


Northam Manor Court (1837-1927)

16th Oct 1837 to 20th July 1927

(An earlier volume covers 1814 to 1836)

This volume contains the minutes of the Manor Court Leet and Court Baron of Northam

North Devon Record Office ref: 2863/1/2

Transcribed by David Carter 2018

Spelling remains verbatim.

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Index of Names:
Refer to years in text below, to find references to these people

Ackland, William 1838
Allen, Thomas 1847
Andrew, James 1884, 1887
Andrews, Samuel 1844, 1845
Andrews, Mrs 1843
Archdale, M E 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903
Ashplant, William 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Ashwood, JohnDoctor1843, 1847
Avery, JohnButcher1838, 1842, 1843
Babb, E 1925, 1926, 1927
Baker, George 1852, 1866, 1867, 1885
Bale, MrButcher1850
Baller, Edward 1838, 1839
Balsdon, Richard 1866
Balsdon, William 1866
Barrett, Abraham 1884, 1887
Barrett, Mr 1843
Barrett, Samuel 1837, 1838, 1839
Bassett, John 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843
Bassett, William 1837, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1850
Bates, John 1843
Bath, Elizabeth 1838
Batten, John 1837, 1838
Beara, Alexander 1838
Beara, John 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1846, 1847, 1849, 1850
Beara, Mrs 1843
Beara, Sarah Ann 1838, 1842
Beer, G E 1897
Bell, Charles Thomas 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Bellew, Thomas 1850, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1893
Benson, Thomas 1866, 1867
Berry, Richard 1842
Berry, Susan 1837
Bidder, Sarah 1838
Bignell, Mary 1838, 1843
Bishop, Mrs 1848
Blackmore, Mary 1842, 1843
Blake, William 1884, 1887, 1897, 1900
Blyth, John Willis 1851, 1852
Bolt, William 1842, 1843, 1845, 1846, 1849, 1852
Bowden, John 1848, 1884, 1887
Bowden, PhilipCaptain1837, 1838
Bowden, Thomas 1837
Bowen, James 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848
Bowen, Moses 1844, 1847, 1848, 1849
Bowen, Thomas 1844, 1845
Boyle, Roger Courtenay 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Braund, G 1925
Braund, J 1897
Braund, Thomas 1844, 1847, 1912, 1914
Braund, William 1844
Bremridge, Mrs 1848
Brock, Robert 1866
Brooks, Mary 1838
Brune, George Ernest Prideaux 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Buck, Lewis WilliamM.P.1844
Buick, Mr 1923
Burch, Hooper 1884, 1885, 1887, 1891, 1893, 1895
Burch, John 1851
Burch/Birch, Richard 1844, 1846, 1847
Burch, R 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901
Burden/Burdon, James 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840
Burnacle/Burnicle, William 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1850, 1851, 1852
Burt, William 1838, 1839
Caddy, Charles Andrew 1839
Cann, G 1897
Carnegie, Claude Strachan 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922
Carter, Charles 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851
Carter, John 1838
Carter, George 1844
Causey/Cawsey, Charles 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1913, 1914
Causey/Cawsey, George 1837, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904
Cawsey, Henry 1837, 1851, 1866, 1867
Causey/Cawsey, John 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840
Cawsey, Robert 1841, 1842
Cawsey, Thomas 1837, 1838, 1839, 1845
Chanter, Thomas Burnard 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1866, 1867, 1884
Chappell, James 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1847, 1849, 1851
Chappell, Lewis 1891, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898
Chappell, Thomas 1837, 1839, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845
Chappell, William 1837, 1844
Chappell 1867
Christie, Augustus Langham 1893
Christie William Langham 1884, 1885
Churchward, Marcus D DimondReverend1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916
Clark, George 1844
Clark(e)/Clerk, John 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846
Clement, Thomas 1884
Clibbett, William 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1852
Cock(s), James 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1852
Cock, John W 1884, 1887
Cock(s)/Cox, WilliamInnkeeper1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1866
Cole, John 1837, 1838
Cole, Richard 1884, 1887
Cole, ThomasAgent to Trinity1849
Colwill, J H 1897
Cook(e), Thomas 1837, 1838, 1839, 1848, 1849, 1852, 1866
Cookway, Mr 1913
Copp, Henry 1866
Cork, George 1891, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Cork, John 1851, 1884, 1887
Couch, William 1844
Cragg, MrBaker1850
Crealock, William 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841
Crook, G 1913
Crook, S 1914
Darracott, JohnCaptain1848, 1849
Dark, Samuel 1838
Dart, Richard 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1847, 1851, 1852
Davey, Mr 1837
Davis, G C 1895, 1896
Davis, WilliamBlacksmith1847
Day, James 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Day, Robert 1838
Dennis, G 1918
Dennis, Thomas 1838, 1843, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924
Dennis, William 1837, 1838, 1843
Dick, Samuel 1837
Dimond, Mary Ann 1840
Dimond, Thomas 1840
Doidge, Mrs 1850
Down(e), George 1842, 1843, 1845, 1846, 1850, 1851
Down, Mr 1838
Dunsford, John 1848, 1851, 1852
Dymond, Thomas 1884, 1887
Eastman, Edmund 1847
Eastman, George 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841
Eastman, William 1841
Ellis, Charles 1887, 1897
Evans, Elizabeth 1838
Evans, Richard Cooper 1842
Evans, Thomas 1839
Fisher, J 1897
Fisher, John 1839, 1840
Fisher, Mrs 1884, 1887
Fisher, Thomas 1838
Fishwick, Jane 1838
Fishwick, Thomas 1885, 1893
Ford, John 1839, 1840, 1841
Ford, Richard 1842, 1843
Found, John 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852
Frederick, Mary Ann 1838
Fulford, John 1848
Fulford, Samuel 1884, 1887
Fulford, T 1918
Fulford, William 1895
Fursdon, Roger 1847
Fursey, Samuel 1837
Gay, Richard 1838
Gay, Samuel 1884, 1887
Geen, Thomas 1837, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1849, 1852
Gibbs, Theodosia 1839, 1850
Gilbert, Thomas 1842, 1843
Glover, Richard 1884, 1887
Goodwn, A 1919
Goodwin, J 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921
Gordon, T ECaptain1904, 1905, 1906
Gordon, William 1842, 1843, 1844
Gorton, Gilbert 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910
Gossett, I HReverend1866, 1867
Greed, James 1838
Gribble, James 1843
Griffey, Henry 1884, 1887
Grigg, Mrs 1848
Grigg, William 1842
Groves, Mr 1843
Gunn 1838
Halls, George 1838, 1839, 1841
Hall(s), JohnMason1837, 1840, 1841, 1851
Hall, Thomas 1838
Hambling, MrsBaker1850
Hamlyn, Grace 1843
Hancock, Mrs 1843
Hancock, Thomas 1841, 1842
Handcock/Hancock, John 1838, 1843
Harris, E 1920, 1921
Harris, J 1897
Harris, James 1839, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852
Hartnoll, Charles 1842, 1850
Hartnoll, Jane 1838
Hayne(s), William Crunn 1837, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1843, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1852, 1866, 1867
Heard, F 1918
Hearn, D 1925, 1926, 1927
Hearn, Elizabeth 1884, 1887
Hearn, Jesse 1891, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Hearn, Mary 1866, 1885
Hearn, Richard 1839
Hemming, D 1896
Henderson, Jonathan 1884, 1887
Heriz-Smith, Joseph Charles Thomas 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922
Herman, Benjamin 1837, 1846, 1847
Hinks, Henry 1850, 1851, 1852
Hoare/Hore, William 1845, 1846, 1848, 1866, 1867, 1893
Hodges, Edward Boucher 1837, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1843, 1845, 1846
Hole, Charles W 1852, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1891
Holman, R MCaptain1842
Holman, Samuel 1884, 1887
Honey, Richard 1838, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848
Hookway, George 1884, 1887, 1897
Hookway, Robert 1884, 1887
Hooper, James 1838
Horrell, Mrs 1841
Horrill, Arthur 1838
Howell, Mr 1841
Hulman, R M 1847
Hunt, Mrs 1848
Hutchings, George 1837, 1839
Hutchings, Mr 1839
Hutchings, Thomas 1927
Hutchinson, General 1866, 1867
Hutchinson, W N 1885
Huxtable, Charles 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1900, 1902, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916
Huxtable, G 1917
Huxtable, H 1901, 1908
Huxtable, J H 1893, 1899, 1908, 1909, 1912, 1915
Huxtable, Mr 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1909, 1912
Irwin, John 1844, 1845, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851
Jenkins, Susanna 1838
Jewry, William 1843
Jones, T 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Keate, Rochfort 1866
Keats, Robert 1884, 1887
Keen, Philip 1837
Kelly, J 1912
Kelly, JohnInnkeeper1842, 1844, 1846, 1848, 1851
Kelly, William 1846, 1848
Kemp, S 1897
Keys, Richard 1846, 1847
King, Mary 1838
Labbett, E J 1920
Labbett, J 1920
Labbett, Mr 1909
Lake, Edward 1850, 1851, 1852
Lamey, B 1915
Lamey, W 1915, 1916, 1917, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924
Lane, John 1838
Lang, Mr 1843, 1849
Lang, James 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1850, 1851, 1852
Lang, PhilipBlockmaker1838, 1848, 1850, 1852
Lashbrook, William 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1848, 1849, 1850
Leathern, Richard 1839, 1840, 1841, 1848, 1866
Lemon, James 1837, 1838
Lemon, Robert 1837, 1838
Lemon, Mrs 1848
Lemon, Thomas 1837, 1838, 1849
Lemon, William 1838
Lewis, Edward 1837
Ley, William 1848
Limber(r)y, RichardCaptain1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843
Limberry, Thomas 1848, 1849
Littlejohns, C 1897
Littlejohns, J 1838
Littlejohns, Richard 1838
Lock, George 1842, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1897
Lock, John 1839
Lock, Thomas 1842, 1843, 1866, 1867, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897
Lord, Thomas 1837, 1843
Loughlin, Mr 1901
Lovering, DanielCaptain1838
Marquiss, Thomas 1840, 1841
Marsh, Mr 1921
Marshall, James or John 1847
Marshford, John 1837, 1838
Martin, Henry 1838, 1847, 1885, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898
Martin, Thomas 1887
Mayne, William 1885
Mead, MrsBaker1850
Metherell, Christopher 1848
Mill(s), James 1885, 1893, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899
Mill(s), John 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1866, 1867
Mills, Thomas 1842
Mirra/Meara, Edward 1845
Mitchell, John 1848, 1849
Molesworth, G M F 1867
Moore, John 1884, 1887
More/Moor(e), Joseph 1837, 1838, 1839
Moore, Richard 1885
Moor(e), Robert 1847, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852
Morgan, RowlandCaptain1838, 1847
Morrish, W 1897
Moulton, J 1902, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Moulton, Richard 1891
Moulton, S 1897, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1912
Mounce, Samuel 1884
Mounts/Mounce, John 1837, 1850, 1851, 1852
Mounce, J 1912
Mounce, George 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916
Mounce, R 1900
Mounce, Thomas 1896, 1897, 1898
Mugford, John 1838, 1841, 1842
Newcombe, George 1838, 1842, 1843
Newcombe, Thomas 1842
Nichol(l)s, George 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846
Nicol, William 1885, 1891
Olivier, Mr 1867
Padden/Paddon, Anthony 1839
Parkhouse, John 1884, 1885, 1887, 1893
Parkinson, Mrs 1913
Parmenter, Thomas 1844
Parsons, J 1897
Partridge, James 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843
Passmore, John Thomas 1884, 1887, 1897
Passmore, Richard 1884, 1887
Passmore, T 1897
Passmore, W 1897
Peak/Peake, William 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1846, 1847
Peard, George Oliver 1893
Penhorwood, Alexander 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898
Penhorwood, John 1866, 1867
Penhorwood, J B 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925
Penhorwood, Thomas 1838
Penhorwood, William 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1866, 1867
Penn(e)y, John 1837, 1838, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843
Penny, WilliamGrocer1842, 1852
Penrose, JamesButcher1847
Perry, Eliza 1838
Perry, Richard 1838
Pickard, Bartholomew 1839, 1842, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1866
Pickard, Giles 1884, 1885, 1887, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897
Pickard, James 1851, 1852
Pickard, John 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847
Pickard, William 1848, 1851, 1866, 1884, 1887, 1893
Pike, W L 1899
Pile, Biddy 1838
Pile, Mrs 1839
Pill, Bridget 1838
Piper, Mrs 1842, 1843
Pluman, George 1884, 1887
Popham, John 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842
Pratt, Charles Edward 1852
Pursey, W J 1917, 1918, 1919
Pye, R 1897
Pynsent, Mr 1866
Read, Mrs 1884, 1887
Reynolds, EdwardReverend1847, 1849, 1851, 1867
Reynolds, John 1838, 1842
Reynolds, Mr 1866, 1913
Rima, John 1837
Rodd, Mr 1866
Rook, Robert 1841, 1843
Rook, William 1838, 1841, 1843
Row/Rowe, John 1838, 1843
Saunders, C F 1891
Sa(u)nders, George 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846
Sa(u)nders, JohnBlacksmith/Mason1837, 1838, 1829, 1840, 1841, 1844, 1847, 1851, 1852
Sanders, Robert 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918
Sanders, Thomas 1891
Sawer, Thomas 1885
Seldon, William Britton 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Sellick, Mrs 1850
Sercombe, J A 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902
Sergeant, James 1847, 1850
Sergeant, John 1850
Serjeant, Robert 1839
Shaxon, C 1910, 1912
Short, Stephen 1837
Short, William 1838, 1839, 1847, 1849
Shortridge, Samuel 1866
Shute, John 1866
Shute, Samuel 1847
Shute, Thomas 1837, 1898, 1902, 1903
Sidall, D 1895
Skinner, John 1837, 1847, 1848
Slade, Ann 1838
Slade, Mrs 1850
Slader, J T 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Slader, Susan 1839
Slader, W 1908, 1909, 1910
Slader, William 1847, 1848
Smale, Charles 1866, 1867
Smith, J 1919
Smith, William 1837, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850
Sowden, John 1884, 1887
Squire, JohnCoal merchant1850
Stanbury, E 1918
Stanbury, John 1884, 1887, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918
Stanbury, L 1918
Stanley, T 1905, 1906, 1908
Stapledon, Mrs 1850
Stapledon, Thomas 1838
Stapledon, William 1838
Steer, F 1897, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Stevens, J 1899
Stobart, St Clair K M 1893, 1895
Sussex, F 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Tatcham, Robert 1838
Tatem, Robert 1838
Tayler, Mr 1901
Taylor, H 1897
Taylor, William 1887
Trace, A 1917, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927
Tucker, Mr 1837, 1843
Tucker, George 1843, 1846, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1884, 1885, 1887
Tucker, John 1838
Tucker, William 1884, 1885, 1887
Tuplin, Ann 1838
Tuplin, John 1848
Turner, F 1906
Turner, John 1884
Turner, Samuel 1842, 1844, 1846, 1847, 1850, 1851
Underhill, Samuel 1844
Vernon, John Copleston 1841, 1842, 1843
Vernon, Richard 1839
Ward, Octavius Whithard 1919
Westlake, W 1897
Wheeler, Colonel 1867
Wickell, J 1897
Wilkey, F 1916, 1917, 1918
Williams, Betsy 1842
Williams, GeorgeBoatbuilder1851, 1852
Williams, HenryChandler1837, 1838, 1841, 1844, 1847, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1866, 1867
Williams, JCaptain1838, 1902, 1913, 1914
Williams, John 1837, 1847, 1848
Williams, JoshuaJoiner1837, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1866
Williams, Matthew 1838
Williams, Mrs 1839
Williams, Thomas 1845, 1846, 1848, 1849, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1919, 1920
Williams, WilliamSailmaker/Yeoman1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852
Winter, J A 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898
Winter, Peggy 1842
Winter, Mary 1838
Wintercale, J F M 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906
Withecombe, C 1897
Withecombe, Walter 1913
Wood, Humphrey 1838
Wood, William 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852
Wren, Adderley Barton 1866, 1867, 1884, 1885, 1887, 1891
Yeo, Thomas 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852
Yeoland, Robert 1838

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Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept in the School Room in Northam village within the said manor on Monday 16th day of October 1837 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
Charles Carter Jr, steward

Mr Joshua Williams, foreman
Sworn of the jury and Leet
Thomas Chappell
William Clibbett junr
James Partridge
Richard Dart
William Cocks
Edward Boucher Hodges
John Beara
John Penney
John Pickard
William Williams
Joshua Williams (joiner)
James Cocks
James Chappell
Henry Williams
John Cawsey
William Lashbrook
Thomas Cooke
William Haynes
James Bowen
John Saunders
Samuel Barrett
Henry Cawsey
George Cawsey

We present the surveyors of the highways for the following nuisances:

A nauseous gutter near the almshouses.

Bad pavement and slipway in Meeting Street.

The want of a common sewer from the house of Philip Keen Appledore to John Halls house in the same place.

A bad road from Badstep to the limekiln.

Allowing a large heap of rubbish to remain outside the houses at Pitt in Appledore.

We present also the surveyors of the highways for the following nuisances in Northam:

A nauseous gutter opposite Mr Daveys shop.

A dangerous post at the corner of Thomas Lord's house.

We present Mr Geen for allowing a quantity of timber to remain on the public highway near his yard.

We present Mr Thomas Bowden for allowing lime to remain on the Quay near the house lately occupied by Mr Herman.

We present Captain Philip Bowden for a porch projecting in the street from his house in One End Street.

We present Thomas Lemon for allowing a quantity of flooring slate to remain on the Quay opposite the Swan Inn.

We present Mr William Chappell for a dangerous well opposite John Rima's house in West Appledore.

We present William Bassett, Samuel Dick, Susan Berry, Edward Lewis and John Mounts for allowing dirty nuisances to run on the highways from their respective houses in Northam.

We present George Hutchings, William Dennis and John Skinner for filthy drains running into the roads.

We present Thomas Shute for a quantity of dung and John Sanders (mason) for a quantity of lime on Bonehill.

We present William Williams to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

We present Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
We present William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

We present John Batten and John Marshford to be waydrivers for Northam, and John Clark, Stephen Short and George Sanders to be waydrivers for Appledore, sums levied as before.

We present William Crealock, John Bassett, James Burden, John Williams junr and Joseph More to be constables for Northam, and John Cole, Robert Lemon, James Lemon, George Eastman, Samuel Fursey and John Halls mason to be constables for Appledore, and we recommend them to pay particular attention to idle boys etc on Sabbath days. We also recommend that a list of the above constables be published.

We present Mr Richard Dart, Mr John Penney, Mr James Bowen, Mr Joshua Williams (Bude Street) to be surveyors of weights and measures and provisions for Appledore, and Mr Lashbrook, Mr Benjamin Herman and Mr Thomas Cawsey to be surveyors for Northam, and we request the Lord of the Manor to furnish us with the necessary weights and measures.

And we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that the presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

Joshua Williams
Thomas Chappell
Edward Boucher Hodges
Richard Dart
Joshua Williams
John Penney
Henry Williams
James Chappell
Samuel Barrett
John Cawsey
William Haynes
John Beara
William Williams
John Pickard
Thomas Cook
William Cock
George Cawsey
James Bowen
William Lashbrook
James Cocks
James Partridge
Henry Cawsey
Thomas Cawsey

The court was then adjourned to Wednesday the 8th day of November 1837 by four o'clock in the afternoon.

