Name Index
The "Domesday" hundreds of Devon: III. The Hundred of North Tawton.
Trans. Devon. Assoc. vol. 29, (1897) pp. 245-274.
Oswald J. Reichel
Prepared by Michael Steer
North Tawton Hundred was the name of one of 32 ancient administrative units of Devon. In the nineteenth century Winkleigh became part of North Tawton and they together were known as the Hundred of North Tawton and Winkleigh. There are 44 separate places within the Hundred mentioned in the Domesday Book. The parishes in the hundred were: Ashreigney, Atherington, Bondleigh, Bow, Broad Nymet, Brushford, Burrington, Chawleigh, Clannaborough, Coldridge, Dolton, Dowland, Down St Mary, Eggesford, High Bickington, Lapford, North Tawton, Nymet Rowland, Wembworthy, Winkleigh and Zeal Monachorum. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the New York Public Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.
Page | |
A | |
Adobed, Ruald | 254, 258, 261 |
Adolf | 247 |
Aedelstan, King | 252 |
Aedelward | 252 |
Alward | 261 |
Amerye family | 272 |
Ansger | 255 |
Atteputte, Robert | 246 |
Axe, Laurence | 245 |
Ayse family | 272 |
B | |
Babbidge family | 272 |
Bach, Galfrid de | 264, 267 |
Baldwin the Sheriff | 249, 252, 263, 266 |
Barry family | 270 |
Barry, Henry | 270 |
Bartholomew, Bishop | 247-8, 251 |
Basset family | 272 |
Bengin, Richard de | 245 |
Bera, Reginald de | 245 |
Bickley, Robert de | 270 |
Boia | 247 |
Bonelegh, Adam de | 268 |
Borne, Ralph | 270 |
Boys, Adam de | 268 |
Boys, Joel de | 268 |
Bradenimet, Robert de | 245 |
Bray, William de | 270 |
Bremere, Wormund de | 270 |
Bréton, Alured le | 265 |
Brictric, Earl | 246-8, 252, 254-5 |
Brodnymet, Richard de | 268 |
Bronescombe, Bishop | 246-7, 250-1, 259 |
Brooking Rowe, Mr | 248, 253 |
Bruer, Ralph de | 249 |
Bucfast, Abbot of | 256 |
Burnell, John | 269, 269 |
Burnell, Robert | 268 |
Burnell, William | 252, 269 |
Burton | 247-53, 256, 258-9, 261, 264, 266, 270, 274 |
Byr, Randolph de | 245 |
C | |
Caen, Abbess of | 254-5 |
Callecoth, Walter de | 271 |
Campellis, Robert de | 268 |
Campo Arnulpho, William de | 267, 271 |
Campo, Ernulphi, Oliver de | 271 |
Canute, King | 248 |
Capra, William | 248, 255, 261 |
Chambernon, Janna de | 247 |
Champaus, Robert de | 268 |
Champernon, Sir Henry | 271 |
Champernon, Oliver | 271 |
Champernon, Rose | 271 |
Champernon, William | 271 |
Champernown family | 247 |
Chaworth, Matilda | 257 |
Chenestune, William de | 245 |
Chenne, Thomas de | 269 |
Cheyney, William de | 269 |
Clare, Gilbert de | 246, 249, 257, 270 |
Clatworthie family | 272 |
Clavil, Walter de | 251-2, 254-5, 262 |
Cole, Roger | 267, 269 |
Coleton, John | 271 |
Coleton, William | 271 |
Coltesworth, Maurice de | 247 |
Coplestone family | 272 |
Corbyn, Milo | 253, 263, 268 |
