


Property deeds relating to the Globe Inn, 23 Market Street, Appledore

Taken from documents housed in Devon Record Office, ref: 6114-1.

[Whitbread PLC: Deeds and documents, c.1680-20th cent., public houses, licensed premises and other properties in Appledore, Barnstaple, Bideford].

Transcribed by David Carter 2016.

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22nd February 1815

This indenture of four parts made the twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and fifteen.

Between Samuel Tetherly of Appledore within the parish of Northam in the county of Devon mariner and Mary his wife of the first part, William Chappell of Appledore aforesaid Merchant of the second part, John Butt of the same place mariner of the third part, and Samuel Griffey of the same place tinman of the fourth part.

Whereas the said Samuel Tetherly now is and standeth lawfully seized or entitled to him and his heirs in his demesne as of fee simple of and in twelve and a half thirty five parts undivided of the Messuage or Dwelling House and Hereditaments herein after described and hereby released or otherwise assured or intended so to be with their appurtenances.

And whereas the said John Butt hath contracted and Agreed with the said Samuel Tetherly for the absolute purchase of his twelve and a half thirty five parts of the said Messuage or Dwelling house and Hereditaments hereinafter described with their appurtenances and the Inheritance thereof in fee simple for the price or sum of sixty five pounds And for effectuating the said agreement the said John Butt hath desired that the same may be carried into execution in the manner hereinafter mentioned.

Now this indenture witnesseth that in pursuance and performance of the said agreement and for and in consideration of the sum of sixty five pounds of lawful money current in Great Britain to the said Samuel Tetherly in hand well and truly paid by the said John Butt at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents (the receipt whereof the said Samuel Tetherly doth hereby acknowledge and of and from the same and every part thereof doth acquit release and discharge the said John Butt his heirs executors administrators and assigns and every of them forever by these presents He the said Samuel Tetherly Hath granted bargained sold aliened released and confirmed and by these presents Doth grant bargain sell alien release and confirm unto the said John Butt his heirs and assigns in the actual possession of him the said John Butt now being by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to him thereof made by the said Samuel Tetherly in consideration of five shillings to him paid by the said John Butt by indenture bearing the day next before the day [and?] date and executed before the execution of these presents for the term of one whole year to be confirmed from the day next before the date of the same indenture of bargain and sale and by force of the statute made for transferring uses into possession Twelve and a half thirty five parts undivided of and in All that messuage or dwelling house and garden with their appurtenances now called or known by the name or sign of the Globe situate and being in Appledore aforesaid now in the occupation of the said John Butt as tenant thereof and formerly the lands of Etheldred Beaple deceased and twelve and a half thirty five parts of the right of fetching and taking water in common with the other occupiers of the dwelling houses in Appledore aforesaid belonging to the said Samuel Tetherly and William Arundel Yeo esquire and George Brayley gentlemen from a well situate in the courtlege of one of the said dwelling houses now in the occupation of Mary Evans And of all outhouses buildings courts courtlages gardens ways paths waters water-courses easements privileges emoluments hereditaments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anywise appertaining accepted reputed taken known held occupied or enjoyed as part parcel or member of the same or any part thereof And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits thereof and of every part thereof And all the estate right title interest use trust property claim and demand whatsoever both at law and in equity of him the said Samuel Tetherly of in or to the same twelve and a half thirty five parts of the said hereditaments and premises or any part or parcel thereof.