Charles Carter jr, steward

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Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the manor of Northam aforesaid held at the schoolroom in Northam village on the 8th day of November 1837, before:
Charles Carter jr, steward

The following members of the jury appeared
Joshua Williams
Thomas Chappell
Edward Boucher Hodges
Richard Dart
John Penny
Henry Williams
William C Haynes
John Beara
William Lashbrook
William Cocks
William Clibbett junr
William Williams
John Pickard
Thomas Cook
George Cawsey
James Bowen
James Partridge
Henry Cawsey
Thomas Cawsey
John Cawsey
Joshua Williams (senior)

The surveyors of the highways appeared to answer the following presentments:

A nauseous gutter near the almshouses.

Bad pavement and slipway in Meeting Street.

The want of a common sewer from the house of Philip Keen Appledore to John Hall's house in the same place.

A dangerous post at the corner of Thomas Lord's house which several presentments were - respited.

Also for a bad road from Badstep to the limekiln.

Also for allowing a large heap of rubbish to remain outside the houses at Pitt in Appledore.

Also for a nauseous gutter opposite Mr Daveys shop in Northam which several presentments were - discharged.

Thomas Geen did not appear to answer the presentment for allowing a quantity of timber to remain on the public highway near his yard, but the timber being removed the presentment was (on payment of one shilling) ordered to be - discharged.

Thomas Bowden did not appear to answer the presentment for allowing lime to remain on the Quay near the house lately occupied by Mr Herman, which presentment was - respited.

Captain Philip Bowden did not appear to answer the presentment for a porch projecting in the street from his house in One End Street, which porch was directed to be removed and the presentment (on payment of one shilling) to be discharged.

Mr Tucker appeared to answer the presentment for a dangerous well near his house in Bude Street, which presentment was - respited.

Thomas Lemon appeared to answer the presentment against him for allowing a quantity of flooring slate to remain on the Quay opposite the Swan Inn, which presentment was on payment of two shillings ordered to be - discharged.

Mr William Chappell did not appear to answer the presentment against him for a dangerous well opposite John Rima's house in West Appledore which presentment on payment of one shilling was ordered to be discharged.

William Bassett, Samuel Dick and John Mounts appeared to answer the presentments against them for allowing dirty nuisances to run on the highways from their respective houses in Northam, which presentments on payment of one shilling each were directed to be - discharged.

Susan Berry and Edward Lewis did not appear to answer the presentments against them for allowing dirty nuisances to run on the highways from their respective houses at Northam, which presentments were - respited.

George Hutchings and William Dennis did not appear to answer the presentments against them for allowing filthy drains running into the roads, and were ordered to pay one shilling each and the several presentments were - respited.

John Skinner did not appear to answer the presentments against him for allowing filthy drains running into the roads, which presentment was - respited.

Thomas Shute appeared to answer the presentment against him for a quantity of dung on Bonehill, which presentment on payment of one shilling each were directed to be - discharged.

John Sanders appeared to answer the presentment against him for a quantity of lime on Bonehill, which presentment on payment of one shilling each were directed to be - discharged.

William Williams appeared and was sworn tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo appeared and was sworn crier for Northam and William Wood appeared and was sworn crier for Appledore for the year ensuing.

John Batten and John Marshford appeared and were sworn waydrivers for Northam, and George Sanders appeared and was sworn waydriver for Appledore for the year ensuing.

John Bassett, John Williams junr, James Burden and William Crealock severally appeared and were sworn constables for Northam for the year ensuing.

Samuel Fursey, Robert Lemon, John Halls, John Cole, and George Eastman appeared and were sworn constables for Appledore for the year ensuing.

Mr William Lashbrook, Mr Benjamin Herman and Mr Thomas Cawsey appeared and were sworn inspectors of weights measures and provisions for Northam for the year ensuing.

Mr Richard Dart, Mr John Penney, Mr James Bowen and Mr Joshua Williams (joiner) appeared and were sworn inspectors of weights measures and provisions for Appledore for the year ensuing.

William Smith appeared and was sworn pound keeper.

Charles Carter jr, steward.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept in the School Room in Northam village within the said manor on Friday 26th day of October 1838 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
Charles Carter Jr, steward

Mr James Chappell, foreman
Sworn of the jury and Leet
Mr William Clibbett junr
Mr James Partridge
Mr Richard Dart
Mr Edward Boucher Hodges
Mr John Penny
Mr John Pickard
Mr William Williams
Mr Richard Limberry
Mr James Cocks
Mr Edward Baller
Mr Thomas Cooke
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr James Bowen
Mr John Beara
Mr John Cawsey
Mr Thomas Cawsey

We present the surveyors of the highways for the following nuisances:

A nauseous gutter proceeding from the house occupied by Samuel Dark.

Broken pavement outside James Burden's house.

Allowing filth outside the Alms Houses all in Northam.

A nauseous gutter near the Almshouse in Appledore.

Various nuisances from Mr Down's house to the slipway.

A nuisance proceeding from the house of Mary Ann Frederick and running over the public road.

Bad and sunken pavement near Mr Robert Days and ----- Gunns premises [sic].

Dangerous fence at Mary Bignells house.

Sunken pavement on One End Street.

Nuisance from Thomas Hall's stables etc into the road.

Choked gutter in New Street.

Dark Lane much in want of being drained.

Nuisance from dirty gutter near Captain Thomas Fishers and Captain D Lovering's houses.

Pavement broken at Pitt Hill, all in Appledore.

We present the surveyors of the Trust Road for a nuisance on the Turnpike Roads near the premises of John Sanders smith and John Mill's farm yard in Northam.

We present Philip Bowden for a porch projecting in the street from his house in One End Street.

We present Mr John Tucker for a dangerous well in Bude Street.

We present William Williams to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

We present Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
We present William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

We present John Batten and John Marshford to be waydrivers for Northam, and John Clark, William Short, George Saunders and J Littlejohns for Appledore, sums levied as before.

We present William Crealock, John Bassett, James Burden, Alexander Penhorwood and Joseph More to be constables for Northam.

John Cole, Robert Lemon, James Lemon, George Eastman, George Halls and Philip Lang to be constables for Appledore, and we recommend them to pay particular attention to idle boys etc on Sabbath days. We also recommend that a list of the above constables be published.

We present Mr Richard Dart, Mr James Bowen, Mr William Haynes to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore, and Mr John Mills and Mr John Mugford to be inspectors for Northam.

We present the Lord of the Manor for not providing the inspectors with the necessary weights and measures according to his promise of last year.

We present Mr Richard Dart for stamper of weights and measures for the parish, and that his charges be regulated according to Act of Parliament.

We present the several persons hereinafter named for having in their possession and using within the said manor false and deficient weights and measures, viz:

William Rook, one pint (earthenware) not measure.
Ann Tuplin, two pints and one half pint (earthenware) not measure.
Elizabeth Bath, 1 cloth yard not measure.
Robert Yeoland one quarter pound weight 2oz deficient.
Arthur Horrill one quarter lb weight (lead) deficient.
George Newcombe one pewter quart short measure.
John Cawsey 1/2lb weight 1/4oz deficient.
John Lane [crossed out] William Williams 1lb iron 1/4oz deficient.
Sarah Beara 4lb weight 6 drachms deficient, 2lb iron 2 drachms deficient.
Mary Winter 2lb iron 1oz deficient, 1/2lb brass not stamped, 8lb stone & 7lb stone 4lb lead 1/2oz deficient, 1/2lb lead 1/4lb brass 1/4oz deficient, beam and scales 9oz deficient.
Eliza Perry beam and scales deficient.
Henry Martin beam and scales 1oz deficient, & beam and scales 1 1/4oz deficient.
Thomas Stapledon 1/2oz deficient.
Mary King 7lb iron 1/2oz deficient.
Ann Slade beam and scales 13oz deficient.
John Avery beam and scales 3oz deficient.
William Lemon beam and scales 1oz deficient, 1/2lb 1/4oz deficient.
John Reynolds several false weights.
John Handcock several false weights.
Humphrey Wood beam and scales 4oz deficient.
William Barnacle [Burnacle] 2lb weights 1/4oz deficient.
Rowland Morgan beam and scales 9 1/2oz deficient.
Jane Hartnoll 5lb weight 7oz deficient, 56lb 12oz deficient, and 56lb 1lb & 7oz deficient.
Alexander Beara 56lb 3oz deficient, 56lb 14oz deficient.
Mary Brooks 1 yard measure short.
Thomas Lemon 2 pints not measure.
Philip Lang 1 earthenware not measure.
Richard Gay 1 earthenware measure deficient.
Jane Fishwick half pint deficient.
William Cocks one pint not measure.
John Row 56lb 1/2lb deficient.
Mary King 2 quarts not measure.
William Stapledon 1 pint not measure.
Thomas Penhorwood 1 pint not measure.
James Hooper 1 pint not measure.
Robert Tatcham 1 pint not measure.
Elizabeth Evans 1 pewter pint not measure, 1 ditto earthenware not measure.
James Greed 2 pints earthenware & 1 quart not measure.

We also present the several persons hereinafter named for having in their possession weights and measures not stamped as required by Act of Parliament, viz:

Elizabeth Bath 1 cloth yard.
George Newcombe 1 quart, 1 pint & one half pint.
Robert Yeoland 1oz weight.
William Lemon 1/2lb & 1lb.
John Lane one pound iron.
Richard Perry half peck.
John Carter one peck.
Sarah Beara 4lb and 2lb.
William Ackland 1/2 peck.
Sarah Bidder one peck.
Mary Winter 1/2lb (brass) 1/2lb (lead) 1/2lb brass, 1/2oz, 1oz.
Eliza Perry 4lb lead & 4lb iron.
Thomas Stapledon 2oz, 1/2lb, 1lb, 1/4lb, 1lb (brass).
Biddy Pile 4lb & 2lb iron.
Mary King 7lb (iron).
John Reynolds 2lb iron not stamped & 1lb ditto.
John Handcock 14lb & 6lb.
Humphrey Wood 7lb (iron) 1lb iron, 1/2lb iron, and 1/4lb iron.
William Barnicle [Burnacle] 1/2lb iron, 1lb ditto, 2lb ditto, & 7lb ditto.
Thomas Fisher 1lb brass 2lb ditto 1/4lb ditto.
Rowland Morgan 28lb, two 56lbs.
Thomas Dennis 1lb iron & 2oz.
Jane Hartnoll 1/2peck, 2oz, 28lb, 56lb, & 56lb.
Alexander Beara 56lb, & 56lb.
Mary Brooks 1 yard measure.
Philip Lang 2 pewter quarts.
Richard Gay 2 pewter quarts.
Jane Fishwick 1 pewter quart, 1 ditto pint, 1 1/2 pint.
John Row two 56lbs.
Matthew Williams 1 quart (pewter).
Thomas Penhorwood 1 pint (pewter) 1/2 pint ditto.
James Hooper 1 pint (pewter).
Elizabeth Evans 1 pint (pewter) 1/2 pint ditto.
Susanna Jenkins 1 pewter quart.

And we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that the presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

James Chappell
William Clibbett junr
Richard Dart
James Partridge
John Pickard
William Williams
Richard Limberry
Edward B Hodges
John Penney
Edward Baller
John Beara
Thomas Cawsey
Thomas Cook
James Cock
James Bowen
William Lashbrook

The court was adjourned to Thursday the 8th day of November next at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Charles Carter jr, steward

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the manor of Northam aforesaid held at the schoolroom in Northam village on the 8th day of November 1838, before:
Charles Carter jr, steward

The following members of the jury appeared
James Chappell
William Clibbett junr
Richard Dart
James Partridge
John Pickard
William Williams
Richard Limbery
Edward B Hodges
John Penny
John Beara
Thomas Cawsey
Thomas Cook
James Cocks
James Bowen

The surveyors of the trust road appeared to answer the following presentments:

For a nuisance on the turnpike road near the premises of John Saunders (smith) and John Mills farm yard in Northam – respited on his undertaking to give the parties notice to remove the nuisances in default of removal to summon them before the magistrates.

The surveyors of the highways appeared to answer the following presentments, viz:

A nauseous gutter proceeding from the house occupied by Samuel Dart – discharged.

Broken pavement outside James Burdens house – discharged.

Allowing filth outside the almshouses, all in Northam – discharged.

A nauseous gutter near the almshouses in Appledore – discharged.

Various nuisances from Mr Down’s house to the highway – respited.

A nuisance proceeding from the house of Mary Ann Frederick and running over the public road – respited.

Bad and broken pavement near Mr Robert Days and Gunns premises – respited.

A dangerous fence at Mary Bignell’s house – respited.

Sunken pavement in One End Street – respited.

A nuisance from Mr Thomas Halls stables etc into the road – respited.

A choked gutter in New Street – respited.

Dark Lane much in want of being drained – respited.

Nuisance from dirty gutters near Captain Thomas Fishers and Captain Daniel Lovering’s houses – respited.

Broken pavement at Pitt Hill, all at Appledore – respited.

Philip Bowden did not appear to answer the presentment against him for a porch projecting in the street from his house in One End Street – was ordered to be removed on or before the 25th of December next or in default thereof to pay forty shillings.

John Tucker did not appear to answer the presentment against him for a dangerous well near his house in Bude Street which presentment was respited and the steward was directed to write Capt J Williams on the subject.

William Williams appeared and was sworn tythingman for the year ensuing.

John Batten and John Marshford severally appeared and were sworn waydrivers for Northam for the year ensuing.
George Sanders and Richard Littlejohns severally appeared and were sworn waydrivers for Appledore for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo appeared and was sworn crier for Northam.
William Wood appeared and was sworn crier for Appledore for the year ensuing.

John Bassett, Alexander Penhorwood and Joseph Moor severally appeared and were sworn constables for Northam for the year ensuing.
John Cole, James Lemon, George Eastman, George Halls and Philip Lang severally appeared and were sworn constables for Appledore for the year ensuing.

Mr Richard Dart, Mr James Bowen and Mr William Haynes, severally appeared and were sworn inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore for the year ensuing.
John Mills and John Mugford severally appeared and were sworn inspectors of weights and measures for Northam for the year ensuing.

Mr Richard Dart was appointed stamper for weights and measures for the manor of Northam.

Mr Samuel Barrett paid his fine of two shillings and six pence for non-attendance at the last manor court.

Mr Henry Williams, Mr William Burt and Mr William Haynes were severally excused from payment of their fines of two shillings and sixpence for non-attendance at the last manor court.

The several persons hereinafter named, who were presented for false weights measures and balances, appeared to answer such presentment and were severally fined in the sums set opposite their respective names:

Name of person appearingWeight, balance or measureForfeited or ordered to be adjustedAmount of penaltyAmount paid
William Lemon1/2lb & scalesForfeited2s.6d2s.6d
John Carter1 peckTo be stamped1s.0d1s.0d
John Lane1lbTo be stamped1s.6d1s.6d
John Cawsey1/2lb & scalesForfeited1s.6d1s.6d
 1/4ozTo be stamped  
Mary Winter2 stone & 2 leadForfeited5s.0d5s.0d
 2 brassTo be stamped  
 1 iron, 1 brass, beam & scales   
weights & beamTo be adjusted   
Elizabeth Bath1 yardForfeited1s.0d1s.0d
Eliza Perry1 lead weightForfeited2s.6d2s.6d
 4 iron dittoTo be stamped  
Matthew Williams1 pewter quartTo be stamped1s.0d1s.0d
Thomas Stapledon5 weightsTo be stamped2s.0d2s.0d
 1 dittoForfeited  
Sarah Beara2 weightsForfeited3s.0d3s.0d
 2 large ditto1 forfeited, 1 adjusted  
Bridget Pill2 weightsTo be stamped1s.0d1s.0d
Mary King1 weight & 2 quartsForfeited2s.0d2s.0d
Ann SladeBeamTo be adjusted1s.6d1s.6d
Elizabeth Evans2 pintsForfeited1s.6d1s.6d
 2 pewter dittoTo be stamped  
Susanna Jenkins1 pewter quart, 1 ditto pintTo be stamped1s.6d1s.6d
Jane Fishwick1 pewter quart, 1 ditto pintTo be stamped1s.6d1s.6d
 1 ditto half pintForfeited  
Henry Martin2 false scales & beams 15s.0d 
William Stapledon1 pintForfeited1s.0d1s.0d
James Hooper1 pewter pintTo be stamped1s.6d1s.6d
 1 earthenware dittoForfeited  
Robert Tatem1 ditto pintForfeited1s.0d1s.0d
Philip Lang2 pewter quartsTo be stamped1s.6d1s.6d
 1 earthenware dittoForfeited  
Rowland MorganScales & beamScales forfeited  
Beam returned2s.6d2s.6d  
 3 weightsTo be stamped  
Thomas LemonObstructing the inspectors in   
the discharge of their duty. 5s.0d5s.0d 
William Burnacle3 weightsTo be stamped2s.0d2s.0d
 1 weightForfeited  
Thomas Fisher3 new weightsTo be adjustedNo fine 
Thomas Dennis2 weightsTo be stamped1s.0d1s.0d
Jane Hartnoll1/2 a peck. 1 weightTo be stamped5s.0d5s.0d
 3 weightsForfeited  
Richard Gay2 pewter pintsTo be stamped1s.0d1s.0d
 1 earthenware dittoForfeited  
Mary Brooks1 yardForfeited1s.0d1s.0d
John Reynolds3 weightsTo be stamped3s.0d3s.0d
Thomas Penhorwood2 pintsForfeited2s.0d2s.0d
 1 pint & 1/2 dittoTo be stamped  
John Row2 weightsTo be adjusted2s.0d2s.0d
James Greed2 pints & 1 quartForfeited1s.6d1s.6d
Humphrey WoodBeam & scales & 4 weightsTo be adjusted1s.0d1s.0d
John Avery1 beamTo be adjusted1s.0d1s.0d
William Williams1 weightForfeited1s.6d1s.6d
William Rook1 pintForfeited1s.0d1s.0d
George Newcombe3 pewter jugsTo be adjusted1s.6d1s.6d
Ann Tuplin3 earthenware dittoForfeited1s.0d1s.0d
Robert Yeoland3 iron weightsTo be adjustedNot fined 
Arthur Horrell1 lead weightForfeited6d6d
Richard Honey1/2 a peckTo be stamped1s.0d1s.0d

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept in the School Room in Northam village within the said manor on Friday 25th day of October 1839 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
Charles Carter Jr, steward

Mr Edward Boucher Hodges, foreman
Sworn of the jury and Leet
Mr Joshua Williams
Mr James Partridge
Mr Richard Dart
Mr John Penney
Mr John Pickard
Mr Thomas Chappell
Mr William Haynes
Mr John Cawsey
Mr John Sanders
Mr John Mill

We present Mr Edward Boucher Hodges the foreman to give notice to the surveyors of the highways for the removal of a quantity of timber etc now lying in the highway near Mr Thomas Geen's shipbuilding yard.

Also for a quantity of filth in the passage way from the Marine Parade to the Market Place and for broken gutter in the street leading from Market Street to Mrs Richard Vernon's House.

Also for a dangerous step at the Champion of Wales in Meeting Street.

We present Mr Thomas Cook for an encroachment on the public highway and new quay now building at Appledore opposite the Swan Inn.

Mr Richard Leathern for an encroachment on the Burrows by building a wall and enclosing pound thereby to the west of his house.

We present William Williams to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam and William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

We present Richard Hearn and James Harris to be waydrivers for Northam and John Clark, William Short and George Saunders for Appledore, sums levied as before.

We present William Crealock, John Bassett, James Burdon, Alexander Penhorwood, James More, John Ford and William Bassett to be constables for Northam and George Halls, George Eastman, William Burnacle and John Fisher to be constables for Appledore and we strongly recommend them to pay particular attention to idle boys etc on Sabbath days.

We present Mr William Williams and Mr James Bowen to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore, and Mr John Pickard of Northam Town and John Northam [sic] and Richard Dart for stamper of weights and measures.

