


Will of John Pasmoore, husbandman, of North Molton

Proved 7 Jul 1636

© Crown Copyright

National Archives Catalogue Reference PROB 10/551,
Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

Transcribed by Desmond Painter.

The Ninth Day of May in the Twelth yeare of the Raigne of or Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland ffraunce & Ireland Kinge Defender of the faith &c and in the yeare of or Lord God 1636.

In the Name of God Amen. I John Pasmoore of Heasill in the pish of Northmolton and County of Devon Husbandman, being sicke of body but of good and pfitt memorye thanks be unto allmighty God for the same doe make my last Will and Testament in manner & forme following, viz. first I bequeath my Soule into the hands of allmighty God, and my body vnto the Christian buryall. Item I give vnto the Reparacion of the Church of Northmolton Twelve pence. Item I given vnto the poore of Northmolton xd to be distributed amongst them by my Rulers hereafter nominated wthin xxty days after my decease. Item I doe [give] vnto Michaell Pasmoore my sonne ffifty Pounds of Lawfull moneye of England. Item I doe give vnto John Pasmoore my sonne ffifty Pounds of like Lawfull money. Item I give unto Nicholas Pasmoore my sonne Threescore Pounds of like Lawfull money of England. All my sevall legacies before given unto my Children my Will is that they shalbe paid unto them as followeth, that is they and evye of them shall have Twenty pounds apeece of the foresaid legacies paid wthin fower years after my decease to be by my Rulers putt to the best vse for them, and the residue of the foresaid legacies shalbe paid vnto evye of them as he or they shall accomplish the age of xxity years, or at the Marriage of my wiefe wch of them shall first happen. Item I doe give vnto Ane Pasmoore my wiefe my Right terme title and interest wch I have in certayne pcles of Land Commonly caled or Known by the sevall names of the Southdowne Cowlam Marsh the two Souther Moore Meadows the great Coppice Wood & the little Coppice Wood wthall & singular there appurtenancess for so many yeares as I have to come in the same if she live so long & contineues a Widdowe and vnmarryed, and further my will is that if the said Ane Pasmoore my wiefe shall happen to dye or Marrye before my Right shalbe Ended in the foresaid grounds meadows & woods, that then my will is and I doe give the same vnto Michaell Pasmoore & John Pasmoore two of my sonnes to be between them equaly devided. Item I doe [give] vnto Michaell Pasmoore John Pasmoore & Nicholas Pasmoore my Three sonnes all my Implements of houshold & houshold stufe, but my will is that Ane Pasmoore my wiefe shall have the vse and possecion of the same soe longe as she shall live a widdowe and vnmarryed. Item I give unto Johane Pasmoore my [daughter one] Acre of Wheate in the ground two Acres of Oates in the ground, one of Corne, one gray Mare, & tenne Ewe Sheepe, to be delivered vnto her wthin xxxty dayes after my Decease if she keepe howse herself & not live with my wiefe, but if she shall not keepe howse nor sett vpe howse Keepinge as aforesaid then none of the said legacies vnto her given by this my will shalbe dewe or payable by my Executrix. Item my will is that if any of my Children shall happen to dye before he or they shall accomplish the age of xxity yeares, that then his or there pte given in this my will shall remayne vnto the survivor or survivors of them then livinge. Item I doe give unto evy one of my Children vid apeece if it be lawfully demaunded. Item I doe give vnto evy servant that I shall have at the time of my death one yeowe sheepe apeece, all the rest of my goods not given nor bequeathed my debts paied, and my funerall discharged I give vnto Ane Pasmoore my wiefe and her I make my whole & sole Executrix, and I doe desier my ffather in lawe Thomas Smyth & my neyghbour George Dowle to be my Rulers and to see this my will in all things pformed according vnto the true intent and meanynge of the same In witness whereof I have herevnto sett my hand & seale the day & yeare above written.

Sealed signed & published
in the pntes of                                          John Pasmore   L.S.

Thomas Smyth

the signe of 0 Charles Thorne     
memorand that my will is that my wiefe Ane Pasmoore shall lett my sonnes
Michaell Pasmoore & John Pasmoore have the grounds meadows & woods in
holridge given to her in this my will when they both shall accomplish the
age of xxity yeares vnto there owne vse any thing in this my
will to the contrary not wth standing and I doe likewise give
vnto my Cosin Ane Burgis one yeowe sheepe

Probatum apud London coram veneli viro Dno Henrico Marten
milite Commisario &c Septimo die mensis Julii Anno Dni 1636
Juramento Anna Pasmore relicta dci defuncti et Excis &c
sui &c de bene &c Coram Magro Johanne Coron Clro
vigore Commissionis jurat.