To have and to hold the said twelve and a half thirty five parts undivided of the said messuage or dwelling house hereditaments and all and singular other the premises hereby released or otherwise assured or intended so to be and every part and parcel of the same with their appurtenances unto the said John Butt his heirs and assigns To the uses upon the trusts and for the ends intents and purposes hereinafter limited expressed and declared of and concerning the same (that is to say) To the use of such person or persons for such estate or estates and for such interest or interests by way of annuity rent charge or otherwise and in such parts shares and proportions and upon such trusts and for such ends intents and purposes and charges and chargeable in such manner and either absolutely or conditionally and subject to such powers of revocation and of new appointment and other powers provisos conditions restrictions limitations declarations and agreements as the said John Butt at any time or times and from time to time by any deed or deeds to be sealed and delivered by him in the presence of and attested by one two or more credible witness or witnesses shall direct limit or appoint And in default of such direction limitation or appointment and in the mean time and from time to time until the same shall take effect and from time to time subject to such uses estates trusts charges and interests as shall have been directed limited or appointed by the said John To the use of the said John Butt and his assigns for and during the terms of his natural life And from and after the determination of that estate by any means in his lifetime Then to the use of the said Samuel Griffey his heirs and assigns during the natural life of the said John Butt Upon Trust for and for the sole benefit of the said John Butt and his assigns To the intent that the present or any future wife of the said John Butt may not be entitled to dower and from and after the determination of the estate hereby limited To the use of the said Samuel Griffey his heirs and assigns for the life of the said John Butt Then to the use of the said John Butt his heirs and assigns forever And to for and upon no other use trust and intent or purpose whatsoever.

And whereas the said Samuel Tetherly and Mary his wife did in or as of Hilary Term in the fiftieth year of his present Majesty’s reign acknowledging in due form of law before his majesty’s justices of the court of common pleas at Westminster unto the said William Chappell one fine sur conusance de droit come ceo and so forth with proclamations or (amongst other lands) twelve and a half thirty five parts of five messuages and five gardens with the appurtenances in East Appledore and Northam aforesaid.

Now it is hereby declared and agreed by and between all the said parties to these presents that the said fine so as aforesaid or in any manner or at any other time acknowledged and levied shall be and enure and shall be construed adjudged expounded and taken to be and ensure and is meant and intended and hereby directed and declared to be and enure.

As to for and concerning the said twelve and a half thirty five parts undivided of the said messuage or dwelling house and hereditaments hereby released or otherwise assured or intended so to be with their appurtenances to the uses upon the trusts and for the ends intents and purposes hereinbefore limited expressed and declared in confirmation of these presents and for the purpose of giving more full and complete effect to the same discharged of and from all dower and right and title of dower of her the said Mary Tetherly of into out of or upon the said twelve and a half thirty five parts of the same messuage or dwelling house hereditaments and premises with their appurtenances And to and for no other use trust intent or purpose whatsoever.

And the said Samuel Tetherly doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and administrators and for the said Mary his wife she hereby consenting Covenant promise and agree to and with the said John Butt his heirs and assigns in manner following (that is to say) that (notwithstanding any act deed matter or thing whatsoever by him the said Samuel Tetherly made done committed permitted or suffered to the contrary) he the said Samuel Tetherly now is seized to him and his heirs of a good sure perfect lawful and indefeasible estate of inheritance in fee simple of and in the twelve and a half thirty five parts of the said messuage or dwelling house hereditaments and premises hereby released or otherwise assured or intended so to be with their appurtenances without any condition power trust or renovation or of limitation to use or uses or any other power restraint cause matter or thing to alter defeat revoke make void abridge lessen incumber or determine the same estate or any part thereof.

And also that (notwithstanding any such act deed matter or thing as aforesaid) they the said Samuel Tetherly and Mary his wife now have in themselves good right full power and lawful and absolute authority by these presents and by the fine hereinbefore levied to grant release and confirm the said twelve and a half thirty five parts of the same messuages or dwelling house hereditaments and premises hereby released or otherwise assured or intended so to be with their appurtenances To the uses upon the trusts and for the ends intents and purposes hereinbefore limited expressed and declared of and concerning the same according to the true intent and meaning of these presents.