We present the following persons as defaulters of weights and measures namely:

Mr Bartholomew Pickard Northam for having in his possession a half pound weight one quarter of an ounce deficient.
Robert Serjeant 4 half hundred weights deficient 5lbs.
Mrs Gibbs one pound weight not stamped 1/4oz deficient.
Mrs Slader 2lbs weight 1/4oz deficient.
Mrs Pile West Appledore 2lb weight 1/4oz deficient.
Mrs Williams, 2 pewter quart measures not stamped and deficient and 9 earthenware pints deficient.
Mr Hutchings one half pint deficient.
Mr William Cox one quart deficient.
Mr Anthony Paddon (Northam) 2 quart measures and one pint deficient.

Who were severally amerced in the sum of five shillings each for absenting themselves from the jury:
Mr James Chappell
Mr William Clibbett junr
Mr Charles Andrew Caddy
Mr William Williams
Mr Richard Limbery
Mr William Burt
Mr James Cocks
Mr Edward Baller
Mr Thomas Evans
Mr John Popham
Mr Thomas Cooke
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr James Bowen
Mr Samuel Bassett
Mr John Beara
Mr William Cock

And we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that the presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

Edward B Hodges
Thomas Cawsey
John Sanders
John Pickard
Richard Dart
William C Hayne
John Mill
Thomas Chappell
James Partridge
Joshua Williams
John Cawsey
John Penney

The court was adjourned to Thursday the 21st day of November next by 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

Charles Carter jr, steward


= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the manor of Northam aforesaid held at the schoolroom in Northam village on the 21st day of November 1839.
[blank] steward

The following members of the jury appeared
Mr Edward Boucher Hodges
Mr James Partridge
Mr John Penney
Mr Thomas Chappell
Mr William Hayne
Mr John Sanders
Mr John Mill
Mr John Cawsey
Mr Thomas Cawsey
Mr Richard Dart

The surveyors of the highways appeared to answer the following presentments:

For a quantity of timber remaining in the highway near Mr Thomas Geen's shipbuilding yard - discharged.

Also for a quantity of filth in the passage way from the Marine Parade to the Market Place - discharged.

Also for a broken gutter in the street leading from Market Street to Mrs Richard Vernon's house - discharged.

Also for a dangerous step at the Champion of Wales in Meeting Street - ordered to be removed.

Mr Thomas Cook appeared to answer the presentment for an encroachment on the public highway and new quay now building at Appledore oppose the Swan Inn - respited.

Mr Richard Leathern appeared to answer the presentment for an encroachment on the Burrows by building a wall and enclosing ground thereby (to the west of his house) and having proposed that the matter should be referred to Mr John Pickard of Ford on his behalf and such other person as the Lords of the Manor should name, the presentment was ordered to be referred accordingly.

The several persons hereinafter named were then called to answer the several presentments for false weights and measures and were severally amerced in the sums set opposite their respective names:

Name of person presentedWeight or MeasureForfeited or ordered to be adjustedAmount of penaltyAmount paid
Bartholomew Pickard1/2lb weight 1/4oz deficientForfeitedNo penalty 
Robert Serjeant4 half hundred weights deficientForfeited1s.0d1s.0d
Theodosia Gibbs1lb weight 1/4oz deficientForfeited1s.6d 
Susan Slader2lb weight 1/4oz deficientForfeited1s.6d 
Mrs Pile2lb weight 1/4oz deficientForfeited1s.0d 
Mrs Williams2 pewter quartTo be adjusted1s.0d1s.0d
 measures deficient   
Mrs Williams9 earthenware pints deficientForfeited1s.0d1s.0d
George Hutchings1/2 pint deficientForfeited1s.6d1s.6d
William Cock1 quart deficientForfeited1s.6d1s.6d
Anthony Padden2 quarts and 1 pint earthenwareForfeited2s.0d2s.0d

John Bassett, bailiff of the said Manor made oath that he summoned Theodosia Gibbs and Susan Slader to appear at this court this day to answer the several presentments against him.

The following persons then appeared and were sworn into their several offices, viz:

William Williams – tythingman.

Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam.
William Wood - crier for Appledore.

William Peak - waydriver for Northam.
John Clarke, George Saunders and William Short - waydrivers for Appledore.

William Crealock, John Bassett, Joseph Moore, Alexander Penhorwood, John Ford and William Bassett - constables for Northam.
George Halls, George Eastman and John Fisher - constables for Appledore.

John Pickard and John Lock - inspectors of weights and measures for Northam.

Richard Dart - stamper of weights and measures for Northam.

At this court John Bassett, bailiff of the said manor made oath that he summoned the following jurors to attend at the court leet of the manor held on the twenty fifth day of October last, namely: James Chappell, William Clibbett junr, Charles Andrew Caddy, William Williams, William Burt, James Cocks, Edward Baller, Thomas Evans, John Popham, Thomas Cook, William Lashbrook, Samuel Barrett and John Beara.

The fines of Mr Charles Andrew Caddy, Mr William Burt and Mr Edward Baller were remitted.

Mr Samuel Barrett, Mr John Beara and Mr William Lashbrook severally paid their fines of five shillings each for non-attendance at the court leet held on the 25th day of October last.

Mr Thomas Chappell was nominated as foreman of the jury for the next year, and he was requested to prepare a list of the jury for the steward.

[blank] steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept in the School Room in Northam village within the said manor on Friday 23rd day of October 1840 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.

Sworn of the jury and Leet
Mr James Bowen, foreman
Mr James Chappell
Mr James Partridge
Mr Richard Dart
Mr John Pickard
Mr Richard Limbery
Mr Richard Leathern
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr John Causey
Mr William Cocks
Mr William Williams
Mr Thomas Marquiss

We present Mr James Bowen the foreman to give notice to the surveyors of the highway for them to cause the highway near Mr Thomas Geen’s shipbuilding yard to be kept clear of timber etc, which is too frequently lodged there to the annoyance of the public.

Also that they make urgency who and by what authority the Pillars at the head of Dark Lane were taken down and the rubbish of the same left there to the annoyance of the public and to see the said pillars replaced, also to see all thoroughfares clear and kept open for the public uses and particularly that part fronting the Town of Appledore on which the new Quays have been built.

We present Mr William Williams tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam and William Wood for Appledore.

We present William Peak and Richard Honey to be waydrivers for Northam and John Clark and George Saunders for Appledore, sums levied as before.

We present William Crealock, John Bassett, William Bassett, James Burden, John Ford to be constables for Northam and George Halls, George Eastman, William Burnacle and John Fisher to be constables for Appledore and we strongly recommend them to pay particular attention to prevent idle boys and others in the streets on Sabbath days.

We present Mr James Bowen and Mr William Williams to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.

Mr Richard Leathern and Mr John Bassett senr for Northam and Mr Richard Dart stamper for the parish.

We present the following persons as defaulters of weights and measures namely:

Mary Ann Dimond wife of Thomas Dimond for having in her possession two pint and one quart earthenware measures deficient.

We present John Saunders for having in his possession a four pound iron weight not stamped according to law.

We present and amerce all those who were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves in the sum of five shillings each and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

We present Mr James Chappell in the fine of two shillings and sixpence for absenting himself from the jury room without leave and also Mr William Williams yeoman for absenting himself without leave before the court was adjourned.

James Bowen, foreman
Richard Dart
Richard Limbery
John Pickard
James Partridge
John Cawsey
John Mill
Richard Leathern
Thomas Marquiss
William Lashbrook
William Williams
William Cock
James Chappell

The court was adjourned to Thursday the 12th day of November next by 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

[blank] steward


= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the manor of Northam aforesaid held at the schoolroom in Northam village on the 12th day of November 1840.
[blank] steward

The following members of the jury appeared
Mr James Bowen, foreman
Mr Richard Limbery
Mr Richard Leathern
Mr John Mills
Mr John Pickard
Mr Thomas Marquiss
Mr Richard Dart
Mr William Williams (yeoman)
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr John Cawsey
Mr James Partridge

The following persons then appeared and were sworn into their several offices, viz:

William Williams – tythingman.

Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam.
William Wood - crier for Appledore.

William Peak and Richard Honey - waydrivers for Northam.
John Clark and George Saunders - waydrivers for Appledore.

William Crealock, John Bassett, William Bassett, John Ford and Alexander Penhorwood - constables for Northam.
George Halls, George Eastman and William Burdick [sic, probably Burnacle intended] - constables for Appledore.

William Smith - poundkeeper for Northam.

James Bowen - inspector of weights and measures for Appledore.

Richard Leathern and John Bassett senr - inspectors of weights and measures for Northam
Mary Ann Dimond wife of Thomas Dimond appeared to answer a summons for having in her possession two pint and one quart earthenware measures deficient and the measures were ordered to be forfeited, but no fine was imposed.

John Saunders appeared to answer a summons for having in his possession a four pound iron weight not stamped according to law and the weight was ordered to be stamped and returned to Saunders on his paying the expense of stamping.

Mr James Chappell and Mr William Williams severally paid the fines of two shillings and sixpence each for absenting themselves without leave at the last court prior to the completion of the business.

Mr William Clibbett and Mr John Beara severally paid their fines of five shillings each for non-attendance at the last court pursuant to summons.

At this court John Bassett bailiff of the said manor made oath that he summoned the following jurors to attend at the court leet of the manor held on the twenty third day of October last viz: William Williams, John Popham and James Cocks.

[blank] steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of William Cocks known by the sign of the Tavern situate at Appledore within the manor of Northam aforesaid on Monday 25th day of October 1841 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank] steward

In consequence of the absence of the foreman the jury elected Mr Richard Dart as their foreman.
Mr Richard Dart, foreman
Sworn of the jury and Leet
Mr Joshua Williams
Mr James Chappell
Mr William Williams
Mr John Pickard
Mr John Mills
Mr William Cocks
Mr John Beara
Mr John Popham
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr John Vernon
Mr John Penney

We present the surveyors of the highway for broken pavement in the drang leading to the Marine Parade and Narrow Quays and also for allowing timber lime etc to be left in the highway near Mr Geen's yard.

We present Mr William Williams tythingman for the ensuing year.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam and William Wood for Appledore.

We present Richard Honey and William Peak to be waydrivers for Northam and John Clark and George Saunders for Appledore.

We present William Crealock, John Bassett, William Bassett, John Ford and Alexander Penhorwood to be constables for Northam.

We present William Smith to be poundkeeper for Northam.

George Eastman, William Eastman, George Halls, William Burnacle and John Halls to be constables for Appledore and we strongly recommend them to pay particular attention to idle boys etc and others playing in the street on Sabbath days.

We present Mr James Bowen and Mr William Williams to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore. Mr John Bassett senr and Mr John Saunders for Northam.

Mr Richard Dart to be stamper.

We present the defaulters of weights and measures according to the inspectors list.

We present all those that were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves and amerce them in the sum of five shillings each and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

We present the Proprietors of houses etc next adjoining the river where the quays have been lately built for not conforming the proposed plan and for not finishing the same thereby causing a great annoyance to the inhabitants of the parish.

The inspectors list above referred to:

Mr Robert Rook - 1/4lb weight deficient.
Mr William Rook - 3 1/2lb weights deficient.
And two 2lb weights deficient.
Mr Howell - 1/2lb weight deficient.
Mr Howell - 1/4lb weight deficient.

It is proposed and agreed that the jury shall elect their chairman on each annual meeting
That the annual meetings be held alternatively at Northam and Appledore.

Richard Dart
John Penney
John Mill
John C Vernon
Joshua Williams
John Beara
John Popham
James Chappell
John Pickard
William Williams (the mark of)
William Lashbrook
William Cock

The court was adjourned to Wednesday the 24th day of November at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

[blank] steward


= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the manor of Northam aforesaid held at the house of William Cocks known by the sign of the Tavern situate at Appledore within the manor of Northam aforesaid on the 24th day of November 1841.
[blank] steward

The following members of the jury appeared
Mr Richard Dart, foreman
Mr John Penney
Mr John C Vernon
Mr John Beara
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr William Cocks
Mr John Mill
Mr William Williams

The following persons then appeared and were sworn into their several offices:

William Williams – tythingman.

Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam.
William Wood - crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey and William Peak - waydrivers for Northam.
John Clark and George Saunders - waydrivers for Appledore.

William Smith – poundkeeper.

John Bassett, William Bassett, John Ford, Alexander Penhorwood and William Crealock - constables for Northam.
George Eastman, William Eastman, George Halls and John Halls - constables for Appledore.

James Bowen and William Williams - inspector of weights and measures for Appledore.
John Bassett senr and John Saunders (blacksmith) - inspector of weights and measures for Northam.

Richard Dart - stamper of weights and measures for Northam.

The surveyors of the highways appeared to answer a summons for broken pavement in the drang leading to the Marine Parade and Narrow Quay.

Also for allowing timber lime, etc to be left on the highway near Mr Geen's yard - respited.

The presentment against the proprietors of houses next adjoining the river where the Quays have been lately built for not conforming to the proposed plan and for not finishing the same hereby causing a great annoyance to the inhabitants of the parish being called over, the steward was requested to call the attention of the Lord of the Manor to the subject that steps may be immediately taken to prevent a continuance of this annoyance.

William Rook appeared to answer a summons for having in his possession a 2lb weight each a quarter of an ounce deficient, the said William Rook was fined two shillings and sixpence, the weights were ordered to be adjusted and returned to the said William Rook.
The said William Rook paid the fine of two shillings and sixpence.

Mrs Horrell did not appear to answer the presentment against her for short weights, but the weights being unstamped the same were left in the hands of Mr Richard Dart, the stamper of weights and measures and ordered to be returned on being stamped.

Mr James Partridge, James Bowen, Thomas Marquiss, Robert Cawsey, James Cocks, Edward Boucher Hodges, Richard Limberry, Henry Williams (chandler), William Williams (sailmaker), William Haynes, Thomas Hancock and John Mugford were severally amerced in the sum of five shillings each for absenting themselves from the jury.

Mr Edward Boucher Hodges and Mr William Williams paid the said fine of five shillings for non-attendance at the said court.

Mr Richard Leathern and Mr William Clibbett were excused from the payment of their fines.

[blank] steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of John Kelly known by the sign of the Kings Head situate in the village of Northam within the said manor on Thursday 27th day of October 1842 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.

Mr James Bowen, foreman
Sworn of the jury and Leet
Mr William Gordon
Mr Joshua Williams
Mr James Chappell
Mr John Pickard
Mr Thomas Chappell
Mr George Nicholls
Mr John Penney
Mr John Mills
Mr Richard Dart
Mr Thomas Hancock
Mr John Mugford
Mr William Cocks
Mr John Vernon
Mr George Lock

We present William Williams tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey and William Peak to be waydrivers for Northam. George Saunders and Richard Ford for Appledore.

William Smith to be poundkeeper.

We present Mr Samuel Turner and Mr Richard Lymberry to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore. Mr John Bassett senr and Mr Thomas Hancock for Northam.

Mr Richard Dart to be stamper.

We present the defaulters of weights and measures according to the inspectors annexed list marked A:

We present all those that were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves and amerce them in the sum of five shillings and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

The inspectors list marked A above referred to:

George Newcombe, Instow - 4lb - deficient
Bartholomew Pickard, Northam - 2lb - deficient
Thomas Mills, Barum - 2lb - deficient
John Avery, Appledore - 1/4lb - deficient
Charles Hartnoll junr, Appledore - 2lb - deficient
George Downe, Appledore - 2lb - deficient
George Downe, Appledore - 1lb - deficient
John Reynolds, Appledore - 1lb - deficient
James Cock, Appledore - 1lb - deficient
Peggy Winter, Appledore - 2lb - deficient
Mr T Lock, Instow - 2lb - deficient
William Penny, grocer - 2lb - deficient
Betsy Williams, New St - 2lb - deficient
Betsy Williams, New St - 1/2lb - deficient
Capt R M Holman, New St - 2lb - deficient
William Grigg, Bude St - 2lb - deficient
Mary Blackmore, Irsha St - 1/2lb - deficient
Mary Blackmore, Irsha St - 1/4lb - deficient
Sarah Ann Beara, Market St - 1/2lb - deficient
Sarah Ann Beara, Market St - 1/2lb - deficient
Sarah Ann Beara, Market St - 1/4lb - deficient
Thomas Gilbert, Northam - 1lb - deficient
Thomas Gilbert, Northam - 1/4lb - deficient
Thomas Gilbert, Northam - 1/4lb - deficient
Mrs Piper, Bude St - 1/2lb - deficient
Mrs Piper, Bude St - 1/2 & 1/4lb – deficient

James Bowen, foreman
Richard Dart
Joshua Williams
John Pickard
John C Vernon
John Mill
John Beara
John Mugford
Thomas Hancock
John Penney
George Nicholls
William Gordon
William Cock
George Lock

The court was adjourned to Wednesday the 16th day of November at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

[blank] steward


= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the manor of Northam aforesaid held at the house of John Kelly known by the sign of the Kings Head in Northam village on the 16th day of November 1842.
[blank] steward

The following members of the jury appeared
Mr James Bowen, foreman
Mr Richard Dart
Mr Joshua Williams
Mr John Pickard
Mr John Copleston Vernon
Mr John Mill
Mr John Beara
Mr John Mugford
Mr Thomas Hancock
Mr John Penney
Mr George Nicholls
Mr William Gordon
Mr William Cock
Mr George Lock

The following persons then appeared and were sworn into their several offices:

William Williams – tythingman.

Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam.
William Wood - crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey and William Peak - waydrivers for Northam.
George Saunders and Richard Ford - waydrivers for Appledore.

William Smith – poundkeeper.

Mr Samuel Turner and Mr Richard Lymberry - inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.

Mr William Bassett senr and Mr Thomas Hancock - inspectors of weights and measures for Northam.

Mr Richard Dart - stamper of weights and measures.

The following persons hereinafter named were then called to answer the several presentments for false weights and measures and were severally amerced in the sums set opposite their respective names:

Name of person appearingWeight or MeasureForfeited or ordered to be adjustedAmount of penaltyAmount paid
Mary Blackmore1/2lb, 1/4lbAdjusted1s 0d1s 0d
Betsy Williams2lb, 1/2lbForfeited2s.6d2s.6d
George Downe2lbAdjusted2s.0d2s.0d
William Grigg2lbForfeited6d6d
Peggy Winter2lbForfeited6d6d
R M Holman2lbForfeited2s.6d2s.6d
W Penney2lbAdjusted6d6d
C Hartnoll2lbForfeited3s.0d3s.0d
John Reynolds1lbForfeited1s.6d1s.6d
B Pickard2lbForfeited5s.0d5s.0d
Thomas Gilbert1lb, 1/4lb,Forfeited2s.0d2s.0d
James Cock1lbForfeited2s.0d2s.0d
Thomas Newcombe2lb & 2lbForfeited2s.6d2s.6d
Mrs Piper2lb, half-quarterAdjusted6d6d
Thomas Lock2lbForfeited2s.6d2s.6d
Thomas Mill2lbForfeited1s.0d1s.0d
Miss Beara1/2lbForfeited1s.0d1s.0d
Miss Beara1/2lbAdjusted  
Miss BearaHalf-quarterAdjusted  
George Newcombe4lbReturned  
Mr James PartridgeWho were severally amerced in the sum of five shillings each for absenting themselves from the jury.   
Mr William Williams    
Mr Robert Cawsey    
Mr William Bolt    
Mr Richard Cooper Evans    
Mr James Cocks    
Mr Richard Limberry    
John Popham    
William Lashbrook    
Richard Berry    

At this court John Bassett bailiff of the said manor made oath that he summoned the following jurors to attend namely James Partridge, Robert Cawsey, Richard Cooper Evans, James Cocks, William Williams, John Popham, William Lashbrook and Richard Berry.

