


Independent Chapel, Meeting Street, Appledore

Established 1662

Original building erected 1699

Present building constructed 1816

Closed as a place of worship 1996

Transcribed by David Carter

The following five documents are contained in the legal deeds belonging to this property.
Thanks to the property owner for making these available.

Document A:

On Cover:
Attested copies of the Assignment of the Meetinghouse at Appledore
Thomas BENSON esq, to Masters WALDROND, LAVINGTON & others

This indenture made 5th Sept in 21st year of reign of sovereign lord George II by the Grace of God of Great Brittain, France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and in the year of our Lord 1747.
Between: Thomas Benson of Northam in County of Devon, esq, of the one part, and John WALDROND and John LAVINGTON of the City of Exon, Benjamin WILLS of Appledore in the said parish of Northam, and George BOWCHIER and John WALDROND of Barnstaple in the said county of Devon clerk of the other part.
Whereas the said Thomas BENSON hath purchased a term of 90 years determinable on the death of William MELHUISH esq, another term of 200 years absolute in immediate reversion thereof, of and in the Meetinghouse or room hereinafter mentioned. Subject to one or more indenture or indentures of lease formerly granted of and in the said premises together with other lands and now determinable on the death of Frances wife of George HOGG of Appledore aforesaid merchant, John HOGG his son, and Elizabeth HOGG his niece, and did purchase the said premises with a view and intention to assign the same upon the trusts for the purposes hereinafter mentioned.
Now these presents witness that the said Thomas BENSON for and consideration of the premises and of the sum of 5 shillings of lawful British money to him in hand paid by the said John WALDROND, John LAVINGTON, Benjamin WILLS, George BOWCHIER, and John WALDROND, at or before the sealing and delivery of those presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for diverse other good causes and valuable considerations him here unto moving.
Hath assigned transferred and set over and in and by those presents Doth assign transfer and set over unto the said John WALDROND, John LAVINGTON, Benjamin WILLS, George BOWCHIER, and John WALDROND their executors administrators and assigns.
All that one house or room situate near a certain street called Meeting Street, in the town of Appledore and parish of Northam aforesaid which house is now called or commonly known by the name of the Meetinghouse and now is and for sometime past has been used as such and for the only use and benefit of the congregation of protestant dissenters assembling there for divine worship together with all ways privileges profits commodities and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or appertaining and now used and enjoyed as part of or belonging to the same and all the estates right law and equity title interest for and term of years use trust property claim and demand whatever of him the said Thomas BENSON of into and out of the said premises.
To have and to hold the same with its appurtenances hereby assigned or intended so to be unto the said John WALDROND, John LAVINGTON, Benjamin WILLS, George BOWCHIER, and John WALDROND their executors administrators and assigns from henceforth for and during all the residues and remainders of the said several recited terms therein yet to come and unexpired.
Subject to the before mentioned leases formerly granted thereon and now determinable as aforesaid.
In trust nevertheless and to and for the only use benefit and advantage of the congregation of protestant dissenters who shall from time to time meet and assemble there for divine worship, and to and for no other use end intent or purpose whatsoever.
And the said Thomas BENSON doth hereby for himself his heirs and executors administrators and assigns and for every of them covenant promise and agree to and with the said John WALDROND, John LAVINGTON, Benjamin WILLS, George BOWCHIER, and John WALDROND their executors administrators and assigns in manner following (that is to say) that he the said Thomas BENSON hath not made done committed or executed any act matter or thing whatsoever whereby the said hereby assigned premises or any part thereof now is or are or can or maybe any way charged logged impeached or incumbered in estate right title or otherwise howsoever contrary to the true intent and meaning of these presents.
And that they the said John WALDROND, John LAVINGTON, Benjamin WILLS, George BOWCHIER, and John WALDROND their executors administrators and assigns shall and lawfully may upon the trusts and for the purpose aforesaid during the remainder of the said terms peaceably and quietly stand and be possessed of the said hereby assigned premises with their appurtenances without the lett set entry trouble interruption hindrance or denial of him the said Thomas BENSON his executors or administrators or of any other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him or them.

In Witness whereof the parties to these presents written o parchment first legally stamped their hands and seals interchangeably have set the day and year first above written.

Signed: Thomas BENSON

Note on side:
This deed was acknowledged by the said Thomas BENSON party thereto at Parkham in the County of Devon this 5th day of September 1747 before me. Signed James HILLOW junr master extry in chancery.