And also that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said John Butt his heirs appointees and assigns from time to time and at all times forever hereafter to enter into and upon have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said twelve and a half thirty five parts of the said messuage or dwelling house hereditaments and premises hereby released or otherwise assured or intended so to be with their appurtenances and to receive and take the rents and profits thereof and of every part and parcel of the same without any lawful let suit trouble eviction ejection expulsion interruption hindrance or denial of from or by the said Samuel Tetherly or his heirs or any other person or persons whomsoever lawfully or equitably and rightfully claiming or to claim by from under or in trust for him them or either of them or by from through under or in trust for any or either of his ancestors or testators And that free and clear and freely clearly and absolutely acquitted exonerated and discharged or otherwise by the said Samuel Tetherly his heirs executors or administrators at his and their own costs and charges well and sufficiently protected defended saved harmless and kept indemnified of from and against all former and other gifts grants feoffments mortgages leases bargains sales jointures dowers uses trusts wills estates annuities legacies rents and all arrears of rents statutes recognizances judgements executions extents estates titles troubles liens charges and incumbrances whatsoever at any time or times heretofore and to be at any time or times hereafter had made done committed executed permitted or suffered by the said Samuel Tetherly his heirs or assigns or any or either of them or any person or persons rightfully claiming or to claim by from through under or in trust for him them or either of them or any or either of his ancestors or testators or by his their or either of their acts means consent default privity or procurement (the land tax or quit rent charges or chargeable upon and which shall henceforth become due and payable for or in respect of the same premises only excepted).

And moreover that he the said Samuel Tetherly and his heirs and all persons whomsoever lawfully or equitably and rightfully claiming or to claim any estate right title trust charge or interest at law or in equity in to or out of the said twelve and a half thirty five parts of the said messuage or dwelling house hereditaments and premises hereby released or otherwise assured or intended so to be or any part thereof by from under or in trust for him them or either of them shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter upon every reasonable request and at the costs and charges in all things of the said John Butt his heirs appointees or assigns make do acknowledge levy suffer execute and perfect or cause and procure to be made done acknowledged levied suffered executed and perfected all such further and other lawful and reasonable acts deeds devices conveyances and assurances in the law whatsoever for the further better more perfectly lawfully absolutely and satisfactorily granting releasing confirming or otherwise assuring the said twelve and a half thirty five parts of the said messuage or dwelling house hereditaments and premises hereby released or otherwise assured or intended so to be and every part and parcel of the same with their appurtenances To the uses upon the trusts and for the ends intents and purposes hereinbefore limited expressed and declared of and concerning the same according to the true intent and meaning of these presents As by the said John Butt his heirs appointees or assigns or his or their counsel in the law shall be reasonably devised advised and required.

And lastly that the said Samuel Tetherly his heirs executors and administrators (unless hindered or prevented by fine or some other inevitable accident) shall and will at any time or times hereafter upon every reasonable request in writing and at the costs and charges in all things of the said John Butt his heirs or assigns produce and show forth in England and not elsewhere unto the said John Butt his heirs or assigns or his or their counsel attorney solicitor or agent or otherwise as occasion shall be and require the several title deeds and writings mentioned in the schedule hereunder written or any or either of them for the proof manifestation support and defence of the title of the said John Butt his heirs and assigns of in or to the twelve and a half thirty five parts of the said messuage or dwelling house hereditaments and premises hereby released or otherwise assured or intended so to be with their appurtenances And shall and will when thereunto required give or deliver to the said John Butt his heirs or assigns true and attested copies of the same deeds and writings or any or either of them and suffer such copies to be examined and compared with the originals either by the said John Butt his heirs or assigns or any other person or persons whom he or they shall appoint.

In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents their hands and seals have hereunto set the day and year first above written.

The Schedule referred to by the above written indenture

1710 November 16th – Exemplification of recovery suffered in the court of the manor of Northam wherein Henry Chope was demandant, John Yeo and Agnes his wife, John Tetherly and Patience his wife, and Elizabeth Beaple were tenants in person, and Daniel Sowdon and the common vouchee vouchees.

1710 December 25th – Indenture between John Tetherly and Patience his wife of the one part and Henry Chope of the other part.

1726 October 4th and 5th – Lease and release between Richard Croker and Mary his wife of the one part, John Tetherly of the other part.

