


Will of Michaell Pasemore of North Molton, Devon

Proved 20 Jun 1607

© Crown Copyright

National Archives Catalogue Reference PROB 10/249,
Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by Desmond Painter.

In the name of god Amen The xviith daie of ffebruarie in the yeare of our lord god one Thousand sixe hundred and ffyve I Michaell Pasemore of Northmolton in the Countie of Devon beinge sicke in bodie but in my pfitt minde and memorye thankes be vnto almightie god revokinge all former willes and testaments do make this my psent testament and last will in manner & forme followinge ffirst I bequeath my soule to almightie god my maker redeemer and savyour my body I yeald to the earth from whenc yt came and to be buried in the Church Yard of Northmolton or else wher yt shall please god. Item I gyve to the repacon of the Church their xijd Item to the poore mens Chest their xijd Item to evye of my godchildren vjd Item to John Pasemore my sonne one nagg called Crowder, two Ewes and a heffer yearlinge, Item vnto Philipp my sonne a heffer yearlinge & one Ewe Item vnto Elizabeth Slader my daughter one Ewe, Item vnto Michaell sonne of the said Elizabeth one Ewe Item vnto Johan Pasemore the Daughter of John Pasemore one Ewe Item vnto Philipp Pasemores sonne one Ewe Item vnto Marie Wheeler my daughters daughter xlds vjs viijd wch her father dyd owe me Item vnto Margaret Wheeler and Johan Wheeler the daughters of Christopher Wheeler to ech of them xlds apeece, All wch money of xxxlds vjs viijd The said Christopher Wheeler doth owe me. And my will is that the said money shalbe sett to the best benefit & pfitt for them vntill they come to the age of xxiti yeares by my sonnes John Pasemore & Phillipp Pasemore and also by Thomas Slader Providyd that if anie of them dye unmarryed or before the age aforesaid Then her or their pte or ptes to remayne to them that shalbe lyvinge. Item vnto Charles Kingsland one sheepe of fower yeares old after my wives decease, Item vnto Willm Kingsland my boye one steere of two yeares old after my wyves decease, Item vnto Johan Kingslande one heaffer of two yeares old after my wives decease, And vnto Johan Deane one younge Cowe after my wyves decease, Item vnto Phillipp my sonne one Cowe after my wyves decease & vj sheepe (viz:) three ewes & three weathers and likewise my lesser newe pann. Item vnto everye of my brother mathewes cheldren a ewe lambe Item vnto my daughter Elizabeth Slader two Ewes and two weathers after my wyves decease one brasen pann the second best after my wyves decease & after the death of the said Elizabeth vnto Michaell her sonne, Item vnto John my sonne all my goodes after my wyves Decease (except vij horse beastes wch were her owne & the increase of them Item I do Assigne vnto Johan my wiefe during her life all my porcon of Holridge And after her decease all my right to John and Phillipp my sonnes ioyntlye, Item I do Assigne vnto Johan my wiefe the halfendeale of three prcelles of ground in Chittlehampton called by the name & names of the barne Close and the closes next on the East and South adioyninge to pasture onlye and not to tillage duringe her life, And one peece of grounde called Rowe pke in the pishe aforesaid And one meadowe vnder to pasture onlye and not to tillage duringe her life. The Residue of all my goodes not gyven noe bequeathed my debtes paid my legacies discharged & my bodye honestlie brought in Earth I gyve and bequesth vnto Johan my wiefe & her I do make my Executrix, And I do ordayne & make mathewe Pasemore my brother my sonnes John & Phillipp & Thomas Slader my rulers & overseers of this my last will and testament And they shall have for their labour ech of them ijs made yeven the daye & yeare aboue wryten Wittnes Richard Squire Curate and Mathewe Pasemore.

debtes owed vnto me.

John Clement of Lankey oweth me --------------------------------------lvs

John Tapp oweth me -------------------------------------------------------xxxvjs viijd

Probatum fuit huis Testm vicesm
Die mensis Junii Anno Dni 1607 Coram
mro Willmo Bird legum Dcore
Commissario &c Juramento Johanne
Pasmore relce et excs &c Cui &c de
bene &c Jurat
Inv extm