Corbyn, Richard | 253, 263, 268 |
Cotle family | 272 |
Courtenay, Hugh de | 249 |
Courtenay, Ralph de | 260 |
Coutances, Bishop of | 247, 255, 264 |
Cranburn, Abbot of | 248, 254 |
Culture, Henry de | 259 |
Cumba, Roger de | 249 |
D | |
Dalleweye, William | 267 |
Daunay, William | 259 |
Davidson, Mr | 262 |
Davie, Sir John | 274 |
Devon, Amicia Countess of | 246 |
Dispenser, William the | 253 |
Doddiscombe, Ralph de | 266 |
Dowai, Walter de | 260 |
Drogo | 247 |
Duelonde, Walter de | 251-2 |
Dugdale | 246, 248, 255, 257 |
Duland, Thomas de | 267 |
Dylland family | 272 |
E | |
Edric | 253 |
Edward the Confessor | 250, 255 |
Edward I | 245-6, 249-50, 252, 261-3, 270-1 |
Edward III | 262 |
Elizabeth I | 271 |
Erchenbald | 264 |
Espek, William le | 267 |
Espet, Richard le | 250, 267 |
Estleg, John de | 245 |
F | |
Faleise, William de | 257 |
FitzBerner, Tetbald | 260 |
FitzGamelin, Odo | 253, 264 |
FitzHamon, Mabyl (also Maud) | 255 |
FitzHamon, Robert | 255 |
FitzLambert, Modbert | 250 |
FitzRoger, John | 268 |
Fulford, W de | 266 |
Furse, Canon | 253 |
G | |
Galfrid, clerk | 249 |
Gloucester, Earl of (also Duke of) | 246-7, 249, 267, 270-1, 273 |
Godbold | 253, 263, 265-6 |
Godfrey the Chamberlain | 250-1, 254-5 |
Godfrid | 252 |
Godwin | 253, 258, 263, 270 |
Goscelm | 252, 255 |
Gosfrid (also Goisfrid) | 248, 255 |
Grenslade, Hugo de | 269 |
Greneslade, Robert de | 269 |
Gurant, Henry | 270 |
H | |
Hallesworth, Alan de | 269 |
Hampteneford, William de | 259 |
Handlo, Robert de | 246 |
Harris, Mr | 263 |
Hause, Elionor de | 269 |
Henry I | 255 |
Henry II | 249, 259, 263, 271 |
Henry III | 248, 257 |
Henry V | 271 |
Henry VI | 247, 271 |
Henry VIII | 248 |
Hermer | 252 |
Hingeston-Randolph, Prebendary | 247, 251 |
Holcombe, Walter de | 270 |
Hooker, John | 247, 249, 252, 263, 273 |
I | |
Ingelbald | 247 |
Isaake family | 272 |
J | |
John, King | 263, 270 |
K | |
Keynes, Roger de | 270 |
Keynes, Thomas de | 270 |
Kirby | 247, 259, 261, 263, 266 |
L | |
Lamprey, Simon | 253, 269 |
Lamprey, Thomas | 252 |
Lamprey, William | 252-3, 269 |
Lancaster, Henry of | 257 |
Leges, Hugo de | 267 |
Leges, William de (also Loges) | 267, 269 |
Legh, William de | 257 |
Leland | 255 |
Lou, Richard de | 247, 268 |
Lou, Walter de | 247, 268 |
Lovel, Baldwin | 270 |
Lullardeston. Walter de | 267 |
Lumene, Richard de | 267 |
M | |
Malherb, Robert | 257 |
Malherb, William | 257 |
Matilda, Countess | 257 |
Maundevil, Godfrey de | 266 |
Meaw, Alredus (also Snow or Snew) | 255 |
Mere, Haylward | 248, 255 |
Merta, Alward | 246, 253-5, 264 |
Mohun, John de | 261-2 |
Montacute, Ansger de | 253 |
Montacute, Barons of | 246 |
Montacute, Drogo de | 257 |
Montacute, William de | 257 |
Mortain, Earl of | 248, 256, 261, 265 |
Mortain, Earl Robert | 257 |