1726 December 1st – Indenture between Richard Croker and Mary his wife of the one part and Robert Row of the other part.

1746 January 5th – Indenture between William Giles and Sarah his wife and William Limbrey and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and John Giles of the other part.

1753 Apr 14 – Indenture between Elizabeth Limbrey of the one part and Samuel Tetherly of the other part.

1772 September 9th and 10th – Lease and Release between William Limbrey, Sarah Limbrey, Jane Limbrey, William Hernaman and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Hernaman and Hannah his wife of the one part and Samuel Tetherly of the other part.

Hilary Term 50th Geo III – Chirograph of fine between William Chappell plaintiff and Samuel Tetherly and Mary his wife deforciants.

Signed: Samuel Tetherly, Mary Tetherly, William Chappell.

1804 September 11th and 12th – Lease and release between Patience Beaple of the one John Tetherly of the other part.

1805 March 27th – Release between William Tetherly and Katherine his wife of the one part and Thomas King of the other part.

Received the day and year first within written of and from the within named John Butt the sum of sixty five pounds being the full consideration money within mentioned to be paid by him to me. Witness my hand: Samuel Tetherly. Attested by: George Burgess(?), Richard Thelby(?).

Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Samuel Tetherly and Mary his wife and William Chappell in the presence of: George Burgess, Richard Thelby.

Signed sealed and delivered by the within named John Butt and Samuel Griffey in the presence of [blank].

10th August 1827

Mr Philip Lang & Ux, to Mr Thomas Braund.

Feoffment of the Globe Inn in Appledore in Northam Devon, and covenant to buy a fine to the uses within mentioned.

This indenture made the tenth day of August in the year of Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven.

Between Philip Lang of Appledore in the parish of Northam in the County of Devon Innkeeper and Sarah his wife of the one part and Thomas Braund of Bideford in the said County scrivener of the other part.

Whereas the said Philip Lang and Sarah his wife are desirous of making a feoffment and buying a fine of the messuage or dwelling house garden and hereditaments hereinafter described and also granted and enfeoffed and of limiting the same to the uses hereinafter expressed and declared concerning the same.

Now this indenture witnesseth that for the purpose of visiting the freehold of the said messuage or dwellinghouse and hereditaments in the said Thomas Braund and in consideration of five shillings of lawful money of Great Britain to the said Philip Lang and Sarah his wife paid by the said Thomas Braund before the execution of these presents (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged) They the said Philip Lang and Sarah his wife have and each of them hath given granted and enfeoffed and by these presents Do and each of them Doth give grant enfeoff and confirm unto the said Thomas Braund and his heirs All those eight undivided thirty five parts of and in all that messuage or dwelling house and garden commonly called or known by the name or sign of the Globe Inn situate lying and being in Market Street in Appledore within the parish of Northam aforesaid and now in the occupation of the said Philip Lang with free liberty of a footway in and through the usual passage to draw fetch and carry water from the well or fountain in the courtlege or garden of the dwelling house and premises in Appledore aforesaid now the property of Richard Dart and which was lately conveyed to him by George Brayley and others And of and in all houses buildings courts courtlages gardens ways paths passages waters watercourses easements priviledges advantages rights members and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining.

And also All those twenty seven undivided thirty five parts of and in All that the aforesaid messuage or dwelling house garden and premises called or known by the name or sign of the Globe Inn in Appledore aforesaid And of and in all houses buildings courts courtlages gardens ways paths passages waters watercourses easements priviledges advantages rights members and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits of the same messuage or dwelling house and premises and every part and parcel thereof and all the estate right title interest trust property claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Philip Lang and Sarah his wife and of each of them of in to or out of the same premises and every part and parcel thereof.

