


Northam Charities – 

List of recipients of Cocke's Charity, 1955, 1964

Ref: NDRO 1843A/PF/1/4/4/2

Transcribed by David Carter 2024 

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Catalogue entry:

Northam Charities.
List of recipients of Cocke's Charity, 1955, 1964.
Ref: NDRO 1843A/PF/1/4/4/2; Alternative ref: 1843-4/38/1-2

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Description of document and transcribers notes:

Two printed single sheets of paper, one for each year, 1955 and 1964.

This contains a printed list of recipients of charity money distributed from Cocke’s Charity to deserving women of Northam and Appledore. Names were categorised under: Class I, Class II, Special Class, or Children (generally orphans). It is not clear what the difference was between Class I and Class II, apart from Class I being more deserving.

The individual Charities managed by these Trustees can be seen in detail at:
The particular charity mentioned in these minute books is Cock’s.

Cocks and Langdons Charity:

Established by James Cock (he left £200 in 1700) and Elizabeth Langdon (she left £100 in 1702) to support widows and orphans. The money was used to purchase an estate of four houses and ten acres of land, which became known as the Tomouth Estate. The income went to supporting four almshouses which were on the site. A fire destroyed the Almshouses in 1859, but the Trustees continued to manage the estate until it was eventually sold in 1918. The invested money was then used for the continuing support the poor of the parish.

According to the instructions given to the Charity’s Agent (see NDRO 1843 add4/37):
The printed lists of Widows etc, who received the Charity the previous year are to be posted up, with the date of next distribution. The agent will now write out lists of the Widows, etc, & amounts to be distributed this year.”
It appears that these are the only two surviving ‘Printed Lists’ referred to in these instructions. However, there is also a surviving “Northam and Appledore Charity Account Book (1845-1846)” which lists all the people who received Charity assistance, generally in the form of clothing – see NDRO 1843A/PF/1/3/1/2.

It appears that £43 was distributed in 1955, and £36 in 1964.

It is not known when this distribution ceased, but it was obviously still in existence in 1964.

In the following transcript, surnames have been sorted into alphabetical order for easy reference.