Notes on the back:
Sealed & delivered by the within named Thomas BENSON esq, in the presence of Charles YOUNG senr, Thomas STAFFORD, James HILLOW junr master extry in Chancery.
Enrolled in his Majesties High Court of Chancery 5th day December in the year within written, being first duly stamped according to the tenor of the statute made in the sixth year of the reign of their late King William & Queen Mary by Humphrey HACKSHAW.
The within is a true copy of the original deed having been compared and examined therewith the 2nd January 1747 [1747/48] by us.
Signed: John SALTREN, Thomas LAVINGTON junr.
I Benjamin WILLS of Appledore in the County of Devon clerk, do hereby acknowledge that the within named Thomas BENSON’s purchase deed of the within mentioned Meetinghouse and the original deed of which this is a true copy are in my custody witness my hand this 25th day June 1748. Witnesses by: Thomas LAVINGTON junr.

Document B:

On Cover:
An assignment of a piece of ground for building a chapel. Mr Richard VERNON to trustees. Enrolled in majesty’s high court of chancery 22 August 1816 being first duly stamped according to the tenor of the statutes made for that purpose.

This indenture made 8th March in the year of our Lord 1816, between Richard VERNON the younger of Appledore in the County of Devon merchant of the one part; and the Revd Richard EVANS of Appledore aforesaid minister of the gospel, the Revd Samuel ROOKER of Bideford in the said County of Devon minister of the gospel, the Revd John VARDER of Cawsand in the said County of Devon minister of the gospel, the Revd James SMALL of Axminster in the said County of Devon minister of the gospel, and Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN both of Appledore aforesaid merchants of the other part.
Whereas by an indenture bearing date on or about 25th April 1808 and made or expressed to be made between James HOGG and John HOGG both of Bideford in the County of Devon wine merchants (in the now reciting indenture described as the sons and administrators of the goods chattels rights and credits of George HOGG then late of Bideford aforesaid mariner deceased who was one of the sons of George HOGG formerly of Appledore aforesaid merchant deceased) of the one part, and the said Richard VERNON the younger of the other part after reciting in the now reciting indenture that the said James HOGG and John HOGG or one of them was or were lawfully possessed of or entitled (among other things) unto all those two closes or parcels of land called Molfords situate lying and being at or near Appledore aforesaid and hereinafter more particularly described for the residue of a term of 99 years which commenced on the death of Roger MELHUISH formerly of Northam aforesaid esq deceased and for and during one other term of 200 years absolute to commence on the determination of the said term of 99 years (but which said last mentioned term was in fact to commence from and immediately after the death of William MELHUISH the eldest son of the said Roger MELHUISH and not to wait the determination of the said term of 99 years as in the now reciting indenture is erroneously stated).
It is witnessed that the said James HOGG and John HOGG in consideration of the sum of £550 to them paid by the said Richard VERNON the younger did and each of them did grant bargain sell assign transfer and set over unto the said Richard VERNON the younger his executors administrators and assigns (among other things) all those two closes or parcels of land commonly called of known by the name of Molfords Land containing by estimation 2 acres and half or thereabouts situate lying and being in Appledore aforesaid formerly in the possession of the said George HOGG the grandfather deceased or his under-tenants and bounded on the east south and north with the lanes of the heirs or assigns of the said Roger MELHUISH and on the west and north-west with the two high ways leading from Northam town to Appledore aforesaid together with the north hedge thereto belonging and the lane which was formerly made as a way or passage from the street or strand to the said two closes of land to hold the same unto the said Richard VERNON the younger his executors administrators and assigns henceforth for and during all the residue and remainder of the said recited term of 99 years and also for and during the said one other term of 200 years absolute and also for and during every other term and terms for years which the said James HOGG and John HOGG or either of them was or were entitled to of and in the said premises.
And whereas the said Roger MELHUISH departed this life on or about 6th Sept 1745.
And whereas the said William MELHUISH departed this life on or about 27th March 1770 whereupon the said term of 200 years commenced in possession.
And whereas the said several parties hereto of the 2nd part as surviving trustees for the society of independent protestant dissenters usually assembling at Appledore aforesaid are now possessed of or entitled to the chapel or meetinghouse adjoining the north side of the northern most of the said 2 fields or closes of land.
And whereas the said surviving trustees are desirous of enlarging the said chapel or meetinghouse and of extending the same 21 feet further to the south and with that view have applied to the said Richard VERNON the younger how has consented and agreed to assign to them for the residue of the said term of 200 years the spot or parcel of land hereinafter described for the purposed aforesaid being part of the northernmost of the said two fields or closes of land.
