


The Diocese of Exeter in 1821

Bishop Carey's replies to queries before Visitation, Vol.II Devon.
Parish of Northam.

Published by Devon & Cornwall Record Society, New Series Vol.4, pages 2, 134 and 135.

Transcribed by David Carter 2022

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Q1) What number of families have you in your Parish?
A) About 550.

Q2) Have you any Papists or Dissenters? If the latter, what Kind or Denomination? What Teachers of each are there resident in your Parish, or occasion ally visiting it? Are they licensed? What Places have they of public Meeting, licensed, or others?
A) There are no Papists. There is a Dissenting Chapel at Appledore in the Parish of Northam, called the Independent Presbyterian Chapel, with a resident Teacher. There is likewise a house in the village of Northam where different Preachers of the Methodist persuasion occasionally preach. The Preachers and House are both licensed.

Q3) Do you reside on your Benefice, and in the proper House of Residence? It not, assign the Reason.
A) I reside in the Vicarage House.

Q4) If you do not reside, Have you a Curate resident, And is he licensed? What is his Salary? If you have any Lecturer, What is his name?
A) I have no Curate or Lecturer.

Q5) If you have any more Benefices than one, What is it? By whom is it served? Is the Curate thereof resident, And is he licensed? And if Non Resident, what is the reason thereof, and where does he reside? And what is his Stipend?
A) I have but one Benefice.

Q6) Do you perform Divine Service at any Church besides your own? And where?
A) I serve no Church but my own.

Q7) Is Divine Service performed in your Church twice every Lord's Day, with a Sermon in the Morning? If not, state the Reason. And at what Hours?
A) Divine Service is performed in my Church at eleven o'clock in the morning and Three in the afternoon every Sunday, with a Sermon each part of the Day.

Q8) What Provision is there for the Instruction of Youth in Religion either by public or private Teaching?
A) There is a daily and Sunday Bells School supported by annual subscription and other Benefactions for educating children in religious principles. And two Dissenting Schools.

Q9) How often and at what Times do you Catechise the Youth of your Parish?
A) Every Sunday from the first of May till Michaelmas.

Q10) How often is the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper administered in your Church? And what Number of Communicants have you?
A) Eight times in the year. The number of Communicants from 60 to 70 every time it is administered.

Q11) Are there any Benefactions for the Use of the Church, or Poor? Under what Management are they? Are they properly applied? Or have you Reason to Suppose that there obtains any Abuse or Fraud respecting them?
A) There are no Benefactions for the use of the Church; those for the benefit of the poor are properly managed and applied.

Q12) Have you any Alm's-Houses, Hospital, or other Charitable Endowment? Are they duly managed according to the direction of their Founders? Have you any Parochial Library? And are the Books properly taken care of?
A) There are Alms Houses duly managed, No Parochial Library.

Q13) Is your House of Residence in good Repair? Are your Church and Chancel also in good Repair? And is your Church-Yard well kept? And have you all Things decent for Divine Service?
A) Yes.

Q14) Have you a Terrier of the Glebe Lands, Houses, etc., according to the Tenor of the 87th Canon? If not, let one be made, and delivered in at the Visitation, properly signed.
A) Yes.

Q15) Have you any Chapel within your Parish? Who nominates to it? By whom is if served? And with what is it supported?
A) No.

Q16) If you have met with any particular Difficulties in the Discharge of your Duty; if you have observed any Defects, or Abuses in the Ecclesiastical Discipline of this Diocese, or have any Advice to give, or Proposals to make, by which the Glory of God, and the Honour and Interest of the Church may be promoted, and the Government of this Diocese be better ordered, I desire you freely to communicate your Thoughts to me; and be assured, that a proper Use shall be made of your Suggestions, in order to the Attainment of the Ends proposed by them. It would be a farther Satisfaction if you would write on this Paper the Dates of your Institution or Collation, and your Letters of Priest's Orders.
A) I was instituted the 21st day of December 1812. My Letters of Priests Orders bear date the 27th of July 1806. Thomas Harrison: Valletort Mill, Vicar of Northam, Bideford, Devon.

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