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YearSurnameFirst name(s)ResidenceClassPaid
1964AstonSarah MargaretAppledoreClass I10s
1964BadcockBeatrice GNorthamClass II7s.6s
1955BadcockGraceNorthamClass I7s
1955BalsdonSarahAppledoreClass I7s
1955BassettClaraAppledoreClass I7s
1955BeerBessie AnnAppledoreClass I7s
1964BeerBessie AnnAppledoreClass I10s
1955BeerFlorenceNorthamClass II5s
1964BeerFlorenceNorthamClass II7s.6s
1955BennettEmma MariaAppledoreClass I7s
1955BennettMaryAppledoreClass I7s
1964BerryEAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1955BerryMary AnnAppledoreClass I7s
1955BignellElizabeth JAppledoreClass I7s
1955BoonEllenAppledoreClass I7s
1955BraggElizabethNorthamClass I7s
1955BrendLilian MaryAppledoreSpecial10s
1955BushEAppledoreClass II5s
1964BushEAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1955CannAdelaide MaryAppledoreClass II5s
1964CannAdelaide MaryAppledoreClass I10s
1955CarterFannyAppledoreClass I7s
1955CarterMatilda AugustaAppledoreClass I7s
1964CarterMatilda AugustaAppledoreClass I10s
1955CarterMaude MaryAppledoreClass I7s
1955CarterSarah JaneAppledoreClass I7s
1955ClearHilda AnnieAppledoreClass I7s
1955ColeEthelAppledoreClass I7s
1964ColeEthelAppledoreClass I10s
1964ColeFlorence EthelAppledoreClass I10s
1955ColwillArabellaAppledoreClass II5s
1964ColwillArabellaAppledoreClass I10s
1955CookGladys MajoireNorthamClass II5s
1955CoppSimon GrovesAppledoreSpecial10s
1955CornishOlive MayAppledoreClass II5s
1964CornishOlive MayAppledoreClass I10s
1955CurticeElizabethAppledoreClass I7s
1964CurtisEvelynAppledoreClass I10s
1955DayElizabeth BessieAppledoreClass I7s
1955DummettThomazine AnnieAppledoreClass I7s
1955DunnCharlotte EmilyNorthamClass I7s
1964DunnCharlotte EmilyNorthamClass I10s
1955DunnFlorenceNorthamClass I7s
1955EastmanBessieAppledoreClass I7s
1964EastmanBessieAppledoreClass I10s
1955EastmanHenriettaAppledoreClass I7s
1955EastmanMary AnnAppledoreClass II5s
1964EvansBeatriceAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1955EvansEmilyAppledoreClass I7s
1955EvansMarie RosinaAppledoreClass I7s
1964EvansMarie RosinaAppledoreClass I10s
1955EvansSarah ElizabethAppledoreSpecial10s
1955EvansSarah EllenAppledoreSpecial10s
1964EvansSarah EllenAppledoreSpecial12s.6d
1964FordMary IreneAppledoreClass I10s
1955FowlerPhyllis LettaAppledoreClass I7s
1955GloverElsie MayNorthamClass II5s
1964GloverElsie MayNorthamClass II7s.6s
1955GloverMaudNorthamClass I7s
1955GoodwinBerthaAppledoreClass II5s
1964GoodwinBerthaAppledoreClass I10s
1955GorrellAnne ElizabethAppledoreClass I7s
1955GorrellHannahAppledoreClass I7s
1964GregoryGraceAppledoreClass I10s
1964GriffithsBessieAppledoreClass I10s
1964GriffithsEna EllenNorthamClass I10s
1955GriffithsEva EllenNorthamClass II5s
1955HammettElizabethNorthamClass I7s
1955HancockBeatriceNorthamClass II5s
1964HanwrightFrancis EllenAppledoreClass I10s
1964HardingSarah EllenAppledoreClass I10s
1964HardtkeMary AnnAppledoreClass I10s
1955HarrisJessieAppledoreClass I7s
1964HarrisMillicentAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1955HarrisSarah ElizabethAppledoreClass I7s
1955HeardVera EllenAppledoreClass II5s
1964HeardVera HelenAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1955HearnLouisa JaneNorthamClass I7s
1955HookwayMaudNorthamClass I7s
1955HooperMaryAppledoreClass I7s
1964HooperMaryAppledoreClass I10s
1964HooperMildred AnneNorthamClass I10s
1955HopkinsBessie KingAppledoreClass I7s
1964HopkinsBessie KingAppledoreClass I10s
1955HosegoodGrace EvaNorthamClass II5s
1955JamesIreneNorthamClass I7s
1964JefferyBeatrice AnneNorthamClass II7s.6s
1955JenkinsClara LouisaAppledoreClass I7s
1964JenkinsClara LouisaAppledoreClass I10s
