | 22 |
Sweyne, Ricardi | 21 |
Sweyne, Stephen | 19 |
T | |
Tanner, bishop | 12, 15 |
Terlinge, Alexander | 103-7 |
Thomas, clockmaker | 28 |
Thomson, Henry Thurston BA | 45 |
Thormerton, master John | 6, 68 |
Tostis, duke | 66 |
Tregoz, John lord | 37 |
Tregoz, lady Sibill | 37, 39 |
Trent, William | 94 |
Trynech, Nicholai de | 87 |
Tuggell, Thomas | 88-9 |
Turbeville, bishop | 14 |
Tyrel, John | 13 |
V | |
Vallibus, Johanne de | 66 |
Vaughan, Carolus armig | 54 |
Veysey, bishop, John | 3, 12, 14-5, 59, 107 |
Victoria, queen | 42 |
Vulfric, abbot | 66 |
W | |
Wakefield, Thomas | 46 |
Walker | 42 |
Wall, John | 47 |
Walrond, Humphry esq | 103 |
Walter, precentor | 6 |
Ware, Johannis | 24 |
Ware, Mr | 44 |
Ware, Roger | 26, 44 |
Ware, Thomas | 28 |
Ware, William | 28 |
Warren, John DD | 43-5 |
Warton | 15-6 |
Westbury, Roger de | 88 |
Whiteway, William MA | 45 |
William I | 4 |
William III | 42 |
William parochus | 17 |
Willis | 58 |
Wlfgar, duke (also minister) | 66 |
Wood, Anthony | 47 |
Wood, Dr | 47 |
Wood, Mrs Frances | 47 |
Woodville, Anthony | 17 |
Wreford, Mr Samuel | 18 |
Wygorn, bishop Willielmus | 88 |
Wykford, Robert de | 88 |
Wylieth, Johanne | 88 |
Wyntburn, Richardi | 25 |
Wyntreshutt, Willielmus de | 66 |
Y | |
Yarde, Miss Susannah | 48 |
Yong, John | 93 |
Yteldeof, duke | 66 |