Now this indenture witnesseth that in pursuance and performance of the said agreement and in consideration of the sum of 10 shillings of lawful money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland current in Great Britain to the said Richard VERNON the younger now paid by the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, Richard VERNON, and George IRWIN at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged he the said Richard VERNON the younger hath granted bargained sold assigned transferred and set over and by these presents doth grant bargain sell assign transfer and set over unto the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, Richard VERNON, and George IRWIN, their executors administrators and assigns all that piece or parcel of land 21 feet in breadth and extending the whole length of the said Chapel or Meetinghouse on the south side thereof, being part of the northernmost of the said fields or closes of land situate lying and being on the north side of the said northernmost field or close of land now in the occupation of the said Richard VERNON the younger.
And all the estate right title interest trust property possession claim and demand whatsoever at law and in equity or otherwise howsoever of him the said Richard VERNON the younger of in to or out of the same piece or parcel of land or any part thereof and true and attested copies of all deeds evidences and writings whatsoever in the custody possession or power of the said Richard VERNON the younger touching or concerning the said two fields or closes of land or the said piece or parcel of land hereby assigned or intended so to be such copies to be made and written out at the expense in all things of the said several parties hereto of the second part their executors administrators or assigns.
To have and to hold the said piece or parcel of land and all and singular other the premises hereby assigned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN their executors administrators or assigns henceforth for and during all the residue and remains of the said term of 200 years therein now to come and unexpired and also for and during all and every other term and terms of years which he the said Richard VERNON the younger hath therein and that in as full ample and beneficial manner to all intents and purposes as he the said Richard VERNON the younger can possibly assign or convey the same.
Upon trust and nevertheless and to and for the only use benefit and advantage of the congregation of independent protestant dissenters who shall from time to time meet and assemble for the purpose of divine worship in the hearinbefore mentioned Chapel or Meetinghouse or in the Chapel or Meetinghouse which may hereafter be erected on the site of the said Chapel or Meetinghouse or on the piece or parcel of ground hereby assigned or intended so to be.
And the said Richard VERNON the younger doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and administrators covenant and agree with the said several parties hereto of the second part their executors administrators and assigns that nothwithstanding any act deed matter or thing whatsoever had made done committed permitted or suffered to the contrary by him the said Richard VERNON the younger, the said term or terms of years respectively are good valid and subsisting and in no wise forfeited surrendered or become void or voidable and that notwithstanding any such act deed matter or thing as aforesaid he the said Richard VERNON the younger hath in himself good right full power and lawful and absolute authority by these presents to assign the said piece or parcel of land hereby assigned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said parties hereto of the second part their executors administrators and assigns in manner aforesaid for all the residue of the said term or terms of years.
And also that it shall be lawful for the said parties hereto of the second part their executors administrators or assigns henceforth during the continuance of the said term or terms of years respectively peaceably and quietly to enter into and upon have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the said piece or parcel of land with the appurtenances and to receive and take the rents and profits thereof without any lawful interruption or denial whatsoever of from or by the said Richard VERNON the younger their executors administrators or assigns or any person or persons lawfully or equitably and rightfully claiming or to claim the same premises by from under or in trust for him or them.
And that free and clear of all estates titles liens charges and incumbrances whatsoever at any time heretofore and to be at any time hereafter had made done committed permitted or suffered by the said Richard VERNON the younger their executors administrators or assigns or any person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim by from under or in trust for him or them.
And lastly that he the said Richard VERNON the younger their executors and administrators and all and every other person and persons whomsoever having or rightfully claiming any estate right title trust or interest at law or in equity of in or to the premises hereby assigned or intended so to be by from under or in trust for him or them shall and will at all times hereafter during the continuance of the said term or terms of years respectively upon every reasonable request and at the costs and charges in all things of the said parties hereto of the second part their executors administrators or assigns make do or execute any further lawful act or deed whatsoever for the more satisfactorily assigning the said piece or parcel of land with the appurtenances unto the said parties hereto of the second part their executors administrators or assigns henceforth for and during all the residue of the said term or terms of years as by the said parties hereto of the second part their executors administrators or assigns or their council in the law shall be reasonably advised or devised and required and be tendered to be made done or executed.
In witness whereof the parties to these presents their hands and seals have hereto set the day and year first above written.
Signed: Richard VERNON junr, Richard VERNON, Samuel ROOKER, Richard EVANS, George IRWIN, James SMALL, John VARDER.

