Bond for House at Appledore (1736)
between John Benson and Edward Jeffery
Cornwall Record Office ref: AD631/284
Transcribed by David Carter 2022
[Spelling remains verbatim. Paragraphs added by the transcriber.]
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Know all men by these presents that I John Benson of Knapp in the County of Devon esq, am held and firmly bound to Edward Jeffery of Northam in the same County mariner in the sum of forty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid to the said Edward Jeffery or his certain attorney his executors administrators or assigns to which payment well & truly to be made I bind myself my heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents sealed with my seal dated the twenty ninth day of March in the ninth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith & so forth and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty six.
The condition of this obligation is such that whereas the said Edward Jeffery being possessed of one dwelling house and garden with the appurtenances situate lying & being in the new key in Appledore within the parish of Northam aforsesaid now in his possession for the term of his natural life hath this day surrendered of the same & all his right thereto & the deed thereof to the said John Benson in exchange of & for a certain dwelling house & garden with the appurtenances in Appledore aforesaid next adjoining to the house in possession of John Vellacott mariner under-tenant to the said John Benson for & during the term of the natural life of the said Edward Jeffery he well & sufficiently repairing the same.
If therefore the said John Benson his heirs executors & administrators & every of them do & shall from time to time & at all times hereafter permit & suffer the said Edward Jeffery to have hold use occupy possess & enjoy the said dwelling house & garden with the appurtenances next adjoining to the dwelling house in possession of the said John Vellacott for & during the term of his natural life of the said Edward Jeffery without the lett suit trouble interruption or denyall of him the said John Benson his heirs assigns or any other person or persons claiming under him the said Edward Jeffery well & sufficiently repairing the same & not suffering the same to be in decay to the value of ten shillings or above then this obligation to be void & also to be & remain in full force.
Sealed & delivered, in the presence of:
Thomas Benson
James Bond
Signed: Jno Benson
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