[blank] steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of William Bolt known by the sign of the Hotel [sic] situate in Appledore in the parish of Northam in the said manor on Monday 30th day of October 1843 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank], steward

Sworn of the jury and Leet
Mr William Gordon, foreman
Mr William Williams
Mr John Pickard
Mr Thomas Chappell
Mr William Bolt
Mr George Nichols
Mr Edward Boucher Hodges
Mr John Penney
Mr William Crunn Hayne
Mr John Beara
Mr Thomas Handcock
Mr William Cocks
Mr John Coplestone Vernam
Mr James Chappell
Mr John Ashwood
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr William Clibbett junr

We present William Williams tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey and William Peak to be waydrivers for Northam. George Saunders, Richard Ford, John Clarke and James Lang for Appledore.

William Smith to be poundkeeper.

We present Mr James Chappell and Mr John Penney to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore. Mr James Partridge and Mr William Bassett to be inspectors for Northam.

Mr William Clibbett junior to be stamper of weights.

We present the surveyors of highways for the following nuisances:

Bad state of the road near George Downs, in Green and Cox Lane, One End Street, Bude Street from Capt Limberrys to the lower end Market Street generally, and opposite the houses of Mr Groves and Mr Tucker in Appledore.

Bad pavement near Saunders stable.

The drain and horse road at Lady's Causeway near Thomas Lords and Glason Hill in Northam and Blackmores Lane and Underborough Cottage.

We present the defaulters in weights and measures according to the inspectors annexed list marked A and B.

We present James Gribble of Bideford for taking pebble stones in a butt from the place called the Pullies in the parish and manor of Northam.

We present all those that were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves and fine them in the sum of five shillings, and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

The inspectors lists marked A and B:

Mrs Beara, Market - 56lb and 28lbs - deficient
Mr Barrett, Coal yard - 56lb and 28lbs - deficient
Mr John Rowe, Coal yard - 56lb - deficient
Mr Thomas Dennis - 4lbs and 2oz - deficient
Mr William Dennis - 4lbs and 2lbs - deficient
Mr John Avery, butcher - 4lbs - deficient
Mr George Newcombe - 4lbs - deficient
Mr John Bates - 2lbs - deficient
Mrs Hancock, Instow - 5lbs of butter - deficient
Mrs Andrews, Fremington - 2lbs - deficient
Mary Blackmore, Appledore - 1lb and 1/2lb - deficient
Mary Bignell, Appledore - 1lb, 1/2lb, 4oz, 2oz - deficient
Mr Lang, Appledore - 17lb, 4lb, 1lb, 1/2lb, 1/4lb, 2oz - deficient
Grace Hamlyn - 1/4lb, 1/2lb, 1/4lb - deficient
Mr Robert Rook - 1lb, 1/2lb, 1/2oz - deficient
Mr William Rook - 2 1/2 lbs, 1/4lb - deficient
Mr Thomas Gilbert - 1/4lb - deficient
Mr William Jewry - 2 2-pounds weights - deficient
Mr Thomas Lock - 1lb, 1/2lb, 1/4lb, 1/2lb, 1oz – deficient

William Gordon, foreman
Thomas Chappell
Edward Hodges
John Ashwood
John Pickard
John Penney
William C Haynes
John C Vernam
George Nicholls
John Beara
William Cock
William Williams (his mark)
Thomas Hancock
William Lashbrook
William Clibbett junr
James Chappell
John Mill
Joshua Williams
James Bowen
[blank], steward

The court was adjourned to Monday the 13th day of November at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.


= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the manor of Northam aforesaid held at the house of William Bolt known by the sign of the Hotel [sic] situate at Appledore within the manor of Northam aforesaid on the 13th day of November 1843.

The following members of the jury appeared
Mr William Gordon
Mr Thomas Chappell
Mr Edward Hodges
Mr John Ashwood
Mr John Pickard
Mr John Penney
Mr William Crunn Haynes
Mr John Coplestone Vernam
Mr George Nichols
Mr John Beara
Mr William Cocks
Mr William Williams
Mr Thomas Hancock
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr William Clibbett junr
Mr James Chappell
Mr John Mill
Mr Joshua Williams
Mr James Bowen

The following persons then appeared and were sworn into their several offices:

William Williams – tythingman.

Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam.
William Wood - crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey and William Peak - waydrivers for Northam. George Saunders, Richard Ford and James Lang - waydrivers for Appledore.

William Smith – poundkeeper.

James Chappell and John Penney - inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.
William Lashbrook and William Bassett - inspectors of weights and measures for Northam.

William Clibbett jr - stamper of weights and measures for the manor of Northam.

The following persons hereinafter named were then called to answer the several presentments for false weights and were severally amerced in the sums set opposite their respective names:

Name of person appearingWeight or MeasureForfeited or ordered to be adjustedAmount of penaltyAmount paid
Mrs BearaOne 56lb and one 28lbAdjusted1s 0d1s 0d
Mr Barrett56lb and 28lbAdjusted1s.6d1s.6d
John Rowe56lb and 28lbAdjusted1s.6d1s.6d
Thomas Dennis2lb and 2ozForfeited5s5s
William Dennis4lb and 2lbAdjusted5s5s
Mrs Piper  5s5s
Mr Avery4lbAdjusted2s.6d2s.6d
Mr Newcombe4lb 5s 
Mr Bates2lb short   
Mrs Hancock, Instow5lbs butter 5s5s
Mrs Andrews, Fremington2lbs butter 5s5s
Mary Blackmore1lb and 1/2 lbsAdjusted  
Mary Bignell1lb, 1/lb, 4oz, 2ozAdjusted5s5s
Mr Lang7lb, 4lb, 1lb, 1/2lb, 4ozAdjusted6d6d
Grace Hamlyn1lb, 1/2lb, 1/4lbAdjusted6d6d
Robert Rook1lb, 1/2lb, 2ozAdjusted5s 
William RookTwo 1/2lbs, 1/4lbAdjusted1s.6d 
Thomas Gilbert1/4lbAdjustedNo fine 
William JewryTwo 1/4lbsAdjusted2s2s
Thomas Lock1lb, 1/2lb, 1/4lb, 2lb, 1ozAdjusted2s.6d2s.6d
James GribbleFor taking pebble stones from the Burrows 5s5s

Resolved that in future years the steward omit to summon any juryman requesting it by notice in writing to him who may have served 10 years and upwards.

Mr James Cocks, Mr William Williams, Mr Thomas Geen and Mr Joshua Williams junr were severally amerced in the sum of five shillings each for absenting themselves from the jury.

At this court John Bassett, bailiff of the said manor made oath that he summoned the following jurors to attend at the court leet of the manor held on the 30th day of October last, namely James Cocks, William Williams, Thomas Geen and Joshua Williams.

[blank] steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of John Kelly known by the sign of the Kings Head in Northam village on Monday 28th day of October 1844 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank], steward

Sworn of the jury and Leet
Mr William Clibbett
Mr William Gordon
Mr William Williams yeoman
Mr George Nichols
Mr Samuel Turner
Mr John Beara
Mr George Tucker
Mr William Cocks
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr Henry Williams
Mr Joshua Williams junr
Mr Thomas Bowen

We present William Williams tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
Thomas Parmenter to be crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey, Samuel Andrews and George Saunders to be waydrivers for Northam.
John Clarke and James Lang for Appledore.

William Smith to be poundkeeper.

We present Mr Samuel Turner and Mr Moses Bowen to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.
Mr John Pickard (of Northam) and Mr John Irwin (Hyde) to be inspectors for Northam.

William Clibbett junior to be stamper of weights.

We present the surveyors of highways for the following nuisances:

An open dirty drain near Richard Birch's garden in Northam

We present William Couch, Samuel Underhill, George Carter and Thomas Braund for allowing filthy drains to run over the public highway at Northam

We present Lewis William Buck esq M.P. for allowing his servants to remove sand from the sand hills on Northam Burrows.

We present all those that were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves and fine them in the sum of five shillings, and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

Thomas Chappell, foreman
William Clibbett junr
William Gordon
William Cock
William Williams (his mark)
George Nichols
William Lashbrook
Henry Williams
Samuel Turner
Joshua Williams junr
George Tucker
John Beara

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the manor of Northam aforesaid held at the house of John Kelly known by the sign of the Kings Head in Northam village on the 25th day of November 1844.
[blank], steward

The following members of the jury appeared
Mr William Chappell
Mr Henry Williams
Mr William Gordon
Mr George Nichols
Mr William Cock
Mr Samuel Turner
Mr Thomas Bowen
Mr Lashbrook
Mr William Clibbett
Mr William Williams
Mr George Tucker

William Wood was sworn as crier for Appledore having been administered not to impose in his charges for printing and publishing Bills.

William Smith was sworn poundkeeper for Northam.

William Couch, Samuel Underhill, George Carter and William [sic: Thomas previously] Braund appeared and the presentments against them were respited.

Thomas Yeo appeared and was sworn crier for Northam.

William Williams appeared and was sworn tythingman for the manor.

The surveyor of the highways appeared and disputed their liability.

At this court it was agreed that the waydrivers be instructed not to be particular in pounding cattle found in the highway by night especially when they know that the cattle have been driven from the Burrows by stress of weather.

Mr William Clibbett was sworn stamper of weights and measures for the manor of Northam.

Mr Samuel Turner and Mr Moses Bowen were sworn inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.
Mr John Irwin and Mr William Gordon were sworn inspectors of weights and measures for Northam.

Mr John Saunders appeared to answer the presentment against Lewis William Buck esquire to acknowledge himself to have taken the sand and he was fined one shilling and two shillings expenses.

Richard Honey and Samuel Andrews were sworn way drivers for Northam.
George [sic: John previously] Clark was sworn waydriver for Appledore.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of William Cock known by the sign of the Tavern at Appledore within the said Manor on Wednesday 29th day of October 1845 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank], steward

Mr William Clibbett, foreman
Sworn of the jury and Leet
Mr Thomas Chappell
Mr James Bowen
Mr William Williams
Mr George Nichols
Mr Edward B Hodges
Mr William Hoare
Mr Thomas Williams junr
Mr William Cocks
Mr Joshua Williams junr
Mr Thomas Bowen
Mr Edward Mirra

We present William Williams tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey, Samuel Andrews and George Saunders to be waydrivers for Northam, John Clarke and James Lang for Appledore.

William Smith to be poundkeeper.

We present Mr Thomas Chappell and Mr Thomas Bowen to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore. Mr John Pickard and Mr John Irwin to be inspectors for Northam.

William Clibbett junior to be stamper of weights.

We present the surveyors of highways for the following nuisances:

Bad pavement and ponded water between Mr Joshua Williams junr and Mr Geo Downs house.

Bad pavement at Mr Bolts coal cellars and allowing rubbish to remain on the new Quay longer than a reasonable period.

The pavement in Bude Street being in a very bad state of repairs.

We present Mr Thomas Cawsey for an encroachment and a dangerous ditch in Broad Lane.

Having viewed with considerable apprehension the encroachments made by the sea on Northam Burrows more particularly during the recent high tides and being of opinion that unless further encroachments from the sea be presented a great sacrifice of public property will be the result and the entry to the Ports of Bideford and Barnstaple endangered.
We beg to call the attention of the Lord of the Manor to the subject and to request that he will adopt the most speedy and effectual measures for preventing further injury and we beg to suggest to him the propriety of calling the attention of the Lords of the Admiralty and of the Trinity Board to the subject.

We present all those that were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves in the sum of five shillings, and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

William Clibbett junr, foreman.
Thomas Chappell
George Nichols
Edward Hodges
Joshua Williams junr
Thomas Bowen
Thomas Williams
Edward Mirra
James Bowen
William Hoare
William Williams
William Cock

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the manor of Northam aforesaid held at the house of William Cocks known by the sign of the Tavern situate at Appledore within the manor of Northam aforesaid on the 19th day of November 1845.
[blank], steward

The following members of the jury appeared:
Mr William Clibbett, foreman
Mr Thomas Chappell
Mr George Nicholls
Mr Edward B Hodges
Mr William Hore
Mr Thomas Williams
Mr William Cocks
Mr Joshua Williams junr
Mr Thomas Bowen
Mr Edward Meara

The following persons appeared and were sworn into their respective offices for the year ensuing:

William Williams – tythingman.

Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam.
William Wood - crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey, Samuel Andrews and George Saunders - waydrivers for Northam.
John Clerk and James Lang - waydrivers for Appledore.

William Smith – poundkeeper.

Mr Thomas Chappell and Mr Thomas Bowen - inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.
Mr John Pickard (Northam) and Mr John Irwin - inspectors of weights and measures for Northam.

Mr William Clibbett junr - stamper of weights and measures for the manor.

The surveyors of the highways appeared to answer the following presentments:

Bad pavement and ponded water between Mr Joshua Williams junr and Mr George Downs houses.

Bad pavement at Mr Bolts coal cellars and allowing rubbish to remain on the new Quay longer than a reasonable period, which presentments were respited.

Mr Thomas Cawsey appeared to answer the presentment for an encroachment and a dangerous ditch in Broad Lane - which presentment was - respited.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of John Kelly known by the sign of the Kings Head in the village of Northam within the said Manor on Friday 13th day of October 1846 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank], steward

Mr James Bowen, foreman
Mr Edward Boucher Hodges
Mr Joshua Williams
Mr William Clibbett
Mr John Mill
Mr Samuel Turner
Mr William Hoare
Mr William Crunn Haynes
Mr William Cocks
Mr Thomas Williams
Mr John Kelly
Mr William Kelly

We present William Williams to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey, William Peake and George Saunders to be waydrivers for Northam.
John Clarke and James Lang for Appledore.

William Smith to be poundkeeper, and we recommend the gate of the pound to be put in efficient repairs.

We present Mr Samuel Turner, Mr Moses Bowen and Mr Keys to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.
Mr John Mill and Mr William Penhorwood to be inspectors for Northam.

William Clibbett junior to be stamper of weights.

We present the surveyors of highways for the following nuisances:

Bad pavement near George Downs House.

We present Richard Burch for allowing a heap of stones to remain on the public highway at Northam.

We present Mr William Bolt for allowing a piece of timber to remain a long while in Green Lane, Appledore.

We present all those who were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves in the sum of five shillings. And we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

James Bowen
Samuel Turner
Edward B Hodges
Joshua Williams
William Hore
William C Haynes
Thomas Williams
William Cocks
William Clibbett junr
John Mill
William Kelly
John Kelly

= = = = = = = = =

At the adjournment of the court of the manor of Northam aforesaid held at the house of John Kelly known by the sign of the Kings Head situate in the village of Northam within the manor aforesaid on the 25th day of November 1846.
[blank], steward

The following members of the jury appeared.
Mr James Bowen, foreman
Mr Edward Boucher Hodges
Mr John Mill
Mr Samuel Turner
Mr William Hore
Mr William Crunn Hayne
Mr William Cox [Cocks]
Mr Thomas Williams
Mr John Kelly
Mr William Kelly
Mr William Clibbett

The following persons appeared and were sworn into their respective offices for the year ensuing:

William Wood - crier for Appledore.
Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam.

William Smith - poundkeeper.

William Peake and George Saunders - waydrivers for Northam.
James Lang - waydriver for Appledore.

Mr Samuel Turner and Mr Richard Keys - inspectors of weights and measures for Northam [sic - probably Appledore intended].
Mr John Mill and Mr William Penhorwood - inspectors of weights and measures for Northam.

Mr William Clibbett junr - stamper of weights and measures for the manor.

The surveyors of the highways appeared to answer the following presentments:

For bad pavement near George Downs lane - respited.

Richard Burch for allowing a heap of stones to remain on the public highway at Northam - respited.

William Bolt for allowing a piece of timber to remain a long while in Green Lane, Appledore - discharged.

At this court Benjamin Herman made oath that he personally summoned John Pickard (Northam), William Bolt, George Nicholls, James Cocks, John Beara and George Tucker to appear at the court held on the 30th day of October last.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of William Cocks known by the sign of the Tavern situate at Appledore within the said Manor on Friday 29th day of October 1847 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank], steward

James Bowen foreman
Sworn of the jury and leet
Joshua Williams
Samuel Turner
Richard Keys
William C Haynes
Thomas Allen
Henry Williams
Moses Bowen
James Marshall
Samuel Shute
John Mill
William Clibbett junr
William Penhorwood
James Chappell

We present William Williams to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey, William Peake and Edmund Eastman to be waydrivers for Northam. William Short, Robert Moor and John Skinner for Appledore.

William Smith to be poundkeeper.

We present Mr Moses Bowen, Captain R Morgan and Mr Henry Martin to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore, and Mr John Pickard and Mr John Williams junior to be inspectors for Northam.

William Clibbett junr to be stamper of weights and measures.

We present the surveyors of highways for the following nuisances, viz:

Wall in Chapel's Fiends in a dangerous state of repairs.

Bad pavement in the Avenue between Mr Darts premises and the Red Lion.

Bad pavement and drain opposite the Beaver in West Appledore.

Bad pavement opposite Mr Henry Martins.

Bad pavement opposite Doctor Ashwoods.

We present the Rev'd Edward Reynolds for timber laying in the road on Chapel's Fields.

We present Mr James Sergeant for a filthy drain on the premises of William Slader.

We present the Lord of the Manor for allowing a quantity of large stones and rubbish to be lodged in the layer between Dock House and Rock.

We present Roger Fursdon for allowing carts to be lodged in the public thoroughfare near his house, and Richard Burch for allowing rubbish to remain near the Infant School at Northam.

We present all those who were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves in the sum of five shillings. And we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

James Bowen
Joshua Williams
Samuel Turner
Richard Keys
William C Haynes
Thomas Allen
Henry Williams
Moses Bowen
James Marshall
Samuel Shute
John Mill
William Clibbett junr
William Penhorwood
James Chappell

The court was adjourned to Wednesday the 17th of November at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the Court of the Manor of Northam aforesaid held at the House of William Cock known by the sign of the Tavern situate at Appledore in the Manor of Northam aforesaid on the 17th day of November 1847.
[blank] steward

The following members of the jury appeared:
Mr James Bowen, foreman
Mr Samuel Turner
Mr Richard Keys
Mr Henry Williams
Mr Moses Bowen
Mr John Marshall
Mr William Penhorwood
Mr James Chappell

The following persons appeared and were sworn into their respective offices for the year ensuing:

William Wood - crier for Appledore.
Thomas Yeo - Crier for Northam.

William Smith – poundkeeper.

Richard Honey - waydriver for Northam.
Robert Moor, John Skinner and William Sweet [sic: probably Short intended] - waydrivers for Appledore.

Mr John Pickard and Mr John Williams - inspectors of weights and measures for Northam.
Mr Moses Bowen, Mr R M Hulman, and Mr Henry Martin - inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.

William Clibbett junr - stamper of weights and measures for the Manor.

The surveyors of the highways appeared to answer the following presentments:

Wall in Chapels Field in a dangerous state of repair - respited.

For bad pavement in the avenue between Mr Darts premises and the Red Lion - respited.

For bad pavement and drain opposite the Beaver in West Appledore - respited.

For bad pavement opposite Mr Henry Martins - respited.

For bad pavement opposite Doctor Ashwood's - respited.

Reverend Edward Reynolds for timber laying in the road on Chapel's Fields - respited.

James Sergeant for a filthy drain on the premises of William Slader - respited.

The Lord of the Manor for allowing a quantity of large stones and rubbish to be lodged in the layer between Dock House and Rock - discharged.

Roger Fursdon was fined five shillings for allowing carts to be lodged in the public thoroughfare near his house.

Richard Burch for allowing rubbish to remain near the Infant School at Northam - discharged.

