


Name Index


The Church of St Mary of Ottery in the County of Devon

By John A. Whitham

Gloucester: The British Publishing Company Limited (1982)

Index prepared by Michael Steer

This beautifully produced, small guidebook, with a foreword by the Vicar of Ottery St Mary is a revised edition in a series produced primarily to raise funds for the Church Restoration Fund. It provides and account of the history, architecture and special features of the Church of St Mary's. In 1982, over 70,000 copies had been sold. Looking rather like a miniature cathedral, the Church dominates the town from a lawn on a hillside. The building owes much of its extraordinary beauty to Bishop Grandisson of Exeter, who in 1338, founded a college for 40 monks on the site. As well as a comprehensive bibliography (Appendix E, p. 45), the booklet presents as Appendix C, a list of the Wardens and Vicars from 1154. The list has been transcribed by Lora Besler and appears elsewhere on GENUKI's Ottery St Mary pages. The will of Thomas Axe Esq., is presented as Appendix F.

Alford, Mrs. Elizabeth      37-8, 46
Alford, Rev. Melchizedeck      13, 38
Axe, George      13, 37
Axe, Thomas      37-8, 46
Badcock, W.D.      5
Becket, St. Thomas      28
Blore, Edward      15, 25
Bonville, Lady Cecily      11
Bowden, Keith A.      5
Bronescombe, Bishop Walter de      7, 9, 25, 39
Browne, William      29
Butterfield, William      15, 21, 23, 35, 40
Charles I      11, 13
Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough      33
Churchill, Sir Winston      33
Coke family, of Thorne      33, 35
Coke, John      35
Coleridge, Anne      15, 30
Coleridge, Hon. Phyllis M.      40
Coleridge, John Duke      38
Coleridge, Lady Mary Taylor      23
Coleridge, Lord Bernard      43
Coleridge, Rev. John      13, 15, 30
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor      13, 15, 30, 42
Coleridge, Sir John Taylor      23, 33
Coplestone Arms      42
Courtenay, Hugh      21
Culne, Wm.      21
Dickinson, Rev. F.B.      27
Dorset, Cicely, Marchioness of      35
Drake Arms      42
Drake, family of Ashe      33
Drake, Elizabeth      33
Drake, Sir John      33
Duke Arms      28
Duke, Elizabeth      28
Edward the Confessor      7, 9, 25, 40
Edward III      8, 9, 26
Edward VI      12
Elizabeth I      12
Elston, John      42
Excestre, Canon John      41
Fairfax, Sir Thomas      12
Fielding, Henry      15
Fortescue, Jane      23
Gillett & Bland Limited      39
Gillett & Johnson Limited      39
Gloucester, Duke of      13
Grandisson Arms      17, 26, 31
Grandisson, Bishop John de      5, 9, 18, 20-3, 25-6, 30-1, 39
Grandisson, Katherine de      17, 19, 21, 30
Grandisson, Lady Beatrix de      12
Grandisson, Sir Otho de      17, 19, 21, 30
Grandisson, William de      23
Grey, Thomas      11
Haines, George      5
Hall, Mr. J.J.      23
Haydon Arms      37
Haydon, Jane      27
Haydon, John of Cadhay      26, 30, 33, 37
Henry III      7
Henry VI      9
Henry VII      11
Henry VIII      11
Herridge, Miss Vera J.      19
Isabell, Queen      26
Lambeth, D.      5
Lechelade, Walter de      8
McGee, Rev. Peter      3
Metcalfe, Rev. W.H.      17
Montecute Arms      17
Montecute, William de      17, 30
Needham, A.      5
Nichols, J.G.      42
Oldham, Bishop      34-5
Patteson, Frances Duke      33
Patteson, John Coleridge      33
Peter the Clerk      7
Philip IV of France      26
Portman, Sir William      37
Pope John XXII      8
Powlett, Captain Newton William-      37
Price, Rev. D. Rufus      5, 36
Read, Herbert      25
Richard II      7
Rouen, Archbishop of      8
Roger the Chaplain      7
Salisbury, Katherine, Countess of      11
Scott, Sir Walter      15
Seymour, Edward      11
Sherman familyof Knightstone      27, 33
Sherman Gideon      28
Sherman, Ioannes      27
Sherman, John      29
Sherman, Margaret      29, 35
Sherman, Richard      28, 35
Sherman, William      28
Southey, Robert      29
Spreat, W.      14
Stallard, Rev. L.B.      42
Stafford Arms      40-1
Stafford, Henry Lord      11
Taylor, John & Co.      43
Thrupp, Frederick      23
Veysey, Bishop John      35
Victoria, Queen      15, 42
Walrond Arms      28
Walrond, Humphry, of Ash      28
Whitham, Mr. John A.      3, 5
William the Conqueror      7
William IV      15
Winstanley, Mrs. H.      25
Wolfrington, John de      8