Notes on the back:
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named John VARDER in the presence of Herbert Meads GIBSON, Richard LANGDON
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named James SMALL in the presence of John Everitt GOOD, James HOOK
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Richard VERNON the younger in the presence of Thomas SMITH a master extry in chancery, Charles SMALE, Richard BUSE.

Document C:

On Cover:
1795 March 12th – Assignment of the Meeting House at Appledore, upon the trusts within mentioned. Rev’d Samuel LAVINGTON to Rev’d Richard EVANS and others.

This indenture made the 12th March in 35th year of Reign of Sovereign George III by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and in the year of our Lord 1795.
Between the Rev’d Samuel LAVIGTON of Bideford I the county of Devon Minister of the Gospel (surviving residuary legatee in trust named in the last will and testament of John WALROND late of Barnstaple in the said County Minister of the Gospel deceased and administrator of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said John WALROND with the said will annexed) left un-administered by Mary the widow of the said John WALROND and sole executrix named in his said last will and testament, which said Mary after the death of the said John WALRDON intermarried with the Rev’d John SHORT now of the parish of Braunton in the said County Minister of the Gospel but is since dead intestate of the one part; and the Rev’d Richard EVANS of Appledore within the parish of Northam in the said County, the Rev’d Samuel ROOKER of the town of Taunton in the County of Somerset, the Rev’d John VARDER of Ottery St Mary in the said County of Devon, and the Rev’d James SMALL of Axminster in the said County of Devon Minister of the Gospel, John PYKE of Appledore aforesaid within the said parish of Northam surgeon, and Benjamin ROOKE the elder, Benjamin ROOKE the younger, Richard VERNON and George IRWIN of Appledore aforesaid within the said parish of Northam merchants of the other part.
Whereas in and by a certain indenture bearing date on or about 5th day of September which was in the year of our Lord 1747 (inrolled in the High Court of Chancery) and made or mentioned to be made between Thomas Benson of Northam aforesaid esq of the one part, and John WALDROND and John LAVINGTON of the City of Exon, Benjamin WILLS of Appledore aforesaid, and George BOWCHIER of Barnstaple aforesaid clerks, and the said testator John WALROND (by the name of John WALDROND) of the other part. Reciting that the said Thomas BENSON had purchased a term of 90 years determinable on the death of William MELHUISH esq, and another term of 200 years absolute in immediate reversion thereof, of and in the Meetinghouse or room therein after mentioned, subject to one or more indenture or indentures of lease there formerly granted of and in the said premises together with other lands and then determinable on the deaths of Frances wife of George HOGG of Appledore aforesaid merchant, John HOGG his son, and Elizabeth HOGG his niece, and did purchase the said premises with a view and intention to assign the same upon the trusts and for the purposes therein after mentioned.
It is witnessed that the said Thomas BENSON for the considerations therein mentioned did assign transfer and set over unto the said John WALDROND, John LAVINGTON, Benjamin WILLS, George BOWCHIER, and the said John WALROND (by the name of John WALDROND) their executors administrators and assigns, all that one house or room situate in or near a certain street called Meeting Street in the town of Appledore and parish of Northam aforesaid which house was then called or commonly known by the name of the Meetinghouse and then was and for sometime past had been used as such and for the only use and benefit of the congregation of protestant dissenters assembling there for divine worship together with all ways privileges profits commodities and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or appertaining and then used and enjoyed as part of or belonging to the same and all the estate and estates right in law and equity title interest term of years use trust property claim and demand whatsoever of him the said Thomas BENSON of in to and out of the said premises. To hold the same with its appurtenances unto the said John WALDROND, John LAVINGTON, Benjamin WILLS, George BOWCHIER, and John WALROND (by the name of John WALDROND) their executors administrators and assigns from thenceforth for and during all the residues and remainders of the said several recited terms therein then to come and unexpired subject to the before mentioned leases formerly granted thereon and then determinable as aforesaid.
In trust nevertheless and to and for the only use benefit and advantage of the congregation of protestant dissenters who should from time to time meet and assemble there for divine worship, and to and for no other use end intent or purpose whatsoever as in and by the said in part recited indenture relation being thereunto had will fully appear.
And whereas the said John WALDROND, John LAVINGTON, Benjamin WILLS, George BOWCHIER, and the said John WALROND (the testator) all long since departed this life but the said John WALROND (the testator) survived them the said John WALDROND, John LAVINGTON, Benjamin WILLS, and George BOWCHIER. And whereas the said Samuel LAVINGTON (as such surviving residuary legatee in trust named in the said last will and testament of the said John WALROND (the testator) as aforesaid who was the surviving trustee aforesaid hath lately obtained from the prerogative court of the archibishop of Canterbury letters of administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said John WALROND the testator (with the said will annexed) which were so left un-administered by the said Mary his said widow so that the said house or room and premises are now become legally vested in the said Samuel LAVINGTON for the now reminder of the estate and interest which were assigned or conveyed of and in the same premises by the said indenture of the 5th day September 1747.