Mr John Pickard of Northam village, Mr John Irwin, Mr James Cocks and Mr John Beara were severally amerced in the sum of five shillings each for absenting themselves from the jury at the last court.
Mr John Irwin and Mr James Cocks paid their fines.
The several other persons were excused from the payment of their fines.

The following persons hereinafter named were then called to answer the several presentments for false weights and were severally amerced in the sum of five shillings.

James Penrose butcher for having in his possession at Appledore Market a 2lb iron weight deficient 1oz and a half - was fined five shillings.

John Sanders of Northam blacksmith for having in his possession one 56lb weight deficient 4oz and one 14lb iron weight deficient 2oz.

Thomas Braund blacksmith for having in his possession one 56 iron weight 2oz.

William Davis blacksmith for having in his possession one iron weight 7lb 1oz and 1/2 deficient.

All the weights were ordered to be corrected and returned to the owners.

At this court Benjamin Herman bailiff of the said manor made oath that he summoned the following jurors to attend at the Court Leet of the Manor held on the 17th day of November last namely John Pickard Northam village, John Irwin, James Cocks and John Beara.

[blank] steward.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of John Kelly known by the sign of the Kings Head situate in the village of Northam within the said Manor on Monday 30th day of October 1848 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank], steward

Mr James Bowen foreman
Sworn of the jury and leet
Mr John Mill
Mr John Irwin
Mr William Penhorwood
Mr Bartholomew Pickard
Mr William Hore
Mr William Crunn Hayne
Mr George Tucker
Mr William Cocks
Mr Joshua Williams junr
Mr Thomas Williams
Mr John Dunsford
Mr Moses Bowen
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr John Williams
Mr William Kelly
Mr Thomas Limberry
Mr Thomas Peter Cook

We present William Williams to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

Richard Honey and John Fulford to be waydrivers for Northam. John Skinner, Christopher Metherell and William Ley for Appledore.

William Smith to be poundkeeper.

We present Mr Joshua Williams, Mr T P Cook and Mr James Cocks to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore, and Mr William Lashbrook and Mr Thomas Williams for Northam.
William Clibbett junr to be stamper of weights and measures.

We present the Lord of the Manor for not having a sufficient quantity of weights and measures with small beam and scale.

We present the waywardens for the following nuisances, viz:

To the back of Mr T P Cook's ship yard, it is in a dirty state.

Captain Darracott for placing timber and boats on the Quay and also in Chapel Field Chapel Field [sic] from one end to the other.

Philip Lang blockmaker for allowing timber to remain on the New Quay.

John Bowden at Diddiwell for a nuisance at the back of his premises.

Mrs Bishop for 2 short weights.
Mr Leathern for 1 short weight.
Mr John Tuplin for 1 short measure.
Mrs Lemon for short weight.
Mrs Hunt for short weight.
Mrs Bremridge for short weight.
Mr William Slader for short weight.
Mrs Grigg for short weight.

We present all those that were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves in the sum of five shillings - and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

James Bowen
George Tucker
William Hore
William Penhorwood
John Williams
John Mill
Moses Bowen
Thomas Williams
William Lashbrook
John Irwin
Joshua Williams
Bartholomew Pickard
John Dunsford
Thomas Limbery
Thomas P Cook
William Cock
William Kelly
William C Hayne

The Court was adjourned to Monday the 13th of November at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the Court of the Manor of Northam aforesaid held at the House of John Kelly known by the name of the Kings Head situate in the village of Northam in the Manor of Northam aforesaid on the 13th day of November 1848.
[blank] steward

The following members of the jury appeared:
Bartholomew Pickard
William Crunn Haynes
George Tucker
William Cocks
Joshua Williams junr
Thomas Williams
John Irwin
John Dunsford
William Lashbrook
John Williams
William Kelly
Thomas Limbery
Thomas P Cook
John Mill

The following persons appeared and were sworn into their respective offices for the ensuing year:

William Williams – tythingman.

Thomas Yeo - Crier for Northam.
William Wood - crier for Appledore.

Christopher Metherell and John Fulford - waydrivers for Northam.
Richard Honey and John Mitchell - waydrivers for Appledore.

William Smith – poundkeeper.

Joshua Williams, Thomas P Cook and James Cocks - inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore. Thomas Williams and William Lashbrook - inspectors for Northam.

The presentment against the waywardens was respited.

The presentment against Captain Darracott was also respited.

The presentment against Philip Lang blockmaker for allowing timber to remain on the New Quay was respited.

The presentment against John Bowden at Diddiwell for a nuisance at the back of his premises was respited.

The following persons hereinafter named were then called to answer the several presentments for false weights and were severally fined as follows:

Mrs Bishop - one shilling - weights to be rectified.
Mr Leathern - sixpence - weight to be rectified.
John Tuplin - one shilling - measure to be destroyed.

Mrs Lemon, Mrs Hunt and Mrs Grigg did not appear to answer the presentments against them for short weights and they were severally amerced in the sum of 2/6 each and the weights were ordered to be adjusted.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of William Bolt known by the sign of the Royal Hotel situate at Appledore within the said Manor on Thursday 31st day of October 1849 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank], steward

Sworn of the jury and leet
William Clibbett
John Irwin
James Chappell
William Penhorwood
William Pickard
John Beara
George Tucker
William Cocks
Henry Williams
Joshua Williams
Moses Bowen
Thomas Limberry
Thomas Cook

We present William Williams to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

John Mitchell and James Harris to be waydrivers for Northam.
William Short, Robert Moor and John Vound [sic - probably Found intended] to be waydrivers for Appledore.

William Smith to be poundkeeper.

We present Mr Joshua Williams, Mr Thomas Cook junr and Mr James Cocks to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore, and Mr Lashbrook and Mr Thomas Williams to be inspectors for Northam.

Mr John Beara junr to be stamper of weights and measures.

We beg to call the attention of the Lord of the Manor to a deficiency of weights and measures and the want of a small beam and scales.

We present Mr Cocks, Mr Darracott, Mr Cook, Mr Lang, Mr Haynes, Mr Thomas Lemon, Mr Geen and Mr Yeo for allowing timber etc outside their premises and Mr Thomas Cole agent to the Trinity for allowing the buoys outside their cellar.

We also present the Lord of the Manor for not a sufficient number of posts on the Quay for the safety of shipping and for allowing rubbish to be thrown over the said Quay.

We present the Rev'd Edward Reynolds for a nuisance in the lane leading to Mr Cocks back premises a receptacle of dirt and filth by the want(?) of a door.

We present all those that were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves in the sum of five shillings, and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

William Clibbet
Moses Bowen
Thomas Limberry
John Beara
William Penhorwood
William Cock
Bartholomew Pickard
Joshua Williams junr
George Tucker
John Irwin
James Chappell
Thomas Cook junr
Henry Williams

The court was then adjourned to Monday the 26th day of November next at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

[blank] steward

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the Court of the Manor of Northam aforesaid held at the House of William Bolt known by the sign of the Royal Hotel situate at Appledore in the Manor of Northam aforesaid on the 26th day of November 1849, before
[blank] steward

The following members of the jury appeared:
William Clibbett
Moses Bowen
William Penhorwood
William Cock
Bartholomew Pickard
George Tucker
John Irwin
James Chappell
Thomas Cook junr

The following persons appeared and were sworn into their respective offices for the ensuing year:

Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam
William Wood - crier for Appledore

William Short, Robert Moor and John Vound [sic - probably Found intended] - waydrivers for Appledore
James Harris and John Mitchell - waydrivers for Northam

William Smith - poundkeeper for the Manor

William Lashbrook and Thomas Williams - inspectors for Northam
James Cocks and Thomas Cook junr - inspectors for Appledore

John Beara junr - stamper of weights and measures

Mr John Darracott paid a fine of 5/- for not attending as a juror at the court on the 31st Oct last.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of William Cock known by the sign of the Tavern situate at Appledore within the said Manor on Wednesday the 30th day of October 1850 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank], steward

Mr George Down was elected foreman
Sworn of the jury and leet
George Down
John Mill
John Irwin
William Penhorwood
Bartholomew Pickard
Henry Hinks
Philip Lang
William Bassett
William Burnicle
George Tucker
William Cock
William Lashbrook
James Serjeant
Edward Lake

We present William Williams to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

James Harris and John Mounts to be waydrivers for Northam.
Robert Moor, James Lang and John Found to be waydrivers for Appledore.

William Smith to be poundkeeper.

We present Mr Samuel Turner and Mr Charles Hartnoll junr to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore, and Mr Henry Williams and Mr Thomas Bellew to be inspectors for Northam.

Mr John Beara to be stamper of weights and measures.

We present the following persons for a deficiency of weights:

Mr John Squire, coal merchant - two half hundreds - short
Mr Charles Hartnoll junr - one 1/4 cwt - short
Mrs Hambling, baker - two 1/2lbs - short
Mr Cragg, baker - two 2lbs 1lb - short
Mr Bale (Instow), butcher - one 4lb - short
Mrs Theodosia Gibbs - one 1/2lb, one 1/4lb, one 2oz - short
Mrs Stapledon, West Appledore - two 1lbs, one 1/2lb, one 1/4lb - short
Mrs Sellick, West Appledore - one 7lb, two 1lb - short
Mrs Slade, West Appledore - one 1/2lb - short
Mrs Doidge, Pitt - one 1lb, one 1/lb, one 1/4lb - short
Mrs Mead, baker, one 7lbs - short

We present all those who were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves in the sum of five shillings each and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

The court was then adjourned to the 13th Nov next.
[blank], steward

George Down
John Mill
George Tucker
William Bassett
Edward Lake
John Irwin
James Serjeant
Philip Lang
William Cock
Henry Hinks
Bartholomew Pickard
William Lashbrook
William Penhorwood
William Burnicle

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the Court of the Manor of Northam aforesaid held at the House of William Cock known by the sign of the Tavern situate at Appledore in the Manor of Northam aforesaid on the 13th day of November 1850, before
[blank] steward

The following members of the jury appeared:
Mr George Down
Mr George Tucker
Mr William Bassett
Mr John Irwin
Mr Edward Lake
Mr John Sergeant
Mr Philip Lang
Mr Henry Hinks
Mr Bartholomew Pickard
Mr William Penhorwood
Mr William Lashbrook
Mr William Burnicle
Mr William Cock

The following persons appeared and were sworn into their respective offices for the ensuing year:

Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam.
William Wood - crier for Appledore.

William Smith – poundkeeper.

Robert Moore, James Lang and John Found - waydrivers for Appledore.
John Mounce and James Harris - waydrivers for Northam.

William Williams - tythingman.

Henry Williams and Thomas Bellew - inspectors for Northam.

Mr Charles Hartnoll was fined five shillings for refusing to be sworn Inspector of Weights and Measures for Appledore, and Mr Henry Hinks was sworn in his stead.

The following persons were then called to answer their several presentments for false and deficient weights and were severally amerced in the sums set against their respective names.

Name of person appearingParticulars of WeightsWhether ordered to be forfeited or adjustedAmount of penaltyAmount paid
John SquireTwo 2 cwtsAdjusted1s 0d1s 0d
Charles HartnollQuarter cwt 2oz def.Adjusted6d6d
Mr BaleOne 4lb 1oz def.Adjusted2s.6d2s.6d
Mr HamblingTwo 2lbsAdjusted2s.6d2s.6d
Theodosia Gibbs1 ½ lb, 1 ¼ lb, one 2ozAdjusted2s.6d2s.6d
Mrs Stapledon2lbs, one ½ lb, one ¼ lbAdjusted2s.6d2s.6d
Mrs Sellick1 7lb, 1 1lbAdjusted1s.0d1s.0d
Mrs SladeOne ½Adjusted1s.6d1s.6d
Mrs Doidge1 1lb, 1 ½ lb, 1 ¼ lbAdjusted1s.6d1s.6d
Mrs Mead1 7lbAdjusted1s.6d1s.6d

Mr Cragg did not appear to answer the presentment against him for having in his possession two 2lb and one 1lb weights which were deficient, which weights were ordered to be forfeited and Mr Cragg amerced in the sum of two shillings and sixpence.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of John Kelly known by the sign of the King's Head situate in Northam village within the said Manor on Thursday the 23rd day of October 1851 before Charles Carter the younger gentleman steward and bailiff of the said court and manor according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank], steward

Mr George Down was elected foreman.
Mr John Mill
Mr John Irwin
Mr James Chappell
Mr Bartholomew Pickard
Mr Henry Hinks
Mr John Cock [sic: probably Cork intended]
Mr William Burnicle
Mr Henry Williams
Mr George Tucker
Mr William Cock
Mr Edward Lake
Mr Samuel Turner
Mr William Pickard
Mr John Halls
Mr John Willis Blyth

We present William Williams to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

James Harris and John Mounce to be waydrivers for Northam.
James Lang and John Found to be waydrivers for Appledore.

James Pickard to be poundkeeper.

We present Mr George Williams (boatbuilder), Mr Richard Dart, and Mr John Dunsford to be inspectors of weights and measures for Northam [sic, probably Appledore intended] and Mr Henry Cawsey and John Burch to be inspectors of weights and measures for Northam.

Mr William Burnicle to be stamper of weights and measures.

We present John Sanders (smith) for two deficient weights one 4lb and one 2lb.

We present the Waywardens for neglecting to repair a road that leads from Watertown to West Appledore near the Green Bank.

We present the Rev'd Edward Reynolds for neglecting to repair the wall against Chapel Field.

We present Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire for allowing the public to cut and destroy the sedge or rushes growing on sandhills on Northam Burrows, also for the removal of pebbles therefrom.

We present all those who were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves in the sum of five shillings each and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

George Down
John Willis Blyth
John Irwin
James Chappell
John Mill
Henry Williams
William Burnicle
Henry Hinks
George Tucker
Edward Lake
Samuel Turner
William Cock
John Halls
William Pickard
John Cork
Bartholomew Pickard

The court was then adjourned to Thursday the 6th day of November next at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

[blank], steward

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the Court of the Manor of Northam aforesaid held at the House of John Kelly known by the sign of the Kings Head situate in Northam village in the Manor of Northam aforesaid on the 6th day of November 1851.
Before me [blank] steward

The following members of the jury appeared:
Mr George Down
Mr John Mill
Mr John Irwin
Mr James Chappell
Mr Henry Hinks
Mr John Cork
Mr William Burnicle
Mr Henry Williams
Mr George Tucker
Mr Edward Lake
Mr John Willis Blyth

The following persons appeared and were sworn into their respective offices for the ensuing year:

William Williams - tythingman.

Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam.
William Wood - crier for Appledore.

James Harris and John Mounce - waydrivers for Northam.
Robert Moore, James Lang and John Found - waydrivers for Appledore.

James Pickard - poundkeeper.

Mr George Williams & Mr Richard Dart - inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.
Mr Henry Cawsey & Mr John Burch - inspectors of weights and measures for Northam.

Mr William Burnicle - stamper of weights and measures for the Manor.

Mr John Sanders (smith) appeared to answer the presentment for two deficient weights in his possession which weights were ordered to be adjusted, and Sanders was ordered to pay two shillings and sixpence.

The Waywardens appeared to answer the presentment for neglecting to repair a road leading from Watertown to West Appledore near Green Bank, which presentment was - respited.

The Rev'd Edward Reynolds appeared to answer the presentment for neglecting to repair the wall against Chapel Field which presentment was - respited.

T B Chanter esquire appeared to answer the presentment against him for allowing the public to cut and destroy the sedge and rushes growing on the sandhills on Northam Burrows. Also for the removal of Pebbles therefrom, which presentments were - respited.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esquire of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the House of William Bolt known by the sign of the Royal Hotel situate in Northam within the said Manor on Friday the 22nd day of October 1852 before Charles Hole gentleman, steward and bailiff of the court and manor according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
[blank], steward

Sworn of the Jury and Leet:
Charles Edward Pratt
John Willis Blyth
George Tucker
John Mills
Edward Lake
George Baker
Thomas Peter Cook
William Hayne
William Sealy Penny
William Cook
William Bolt
Henry Hinks
Charles Edward Pratt was elected foreman.

We present William Williams to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

Thomas Yeo to be crier for Northam.
William Wood to be crier for Appledore.

James Harris and John Mounts to be waydrivers for Northam.
Robert Moore, James Lang and John Found to be waydrivers for Appledore.

James Pickard to be poundkeeper.

We present Mr George Williams (boatbuilder), Mr Richard Dart, Mr John Dunsford and Mr James Cock to be inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.
Edward Lake and John Sanders (blacksmith) to be inspectors at Northam.

Mr William Burnicle to be stamper of weights and measures.

We present the Waywardens for neglecting to repair a road that leads from Watertown to West Appledore near the Green Bank.

We present all those who were summoned on the jury this day and have absented themselves in the sum of five shillings each and we continue all former presentments not yet amended and agree that those presentments may be altered in form but not in substance.

We also present Philip Lang blockmaker for allowing a quantity of timber to remain on the Quay and obstructing the passage.

We also present Thomas Geen shipbuilder for allowing a quantity of timber to obstruct the Horseway leading to the Beach.

Charles Edward Pratt
John Willis Blyth
George Tucker
John Mill
Edward Lake
George Baker
Thomas Peter Cook
William Crunn Hayne
William Sealy Penny
William Cook
William Bolt
Henry Hinks

The court was then adjourned to Thursday the 11th day of November next at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the Court of the Manor of Northam aforesaid held at the house of [John crossed out] William Bolt known by the sign of the Royal Hotel situate at Appledore in the Manor of Northam aforesaid on the 11th day of November 1852 before:
[blank] steward

The following members of the jury appeared
Mr Charles Edward Pratt
Mr John Willis Blyth
Mr George Tucker
Mr John Mills
Mr Edward Lake
Mr George Baker
William Clibbett junr
John Dunsford
Thomas Peter Cook
William Crunn Hayne
William Sealy Penney
William Cock
William Bolt

The following persons appeared and were sworn into their respective offices for the ensuing year:

Mr William Williams – tythingman.

Thomas Yeo - crier for Northam.
William Wood - crier for Appledore.

James Harris & John Mounce - waydrivers for Northam.
Robert Moore, James Lang & John Found - waydrivers for Appledore.

James Pickard – poundkeeper.

Mr Richard Dart, Mr John Dunsford & Mr James Cock - inspectors of weights and measures for Appledore.
Mr Edward Lake & Mr John Sanders (smith) - inspectors of weights and measures for Northam.

Mr William Burnicle - inspectors of weights and measures for the Manor.

The surveyor of the highways appeared to answer the presentment for neglecting to repair a road leading from Watertown to West Appledore near the Green Bank, which presentment was - respited.

Mr Philip Lang (blockmaker) did not appear to answer the presentment for allowing a quantity of timber to remain on the Quay and obstructing the passage - which presentment was respited.

Mr Thomas Geen (shipbuilder) appeared to answer the presentment against him for allowing a quantity of timber to obstruct the Horseway leading to the Beach, which presentment - discharged.

[blank] steward

= = = = = = = = =

Minute book continuous, but next entry not until……

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esq of and for his Manor of Northam holden and kept at the Schoolroom in the village of Northam within the said Manor on Friday the 26th day of October 1866 before Charles Smale gentleman, steward and bailiff of the court and manor according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used and accustomed.
Signed: Charles Smale, steward

Henry Williams, bailiff of the Manor appears.

Sworn of the Jury and Leet
Mr Adderley Wren
Mr Rochfort Keate
Mr Thos Benson
Mr Wm Cock
Mr B Pickard
Mr Jno Mill
Mr Henry Cawsey
Mr William Hore
Mr Jno Penhorwood
Mr Wm Penhorwood
Mr Thos Lock
Mr Joshua Williams
Mr Henry Williams
Mr Adderly Wren was elected foreman.

We present Mary Hearn to be Pound-keeper.

