


Indenture between Edmund Passmore, Ann Passmore and others 1838

Release and Quitclaim in respect of rights in the estate of Edmund Passmore (1764-1822):
Edmund Passmore and others to William and John Passmore 31 March 1838

Transcribed from a digital image of the original in in the North Devon Record Office (ref. 2309-3/15/6) by Desmond Painter.

This Indenture made the thirty first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight, Between Edmund Passmore of Northmolton in the County of Devon Tailor, Ann Passmore of Bishops Nympton in the said County Spinster, Grace Passmore of Twitchen in the said County Spinster, William Passmore of North Molton aforesaid Yeoman, John Passmore of the same place Yeoman, Betsey Passmore of Southmolton in the said County Spinster, John Thorne of Northmolton aforesaid Yeoman and Mary his Wife, and Agnes Passmore of Northmolton aforesaid Spinster of the first part, and William Passmore and John Passmore both of Bishops Nympton aforesaid, Yeomen, of the seond part, Whereas Edmund Passmore late of Northmolton aforesaid Yeoman deceased did in and by his last Will and Testament in writing bearing date on or about the first day of December in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty two, Give and Bequeath unto his Brother John Passmore then of Bishops Nympton aforesaid Yeoman, but since deceased and his Nephew John Crute then of Southmolton aforesaid Currier, but since also deceased, All his Estates Real and Personal, and All his Goods and Chattels, Upon Trust for his wife (who is since deceased) and his children the said Edmund Passmore, Ann Passmore, and Grace Passmore, William Passmore, John Passmore, Betsey Passmore, Mary Thorne, Agnes Passmore, and Richard Passmore as therein mentioned, the said Testator appointed his said Brother John Passmore, and his said Nephew John Crute Executors in Trust of his said Will, And Whereas the said testator departed this life many years since, and his said Will was shortly afterwards proved in the Archdeacons Court of Barnstaple, And Whereas the said John Crute departed this life many years since, leaving the said John Passmore his Co-Trustee him surviving, And the same John Passmore has since also departed this life, having first made and published his last Will and Testament in writing which bears date on or about the nineteenth day of November one thousand eight hundred and twenty three, and thereof appointed his Sons the said William Passmore and John Passmore (parties hereto of the second part) Executors, and which Will has since been proved in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, And Whereas the said Richard Passmore (who is now in America) has received all money and property to which he was entitled under or by virtue of the said recited Will of his said deceased Father, And Whereas the said William Passmore and John Passmore (parties hereto of the second part) have settled their Trust accounts with the said Edmund Passmore, party hereto) Ann Passmore, Grace Passmore, William Passmore (party hereto of the first part), John Passmore (party hereto of the first part), Betsey Passmore, John Thorne and Mary his wife and Agnes Passmore, and paid and delivered over to them respectively all the Money and Property to which they are severally entitled under, by virtue, or in pursuance of the said recited Will of the said Edmund Passmore deceased, as they the said Edmund Passmore (party hereto) Ann Passmore, Grace Passmore,William Passmore (party hereto of the first part) John Passmore (party hereto of the first part), Betsey Passmore, John Thorne and Mary his wife, and Agnes Passmore do hereby respectively admit and acknowledge, And in consideration thereof they have respectively agreed to execute a Release unto the said William Passmore and John Passmore (parties hereto of the second part) as hereinafter mentioned, Now this Indenture Witnesseth that in consideration of the Premises They the said Edmund Passmore (party hereto) Ann Passmore,Grace Passmore, William Passmore (party hereto of the first part) John Passmore (party hereto of the first part), Betsey Passmore, John Thorne and Mary his wife and Agnes Passmore Have and each and every of them Hath remised, released and forever quitted claim, And by these Presents Do and each and every of them Doth remise release and forever quit claim unto the said William Passmore (party hereto of the second part) and John Passmore (party hereto of the second part) and each of them, their and each of their Heirs Executors and Administrators, and also the real and personal Representatives of the said John Passmore (deceased) and John Crute and every of them All and all manner of Accounts Reckonings Suits Claims and Demands whatsoever, both at Law and in Equity or otherwise howsoever which they the said Edmund Passmore (party hereto) Ann Passmore, Grace Passmore, William Passmore (party hereto of the first part) and John Passmore (party hereto of the first part) Betsey Passmore, John Thorne and Mary his wife, and Agnes Passmore or any or either of them now have or hath or which they or any or either of them, their or any or either of their Heirs Executors or Adminstrators can or may at any time or times hereafter have claim maintain challenge or demand against the said William Passmore (party hereto of the second part) and John Passmore (party hereto of the second part) or either of them or against their or either of their Heirs Executors or Administrators, Lands, Tenements, Goods or Chattels, or against the real or personal Representatives, Lands, Tenements, Goods or Chattels of the said John Passmore deceased and John Crute or either of them for or in respect of the real and personal Estate of the said Edmund Passmore deceased, come into the hands or possession of the said John Passmore (deceased) and John Crute (deceased) and William Passmore (party hereto of the second part) and John Passmore (party hereto of the second part) or any or either of them or any part thereof, or into the hands of any other person or persons by their or any or either of their order or for their or any or either of their use or for or in respect of any cause matter or thing whatsoever in anywise relating thereto or to the real or personal Estate of the said Edmund Passmore deceased, from the beginning of the World to the date of these presents. In Witness whereof the said Parties to these Presents, their Hands and Seals have set hereunto the day and year first above written

Edmund     L.S.     PassmoreWm     L.S.     PassmoreThe mark of     L.S
Ann     L.S.     PassmoreJohn     L.S.     PassmoreX
Grace     L.S.     PassmsoreThe mark of     L.S.Betsey Passmore
      Agnes Passmore 

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