Mortain, Earl Richard | 256 |
Mortain, Earl William | 257 |
Mosefenne, John | 270 |
Munetheneland, Roger de | 258 |
N | |
Nicolas, Pope | 247, 250, 259 |
Nicolaus, John | 271 |
Nimeth, Walter de | 268 |
Norden, John | 274 |
Norman the park keeper | 246 |
Northecoth, Galfrid de | 267 |
Nouilles, Richard de | 251 |
Nuny, Henry de | 267 |
Nuny, Matilda de | 267 |
Nymet, Sit Walter de | 249 |
Nywelaunde, Hugo de | 269 |
Nywelond, Henry de | 269 |
Nywelond, Mathew de la | 268 |
O | |
Offers | 250 |
Oliver, Dr | 248, 251, 257 |
Osmund | 253 |
Othelin | 251 |
P | |
Peffer, William le | 260 |
Peffur, Richard le | 245 |
Peverel, Matilda | 250 |
Peverel, Richard | 250 |
Pincerna, Richard | 259 |
Pole, Sir William | 252, 258 |
Polsloe, Prioress of | 258 |
Polwhele | 247 |
Pomeray, Ralph de | 250, 260-1 |
Pont Senard, Ansger de | 254 |
Poremere, Wormund de (Portu Mortuo) | 270 |
Porta, Alured de | 245-6 |
Portemer, Weremund de | 270 |
Praulle, Roger de | 257 |
Pulan, Nicolas | 256 |
Punchardon, William de | 269 |
R | |
Radford family | 272 |
Rainer the house steward | 251 |
Ralph | 253 |
Regni, John de | 267 |
Reigny, Peter de | 267 |
Reygny, Richard de | 267 |
Richard I | 270 |
Richard, clerk | 249 |
Richmonde, Duke of | 251 |
Riculf | 251 |
Risdon | 247, 249, 258, 270-3 |
Risford, Adam de | 268 |
Robert the King's son | 250, 255 |
Roger, clerk | 249 |
Rogo | 260 |
S | |
Seneschal, William the | 260, 261 |
Siccavilla, Ralph de | 247, 267 |
Sladon family | 272 |
Spek, Robert le | 250 |
Spek, William le | 245, 251 |
Speke family | 251 |
Stafford alias Kellaway family | 272 |
Stanewe, Henry de | 271 |
Stapeldon, Bishop | 246, 250 |
Stockhay, Richard de | 269 |
Stockhay, Robert de | 259 |
Stoddon, Robert de | 268 |
Sully, Joan de | 246 |
Sully, Reymond de | 246 |
Sully, Walter de | 267 |
T | |
Tantifer, William | 269 |
Tavistock, Abbot of | 248, 254-5 |
Tewkesbury, Abbot of | 271 |
Traci, Henry de | 247, 270 |
Tracy, Oliver de | 246, 270 |
U | |
Umfravil, John de | 269 |
V | |
Valletorta, Joel de | 246, 268 |
Valletorta, John de | 246 |
Valletorta, Osmund de | 246 |
Vautort, Hugo de | 268 |
W | |
Wado | 250 |
Walletorta, John de | 245 |
Walter liegeman | 255 |
Wasseborn, William de | 247, 269 |
Wasseburne, Walter de | 245 |
Whale, Rev T | 247, 249, 251, 253, 258-64, 266, 271 |
Wick, Richard | 264, 267 |
William the chaplain | 249 |
William II Rufus | 255 |
Willington, John de | 266 |
Wimond, William | 249 |
Winkelega, Roger de | 248 |
Witewell, William de | 257 |
Wolrington, William de | 268 |
Wood family | 272 |
Woodbear, Juliane de | 252 |
Worth, Mr | 248, 259-60, 266 |
Wortihele, William de | 257 |
Wyger, John | 251 |
Wyke, Philip de | 245 |
Wylyntone, Sir John de | 247 |
Y | |
Young, Bartholomew le (also Juvenis) | 245 |
Young, Drogo | 257 |