And whereas the said William MELHUISH in whose death the remainder of the said term of 90 years was determinable is dead so that the remainder of such term of 90 years is determined, and the said indenture or indentures of lease formerly granted of and in the said house or room and premises together with other lands which were (as above recited) determinable on the deaths of the said Frances the wife of George HOGG, and the said John HOGG and Elizabeth HOGG are now determinable on the death of the said John HOGG only, the said Frances the wife of the said George HOGG, and the said Elizabeth HOGG being both dead.
And whereas the said trustees John WALDROND, John LAVINGTON, Benjamin WILLS, George BOWCHIER, and John WALROND (the testator) having all so departed this life, he the said Samuel LAVINGTON (as such administrator of the goods chattels and credits of the said John WALROND the testator (with the said will annexed) left un-administered as aforesaid hath agreed to assign and convey all his estate and interest in the said house or room and other the premises (so assigned by the said indenture date 5th day September 1747 as aforesaid) unto the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, John PYKE, Benjamin ROOKE the elder, Benjamin ROOKE the younger, Richard VERNON, and George IRWIN their executors administrators and assigns for the now remainder of the said term of 200 years therein (subject to such estate right and interest claim and demand as the said John HOGG or any other person or persons whomsoever now hath or have or may have in to out of or upon the same premises or any part thereof by virtue of the said indenture or indentures of lease now determinable on the death of the said John HOGG) upon such and the like trust as is expressed of and concerning the same house or room and the appurtenances thereto belonging in and by the said indenture of 5th day September 1747.
Now this indenture witnesseth that in pursuance of the said recited agreement and in consideration of the sum of 5 shillings of lawful money of Great Britain to the said Samuel LAVINGTON in hand paid by every of them the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, John PYKE, Benjamin ROOKE the elder, Benjamin ROOKE the younger, Richard VERNON, and George IRWIN at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. He the said Samuel LAVINGTON hath bargained sold assigned transferred and set over and by these presents doth bargain sell assign transfer and set over unto the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, John PYKE, Benjamin ROOKE the elder, Benjamin ROOKE the younger, Richard VERNON, and George IRWIN their executors administrators and assigns all that the said house or room situate in or near the said street called Meeting Street in the town of Appledore and parish of Northam aforesaid, which house is called or commonly known by the name of the Meeting House as aforesaid and still is used as such and for the only use and benefit of the congregation of protestant dissenters assembling there for divine worship.
Together with all ways privileges profits commodities and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or appertaining and now used and enjoyed as part of or belonging to the same and all and singular other the premises which were assigned by the said indenture dated the said 5th day September which was in the year of our Lord 1747. And also all the estate and estates right in law and equity title interest term and terms of years yet to come and unexpired use trust property claim and demand whatsoever of him the said Samuel LAVINGTON of in to or out of the said house or room and premises hereby or mentioned or intended to be hereby assigned and every or any part and parcel thereof by force or virtue of the said indenture bearing date on or about the said  5th day September which was in the said year of our Lord 1747 and the said letters of administration or any or either of them or otherwise howsoever.
To have and to hold the said house or room and all and singular the premises hereby assigned or hereby mentioned or intended so to be and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, John PYKE, Benjamin ROOKE the elder, Benjamin ROOKE the younger, Richard VERNON, and George IRWIN their executors administrators and assigns from henceforth for and during all the rest residue and remainder yet to come and unexpired of the said term of 200 years therein (subject to such estate right interest claim and demand as the said John HOGG or any other person or persons whomsoever now hath or have or may have in, to, out of, or upon the same premises hereby assigned or any part thereof by virtue of the said indenture or indentures of lease, formerly granted in manner as aforesaid, and now determinable on the death of the said John HOGG). In trust nevertheless and to and for the only use benefit and advantage of the congregation of protestant dissenters who shall from time to time meet and assemble there for divine worship and to and for now other use and intent or purpose whatsoever.
And the said Samuel LAVINGTON for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth hereby covenant promise and agree to and with the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, John PYKE, Benjamin ROOKE the elder, Benjamin ROOKE the younger, Richard VERNON, and George IRWIN their executors administrators and assigns that the said Samuel LAVINGTON hath not at any time heretofore done committed or suffered any act matter or thing whatsoever whereby or by means whereof the said house or room and premises hereby or mentioned or intended to be hereby assigned or any part thereof are is can shall or maybe impeached charged or incumbered in title charge estate or otherwise however, in witness whereof the parties first above named have to these presents interchangeably set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
Signed: Sam’l LAVINGTON.

