


Name Index


Devon County Members of Parliament, Part II. The Middle Plantagenet Period (1327-1399)

Trans. Devon Assoc., vol. 45, (1913), pp. 247-269.


J.J. Alexander

Prepared by Michael Steer

The paper was read at the Association’s July 23rd, 1913 Buckfastleigh meeting.  By 1327 the House of Commons had become an essential part of England’s constitutional machinery. The shire knights, who might have been expected to act in conjunction with the barons through their common interest in land ownership had instead tended to join with the town burgesses as the other representative element in parliament. During the reign of Edward III, these two elements sat together, apart from the clergy and nobles. There was as well, a gradual weakening in social distinction between town and county members. The period is marked by a notable advance towards modern conditions, particularly in the revival of English as the national language. It might be thought that when national leadership passed from Edward II to his successor, the task of identifying representatives of the county would become easier. This, however, seems not to have been the case. The paper is from a copy of a rare and much sought-after journal that can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Alba Marla, William de257
Archdeacon, Cicely266, 269
Archdeacon, Sir John266
Archdeacon, Maud266
Archdeacon, Sir Thomas269
Archdeacon, Sir Warren266
Archdeacon, Philippa266
Asthorpe, Sir William262, 266
Audley, Hugh250
Barnstaple, Sir Vincent of250, 255, 266
Bavaria, Duke of265
Beauchamp, Sir John264
Beaudeport, John Ralegh of250
Beaufort, John263
Beaumond, John262
Beaumont family249, 252, 262
Beaumont, Joan262
Beaumont, Sir John de263, 265-6
Beaumont, Maud266
Beaumont, Richard262
Benteleghe, William de256
Bentleghe, Sir William de256, 266
Berd, John259
Beudyn, Robert268
Bickington, Matthew of266
Bird, John266
Blanche, Princess265
Bockyngtone, Matthew de255
Bonville, H268
Bonville, Joanna261
Bonville, Sir Nicholas261
Bonville, Sir William252, 261-4, 266
Bozun, Sir William255
Branscombe, Adam of258-9, 266
Branscombe, Sir Richard258
Brantyngham, Bishop253, 264
Brytleghe, Sir William de261, 266
Browne Willis255
Buckfast, William Abbot of250
Campo Arnulphi, Richard of256
Cary family249
Cary, Sir John251, 261, 267
Cary, Judge251
Cary, Robert261
Cary, Sir William251, 261, 267
Champernowne, Sir Henry259, 261
Champernowne, Joanna261
Champernowne, Richard250, 267-8
Champernowne, William de259, 267
Chichester, Sir John258
Chichester, Thomasine258
Chisbeach, Richard269
Chisledon, Nicholas260
Chisledon, Richard267
Chiverston, Joan257
Chiverston, Sir John251, 255, 257, 267
Chiverston, Sir William de255-8, 267
Chuddeleghe, John de259
Chudleigh, John259
Chudleigh, Sir James254-5, 263-7
Chudleigh, Joan,254
Chudleigh, John263
Chudleigh, Sir John263, 267
Chudleigh, Thomasine259
Chuseldene, Richard260, 262
Clare, Margaret of250
Clay, Edmund de253
Cleaveland, Ezra252, 254
Cornu, John264
Cornu, Sir Robert260-1, 265, 267
Courtenay family252
Courtenay, Sir Edward266
Courtenay, Edward the Blind266
Courtenay, Emmeline266
Courtenay, Sir Hugh255, 257, 263-7, 269
Courtenay, Joan257
Courtenay, John254
Courtenay, Margaret265
Courtenay, Sir Peter252
Courtenay, Sir Philip252-4, 257, 264-8
Courtenay, Philippa266
Courtenay, Sir Thomas252, 262-3, 267
Courtenay, Bishop William252
Crauthorne, Thomas de256-8
Crawthorne, Joan262
Crawthorne, Sir Thomas de256, 267
Crawthorne, Sir Matthew250, 256-7, 267-9
Crull, Robert de253
Cruwys, Sir Alexander258