To have and to hold the said messuage or dwelling house garden and all and singular the hereditaments and premises hereby granted and enfeoffed or intended so to be with their appurtenances unto the said Thomas Braund his heirs and assigns forever To the uses upon the trusts and for the ends intends and purposes hereinafter expressed and declared concerning the same (that is to say) To the use of the said Thomas Braund his executors administrators and assigns during the natural life of the said Sarah Lang In Trust to pay and dispose of the rents and profits of the said hereditaments and premises unto the said Sarah Lang and her appointees and assigns or to permit her to receive and take the same during her natural life to and for her own sole and separate use and benefit without being subject or liable to the debts control interference or engagements of her present of any future husband and from and after the decease of the said Sarah Lang and in the mean time subject to the uses and trusts aforesaid then as to the aforesaid eight undivided thirty five parts of and in the said hereditaments and premises To such uses and upon and for such trusts intents and purposes and with under and subject to such powers provisos charges declarations and agreements as the said Philip Lang shall by any deed or deeds with or without a power of revocation or new appointment to be by him legally executed direct or appoint and in default of such direction or appointment and subject thereto To the use of the said Philip Lang and his assigns during his life without impeachment of waste and after the determination of that estate by and means in his life time To the use of the said Thomas Braund his executors and administrators during the natural life of the said Philip Lang In trust for him and his assigns and from and after the determination of the said uses and estates To the use of the said Philip Lang his heirs and assigns forever And from and after the decease of the said Sarah Lang and in the mean time subject to the uses and trusts aforesaid then as to the aforesaid twenty seven undivided thirty five parts of and in the said hereditaments and premises To the use of the said Philip Lang and his assigns during his life and after the determination of that estate by any means in his life time To the use of the said Thomas Braund his executors and administrators during the natural life of the said Philip Lang In trust for him and his assigns and after the death of both of them the said Philip Lang and Sarah his wife and in the mean time subject to the uses and trusts aforesaid To the uses upon such trusts and for such intents and purposes and with under and subject to such powers provisos charges declarations and agreements as the said Sarah Lang notwithstanding her coverture shall by any deed or deeds with or without a power of revocation and new appointment or by her last Will and Testament in writing to be by her respectively legally executed direct or appoint give or devise the same And in default of such direction or appointment gift or devise and subject thereto To the use of the heirs of the said Sarah Lang forever And for the considerations hereinbefore expressed to the said Philip Lang doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and administrators covenant and agree with the said Thomas Braund his heirs and assigns that he the said Philip Land and Sarah his wife and their respective heirs shall and will at the expense of the said Philip Lang or at the joint expense of the respective heirs of them the said Philip Lang and Sarah his wife as of Michaelmas Term now next ensuing or of some other subsequent term acknowledge and levy unto the said Thomas Braund and his heirs before his Majesty’s Justices of the Court of Common Pleas at Westminster one or more fine or fines sur cognizance de droit come ceo etc, with proclamations according to the form of the statute in that behalf made and provided of all and singular the aforesaid messuage or dwelling house garden and hereditaments hereby granted and enfeoffed or intended so to be by such apt names and descriptions as shall be sufficient to comprise and pass the same And it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the parties to these presents that the said fine or fines when levied shall be and enure To the uses upon the trusts and for the ends intents and purposes hereinbefore limited expressed and declared of and concerning the said hereditaments and premises hereinbefore granted and enfeoffed in confirmation of these presents and for the purpose of giving more complete effect to the same.

In Witness whereof the parties to these presents their hands and seals have set the day and year first above written.

The mark of Philip Lang, the mark of Sarah Lang, Thomas Braund (signed).

Memorandum – that one the day and year first within written peaceable and quiet possession and full seisin of the within messuage or tenement hereditaments and premises were openly had and taken by the within named Philip Lang and Sarah his wife and by them delivered to the within names Thomas Braund – To hold the same to the said Thomas Braund and his heirs To for and upon the uses trusts intents and purposes in the said indenture expressed according to the purport and true intent and meaning of the within written indenture in the presence of us whose names are hereunto subscribed: Richard Dart junior, Thomas Pode.