On the back:
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Samuel LAVINGTON (after the words “deceased”, “demand”, “to out of, or upon”, and “or any part thereof” were within interlined) in the presence of us: William SMITH clerk, Richd EVANS junr.

Document D:

On Cover:
1816 March 9th – Chapel at Appledore. Appointment of New Trustees

This indenture made 9th March 1816 between Rev’d Richard EVANS of Appledore in the County of Devon Minister of the Gospel, Rev’d Samuel ROOKER of Bideford in the said County of Devon Minister of the Gospel, Rev’d John VARDER of Cawsand in the said County Minister of the Gospel, Rev’d James SMALL of Axminster in the said County Minister of the Gospel, and Richard VERNON the elder and George IRWIN of Appledore aforesaid merchants of the one part; and the Rev’d Charles SMITH of Appledore aforesaid Minister of the Gospel, John HOOPER of Appledore aforesaid surgeon, Richard VERNON the younger of Appledore aforesaid merchant, Samuel Pyke VERNON, George JEFFERY, James DAY, Robert DAY the son of Arthur DAY, Arthur DAY, Robert DAY the son of Robert DAY, Samuel BROWNING, Richard LIMBERY, John NICHOLLS, Thomas SHAXSON, William WILKINSON, James BOWEN, and Thomas FISHER, all of Appledore aforesaid Mariners, John Whitefield TUCKER, and William CLIBBETT both of Appledore aforesaid Shipbuilders, John BROWNING, John JENKINS, and George WILLIAMS all of Appledore aforesaid Sailmakers, of the other part.
Whereas under and by virtue of an indenture bearing date on or about 12th day of March 1795 and made between the Rev’d Samuel LAVINGTON of Bideford aforesaid Minister of the Gospel since deceased of the one part; and the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, John PYKE of Appledore aforesaid Surgeon, Benjamin ROOKE the elder, Benjamin ROOKE the younger both late of Appledore aforesaid Merchants, the said Richard VERNON the elder and the said George IRWIN of the other part.
It is witnessed that the said Samuel LAVINGTON for the consideration in the now reciting indenture mentioned did bargain sell assign transfer and set over unto the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, John PYKE, Benjamin ROOKE the elder, Benjamin ROOKE the younger, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN  their executors administrators and assigns all that house or room called the Meeting House hereinafter described and lately rebuilt and enlarged situate in or near Meeting Street in Appledore aforesaid, to hold the same with the appurtenances unto the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, John PYKE, Benjamin ROOKE the elder, Benjamin ROOKE the younger, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN  their executors administrators and assigns henceforth for and during all the residue and remainder then to come and unexpired of a certain term of 200 years therin (which commenced on the death of William MELHUISH esq, who died on or about 27th day of March 1770) in trust nevertheless for the only use benefit and advantage of the congregation of independent protestant dissenters who should from time to time meet and assemble there for divine worship. And whereas the said John PYKE Benjamin ROOKE the elder ad Benjamin ROOKE the younger (crossed through: ‘have since’) afterwards departed this life whereupon the said term of 200 years of and in the said Chapel or Meeting House (crossed through: ‘is now become’) became vested in the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN as surviving trustees under the last in part recited indenture.
And whereas by an indenture bearing date on or about 8th March now last past and made between the said Richard VERNON the younger of the one part; and the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN of the other part after various recitals in the now reciting indenture contained deducing a title in the said Richard VERNON the younger, to all those to closes or parcels of land situate at or near Appledore aforesaid called Molfords Land for the residue of a term of 200 years which commenced on the death of the said William MELHUISH. It is witnessed that for the considerations in the now reciting indenture mentioned the said Richard VERON the younger did assign transfer and set over unto the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN their executors administrators and assigns a piece of parcel of land 21 feet in breadth adjoining to and extending the whole length of the said Chapel or Meeting House on the south side thereof, and hereinafter more particularly described. To hold the same unto the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN their executors administrators and assigns thenceforth for and during all the residue and remainder of the said term of 200 years therein to come and unexpired in trust nevertheless for the only use benefit and advantage of the congregation of independent protestant dissenters who should from time to time meet and assemble in the hereinbefore mentioned Chapel or Meeting House or in the Chapel or Meeting House which should or might thereafter be erected on the site of the said Chapel or Meeting House or on the said piece or parcel of land for the purpose of divine worship.
And whereas the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN as such surviving trustees as aforesaid have consented and agreed to relinquish the trusts reposed in them by the hereinbefore in past recited indentures and have agreed to assign the Chapel or Meeting House and also the said piece or parcel of ground adjoining thereto with the appurtenances unto the several persons parties hereto of the second part their executors administrators and assigns upon the trusts and for the intents and purposed hereinafter declared of and concerning the same.
