List of Church Documents (1870)
North Devon Record Office ref: 1843A/PW146
Transcribed by David Carter
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Description of Document:
This document consists of a number of sheets of paper, handwritten by the Vicar (Isaac Gossett) in 1870, to record what was being handed to the new Vicar (Marcus Dimond Churchward).
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Papers etc handed to Mr Churchward, October 28th 1870.
Plan of a Stand, to be kept in Dead House, & placed in church at burials. I have seen such a stand at a Public Cemetery. The stand could be just high enough for the moveable coffin board to revolve above the seats.
The coffin being placed on such board on entering the church, the position of the coffin is reversed, and so made ready for the Bearers by moving the board on its axis.
The plan prepared by Mr Cross our church architect.
3 Old Parchments.
Handed to me by widow of Mr James Partridge, churchwarden as was also his father William.
i) Lease of Rectorial Property.
ii) Lease of Rout’s House, present Infant School
iii) An old Release, that had better go into the Parish Chest.
Papers about Poor Allotments.
First Book of Offertory Collections.
Census numbers of 1841 and 1851.
Bundle of Old Acts of Parliament, some of Mr Mill’s time.
1st Allotment Receipt Book.
2nd ditto.
Copies of returns about Church Rate 1858.
Bundle of Paper received chiefly from widow of Mr Mill.
1) Balance Sheet of Appledore Ch[urch] Builders.
2) Copy of Chapter Clark’s letter upon Title of Dean & Canons to Rectory of Northam.
3) Copy of Augmentation, of Living. 15.
4) Letter of Mrs Mill, return of Easter Off & Fees.
5) Printed appeal about Appledore Church
6) Copy of Augmentation £7.10s
7) Plan for Restoration of Font, as carried out, less the iron uprights & Book Bowls which were prepared but omitted. A sketch of this plan was already in existence in 1844. The Old Font Bowl had been discovered in 2 pieces, buried under floor of Tower – Tradition has it, that the bowl was broken with a sledge hammer by Cromwell’s soldiers.
8) Plan of the extent of the District of Appledore.
9) A case & opinion as to payment of Tithe by Vicar on Land, not original Glebe.
10) Faculty for giving up of the Glebe Buildings for National School.
11) Chapter Clark about ditto.
12) Letter to Chapter about ditto.
13) Report of Bishop’s Committee on ditto.
14) Copy of Chapter Clark’s letter about ditto.
15) Memorial to Lords of Treasury.
16) Correspondence with Mrs Mill & final one whether there had been a legal conveyance of School site.
17) Funds with which School was built
18) Copy of Gazette. Amponent(?) of Appledore District.
19) Faculty for Removal of 3 more old buildings.
20) Copy of return of Mr Mill to Eccl. Comm. This bears upon Sale of Old Building in Street & Investment of Proceeds in Q.A.B. [Queen Anne’s Bounty] & gives an idea of the average income arising from these Old Buildings in previous years. This bears also upon the loss to living by Appledore separation. Mr Mill made the best of his case, not aware that it would damage Mr Reynolds interests.
21) Print of Fee Settlement living in Vestry.
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Legal opinions in lifetime(?) to true status of Appledore, as to residence of Northam Churchwardens. A decision of D Lushingtons on another case overrated their opinions and enabled a Churchwarden of Northam parish, as Ex Officio Overseer to reside(?) in the District as well as in the remainder of Northam parish.
1st Application for Government Inspection – Parish School.
Report of Mr Howall’s Inspection 1869.
Copy of Mr Pigot’s Fremington almanack. Such an Almanack might prove useful in Northam. It is however an annual heavy pull on the Editor’s time & thoughts. S.P.C.K.(??) Almanack adapted.
A few tracts etc on offertory. Free Church etc.
Certificate Papers. I can recommend J.E. Chilcott 26 Clare St. Bristol as a good man to procure them from.
Correspondence with a clerk of Ralph Barnes about increasing fees.
Book referring to Watson’s ventilators.
Copies of a Notice placed on Board at Entrance to yard, North side, & in cage.
Memorandum in lifetime to Mr Bucks appointment as Sexton., I believe he has the counterpart.
1) Last Report N. Devon Infirmary.
2) Clergy Society, Barnstaple Arch?
3) Papers about Entry of Boys in Navy.
4) Warnings against Marine Touters for Lads.
5) Particulars of Monument erected to Mr Mill’s Memory, should go into Parish Chest.
6) Also to go into Parish Chest lately received from Churchwardens cancelled Mortgage of Parish Rates Church Loan of £600 from Public Loan Board.
7) Application for Inspection of School to enable Mr Veale to sit for Certificate.
8) Form published by S.P.C.K. to put up at Church Gate with yearly entries of offertories.
9) Tables of Government Annuities.
10) Book of Ch[urch] offerings & outland thereof 1845 to 1856 inclusive.
11) Revised Code 1869.
12) Map of Old & New N’cadey(?) arrangements.
13) Two carved tops of Alms Dishes at Parish Ch[urch] & at Westward Ho! Ch[urch].
14) Papers for W.Ho! hymn books.
Signed: I.H. Gosset.
Documents etc, sent to Mr Churchward, October 28th 1870.
15) Letter from Ecc Committee to Mr Reynolds, to be handed to him should he require it.
16) Copies of 2 documents sent by me to Windsor Chapter Clerk, soon after my resignation. The 1st in answer to his request for information. The 2nd as my observations on a letter Mr Reynolds had sent to Ecc. Committee & Chapter of Windsor.
17) Licence Westward Ho! Church.
18) Policy of Insurance, Westward Ho! Church.
3 keys of Parish Chest
The theory is that 1 is held by Vicar and the other 2 by Churchwardens, one by each – this triple concourse of atoms being difficult, they have rested with me.
Mr Gordon wants to get all these matters into the Vestry Room but the Church is the safest place, least liable to fire. In the Vestry they would need a first class fire proof iron case.
Finding only one key of Register Chest, I had 2 more made. I enclose the 2 still in my possession. My wife generally had one, with advantage, in case I was out of the way.
19) Documents as to augmentation of Northam and value of Appledore, copied from papers of Mr Reynolds.
Signed: I.H. Gosset.
A further list of Parish Documents and assets dated 1916 is also included in this deposit.
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