1955JenkinsLottieAppledoreClass I7s
1964JewelAda ElizabethAppledoreClass I10s
1955JewellAda ElizabethAppledoreClass I7s
1964JewellSelinaAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1955JillingsEdith EllenAppledoreClass I7s
1964JohnsFlorence LouisaAppledoreSpecial12s.6d
1955JohnsFlorence LouiseAppledoreSpecial10s
1964JonesFlorence BessieAppledoreClass I10s
1955KeenElizabeth MaryNorthamClass II5s
1964KeenElizabeth MaryNorthamClass I10s
1955KeenEmmelineAppledoreClass I7s
1955KellyEllenNorthamClass I7s
1955KellyPrudence PileNorthamSpecial10s
1955LameyAlice RuthAppledoreClass I7s
1955LameyGertrude MaryAppledoreClass I7s
1955LameyMatildaAppledoreClass I7s
1955LarnerRosinaNorthamClass II5s
1964LarnerRosinaNorthamClass I10s
1964LeslieCatherineAppledoreClass I10s
1955LesslieCatherineAppledoreClass I7s
1955LewisEdith AnnAppledoreClass I7s
1955LewisFrederick WilliamAppledoreSpecial10s
1964LewisFrederick WilliamAppledoreSpecial12s.6d
1964LewisMary JaneAppledoreClass I10s
1955LittlejohnsBeatriceAppledoreClass II5s
1964LittlejohnsBeatriceNorthamClass II7s.6s
1964LittlejohnsFlorenceNorthamClass I10s
1955LockMabelNorthamClass I7s
1955MarshallElsieAppledoreClass I7s
1955MarshallKathleen MayAppledoreClass I7s
1955MossFlorence HelenaAppledoreClass II5s
1964MossFlorence HelenaAppledoreClass I10s
1955MoyseElizabethAppledoreClass I7s
1955NeedJoseph ThomasAppledoreOrphan5s
1955NeedMaryAppledoreClass II5s
1955NichollsLilyNorthamClass I7s
1955OsborneKathleen MayAppledoreClass II5s
1964OsborneKathleen MayAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1955OwenSarah AnnAppledoreClass II5s
1964OwenSarah AnnAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1964ParsleyMaudNorthamClass I10s
1955PickardAnnieNorthamClass I7s
1955PickardAribertNorthamClass II5s
1964PinnickMary GwendolineAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1964PinnickPeter JamesAppledoreOrphan7s.6d
1955PoweSarah AnnAppledoreClass I7s
1964PoweSarah AnnAppledoreClass I10s
1955ProutNellieAppledoreClass I7s
1964ProutNellieAppledoreClass I10s
1964PykeVeraAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1964RedcliftMabel ElizabethAppledoreClass I10s
1964ReesSarahAppledoreClass I10s
1955ReveleyAdaAppledoreClass I7s
1964ReveleyAdaAppledoreClass I10s
1955RiceAliceNorthamClass I7s
1955RodgmanEthelNorthamClass I7s
1964RossMary ElizabethAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1964ScreechGwendolineAppledoreClass I10s
1955ShortSarah AnnAppledoreClass I7s
1955SladeAliceAppledoreClass I7s
1964SladeMary AnnAppledoreSpecial12s.6d
1955SladeViolet ElizabethAppledoreSpecial10s
1955SomervilleAugusta ElizabethNorthamClass I7s
1955SomervilleEllen AugustaNorthamSpecial10s
1964SowdenGladys DoreenAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1955SquireEmilyAppledoreClass II5s
1955SweeneyClaraNorthamClass I7s
1955TawtonLaura LalthropeAppledoreSpecial10s
1955TawtonMaria BeadAppledoreSpecial10s
1955TaylorBellaAppledoreClass I7s
1964TaylorBellaAppledoreClass I10s
1955TaylorElizabeth AnnAppledoreClass I7s
1955TaylorEvelynNorthamClass I7s
1955TaylorMinnie ANorthamClass I7s
1955TethecottHenrettaNorthamClass I7s
1955TuckerRosinaAppledoreClass I7s
1955WakleyMariaAppledoreClass I7s
1955WestlakeAnnieNorthamClass I7s
1955WhiteHarriet NicholsAppledoreClass I7s
1964WilliamsEdith MaryAppledoreClass II7s.6d
1955WilliamsEthel ENorthamClass I7s
1964WilliamsEthel ENorthamClass I10s
1955WilliamsHelen JAppledoreClass I7s
1964WilliamsHelen JAppledoreClass I10s
1955WilliamsSarah EllenAppledoreClass I7s
1955YeoSusanAppledoreClass I7s
1955YoungsonCarolineAppledoreClass I7s
1964YoungsonCarolineAppledoreClass I10s

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