Now this indenture witnesseth that in pursuance and performance of the said agreements and in consideration of the sum of 10 shillings of lawful money of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland current in Great Britain to each of them the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN now paid by the said several parties hereto of the second part at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipts whereof are hereby acknowledged. They the said Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, John VARDER, James SMALL, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN have and each and every of them hath bargained sold assigned transferred and set over and by these presents do and each and every of them doth bargain sell assign transfer and set over unto the said Charles SMITH, John HOOPER, Richard VERNON the younger, Samuel Pyke VERNON, George JEFFERY, James DAY, Robert DAY the first-named, Arthur DAY, Robert DAY the second named, Samuel BROWNING, Richard LIMBERY, John NICHOLLS, Thomas SHAXSON, William WILKINSON, James BOWEN, Thomas FISHER, John Whitefield TUCKER, and William CLIBBETT, John BROWNING, John JENKINS, and George WILLIAMS their executors administrators and assigns all that the said house or room situate in or near the said street called Meeting Street in the town of Appledore aforesaid which house or room has been lately rebuilt and enlarged is called or commonly known by the name of the Chapel or Meeting House as aforesaid and is used as such and for the only use and benefit of the congregation of protestant dissenters assembling there for divine worship together with all ways privileges profits commodities and appurtenances whatsoever to the same to the same belonging or appertaining and now used and enjoyed as part of or belonging to the same.
And also all that the said piece or parcel of land 21 feet in breadth and extending the whole length of the said old Chapel or Meeting House on the south side thereof which ~?~ ~?~ part of the site of the involet(?) Chapel or Meeting House being part of the northernmost of the said fields or closes of lands called Molfords land and situate lying and being on the north side of the said northernmost field or close of land. And all the estate right title interest trust possession property claim and demand whatsoever at law and in equity or otherwise howsoever of them the said parties hereto of the first part of in or to the said Chapel or Meeting House and piece of ground with the appurtenances and all deeds evidences writings muniments of title whatsoever in the custody possession or power of the said parties hereto of the first part touching or concerning the said premises on which they or any or either of them can procure or obtain without suit at law or in equity. To have and to hold the said Chapel or Meeting House and piece or parcel of land and all and singular other the premises hereby assigned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said Charles SMITH, John HOOPER, Richard VERNON the younger, Samuel Pyke VERNON, George JEFFERY, James DAY, Robert DAY the first, Arthur DAY, Robert DAY the second, Samuel BROWNING, Richard LIMBERY, John NICHOLLS, Thomas SHAXSON, William WILKINSON, James BOWEN, Thomas FISHER, John Whitefield TUCKER, William CLIBBETT, John BROWNING, John JENKINS, and George WILLIAMS their executors administrators and assigns henceforth for and during all the residue and remainder of the said term of 200 years therein now to come and unexpired and also for and during all and every other term and terms of years which they the said parties hereto of the first part now have therein.
Upon trust nevertheless and to and for the only use benefit and advantage of the congregation of protestant dissenters who shall from time to time meet and assemble in the said Chapel or Meeting House or in the Chapel or Meeting House which shall or may hereafter be erected on the site of the said Chapel or Meeting House or on the said piece or parcel of ground adjoining thereto for the purpose of divine worship. And it is hereby declared and agreed by and between the several parties to these presents as far as they lawfully can or may that when and as often as they the said several trustees parties hereto of the second part shall be reduced by death or otherwise to seven in number then they the said surviving trustees for the time being shall as soon as conveniently may be after such reduction elect and make choice of so many other fit and proper persons being independent protestant dissenters of good credit and reputation to be trustees together with the remaining or surviving trustees for the purposes aforesaid or in case the surviving trustees for the time being shall prefer relinquishing the aforesaid trusts then the same surviving trustees shall make choice of twenty-one persons of such reputation as aforesaid to be appointed trustees in their room and stead and as soon as can conveniently may be after such choice of trustees as aforesaid shall have been made the premises hereby assigned or intended so to be with the appurtenances shall be effectually assigned conveyed or vested in such trustees as shall have been so elected or chosen as aforesaid there executors administrators and assigns for all the residue which shall be then to come and unexpired of the said term of 200 years upon the trusts aforesaid.
And lastly each of them the said several parties hereto of the first part (as far as respects his own acts and deeds only) doth hereby for himself his heirs executors and administrators covenant and agree with the said several parties hereto of the second part their executors administrators and assigns that they the said parties hereto of the first part have not nor hath either of them at any time heretofore had made done committed or suffered any act or deed whatsoever whereby the premises hereby assigned with the appurtenances are is can shall or may be in any wise impeached charged affected or incumbered in title estate or otherwise howsoever.
In witness whereof: Signed:
Richard VERNON
Samuel Pyke VERNON
On the back:
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named John VARDER, in the presence of Herbert Meads GIBSON, Richard LANGDON.
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named James SMALL, in the presence of John Everitt GOOD, James HOOK.
Signed sealed and delivered by the within named Richard EVANS, Samuel ROOKER, Richard VERNON the elder, and George IRWIN in the presence of Thomas C P MORTON, Chas: SMALE attorney at law Bideford.  