We present all those who were announced on the jury this day and have absented themselves in the sum of five shillings each.

We present Henry Copp crier for Appledore.
We present John Shute crier for Northam.

We present all owners of spars boats and other things lodged on the Quay at Appledore.
The court was then adjourned to Friday the 30th Nov.

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the Manor of Northam aforesaid held at the Schoolroom on the village of Northam aforesaid within the Manor aforesaid on the 30th day of November 1866 in consequence of the non-attendance of several of the jurors the court deed? further adjourned to the 3rd December 1866.
Signed: Charles Smale, steward

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
At the adjournment of the court of the Manor of Northam aforesaid held at the Schoolroom on the village of Northam aforesaid within the Manor aforesaid on the 3rd day of December 1866.
Signed: Charles Smale, steward

The following members of the jury appeared:
Mr A Wren (foreman)
Mr I H Gosset
Mr Rodd
Mr J Penhorwood
Mr W Penhorwood
Mr John Mills
My Jos Williams
Gen'l Hutchinson
Mr W C Haynes
Mr Geo Baker
Mr Reynolds
Mr B Pickard
Mr Wm Pickard
Mr Henry Williams

We present Robert Brock and Samuel Shortridge for taking gravel from the Burrows.

We present William & Richard Balsdon for taking sea weed from the Burrows.

It having been proposed to form a committee for the purpose of obtaining money for the improvement, and carrying out, an approved system of drainage of Northam Burrows, the following persons were duly appointed to act as such committee:
Mr A Wren, chairman
Mr B Pickard
Mr Jno Mills
Mr Jno Penhorwood
Mr Henry Cawsey
Mr Geo Baker

Mr John Mills and Mr Henry Williams were duly appointed on committee to consult with Mr Pynsent as to the proposed improvement on Bonehill.

We present Mr Leathern for an encroachment by the Pound.

We present the Quay at Appledore near Mr Thomas Cock's and others to be impassable.
Signed: Charles Smale, steward.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
At a special meeting convened by the Lord of the Manor at the request of a previous Parish meeting to consider and determine on the necessary measures to stay and prevent the trespass and damage committed and threatened near Northam Burrows, held at Northam aforesaid on Thursday the 14th day of March 1867.

Mr Chanter in the chair.
Rev'd I H Gosset
General Hutchinson
G M F Molesworth esq
Colonel Wheeler
Rev'd Ed Reynolds
Mr John Mills
Mr Thomas Lock
Mr Henry Cawsey
Mr Henry Williams
Mr Wm Penhorwood
Mr Jno Penhorwood
Mr Geo Baker
Mr Wm Hore

The circumstances connected with the late unlawful destruction of the Bridge from the Broad Lane and other property adjacent to the Burrows and the conviction of one of the offenders before the Magistrates having been considered.

It was moved by the Rev'd I H Gosset, seconded by General Hutchinson: That the jury be recommend that all future injurers of bridges or property be prosecuted by the Lord of the Manor, but that for the present (until Chappell's case be decided) no further steps be taken against those connected in the last outrage.

That on the conclusion of Chappells case the court be again convened to consider and decide what course had better be adopted in reference to the second outrage.

That the Lord of the Manor shall as prosecutor be indemnified from the expense consequent and have the support and assistance of the jury.

Signed: Thos B Chanter, chairman.

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Thomas Burnard Chanter esq of and for his Manor of Northam holden and kept at the Schoolroom in the village of Northam within the said Manor on Wednesday the 23rd day of October 1867 before Charles Smale gentleman, steward and bailiff of the court and manor according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Signed: Charles Smale, steward

Henry Williams, bailiff of the Manor appears.

Sworn of the Jury and Leet
Mr Adderley Wren
Col. Wheeler
Mr Benson
Mr Haynes
Mr Wm Penhorwood
Mr Wm Hoare
Mr Jno Penhorwood
Mr Geo Baker
Mr Moleworth
Mr Olivier
Mr Hy Cawsey

The minutes of the last meeting were read.

Mr Wren chairman of the committee, reported that in December 1866 an agreement was entered into between the committee by persons and promised subscriptions for draining the Burrows amounting to £[blank] and Bills were produced for the expenditure - a tariff was included in this agreement for a payment (proportionately) for the stock put on the Burrows but the payment was limited and not attended to generally.

Moved by Rev'd I H Gosset, seconded by Col Wheeler: That the best thanks of the Lord of the Manors Court be given to the committee for the efficient manner in which they have laid out the money in their hands in improving the drainage of the Burrows.

The taking of gravel from the Pebble Ridge was presented as highly detrimental to the Burrows.

Moved by Mr Gossett, seconded by Mr Harris: That the Lord of the Manor take the needful steps to prevent the removing sand or gravel from the ridge or foreshore to the prejudice of the manor or Burrows and that the balance of money in the hands of the committee be laid out in continuing the improvement of the drainage.

Signed: Thos B Chanter, chairman

= = = = = = = = =

Minute book continuous, but next entry not until……

= = = = = = = = =

1885 [sic]

Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of William Langham Christie esquire of and for his Manor of Northam holden and kept at the Vestry Room in the village of Northam within the said Manor on Saturday the 21st day of February 1885 before Charles William Hole gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Signed: Charles W Hole, steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
For many years during the Lesseeship of the Manorial Rights by Mr Thomas Burnard Chanter the ancient custom of driving the Burrows and identifying the cattle found thereon having been discontinued, considerable dissatisfaction has arisen amongst the Commoners, it being alleged that cattle owned by persons who were not Commoners are constantly placed on the Burrows.
With the object therefore of putting an end if possible to the abuse complained of, it was desired by the Lord of the Manor and the Commoners that the old custom of Driving should be revived and fines levied on cattle found on the Burrows not belonging to Commoners.
Accordingly on Thursday the 4th of September 1884 the Common was driven in the ancient manner and the cattle sheep and other stock found thereon pounded on Watertown Estate according to the practice of former years.

A committee was then formed having as Chairman Adderley Barton Wren esq of Lenwood who it was agreed should be asked to accept the office as representing the Lord of the Manor (W L Christie esq MP) as well as the Commoners.

The other members of the committee were:
Mr Alexander Penhorwood of Seabright Cottage
Mr Giles Pickard of Marsh Cottage
Mr George Tucker of Watertown
Mr William Tucker of Norman Villa
Mr George Cawsey of Commons
Mr Hooper Burch of Northam Town
Mr George Lock of Westward Ho!

Mr Charles Wm Hole solicitor of Bideford and Messrs George Henry Lock of Instow were present and the latter prepared these notes of the proceedings.

It having been agreed that other members should be added to the committee as occasioned offered.

The chairman commenced the proceedings by shortly detailing the reasons for reviving the custom and suggested that as the custom had been allowed to lapse for many years it would be prudent to impose a somewhat mitigated fine for cattle found illegally on the Burrows rather than take the full penalty which the ancient practice allowed. This was agreed to and Mr Giles Pickard stated that the ancient fine was £1 for a horse, 10/- for a bullock, 1/- for a donkey, 2/6 for a sheep.

Mr Penhorwood stated that the Burrows were driven at regular times about once a year, but sometimes twice.

Mr George Tucker was appointed poundkeeper.

The claims of the following Commoners were admitted:

Owners NameHorsesColtsPoniesDonkeysCowsHeifersSteersSheepRemarks
Abraham Barrett   1     
Thomas Dymond14       
William Pickard      4  
Richard Passmore      3  
John Tho Passmore1        
Mrs Fisher    1   Some demur to this claim but eventually admitted.
Henry Griffey  2 5  22 
George Hookway      2  
Samuel Fulford 2     5 
John Cork    1    
Mrs Read  1  5 8 
George Pluman 2  2    
John Sowden       6 
Robert Keats      440Questioned but admitted
Alex Penhorwood     1   
Samuel Gay       10 
John Stanbury  11     
James Andrew   1     
John Moore   1     
William Blake 1     45 
John Bowden    1    
George Lock    2  26 
George Lock       62 
John Parkhouse      6  
Richard Cole1      100 
Jonathan   2     
Elizabeth Hearn   1     
Robert Hookway 2       
Samuel Holman      230 
Thomas Bellew      2  
John W Cock  1    150Some demur to this claim it being stated that the House in respect of which Mr Cork claimed belonged to his mother but the claim was eventually admitted.
Richard Glover       16 
Giles Pickard      270 
George Cawsey      411 

The following cattle were found on the Burrows and the owners fined as follows:

Mr John Turner of Abbotsham, 10 bullocks 5/- each-£2.10.0
Mr Henry Griffey for 2 hired cows @ 5/--10s.0d
Mr Samuel Mounce for 1 hired cow @ 5/--5s.0d
Mr Thomas Clement for 1 hired cow @ 5/--5s.0d

The pound keeper was directed to receive the fines to pay the men employed to drive the Burrows, and to render a Statement of receipts and payments to the chairman who as Treasurer of the 'Burrows Fund' would pay or receive the Balance shewn by the Account.
It was unanimously agreed that in future the full fines will be levied.

It was reported that occupiers of land adjoining the Burrows purposely allowed their fences bounding their land to become dilapidated and then pounded cattle straying in their fields over such fences.

It was agreed to request Mr Charles Wm Hole to look into the matter and report to the Commoners what was their legal position in the matter.

The chairman having been thanked the proceedings terminated.
Chairman, 4th Sept 1884.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of William Langham Christie esquire, of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the Vestry Room Northam village within the said Manor on Saturday the 21st day of February 1885 before Charles William Hole gentleman steward and bailiff of the court and manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Signed: Charles W Hole, steward

Adderley B Wren esq, foreman
Sworn of the Jury and Leet
Mr William Nicol
Mr Richard Moore
Mr Thomas Fishwick
Mr George Cawsey
Mr Hooper Burch
Mr W N Hutchinson
Mr George Tucker
Mr John Parkhouse
Mr Thomas Bellew
A B Wren
James Mill
Giles Pickard
George Lock
George Baker
Thomas Sawer
Alex Penhorwood
William Tucker

We present:

Mr Alexander Penhorwood to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

Mr Richard Moore to be Crier and Bill sticker for Northam.
Mr William Mayne to be Crier and Bill sticker for Appledore.

Mr Alexander Penhorwood and Hooper Burch to be Way drivers for Northam.
Giles Pickard and George Cawsey to be Way drivers for Appledore.

Sums levied as before and to see that the Commons are not overstocked or overstinted.

Mr George Tucker to be Poundkeeper for Northam Burrows.
Mary Hearn to be pound keeper for Northam.

Mr Henry Martin to be Harbour Master for Appledore.

The jury then adjourned to this day four weeks at noon.
Signed Charles W Hole, steward

= = = = = = = = =

Vestry Room, Northam
21 March 1885

At an adjourned Manor Court before me Charles William Hole, steward.

A B Wren esq, foreman
Mr W Nicol
Mr G Tucker
Mr T H Fishwick
Mr Jno Parkhouse
Mr G Baker
Mr Wm Tucker
Mr Hooper Burch
Mr James Mill
Mr Giles Pickard
Mr Alex Penhorwood
Mr G Cawsey

The way drivers were requested to frame rules and regulations for the stocking of the Commons.

That a committee be appointed to work with the Harbour Master and to arrange a tariff of charges for vessels mooring on the Manor property at Appledore the committee to consist of Messrs T H Fishwick and James Mill.

The Steward was requested to see that the manor pound was restored to its original state and the encroachments thereon removed.

The jury then adjourned for a month at 1:30pm
Signed: Charles W Hole, steward

= = = = = = = = =


Watertown, Northam
7th July 1887

Manor of Northam
In accordance with the ancient custom of the Manor the Northam Burrows was driven this day and the horses cattle sheep and other stock thereon was impounded on Watertown Estate according to the practice of former years.

At a meeting of waydrivers for Northam and Appledore.
A B Wren esq (deputy Lord of the Manor)
Mr Alex Penhorwood
Mr Hooper Burch
Mr George Cawsey
Mr Giles Pickard
Mr George Tucker (poundkeeper)

The claims of the following Commoners were admitted, viz:

Owners NameHorsesColtsPoniesDonkeysCowsHeifersSteersSheepRemarks
Abraham Barrett   1     
Thomas Dymond14       
William Pickard      4  
Richard Passmore      3  
John Tho Passmore1        
Mrs Fisher    1   Some demur to this claim but eventually admitted.
Henry Griffey  2 5  22 
George Hookway      2  
Samuel Fulford 2     5 
John Cork    1    
Mrs Read  1  5 8 
George Pluman 2  2    
John Sowden       6 
Robert Keats      440Questioned but admitted
Alex Penhorwood     1   
Samuel Gay       10 
John Stanbury  11     
James Andrew   1     
John Moore   1     
William Blake 1     45 
John Bowden    1    
George Lock    2  26 
George Lock       62 
John Parkhouse      6  
Richard Cole1      100 
Jonathan   2     
Elizabeth Hearn   1     
Robert Hookway 2       
Samuel Holman      230 
Thomas Bellew      2  
John W Cock  1    150Some demur to this claim it being stated that the House in respect of which Mr Cork claimed belonged to his mother but the claim was eventually admitted.
Richard Glover       16 
Giles Pickard      270 
George Cawsey      411 

The following cattle were found on the Burrows and the owners fined as follows:

Thomas Martin juniorBullocks 7Fine £3.10.0
  Remit £2.10.0
Charles EllisBullocks 2Fine £1.0.0
William TaylorBullocks 1Fine £0.10.0
William TuckerPony 1Fine £0.10.0
Horse - no owner  

Moved by Mr A B Wren, seconded by Mr G Cawsey: That the poundkeeper be directed to receive the fines to pay the men employed to drive the Burrows and to render a Statement of Receipts and Payments to the steward of the Manor who would pay or receive the balance shown by the account.

Signed: Charles W Hole, steward

[In pencil underneath]:
Alexander Penhorwood
Giles Pickard
George Cawsey
The Lord of the Manor - Adderley B Wren

= = = = = = = = =


Lord of the Manors Committee
Lenwood, Northam
23rd September 1891

Adderley B Wren esq, chairman
Mr W Nicol
Mr Hooper Burch
Mr Alexander Penhorwood

It was resolved on the motion of Mr Wren, seconded by Mr Burch: That Messrs George Cork and Thomas Lock be added to this committee and that the former be appointed Pound Keeper for the purpose of driving Northam Burrows and impounding cattle trespassing thereon.

It was also resolved on the motion of Mr Wren, seconded by Mr Burch: That Mr Jesse Hearn be appointed Crier and Bill Sticker for Northam.

Moved by Mr Nicol, seconded by Mr Penhorwood and resolved: That the Chairman Mr Wren having suggested the appointment of Mr C W Hole as Co-Trustee with him of the monies now held by him in Trust for the Lord of the Manors Committee such suggestion be confirmed and the monies transferred into their joint names accordingly.

Tenders were received for a New Bridge at Pimpley Northam as follows:
Richard Moulton £58
Thomas Sanders £65
Lewis Chapple £70
It was resolved on the motion of Mr Burch, seconded by Mr Nicol: That the tender of Richard Moulton be accepted and that he be required to enter into a written contract for the performance of the work in accordance with the Plans and Specifications prepared by Mr C F Saunders and to enter into a Bond with a sufficient surety conditioned for the due performance of such contract.

Mr Hooper Burch was appointed Clerk of the Works at a remuneration of £3.3.0 for his services.

Signed: Charles W Cole, steward.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frankpledge together with the Court Baron of Augustus Langham Christie esquire, of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the Vestry Room in Northam village within the said Manor on Monday 5th day of June 1893 before George Oliver Peard gentleman steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Signed: Geo Oliver Peard, steward

The Reverend M D Dimond Churchward, foreman
Sworn of the Jury and Leet
Mr A Penhorwood
Mr George Cork
Mr Thomas Lock
Mr Jesse Hearn
Mr T H Fishwick
Mr George Cawsey
Mr Hooper Burch
Mr John Parkhouse
Mr Thomas Bellew jr
Mr James Mill
Mr Giles Pickard
Rev M D D Churchward
Wilson A Hoare esq.

We present:

Mr Alexander Penhorwood to be tythingman for the year ensuing.

Mr Jesse Hearn to be Crier and Bill sticker for Northam.
Mr Charles Huxtable to be Crier and Bill sticker for Appledore.

Alexander Penhorwood and Hooper Burch to be Way drivers for Northam.
Giles Pickard and George Cawsey to be Way drivers for Appledore.

Sums levied as before and to see that the Commons are not overstocked or overstinted.

George Cork to be pound keeper for Northam Burrows.
Jesse Hearn to be pound keeper for Northam.

Henry Martin to be Harbour Master for Appledore.

The jury presented the Vicar of Northam and Mr William Pickard as Trustees in whose names the Commons Fund now standing in the National Provincial Bank should be placed jointly with the Lord of the Manor.

The court was then adjourned to this day month viz the 3 July 1893.

Signed Geo Oliver Peard, steward

= = = = = = = = =

Manor of Northam
The adjourned Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Augustus Langham Christie esquire, of and for his Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the Vestry Room in Northam village within the said Manor on Monday 3rd day of July 1893 before George Oliver Peard gentleman steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Signed: Geo Oliver Peard, steward

Sworn of the Jury and Leet
Prebendary Dimond Churchward, foreman
Mr A Penhorwood
Mr George Cork
Mr Thomas Lock
Mr Jesse Hearn
Mr J H Huxtable
Mr Geo Cawsey
Mr Hooper Burch
Thomas Bellew jr
James Mill
Giles Pickard
St Clair K M Stobart
Rev M D Dimond Churchward

We present Prebendary Dimond Churchward and Mr William Pickard to be the Treasurers of the 'Burrows Fund' jointly with the Lord of the Manor.

We present that the Lord of the Manor prepare a scheme for the administration of the 'Burrows Fund' and that the same be submitted to the Burrows Committee for approval.

Signed Gilbert Gorton, steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Messrs G C Davis, J F M Wintercale, J A Winter of and for their Manor of Northam in the county of Devon, holden and kept at the Vestry Room in Northam village within the said Manor on Thursday 24th day of October 1895 before Gilbert Gorton gentleman, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Signed: Gilbert Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury and Leet
Prebendary Dymond Churchward, foreman
Mr A Penhorwood
Mr T Lock
Mr S C K Stobart
Lewis Chapple
Wm Fulford
Mr George Cork
Mr Jesse Hearn
D Siddall
Mr G Pickard
J Penhorwood

After the court was formally opened G C Davis esq one of the Lords of the Manor addressed the jury explaining shortly the object of the acquisition of the manorial rights by the present Lords of the Manor.

The jury then made the following presentments.

We present that for the future the treasurer of the Burrows fines be not presented at this court but that for the that for the future the Burrows Fund be administered by the Burrows Committee.

We present:

Mr Alexander Penhorwood to be tything man for the ensuing year

Mr Jesse Hearn to be Crier and Bill sticker for Northam
Mr Charles Huxtable to be Bill sticker and Crier for Appledore

Mr Alex Penhorwood and Mr Hooper Burch to be Way drivers for Northam
Mr Giles Pickard and Mr Geo Cawsey to be Way drivers for Appledore

Mr George Cork to be Poundkeeper for Northam Burrows
Mr Jesse Hearn to be pound keeper for Northam

Mr Henry Martin to be Harbour Master for Appledore

Signed Gilbert Gorton, steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Messrs G C Davis, J F M Wintercale, J A Winter of and for their Manor of Northam in the county of Devon, holden and kept at the Vestry Room in Northam village within the said Manor on Saturday 4th day of July 1896 before Gilbert Gorton gentleman, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Signed: Gilbert Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury
Prebendary Dymond Churchward, foreman
Mr A Penhorwood
Mr T Lock
Mr Lewis Chapple
Mr Geo Cawsey
Mr Thos Williams
Mr Jesse Hearn
Mr G Pickard
Mr J Penhorwood
Mr J Mill
Mr Thos Mounce
Mr D Hemming

The steward having read the advice concerning the court and the proclamation the jury was duly sworn in and a short address was made by Mr G C Davis after which the jury retired.
The jury having reassembled the following presentments were made:

Mr A Penhorwood to be tything man

Mr Jesse Hearn to be Crier for Northam
Mr Chas Huxtable to be Crier for Appledore

Mr Alex Penhorwood and Mr Thos Mounce to be Way drivers for Northam
Mr G Cawsey and Mr Giles Pickard to be Way drivers for Appledore

Mr G Cork to be pound keeper for Northam Burrows
Mr J Hearn to be pound keeper for Northam

Mr Henry Martin to be Harbour Master for Appledore

The jury also presented a nuisance at or near Pimpley within the manor and the steward was instructed to deal with the matter.

