


Name Index


The Aulnager in Devon

Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 44 (1912), pp. 568-596.


R.P. Chope

Prepared by Michael Steer

The paper provides an array of data on the cloth trade and its regulation in Devon from 1292 to about 1724, and as well, describes a Fulling mill at Chumleigh. After the Norman Conquest, Britain's main economy was in the export of wool. European textile markets were heavily dependent upon the supply of raw English wool. Wool production was very much a cottage industry. Devon wool merchants quickly became wealthy; they bought their fleeces from small farmers or from middlemen employed by farmers. Their wool collectors journeyed around local farms collecting the fleeces, and loading them onto a string of packhorses, before finally taking their loads to wool markets. These Markets were held on specific dates at strategic towns where the local merchants would meet with merchant traders from across Europe, especially from France, Flanders or Italy. An Aulnager was a government official who sealed bundles of cloth presented by merchants to verify the amount of cloth supposed to be in the bundle. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. The copy of this rare book is held at the Princeton University Library and is available from the Internet Archive.


Addiscot, Richard587
Alyn, Henry582
Andrew, Matthew588
Antonay, Joyce574
Arkesworthe, Edmund587
Atwell, Thomas588
Atwill, John587
Atwyll, Philip588
Baker, John588
Baker, Richard588
Balker, John (also Blaker)588
Baron, John587
Baron, Undirhill587
Barry, Richard588
Beaupyne, Thomas573-4
Belli, John587
Belli, Walter587
Bery, Nicholas588
Birche, Richard (also Bryce)588
Blakelond, John582
Blaunchard, John578
Bonefaunt, Robert588
Bonevyll, William (chivaler)581
Bonvise, Anthony571
Bosun, Edmund581
Bosun, John581
Bosyn, Richard582
Bounde, Thomas588
Bowhode, Nicholas582
Boyle, Thomas588
Breghnok, Roger574
Browne, William587
Browning, Robert587
Bugge, John582
Burgh, Richard588
Burleston, William581
Burnard, Richard576, 578-9
Bury, John573
Buteler, Nicholas579
Bydewill, John578
Byne, Thomas585-6
Chapelman, Robert588
Chekston, William573
Chudderlegh, James de (chivaler)577, 581
Clerk, Richard588
Coke, John582
Colyn, John576, 578, 587
Copleston family575
Copleston, John JP575, 577, 579, 583
Corman, John (or James)588
Cornewe, Walter581
Courtenay, Hugh de, the elder (chivaler)581
Courtenay, Philip de (chivaler)581
Coyton, William588
Crudge, William595
Dabroun, John573
Defoe, Daniel568
Derby, Walter573
Dokmanton, Thomas gent585
Dovne, William574
Dowlyng, Walter588
Dracher, William589
Duke, Richard584
Dunscombe, Mr594
Dunster, William587
Dyke, Richard584
Dyscher, Richard582
Dythe, John588
Ebin, Reynold587
Ector, John588-9
Edelmeton, Pieres de570
Edmonde, William (also Heddemond)582
Edward I569-70
Edward II569-71
Edward III569-73
Edward IV568, 571, 583-4, 588-9, 596
Edward VI585, 590-1, 593-4
Elizabeth I590-2, 594
Elwyn, Nicholas585-6
Elyot, Thomas585-7
Eston, Thomas582
Fardell, Thomas583
Ferers, Martin de581
Ferers, William578
Ferley, John585-6
Frend, William587
Geffery, Henry (also Gaffery)588
Gill, John587
Gill, William587
Goitan, William582
Golde, Maud (also Maiota)582
Goscombe, William574
Grantlond, Henry (also Grauntlond)588
Grauntlond, John588
Gremell, William588
Grendon, Simon582
Grilles, John (also Grillys)574, 582
Gruscote, John588
Haddelegh, Peter574
Hakeworth, Roger582
Hamelyn, Nicholas588
Hamelyn, Peter588
Hampton, Robert de572
Hankeford, William (chivaler)581
Hastinges, Thomas587
Hayle, Thomas584
Hendescote, Nicholas585-6
Henry IV581
Henry VIII585, 590-1, 593, 596
Herle, John (chivaler)581
Hervy, William574
Herward, John582
Hickman, Walter Esq595
Holle, William587
Hoper, Henry588
Hoveden, Roger de571
Hull, Henry582
Hulle, Robert581
Hyndeston, John583-4
Hyston, Robert582
Hyston, Thomas582
Isabella, Queen570
Izacke575, 577, 584
Jakman, John587
Jakman, William587
James I590
Jerman, Hugh587
Jonsone, John582
Kelby, John588
Kellegh, John588
Kelli, William587
Kemp. John571
Lamby, Thomas583
Larkstoke, Richard582
Latimer, Bishop593
Lelie, Thomas (also Lilia)574, 578-9
Luwell, John574
Lysons, Messrs571
Malewayn, John573
Mannyng, William582
Markele, Robert581
Marreys, John571, 573-4
Mary, Queen596
May592, 594
May, John593
May, William582
Molyneaux, Edmund583-4
More, Richard585, 587-9
Morton, William582
Murray, Sir J A H568, 573
Naune, William588
Nawne, Nicholas588
Neel, John576, 578-9
Nemot, Alice (also Nimet)582
Newton, Robert588
Numan, Thomas574
Oblie, Bernard574
Oke, William582
Oliver, Dr569
Palmer, John587
Panter, John582
Parker, Roger595
Parkman, John (also Parman)576, 578-9
Pecok, John (also Peycok)570-1
Peppedon, John582
Peuterer, Richard582
Peutrer, John572
Philip & Mary590, 596
Piers, John589
Pitteman, John (also Pitman)574, 578-9
Plummer, John gent595
Polard, Walter581
Poleye, Robert de570
Porter, John582
Prestecote, John581
Rede, John574
Rewe, John588
Rewe, William588
Richard I571
Richard II568, 573-5, 579
Richard III589, 592-3, 595
Richard, Thomas587
Richmond & Lennox, Duke of595
Robin, John587
Robin, Richard587
Rokke, William574
Ronwell, Richard (also Ronwall)588
Rowland, John585-6
Russell, John574, 582
Sadelere, Roger582
Sanford, John581
Scut, Adam582
Scut, John582
Shaldo, John589
Shapelee, John snr (also Shaplegh)579, 581-2
Shaplegh, Roger582
Shaplegh, William582
Shirlok, Nicholas570
Sireston, John de575
Smyth, Robert587
Sowle, Edmund587
Spere, Thomas587
Spicer, John le573
Standard, John583
Stere, William587
Stokes, Miss Ethel568
Stret, Peter (or Sturt)582
Stringfellowe, Richard595
Swan, Ralph574
Sweting, Simon587
Taillour, John the younger588
Talbot, John575, 581, 583
Tasker, Gerard583
Taylor, John (also Taillor)588
Taylour, Perout le570
Thomas, John587
Thomas, Richard572
Thorn, John583
Thornbi, Richard587
Tollow, John583
Towker, John583, 587
Trewoof, John579
Undey, Henry588
Wandry, Thomas581-3
Webbe, Richard587-8
Webbe, William588
Webber, John583
Webber, William588
Wenycote, John (or Wyncote)588
Westcote571, 592, 594, 596
White, Thomas588
Whitford, Henry588
Whitteley, Baldwin574
Wilford, Alice583
Wilford, John583
Wilford, William583
Wilforth, Elsota583
William III596
Wise, Peter (also Wyse)588
Woderoue, John573
Wye, John588
Wykes, John gent585
Wylle, John atte589
Yoo, William573