Signed sealed and delivered by the within names Philip Lang, Sarah his wife and Thomas Braund (inserted: one interlination? being first made) in the presence of us: Richard Dart junior, Thomas Pode.

1st September 1851

[Summary only – full transcript not produced]

Conveyance by Messrs Philip & Thomas Lang, to Mrs Fanny Tatem.

Eight 35th parts of a messuage or dwelling house called the Globe Inn, in Market Street, Appledore.

(i) Philip Lang a blockmaker, Thomas Lang a roper, to (ii) Fanny Tatem an innkeeper, all of Appledore.

Refers to Philip Lang deceased victualler of Appledore.

20th February 1892

Conveyance by Messrs W J Tatem and others, to Mr W H J Tatem, of the Globe Inn, Market Street, Appledore.

This indenture made the 29th February 1891 Between (i) William Henry Jewell Tatem innkeeper of Appledore, (ii) William James Tatem ship-broker of Cardiff, Winifred Tatem spinster of Odun Farm, Georgianna Gibson wife of William Gibson master mariner of Cardiff, Elizabeth Ann Pratt widow of Swansea, Mary Ann Burch wife of Edward Burch master mariner of Swansea, James Tatem master mariner of Cardiff, Fanny Ellen Shaddick widow of Cardiff, William Henry Jewell Tatem; and (iii) William Henry Jewell Tatem.

Whereas James Tatem late of Appledore retired master mariner deceased was for many years prior to and at the time of making his will (dated 15th Feb 1884) seized of, etc.... bequeathed his estate to his wife Ann Tatem for her life, and then to John Beara ship-chandler of Appledore and his son William Henry Jewell Tatem in trust. After his decease the property to be divided into six equal parts, for the children of his deceased son Thomas Tatem when they become 21, one part to daughter Elizabeth Ann Pratt, one part to daughter Mary Ann Burch, one part to son James Tatem, one part to daughter Fanny Ellen Shaddick, and one part to son William Henry Jewell Tatem. etc...

13th April 1893

[Summary only – full transcript not produced]

Mr William Henry Jewell Tatem innkeeper of Appledore, to Mrs Eva Annie Ellen Tatem his wife.

Conveyance of the Globe Inn, Appledore, for £350.

15th March 1894

[Summary only – full transcript not produced]

Mortgage: Mr W H J Tatem to Mrs E A E Tatem, with reconveyance end dated 9th August 1898.

18th December 1899

Statutory declaration by Mr John Beara, regarding the sale of the Globe Inn, Appledore.

I John Beara of Appledore in the parish of Northam, ironmonger, do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:

1) I am 71 years of age and have resided at Appledore aforesaid the whole of my life and am well acquainted with the Public House and premises in Market Street known as the Globe Inn. I was also well acquainted with Frances or Fanny Tatem who prior to her death kept the said Inn.

2) The said fanny Tatem died on or about the 10th day of October 1854 and I have always understood that she died intestate. She was at the time of her death a widow and James Tatem master mariner was her eldest son and heir at law.

3) For many years prior to the death of the said Fanny Tatem she was in possession of the said property known as the Globe Inn and I was always given to understand and verify believe that the said property belonged to the said Fanny Tatem and that it passed on her death to the said James Tatem who then to my knowledge went into possession of the property and was always reported to be the owner thereof to the date of his death which occurred on or about the 8th June 1884, when I understood his widow Ann Tatem became entitled to the property as tenant for life under his Will.

4) I well remember that sometime previous to 1854 the said Fanny Tatem made considerable additions and improvements to the said property and I supplied her with the grates and fittings and did all the plumbing work required which was charged to the said Fanny Tatem and paid by her.

5) I have known the Tatem family all my life and was intimately acquainted with the said James Tatem who appointed me an executor of his Will but I never acted therein and if the title of the said Fanny Tatem had ever been questions I should certainly have become acquainted of the fact. I have never heard of either title being questioned and I am fully convinced that the said Fanny Tatem died seized thereof in fee simple and that the said James Tatem on her death took the property in fee simple as heir at law.