Document E:

On Cover:
1854 Sep 26th – Memorandum of appointment of New trustees of the Independent Chapel and Premises at Appledore in the County of Devon

Memorandum of the choice and appointment of new trustees of the Independent Chapel and Premises situate in Meeting Street, Appledore in the parish of Northam in the County of Devon, at a meeting duly convened and held for that purpose in the said Chapel on 26th September 1854. Samuel Chambers KENT of Braunton chairman.
Names and Descriptions of all the trustees on the constitution or last appointment of trustees made 9th March 1816:
The Rev’d Charles SMITH of Appledore aforesaid Minister of the Gospel, John HOOPER of Appledore aforesaid Surgeon, Richard VERNON the younger of Appledore aforesaid Merchant; Samuel Pyke VERNON, George JEFFERY, James DAY, Robert DAY the son of Arthur DAY, Arthur DAY, Robert DAY the son of Robert DAY, Samuel BROWNING, Richard LIMBERY, John NICHOLS, Thomas SHAXSON, William WILKINSON, James BOWEN and Thomas FISHER mariners of Appledore; John Whitefield TUCKER of Appledore aforesaid Shipbuilder; William CLIBBETT of Appledore aforesaid Shipbuilder; John BROWNING of Appledore aforesaid Sailmaker; John JENKINS of Appledore aforesaid Sailmaker, George WILLIAMS of Appledore aforesaid Sailmaker.
Names and Descriptions of all the trustees in whom the said Chapel and premises now becomes legally vested:
First – old continuing trustees – None
Second – new trustees now chosen and appointed:
Mr William CADD grocer of Bideford
Mr George HEARD builder of Bideford
Mr Isaac BAKER stone merchant of Bideford
Mr Jno: JACKSON accountant of Torrington
Mr Thomas JACKSON schoolmaster of Torrington
Mr Jno: NORRINGTON druggist of Barnstaple
Mr Jno: MILROY draper of Barnstaple
Mr James PARTRIDGE druggist of Barnstaple
Mr William HARRIS gentleman of Braunton
Mr Thomas DARRACOTT grocer of Braunton
Dated 26th September 1854
Signed sealed and delivered by the said Samuel Chambers KENT as chairman of the said meeting at and in the presence of the said meeting, on the day and year aforesaid in the presence of: Robert SERGEANT, Samuel FURSEY, (James BLACKFIELD of Torrington, Joseph WHITING of Bideford, Jerome CLAPP of Appledore, Ministers of the Gospel).
Signed: Samuel Chambers KENT, chairman.