Cruwys, Sir Robert251, 258-9, 267
Dabernoun, Sir John261, 267
Damarell, Sir Geoffrey257
Damarell, Sir John263, 267
Damarell, Sir William257, 267
Dartington, Baron of269
Daumarle, John263
Dawney, Emmeline266
Dawney, Sir John266
Dawney, Sir Nicholas266
Diraworthy, Hamund de258, 267
Dublin, Marquis of253
Dinham, Sir Josce258
Dinham, Margaret258
Dinham, Sir Oliver258, 262, 267
Dyneham, Oliver de258
Edward I253
Edward II247-8, 258, 268
Edward III247-50, 252, 255-6, 258, 265
Edward the Black Prince252, 264
Esturmy, Geoffrrey265
Esturmy, Sir William267-8
Exeter, Bishop of268-9
Fereras, Sir Martin263, 267
Ferrers family249
Ferrers, Sir Hugh262
Ferrers, John de249, 259-61, 267
Ferrers, Sir John249, 251, 259, 262-3, 267
Ferrers, Sir Marin263
Ferrers, William249
Ferrers, Sir William249, 259
Fitzwarren family261
Fitz Waryne, Ivo264, 257
Forde, Robert de259, 267
Francis, William257
Fraunceys, John257, 267
Gaunt, John of252, 262
Giffard, Sir Joel256
Gloucester, Earl of250, 262
Grandisson, Bishop250, 255, 258-9, 269
Grave, Thomas de la256
Grave, Sir Thomas de la256, 267
Grene, Thomas259, 267
Grenville, Sir John249, 266-8
Grenville, Margaret Grenville265
Grenville, Sir Theobald249, 265
Greynevile, John265-6
Haccombe, Cicely de266, 269
Haccombe family269
Haccombe, Jordan de266, 269
Haccombe, Sir Stephen266, 269
Haccombe, Sir William269
Henry IV254, 263
Hidon, Margaret258
Hidon, Richard258
Ireland, Duke of253
Jeu, Sir Roger le256, 267-8
Kirkham, Sir Nicholas260
Kirkham, Robert de260, 267
Loterel, John260-1
Lucy, Robert de259, 267
Luscote, William262, 267
Luttrell, Sir Andrew260
Luttrell, Sir John260, 267
Manny, Sir Walter251, 258
March, Earl of253, 264
Martyn, Sir William268-9
Meath, Bishop of253
Merle, Alexander264, 267
Merton, Richard de257
Merton, Sir Richard257, 261, 267
Monthermer, Thomas de257
Mortimer, Edmund264
Newenham, Abbot of254
Newent arms262
Nonant, Sir Roger264, 267
Nywent, Roger261-2
Ormonde, Earl of253
Paulet, Sir John262
Paulet, Sir John Snr262, 267
Percehay, Sir Henry260, 267
Petit, Alexander253
Piperell, Roger267
Pococke, John257, 267
Pole256, 269
Pomeray, Joan254
Pomeray, Sir Thomas254, 263, 268
Pomeroy, Sir Henry263
Pontingdon, Nicholas254
Pontingdon, Thomas254
Porritt247, 251
Prescoote, John265, 268
Prideaux, Sir John268
Prideaux, Roger de256, 264
Prideaux, Sir Roger de256, 264, 268
Prince, John249, 251, 253
Prouse, Sir William259
Prouse, Thomasine259
Prydeaux, Sir John264-5
Pyperel, Roger260
Ralegh famly250, 256
Ralegh, John de249-50, 256-8, 268
Ralegh, Sir John256, 262, 268
Ralegh, Sir Thomas258
Ralegh, Thomasine258
Ralegh, Sir William258
Richard II250-2, 261, 263, 265
Risdon, Tristram251, 262, 269
Rogus, Heiress of260
Rymer251, 253-4
Sainthill family256
Sainthill, Reginald256
Sainthill, Sir Walter268
Searley, Mr A.W269
Shillynford, Ralph de259, 268
Smallridge, John Ralegh of250
Somerset, Earl of (Beaufort)263
Somestre, Richard254
Speek, Ralph le256
Speek, Sir Ralph256, 268
Stafford, Bishop254
Stapletone, Sir Richard261-2, 268-9
Stapledon, Sir Richard Snr261
Stapledon, Bishop Walter261, 269
Stockhey, Sir Robert262
Strecche, John265
Stretch, Sir John265, 268
Sturmy, (Esturmy),William265
Sweyngetille, Walter de255-6, 258-9
Tavistock, John Abbot of250
Tiverton, William of250, 258, 268
Tyrel, Henry256
Tyrrell, Sir Henry256, 268
Vere, Robert de253
Vincent of Barnstaple250, 255, 266
Weye, Robert260, 268
Whyting, Nicholas259-60, 268
Wilde, Elias260, 268
William of Tiverton250
Woodland, Sir Walter261
Woodstock, Edward of (The Black Prince)252, 264
Woodstock, Thomas of252