No further presentments being made and the jury having been invited to church the court rose.

Signed Gilbert Gorton, steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of J F M Wintercale, J A Winter and M D Dymond Churchward esquires - of and for their Manor of Northam in the county of Devon, holden and kept at the Vestry Room in Northam village within the said Manor on Thursday 26th day of August 1897 before Gilbert Gorton gentleman, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Signed: Gilbert Gorton, steward

Geo Cawsey, foreman
Sworn of the Jury & court leet
Mr Geo Cawsey
Mr Giles Pickard
Mr Lewis Chapple
Mr Thos Mounce
Mr Jesse Hearn
Mr T Lock
Mr J Mill
Mr T Williams
Mr A Penhorwood
Mr J Penhorwood
Mr Ashplant

We present:

Mr A Penhorwood to be tything man for year ensuing

Mr Jesse Hearn to be Crier for Northam
Mr C Huxtable to be Crier for Appledore

Mr A Penhorwood and Mr T Mounce to be Way drivers for Northam
Mr G Cawsey and Mr Giles Pickard to be Way drivers for Appledore
Sums to be levied as before, and to see that the Commons are not overstocked or overstinted.

Mr G Cork to be pound keeper for Northam Burrows
Mr J Hearn to be pound keeper for Northam

Mr Henry Martin to be Harbour Master for Appledore

The following presentments were also made:

1) That the Western End of the Pebble Ridge requires strengthening, the ways and means the Lords of the Manor to suggest.

2) That a notice board be erected warning people not to take gravel and sand from the Foreshore within our rights.

3) That notice boards be fixed, warning any persons throwing pebbles on the Pastures, that they will be prosecuted.

4) That the Burrows at some convenient time to suit the way drivers, be driven.

5) That the Burrows Committee be asked to erect Notice Boards, cautioning the public from exercising their horses on the pasture.
The steward reported that the Nuisance at Pimpley had been abated.

= = = = = = = = =

3rd September 1897
Manor of Northam

In accordance with the ancient custom of the Manor, the Northam Burrows was driven this day, and the horses, cattle, sheep and other stock thereon was impounded on Watertown Estate according to the practice of former years.
At a meeting of waydrivers for Northam and Appledore.

G Gorton esq (steward)
Mr G Cawsey
Mr J Penhorwood
Mr G Cork (pound keeper)
Mr A Penhorwood
Mr T Mounce
The claims of the following commoners were admitted - viz:

Owners NameHorsesBullocksSheepHeifersRemarks
Mr H Taylor1  1 
Mr J H Colwill  6  
Mr C Ellis2  1 
Mr S Moulton1    
Mr J Penhorwood1    
Mr G Cawsey1    
Mr S Moulton3234  
Mr J Wickell  9  
Mr G Lock13   
Mr J Harris1    
Mr G Hookway23   
Mr S Kemp 1   
Mr J Fisher14   
Mr J Hearn1    
Mr G E Beer1    
Mr W Westlake1    
Mr W Morrish4    
Mr R Pye1    
Mr J Parsons11   
Mr G Cann2    
Mr C Littlejohns3    
Mr Steer1    
Mr J Braund1    
Mr J Passmore4    
Mr W Passmore1    
Mr T Passmore2    
Mr W Blake1    
Mr C Withecombe1    


The following cattle were found on the Burrows and the owners fined as follows: [blank]
Moved by: [blank]
Seconded by: [blank]
That the pound keeper be directed to receive the fines, to pay the men employed to drive the Burrows & to render a statement of receipts & payments to the Steward of the Manor who would pay of receive the Balance shown by the account.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of J F M Wintercale, J A Winter and Rev M D D Churchward esquires of and for their Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the Vestry Room in Northam village within the said Manor on Saturday 18th day of June 1898 before Gilbert Gorton gentleman steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Signed: Gilbert Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury & court leet
Mr Geo Cawsey, foreman
Mr Lewis Chapple
Mr T Mounce
Mr J Hearn
Mr J Mill
Mr T Williams
Mr R Burch
Mr A Penhorwood
Mr J Penhorwood
Mr W Ashplant
Mr Tho Shute
Mr Chas Cawsey
Mr Penhorwood

We present:

Mr A Penhorwood to be tything man for year ensuing

Mr Jesse Hearn to be Crier for Northam
Mr C Huxtable to be Crier for Appledore

Mr T Mounce and Mr C Cawsey to be Way drivers for Northam
Mr Geo Cawsey and Mr R Burch to be Way drivers for Appledore
Sums to be levied as before and to see that the Commons are not overstocked or overstinted.

Mr G Cork to be Poundkeeper for Northam Burrows

Mr Henry Martin to be Harbour Master for Appledore

The following presentments were also made:

1) That we think notice boards should be placed at the Gates, warning non-parishioners not to gallop or exercise horses on the Burrows to the damage of the pasture.

2) That we desire to call attention to the fact that the Bill Posters and pound keepers be remunerated for their work.

3) That the attention of the Burrows Committee be called to the fact that a New Gate and post is required at Pimpley.

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Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of J F M Wintercale, Rev M D D Churchward of and for their Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the Vestry Room in Northam village within the said Manor on Monday 19th June 1899 before Gilbert Gorton gentleman steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Gilbert Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury & court leet
Mr J B Penhorwood, foreman
Mr Geo Cawsey
Mr J A Sercombe
Mr J Stevens
Mr J Hearn
Mr J Mills
Mr Tho Williams
Mr R Burch
Mr W Ashplant
Mr Geo Cork
Mr Chas Cawsey
Mr W L Pike

We present:

Mr J B Penhorwood to be tything man for year ensuing.

Mr J Hearn to be Crier for Northam.
Mr J Huxtable to be Crier for Appledore.

Mr C Cawsey and Mr R Burch to be Way drivers for Northam.
Mr J Penhorwood and Mr W Ashplant to be Way drivers for Appledore.
Sums to be levied as before and to see that the Burrows are not overstocked or overstinted.

Mr J Hearn to be Poundkeeper for Northam.
Mr G Cork to be Poundkeeper for Appledore.

Mr W L Pike esq to be Harbour Master for Appledore.


The Burrows Committee have accepted a contract for building a New Bridge at Appledore, and the jury would recommend the Lords of the Manor to assist with a subscription.
We recommend the Burrow to be driven at an early date.

The jury recommend that the remainder of the Pebbles be thrown back (by contract) as soon as possible.

= = = = = = = = =


The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of J F M Wintercale, M D Dimond Churchward & M E Archdale of and for their Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the Vestry Room in the parish of Northam within the said Manor on Saturday 8th day of September 1900 before Gilbert Gorton gentleman steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Gilbert Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury & court leet
Mr J B Penhorwood, foreman of the jury
Mr Geo Cawsey
Mr C Cawsey
Mr T Williams
Mr Sercombe
Mr Ashplant
Mr R Mounce
Mr Sussex
Mr R Burch
Mr Blake
Mr Cork
Mr J Hearn

We present:

Mr J B Penhorwood to be tything man for ensuing year

Mr Hearn to be Crier for Northam
Mr C Huxtable to be Crier for Appledore

Messrs R Burch and C Cawsey to be Way drivers for Northam
Messrs Ashplant and Penhorwood to be Way drivers for Appledore

Mr J Hearn to be Poundkeeper for Northam
G Cork to be Poundkeeper for Appledore

Mr J Slader - Harbour Master for Appledore

The jury also made the following presentments

1) That a notice board be placed warning visitors from using fire arms in the Burrows.

2) That a notice board be placed warning non residents from exercising? their horse over the pasture.

3) That the Lord of the Manor combine with the Burrows Committee in making a small charge to pleasure parties going over the pasture with vehicles, the proceeds to be devoted to the expense of throwing back the pebbles.

This terminated the regular business of the Court.

In accordance with an invitation given them several members of the Burrows Committee attended in order that the proposed scheme for obtaining water on the Burrows might be explained to them, the matter was explained at length, and after some discussions the representatives of the Burrows Committee gave it as their opinion that had the matter been clearly put before them before, that there would have been opposition. It was also arranged that a sub c[ommi]ttee be made with a view of clearing off the debt in the Br~~~? recently erected.

Signed: G Gorton, steward.

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Colonel J F M Wintercale, Rev M D Dimond Churchward & Mayor M E Archdale of and for the Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on Saturday 22nd June 1901 before Gilbert Gorton steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary used & accustomed.
Gilbert Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury & court leet
Mr J B Penhorwood, foreman
Mr Ashplant
Mr Sanders
Mr Sussex
Mr Sercombe
G Causey
Mr T Williams
Mr Loughlin
Mr Huxtable
Mr J Hearn
Mr R Burch
Mr G Cork

We present:

Mr J B Penhorwood to be tything man for ensuing year.

Mr J Hearn to be Crier for Northam.
Mr H Huxtable to be Crier for Appledore.

Messrs C Cawsey and R Burch to be Way drivers for Northam.
Messrs W Ashplant and G Cawsey to be Way drivers for Appledore.

Mr J Hearn to be Poundkeeper for Northam.
Mr G Cork to be Poundkeeper for Appledore.

Mr Slader - Harbour Master for Appledore.

The jury also made the following further presentments:

1) That no-one who is not a parishioner be allowed to sell or offer for same any refreshments on the Burrows, that no horses or carts be allowed in the pasture & no fires be lighted.

2) That the Lords of the Manor with the Burrows Committee fix a charge for pleasure parties.

3) Attention was drawn by the jury to be proposed sale of pebbles by Mr Tayler & the Lords of the Manor were requested to late such steps as might be necessary.

5) [sic] The jury also presented the removal of sand and gravel by barges in the Westward Ho side of the Gut.

After some general discussion the court was closed.

Signed: G Gorton, steward.

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Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Col J F M Wintercale, the Rev M D Dimond Churchward & Mayor M E Archdale of and for the Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on Thursday 31st July 1902 before Gilbert Gorton steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not used & accustomed.
G Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury & court leet
Mr J B Penhorwood, foreman of the jury
W Ashplant
R Sanders
F Sussex
G Causey
C Causey
J Sercombe
T Shutt
J Moulton
T Williams
J Hearn

The jury made the following presentments:

Mr J B Penhorwood to be tything man for ensuing year

J Hearn - Crier for Northam
C Huxtable - Crier for Appledore

Messrs G Cawsey and W Ashplant - Way drivers for Northam
C Causey and J Williams - Way drivers for Appledore

J Hearn - Poundkeeper for Northam
G Cork - Poundkeeper for Appledore

J Slader - Harbour Master for Appledore

The jury also presented:

The damage done to the pasturage by the exercising of horses on the Burrows.

They also present that pebbles are being removed from outside Watertown.

They also present a nuisance of glass still(?) being deposited on the roadways of the Burrows.

Signed: G Gorton, steward.

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Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Colonel J F M Wintercale, the Reverend M D Dimond Churchward & Mayor M E Archdale of and for the Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept at the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on Monday 15th June 1903 before Gilbert Gorton steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not used & accustomed.
G Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury & court leet
Mr J B Penhorwood, foreman of the jury
Wm Ashplant
G Causey
T Shutt
J Hearn
R Sanders
G Cork
S Moulton
F Sussex
T Williams

The jury made the following presentments:

Mr J B Penhorwood to be tything man

J Hearn - Crier for Northam
Mr Huxtable - Crier for Appledore

Mr Ashplant - Way driver for Northam
C Causey - Way driver for Appledore

Mr J Hearn - Poundkeeper for Northam
G Cork - Poundkeeper for Appledore

Slader - Harbour Master

The jury also presented:

1) That the removal of pebbles from the foreshore will endanger the safety of the Burrows and will tend to flood the same.

2) The removal of gravel & that this should only be done by parishioners, and only from the Pulleys.

3) The jury also request that the Burrows Committee will confirm their resolution that all persons depositing debris by the side of the roadways should spread the same.

Signed: J F M Wintercale, chairman, 22.10.04.

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Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Lt Colonel Wintercale, Reverend M D D Churchward & Capt T E Gordon of and for the Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 22nd day of October 1904 before Gilbert Gorton steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not used & accustomed.
G Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury - court leet
Mr J B Penhorwood, foreman
Mr W Ashplant
S Moulton
Mr F Sussex
S Moulton
G Causey
Mr Robert Sanders
Otis? [Thos?] Williams
Jesse Hearn
G Cork

The jury made the following presentments:

Mr J B Penhorwood to be tything man.

J Hearn - Crier for Northam.
Mr Huxtable - Crier for Appledore.

Mr Ashplant - Way driver for Northam.
Mr Causey - Way driver for Appledore.

Mr J Hearn - Poundkeeper for Northam.
G Cork - Poundkeeper for Appledore.

Mr Slader - Harbour Master Appledore.

The jury also presented that the parishioners should have the privelege of taking gravel for domestic purposes inside the area laid down by the Board of Trade & that the Lords of the Manor will formally consider this presentment the privelege having been enjoyed from time immemorial.

Signed: J F M Wintercale, chairman, 1.7.05.

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Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Lt Colonel Wintercale, Reverend M D Dimond Churchward & Capt T E Gordon of and for the Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 1st day of July 1905 before Gilbert Gorton steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary.
G Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury:
Mr J B Penhorwood
Mr W Ashplant
S Moulton
[blank] Slader
Mr F Sussex
Mr T Williams
Mr G Mounce
[blank] Huxtable
Mr Jesse Hearn
Mr R Sanders
Mr G Cork
[blank] Stanley

The jury made the following presentments:

Mr J B Penhorwood to be tything man.

J Hearn - Crier for Northam.
Mr Huxtable - Crier for Appledore.

Mr Ashplant - Way driver for Northam.
Mr Causey - Way driver for Appledore.

Mr J Hearn - Poundkeeper for Northam.
G Cork - Poundkeeper for Appledore.

Mr Slader - Harbour Master Appledore.

The jury further presented that the proposed water supply to the links(?) should be considered at a parish meeting, and that the question of the lifeboat house be left to the same meeting.

That the pebbles be thrown back on the ridge that the work be done ~?~.

Signed: G Gorton, steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Lt Colonel Wintercale, Reverend M D Dimond Churchward & Capt T E Gordon of and for the Manor of Northam in the county of Devon holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 12th day of October 1906 before Gilbert Gorton steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the said Manor from the time whereof the memory of man is not used & accustomed.
G Gorton, steward

Sworn of the Jury:
Mr J B Penhorwood, foreman
Mr Ashplant
Mr Jesse Hearn
S Moulton
J Slader
Mr F Turner
Mr T Williams
G Mounce
R Sanders
G Cork
[blank] Stanley

The jury made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – Huxtable.

Way driver for Northam – Mr Ashplant.
Way driver for Appledore – Mr Cork.

Poundkeeper for Northam – Mr Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – Mr Cork.

Harbour Master – Mr Slader.

Signed: G Gorton, steward

= = = = = = = = =


Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of the Reverend Marcus Dimond Dimond [sic] Churchward, Claude Strachan Carnegie, and J.C.T. Heriz-Smith of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 11th day of April 1908 before G Gorton steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
Mr J B Penhorwood
W Ashplant
F Sussex
J Moulton
R Sanders
T Williams
Mr J Hearn
W Slader
J Huxtable
J Stanbury
G Mounce
T Stanley

The jury made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – H Huxtable.

Way driver for Northam – J Moulton.
Way driver for Appledore – J Stanbury.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – Mr Cork.

Harbour Master – Mr Slader.

The jury further presented:

1) When the ties are high the water comes through the Pebble ridge in two places at Sandy Mere, the jury are of opinion that if some beached hurdles(?) were put there and backed with sand on the inside it would prevent the water coming through.

2) The criers of Northam and Appledore would like two new bells with the Manor of Northam marked on them. The one Mr Huxtable has is cracked & the manor of Northam marked on it.

Signed: G Gorton

= = = = = = = = =


10th July 1909
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of the Reverend Marcus Dimond Dimond [sic] Churchward, Claude Strachan Carnegie, and J.C.T. Heriz-Smith of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 10th July 1909 before G Gorton steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, foreman
W Ashplant
F Sussex
J Moulton
R Sanders
T Williams
Mr J Hearn
W Slader
J Huxtable
J Stanbury
G Mounce
[blank] Labbett

The jury then retired and on returning made the following presentments:

Tythingman – Mr J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – Mr J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – Mr Huxtable.

Way driver for Northam – Mr J Moulton.
Way driver for Appledore – Mr Stanbury.

Poundkeeper for Northam – Mr J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – Mr Cork.

Harbour Master – Mr Slader.


1) That notices should be pleased on the pebble ridge prohibiting visitors throwing pebbles on the pasture.

2) That the jury are of opinion that the Inland Sea being dry it would be a good time to take steps to prevent the water coming through the ridge.

3) That the criers be supplied with new bells with the manor of Northam engraved thereon.

Signed: G Gorton, 9.7.10

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9th July 1910
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of the Reverend Marcus Dimond Dimond [sic] Churchward, Claude Strachan Carnegie, and J.C.T. Heriz-Smith of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 9th July 1910 before G Gorton steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, chairman (crossed out)
W Ashplant
F Sussex
J Moulton
R Sanders
T Williams
W Slader
J Huxtable
J Stanbury
G Mounce
[blank] Shaxon
J Hearn

Before instructing the jury to retire, the chairman briefly addressed the jury and after dealing with the presentments made at the last court formally presented on behalf of the Lords of the Manor two new Bells to the criers of Northam & Appledore, and instructed the criers in future to cry all matters in connection with the court.

The jury then retired and on returning made the following presentments.

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – C Huxtable.

Way drivers for Northam – J Stanbury & J Moulton.
Way drivers for Appledore – G Mounce & C Shaxon.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury further presented:

At the present moment the inland sea being dry the jury considers that steps should be taken to strengthen the wall. In one particular spot the ridge is very narrow & steps should be taken as soon as possible to strengthen it.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward, 27 July 1912

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27th July 1912
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of the Reverend Marcus Dimond Dimond [sic] Churchward, Claude Strachan Carnegie, and J.C.T. Heriz-Smith of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 27th July 1912 before William Britton Seldon steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
W Ashplant
T Williams
R Sanders
F Sussex
T Braund
S Moulton
J Stanbury
J Slader
J Moulton
J Hearn
J Huxtable
J Kelly

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – C Huxtable.

Way drivers for Northam – J Mounce & J Stanbury.
Way drivers for Appledore – G Mounce & C Shaxon.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury further presented:

That something should be done at Greysands opening and they suggest that some brambles should be put to collect the sand.

That something should be done in throwing back the pebbles from the pasture.

That a further notice should be put warning visitors from throwing glass bottles on the pebble ridge and pasture.