And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act of 1835.

Signed: John Beara, before me: H M Bazeley a commissioner for oaths.

21st December 1899

Statutory declaration by Mr T H Fishwick, regarding the sale of the Globe Inn, Appledore.

I Thomas Hayne Fishwick of Appledore in the parish of Northam Devon, ship chandler and Vice Consul for Norway & Sweden do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:

1) I am 57 years of age and have resided at Appledore the whole of my life and am well acquainted with the Public House and premises in Market Street, Appledore, known as the Globe Inn. I also as a boy remember Frances or Fanny Tatem who prior to her death kept the said Inn.

2) I have been informed and verify believe that the said fanny Tatem died intestate on or about the 10th October 1854 that she was at the time of her death a widow and that she left her eldest son James Tatem (Master Mariner) her heir at law.

3) I was always given to understand that the said property belonged to the said Fanny Tatem and that it passed on her death to the said James Tatem who I remember on the death of the said Fanny Tatem went into possession of the said property and was always reported to be the owner thereof to the date of his death which occurred on or about the 8th June 1884 when I understand his widow Ann Tatem became entitled to the property as tenant for life under his Will and I have never heard his title or the title of the said Fanny Tatem or the title of the successors of the said James Tatem to the property disputed or questioned in any way.

And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act of 1835.

Signed: T H Fishwick, before me: H M Bazeley a commissioner for oaths.

12th January 1900

[Summary only – full transcript not produced]

Conveyance of the Globe Inn and No.4 Market Street, Appledore, for the sum of £1200, between (i) Mrs Eva Annie Ellen Tatem wife of William Henry Jewell Tatem, to (ii) Theodore d’Escury Hanbury and William Glenister Cotching (Messrs Hanbury and Cotching, brewers).

Reciting that the said Eva Tatem was seized in fee simple of the hereditaments for a residue of a term of 200 years absolute which commenced on death of William Melhuish on 27th March 1770.

Firstly all that messuage or dwelling house garden and premises commonly called the Globe Inn, Market Street in occupation of the purchasers of their subtenant.

Secondly all that dwelling house and premises then or late in occupation of Walter Blackmore as tenant, situate and being No.4 Market Street, on south side of and adjoining the property formerly known as the Swan, but then called the Bodega.

16th June 1908

[Summary only – full transcript not produced]

Messrs A J Chapple and W H J Tatem, to Messrs Hanbury and Cotching.

Reconveyance of Mortgage of the Globe Inn and No.4 Market Street, Appledore.

18th June 1908

[Summary only – full transcript not produced]

Messrs Hanbury and Cotching (mortgagors) to Mrs Fanny Hearn, wife of Henry Hearn of Whifford Farm, Bovey Tracey (mortgagee).

Mortgage of the Globe Inn and No.4 Market Street, Appledore to secure £450 and interest.

16th July 1908

[Summary only – full transcript not produced]

Mrs Fanny Hearn, to Mrs Fanny Hearn and Mr William Henry Goodridge farmer of Bovey Tracey.

Transfer of Mortgage of the Globe Inn and No.4 Market Street, Appledore to secure £450 and interest.

7th September 1915

[Summary only – full transcript not produced]

Insured by T Hanbury esq of Taunton and others.

Law Fire Insurance, Aircraft and Bombardment Policy, for £1100.

27th April 1920

[Summary only – full transcript not produced]

Law Fire Insurance Society Ltd.

William Glenister Cotching trading as Hanbury & Cotching, brewers of Taunton.

Paid £1.7s.0d for £1600 insurance, as follows:

£1200 on the building and offices communicating known as the Globe Hotel, Appledore

£300 on the building of the dwelling house and offices communicating adjoining the above but not communicating.

£100 on old skittle alley, washhouse and offices in yard at rear of said hotel.

8th February 1924

[Summary only – full transcript not produced]

Mrs Fanny Hearn and another, to William Glenister Cotching esq. Reconveyance.

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