That the people occupying the tents should be cautioned about committing a nuisance as there had been several complaints.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward, 12 July 1913

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12th July 1913
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of the Reverend Marcus Dimond Dimond [sic] Churchward, Claude Strachan Carnegie, and Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz-Smith of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 12th July 1913 before William Britton Seldon steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

The Manor Steward reported that since the last Court the Lords of the Manor with the co-operation of the Burrows Committee had inserted advertisements in the local paper giving notice that camping on the Burrows would be prohibited in the future and he was glad to be able to report that the notice had been effective and what had become and increasing nuisance had now been stopped.

The Manor Steward also reported that with the co-operation of the Burrows Committee notices had been placed near the Pebble Ridge and at Pimpley Bridge warning all persons against throwing broken glass etc on the Burrows, and giving notice relating to position and charges for Stalls etc.

It was also reported that groins had been erected at Greysands and other work done which was in accordance with the Jury's Presentments of last year.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, foreman
W Ashplant
T Williams
R Sanders
F Sussex
T Dennis
C Cawsey
J Stanbury
J Slader
J Moulton
J Hearn
C Huxtable
G Crook

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – C Huxtable.

Way drivers for Northam – J Stanbury & G Mounce.
Way drivers for Appledore – C Cawsey & J Williams.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – Geo Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury further presented that they are of the opinion that the Burrows should be driven at an early date.

That they would like the scattered pebbles picked from the pasture and replaced on the ridge and they would like a notice cautioning visitors from throwing them on the pasture.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

= = = = = = = = =

24th September 1913
Manor of Northam
In accordance with the ancient custom of the Manor the Northam Burrows was driven this day and the horses cattle and sheep thereon impounded on a part of Bonehill Farm according to the practice of former years At a meeting of waydrivers for Northam and Appledore.

C S Carnegie esq (Lord of the Manor)
Mr J B Penhorwood
Mr C Cawsey
Mr J Williams
Mr J Hearn (pound keeper)
W B Seldon esq, steward of the manor

The claims of the Commoners to 1200 sheep were admitted as were also the claims of the Commoners to 23 bullocks. 25 horses and colts were impounded and the claims of the Commoners to 22 were admitted.

Two horses and one pony were then driven to the Pound at Northam and instructions were given to Mr J Hearn the Pound Keeper that the owners on claiming same were to be fined £1 for each animal.

For two of these horses no owners were known.

The pony was stated to be the property of Mrs Parkinson of Abbotsham.

Resolved that the Pound-keeper Mr J Hearn should receive the fines and render a statement to the steward of the manor as soon as possible.

Subsequently one horse was identified and claimed by Mr Cookway a Commoner and the claim was admitted.

Mrs Parkinson also subsequently claimed the pony and paid £1 and the Pound-keepers charges.

The remaining horse was stated by Mr Walter Withecombe of Littleham to be the property of Mr Reynolds of Ashridge Northam but Mr Withecombe was informed that Mr Reynolds must claim his own property and the fine £1 and Pound-keepers charges were then paid by Mr Withecombe and he took away the horse.

W B Seldon, Manor steward

= = = = = = = = =


18th July 1914
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of the Reverend Marcus Dimond Churchward, Claude Strachan Carnegie, and Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz-Smith of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 18th July 1914 before William Britton Seldon steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, foreman
T Williams
F Sussex
C Cawsey
J Slader
C Huxtable
J Hearn
R Sanders
T Dennis
J Stanbury
J Moulton
S Crook
Thos Braund

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – C Huxtable.

Way drivers for Northam – Mr G Mounce & J Stanbury.
Way drivers for Appledore – J Williams & C Cawsey.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – Mr G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury are of the opinion that the pebbles should be thrown back as soon as possible.
The jury are of opinion that the burn should be cleaned out at Bassetts Bridge, and if possible the arch made wider so that the water can get away quicker.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

= = = = = = = = =


17th July 1915
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of [Crossed out: the Reverend Marcus Dimond Churchward) Claude Strachan Carnegie, and Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz-Smith of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 17th July 1915 before William Britton Seldon steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, chair
R Sanders
F Sussex
J Stanbury
J Huxtable
G Cork
Jesse Hearn
Geo Mounce?
J Moulton
W Ashplant
B Lamey
T Dennis

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – Jesse Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – C Huxtable.

Way drivers for Northam – J Stanbury & J Moulton.
Way drivers for Appledore – W Lamey & G Mounce.

Poundkeeper for Northam – Jesse Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury desire to call the attention of the Lords of the Manor to the continued encroachment of the sea at Grey Sands and recommend that some pebbles be deposited instead of wood.

The jury recommend that a notice be put at Pimpley warning the people against putting refuse on the Burrows, and after a warning to be prosecuted.

The jury are pleased with the improvement the Burrows Committee are making under the moors.

The Police had drawn the jury's attention to the marking of sheep on the Burrows, as lately they have had to bury sheep without a mark and no one would own.

The secretary Burrows Committee drew attention to a Right of Way which was said to exist near Eastbourne Terrace to the Ridge having been interfered with. A discussion took place and considerable doubt was expressed at there being a public right of way.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

= = = = = = = = =


22nd July 1916
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of the Reverend Marcus Dimond Churchward, Claude Strachan Carnegie, and Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz Smith of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 22nd July 1916 before William Britton Seldon steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, foreman
G Mounce
T Dennis
R Sanders
Jesse Hearn
F Wilkey
F Sussex
J Moulton
J T Slader
W Lamey
W Ashplant
J Stanbury

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – C Huxtable.

Way drivers for Northam – J Stanbury & J Moulton.
Way drivers for Appledore – W Lamey & G Mounce.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Stanbury.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury would like to have a notice board fixed near the pebble ridge warning people against lighting fires on the grass and bringing pebbles from the ridge.

The jury would recommend that the pebbles be thrown back as soon as circumstances permit.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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21st July 1917
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Claude Strachan Carnegie, Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz Smith and George Ernest Prideaux Brune of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 21st day of July 1917 before William Britton Seldon steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, chairman
T Dennis
R Sanders
Jesse Hearn
F Wilkey
F Sussex
J Moulton
J T Slader
W Lamey
J Stanbury
A Trace
W J Pursey

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – G Huxtable.

Way driver for Northam – J Moulton.
Way driver for Appledore – J Stanbury.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – Geo Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury thinks that the Pebbles should be thrown back as soon as possible.

The jury recommend that the Burrows be driven as soon as possible as they consider there is a number of strange cattle on the Burrows.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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27th July 1918
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Claude Strachan Carnegie, Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz-Smith and George Ernest Prideaux Brune of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 27th day of July 1918 before William Britton Seldon steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, foreman
L Stanbury
G Dennis
J Hearn
F Sussex
R Sanders
F Wilkey
T Fulford
E Heard

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – J Goodwin.

Way drivers for Northam – E Harris(?-unclear) & F Walkey.
Way drivers for Appledore – J Stanbury & T Dennis.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury would like the Burrows to be driven as soon as possible.

The jury would like the fencing replaced at [blotted]ght where the Royal Air Force had taken it away at Pimpley to prevent the cattle and sheep straying and causing damage to corn, etc.

They are also of opinion that the drivers of the motor traffic go much too fast on the dangerous corners between Pimpley and Bideford and would like them to be more careful.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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2nd August 1919
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Claude Strachan Carnegie, Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz-Smith and George Ernest Prideaux Brune of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 2nd day of August 1919 before Octavius Whithard Ward acting steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood
T Dennis
T Williams
Jesse Hearn
F Sussex
J Moulton
J T Slader
J Goodwin
A Trace
W Ashplant
W J Pursey
F Steer

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – A Goodwin.

Way drivers for Northam – T Dennis & J Moulton.
Way drivers for Appledore – F Steer & T Williams.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury think that notice should be given to Mr J Smith to fence in his property at Pimpley to prevent the cattle going into the house, as some as been in the house for days in a starving condition.

The attention of the Lords of the Manor to the state of the road from Pimpley to the Bridge.

They would also like to see the Burn cleared out on either side of the Bridge.

The jury would like to see the Motors driven more slowly round the nasty corners on the Bideford road and ask the Automobile Association to post warnings.

The Air force has taken down the notice warning people about depositing refuse and broken glass and ask that it should be replaced.

They would like the Burrows to be driven as soon as convenient.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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10th July 1920
Manor of Northam
The Court Leet and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Claude Strachan Carnegie, Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz-Smith and George Ernest Prideaux Brune of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Vestry Room Northam within the said Manor on the 10th day of July 1920 before William Britton Seldon, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, foreman
Thomas Dennis
Thomas Williams
Jesse Hearn
F Sussex
J Moulton
W Lamey
J Goodwin
W J Ashplant
E Harris
A Trace
E J Labbett

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – Jesse Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – J Goodwin.

Way drivers for Northam – T Williams & J Moulton.
Way drivers for Appledore – T Dennis & F Steer.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury would like to know whether the bill posting of Appledore is the duty of the crier as it is done by the previous crier.

The jury would like to see some of the straggling pebbles picked up that lies about the pasture.

The jury approves of a ground officer being placed on the Burrows.

The jury would like to see something done with regard to the encroachment of the sea at Grey sands.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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16th July 1921
Manor of Northam
The Manor Court and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Claude Strachan Carnegie, Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz-Smith and George Ernest Prideaux Brune of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the [Vestry – crossed out] Room Northam within the said Manor on the 16th day of July 1921 before William Britton Seldon, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, foreman
T Dennis
J Hearn
F Sussex
J Moulton
J T Slader
W Lamey
J Goodwin
W Ashplant
F Steer
T Jones
J Labbett
E Harris

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – Jesse Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – J Goodwin.

Way drivers for Northam – A Trace & J Moulton.
Way drivers for Appledore – T Jones & T Dennis.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

1) The jury think that the arch of Bassetts Bridge is too small and they suggest that it should be taken away and replaced by concrete walls or sides with a flat top so that the water can have a free course at sprig tides, and they think it should be done as soon as funds permit when the Burn is cleaned.

2) They also suggest that Mr Marsh should be given notice to remove the remainder part of the boat on the Pebble Ridge at once as the late spring tides did a lot of damage to the ridge through it being there.

3) Mr Steer has drawn the attention of the jury to a very weak spot in the Ridge opposite the Pebble Ridge Hotel and suggest that something should be done to strengthen it on the Burrows side – the majority think this the weakest spot.

4) Several of the jury think there are a lot of strange cattle on the Burrows and suggest it should be driven at an early date. They also think that the young men are stocking who are not Potwallopers and suggest that they be cautioned for so doing.

5) The jury suggest a plank be put at bottom of Eastbourne Terrace across the dykes so that people may cross.

6) The jury suggest that no colts should be driven after 12 noon.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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22nd July 1922
Manor of Northam
The Manor Court and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of Claude Strachan Carnegie, Joseph Charles Thomas Heriz-Smith and George Ernest Prideaux Brune of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Schoolroom Northam within the said Manor on the 22nd day of July 1922 before William Britton Seldon, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, foreman
T Dennis
J Hearn
F Sussex
J Moulton
J T Slader
W Lamey
James Day
W Ashplant
F Steer
T Jones
A Trace

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – Jesse Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – J Day.

Way drivers for Northam – J Moulton & A Trace.
Way drivers for Appledore – T Dennis & T Jones.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

1) The jury consider that the pebbles thrown back by the stockers has made a great improvement and should like to see if completed when funds will allow.

2) They also think that a strong post with a notice placed some distance from the Pebble Ridge cautioning visitors from throwing them on the pasture, and to make an example of one after such notice has been placed.

3) We also ask that the steward of the manor give notice to the owners of the wreck on the Pebble Ridge for its removal within fourteen days as they consider it is becoming a nuisance to the public health and neighbourhood.

4) We should also like to know how long a man must occupy a house in the parish before he is entitled to stock on the Burrows.

5) It is considered by the jury that several young men that are not householders are stocking and they would like the steward to serve them with a notice when their names have been given him.

6) The jury desire to call the earnest attention of the Lords of the Manor to the dangerous corner of Tower Street leading to the Square and suggest steps being taken to remedy same.

7) The jury would like to call the attention of the School managers to the present entrance of the Infant School and suggest a new entrance on the South side.

8) We also think that Bassets Bridge should be put in repair and the approach to it.

9) The jury hope all the presentments will be attended to as several has been brought in previous years.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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28th July 1923
Manor of Northam
The Manor Court and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of George Ernest Prideaux Brune, Charles Thomas Bell and Roger Courtenay Boyle of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Schoolroom Northam within the said Manor on the 28th day of July 1923 before William Britton Seldon, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, foreman
T Dennis
J Hearn
F Sussex
J Moulton
J T Slader
W Lamey
James Day
W Ashplant
F Steer
T Jones
A Trace

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – J Day.

Way drivers for Northam – A Trace & J Moulton.
Way drivers for Appledore – T Dennis & T Jones.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

1) To clean out the Burn from the Appledore side of Bassett’s Bridge, as the jury think this is necessary, as it is three years ago since it was done. The weeds and growth are getting thick and stopping the flow of water.

2) They also think the dirty condition of the Burn at Pimpley Bridge should be attended to.

3) The jury strongly protest against any of the present wreckage being put in the Pebble Ridge and would like to see if removed.

4) The jury would like to see all the horses driven in as they consider some have no right there.

5) The jury suggest that a notice be put at Mrs Buick’s corner warning motorists of a School and a mirror placed.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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26th July 1924
The Manor Court and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of George Ernest Prideaux Brune, Charles Thomas Bell and Roger Courtenay Boyle of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Schoolroom Northam within the said Manor on the 26th day of July 1924 before William Britton Seldon, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
J B Penhorwood, foreman
T Dennis
J Hearn
F Sussex
J Moulton
J T Slader
W Lamey
James Day
W Ashplant
F Steer
T Jones
A Trace

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – J B Penhorwood.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – J Day.

Way drivers for Northam – J Moulton & A Trace.
Way drivers for Appledore – T Dennis & T Jones.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.


1) The jury consider that it is most desirable for a man to be placed at the corner of Tower Street Northam by the Automobile Association during the summer months, as they consider it one of the most dangerous in the County.

2) They also suggest that a letter be written to the Charity Trustees stating that the small price between them and the Urban District Council should not stand in the way of purchasing the property. The interest of money (£250) would realise more than they get in rent.

3) The jury are still on opinion that the Wreck on the Burrows should be removed at once, as it is a great eyesore. They consider all that is of any value has been removed and the Jury’s presentment has been ignored for several years.

4) They hope the Burn will be cleaned as soon as convenient.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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25th July 1925
The Manor Court and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of George Ernest Prideaux Brune, Charles Thomas Bell and Roger Courtenay Boyle of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Schoolroom Northam within the said Manor on the 25th day of July 1925 before William Britton Seldon, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
W Ashplant, foreman
D Hearn, Cross St, N[ortham]
J Hearn, Rock Cottage, N[ortham]
F Sussex, Cross St, N[ortham]
J Moulton, Fore St, N[ortham]
J T Slader, 18 Market St, A[ppledore]
T Jones junr, Fore St, N[ortham]
[Written in pencil: E Babb]
James Day, Vernons Lane, A[ppledore]
G Braund, Fore St, N[ortham]
F Steer, Kimberley Terrace
T Jones, North Street, N[ortham]
A Trace, Clifton Terrace, N[ortham]

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – W F Ashplant.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – J Day.

Way drivers for Northam – J Moulton & A Trace.
Way drivers for Appledore – G Braund & T Jones.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G H Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.


1) They desire to call attention to the state of the Burn which in several places requires to be attended to and cleaned. One place in particular, about 50 yards east of Appledore Bridge, where for the length of about 40 yards it is practically filled up with earth and stones, and is keeping back the flow of the stream. There are also several places between Appledore Bridge and Bassett’s Bridge that require attention.

2) They would like to see the old custom of throwing back the Pebbles revived and made an annual event. The date to be fixed by the Burrows Committee.

3) They recommend that the breach in the ridge at Sandy Mere be attended to as soon as possible and that the remains of the wreck be used for this purpose.

4) They would like to take this opportunity of placing on record their appreciation of the services of Mr J B Penhorwood who has acted as Foreman and tythingman for many years.

5) That the practice of training horses and the Burrows should be stopped. They consider the sands should be used for this purpose.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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[There follows one page, written in rough pencil, giving names (not always clear), and the number of Bullocks, Horses, Sheep and Heifers kept by these people on the Burrows. On analysis, this seems to be a draft copy of the chart for 1897].

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Manor of Northam
14th August 1926
The Manor Court and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of George Ernest Prideaux Brune, Charles Thomas Bell and Roger Courtenay Boyle of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Schoolroom Northam within the said Manor on the 14th day of August 1926 before William Britton Seldon, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
W Ashplant, foreman
D Hearn
J Hearn
F Sussex
J Moulton
J T Slader
T Jones junr
James Day
E Babb
F Steer
T Jones
A Trace

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – W F Ashplant.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – J Day.

Way drivers for Northam – J Moulton & A Trace.
Way drivers for Appledore – E Babb & T Jones.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G H Cork.

Harbour Master – J T Slader.

The jury make the following presentments:

1) They consider the open part of the ditch that conveys the sewage into the Burn should be covered over entirely as the stench arising therefrom is most injurious to health.

2) That boys paddling in the burn be stopped. The jury consider this practice most dangerous to health.

3) The jury are pleased to see the practice of throwing back the Pebbles is being kept up and would suggest another day be given to this before the September spring tides.

4) They suggest that the owners of mares with foals be asked to keep them off the Burrows during January February and March as they consider the pasturage not sufficient to keep them.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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Manor of Northam
20th July 1927
The Manor Court and View of Frank Pledge together with the Court Baron of George Ernest Prideaux Brune, Charles Thomas Bell and Roger Courtenay Boyle of and for the Manor of Northam holden and kept in the Schoolroom Northam within the said Manor on the 30th July 1927 before William Britton Seldon, steward and bailiff of the Court and Manor aforesaid according to the custom of the Manor from the time whereof the memory of man runneth not the contrary.

Sworn of the Jury:
W Ashplant, foreman
D Hearn
J Hearn
F Sussex
J Moulton
Thomas Hutchings
T Jones junr
James Day
E Babb
F Steer
T Jones
A Trace

The Jury then retired and on their return made the following presentments:

Tythingman – W F Ashplant.

Crier for Northam – J Hearn.
Crier for Appledore – J Day.

Way drivers for Northam – J Moulton & A Trace.
Way drivers for Appledore – E Babb & T Jones senr.

Poundkeeper for Northam – J Hearn.
Poundkeeper for Appledore – G H Cork.

Harbour Master – Thomas Hutchings.

The jury make the following presentments:

1) The jury hope that the practice of throwing back the Pebbles will be continued and that a day be given to this during the coming month.

2) The jury think that some more cleaning out of the Burn could be done to this side of Bassett’s Bridge.

3) The jury regret that nothing was done to the exposed part of the ditch containing sewage matter leading to the Burn. They are still of opinion that something should be done so as to abate the stench arising therefrom.

4) The jury recommend the placing of brambles or brushwood at the eastern end of the Burrows so as to accumulate sand and form a bank to prevent the encroachment of the tides on the Burrows.

5) The jury are pleased to see that the roadway from Pimpley Gate is being put into a better condition for pedestrians. They also recommend the road from Appledore end and the other wide of Appledore Bridge.

6) The jury desire to put on record the passing of Mr J T Slader for many years Harbour Master for Appledore and a Member of the jury.

7) That as the step taken of keeping off the ponies and colts during January February and March has been successful, the jury suggest that sheep brought from other Markets in large numbers the owners asked to do likewise during the same period.

8) The jury are pleased to see that the remains of the wreck which has disfigured the Burrows for years is being removed. The jury strongly recommend that something should be done to prevent the removal of gravel by barges from the foreshore.

Signed: Wm B Seldon, Manor Steward

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Note: It is believed that this was the last Manor Court meeting, before their powers devolved to become the responsibility of Northam Town Council.

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