Index to Personal Names
Westcote's "View of Devonshire in 1630, and his Devonshire Pedigrees"
(Edition of 1845)
Trans. Devon Assoc., Vol XXVII, 1895, pp. 443-485.
Arthur B. Prowse, M.D. F.R.C.S.
Prepared by Michael Steer
Thomas Westcote (c.1567 - c.1637) (alias Westcott) of Raddon in the parish of Shobrooke was Devon’s historian and topographer. He was interested in local antiquities and aimed at producing a description of Devon following the model of Carew’s 1602 Survey of Cornwall. He compiled two collections: A View of Devonshire, in which, after a general discussion on the history of the county, he gave a topographical account of its condition in about 1630; and the Pedigrees of most Devonshire Families, a compilation of genealogical information deemed by later commentators as inaccurate and unreliable. The two works were published in Exeter in 1845, edited by George Oliver and Pitman Jones and may be downloaded free of charge from Google Books. The original of this invaluable index to the works was presented at the Association’s July 1895 Okehampton meeting, and is now available in the Internet Archive. (Some small sections of p.463 of the Internet Archive version are however indecipherable.) Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.
Abbot, | 311, 313, 354, 392, 436, 507. |
Abergavenny (Lord), | 483, 484. |
Aborough, | 609. |
Abraham, | xiv. 323, 369. |
Acastre, | 98. |
Achilles, | 107. |
Achior, | 427. |
Achym, | 522. |
Ackland, Acland, Akeland, Ackelond, Aukelond, | 72, 74, 102, 117, 192, 251, 276, 277, 281, 283, 290, 291, 326, 469, 470, 486, 503, 504, 507, 516, 575, 581, 593, 594, 608. |
Ackworth, | 429. |
Acton, | 616. |
Adams, | 505, 614. |
Addington, | 464, 609, 628. |
Adelstane, | 405. |
Adobed, Adobatus, | 351, 352. |
Adrianus (Emperor), | 23. |
Ǣgesippus, | 68. |
Ǣneas, | 263, 340, 357, 428. |
Ǣschylus, | 236. |
Ǣthelgarus, | 122. |
Ǣthicus, | 63. |
Affeton, | 504, 585 (? Asseton). |
Agamemnon, | 380. |
Ahaz (King), | 155, 157. |
Ailworth, | 472. |
Aincourt, | 201, 570. |
Aishlegh, | 394, see Ashleigh. |
Ajax, | 271, 340. |
Alabastre, Alabalister, Balistarius, Balister, | 239, 506, 632. |
Alan, Alanus, Edern, | 268, 458, see Allen. |
Albamara, Albemarle, Albomari, | 161, 199, 200, 352, 363, 375, 392, 398, see Damerel. |
Albemarle, Albermarlie (Duke, or Earl), | 41, 132, 201, 207, 319, 328, 435, 470. |
Albert, | 204. |
Albino, de, | 251. |
Albino, St., see St. Aubin. | |
Albinus, | 129. |
Albreda, | 201, 245, 570. |
Alcazar, | 272. |
Alcherd, | 316. |
Alcmena, | 312. |
Aldred, | 458, 547. |
Alexander (the Great), | 52, 450, 451. |
Alford, | 322, 340, 404, 465, 581. |
Alfred, Alphred (King), | 31, 70, 115, 190. |
Alfwoldus, | 122. |
Algarus, | 98, 122, 399. |
Allen, | 279, 520, 531, see Alan and Alleyn. |
Aller, | 277. |
Allet, | 486. |
Alley, | 540. |
Alley (Wm, Bp. of Exon), | 158, 173, 549. |
Alleyn, Aleyn, | 218, 468, see Allen. |
Allington, | 144, 148. |
Almarus, | 204. |
Alnethot, | 316. |
Alneto, de, Alney, de, see Dauney. | |
Alnoldus, | 122. |
Alphred, Alphredus, | 122, 298. |
Alpsius (Duke of Devon), | 70, 121. |
Alrecheston, | 429. |
Altaribus, de, | 408. |
Altorfe (Earl of), | 274. |
Alured, | 351. |
Alwolfus, Alwolphus, | 122. |
Amadas, Amadis, | 466, 541. |
Ambrose, | 256. |
Ameredith, Amerideth, Ameridith, | 130, 151, 325, 401, 596, 597, 626, 630. |
Amicia (Countess of Devon), 115, 373. | |
Aramon (King), | 157. |
Amory, | vi., 255, 281, 610. |
Andrew, Andrews, | 607, 623. |
Aneximenides, | 155. |
Angerus, | 270. |
Anglesey (Earl of), | 180. |
Annery, | 331. |
Annesley, | 180. |
Ann of Cleves (Queen), | 615, 622. |
Anschetill, | 408. |
Antage, | 467. |
Anthony, | 579. |
Antoninus, | 137, 139, 244. |
Antoninus (Emperor), | 23, 140. |
Apelles, | 450, 451. |
Aphowel, | 597. |
Apollonia, | 334. |
Apollonius, | 36. |
Appleton, | 474, 544. |
Appletree, | 627. |
Aquila, | 129. |
Aquitaine (Duke of) | 201, 570. |
Archdeacon, see Lerchdeacon. | |
Ardington, | 528. |
Arenis, de, Arenisque, de, | 265. |
Argent in, | 503, 555. |
Ariadne, | 248. |
Aristotle, | 45, 97, 159, 271. |
Arkenald, | 542. |
Armston, | 458. |
Armstrong, | 458. |
Arnile, | 318. |
Arscot, | 72, 74, 266, 275, 315, 317, 319, 326, 351, 354, 386, 433, 466, 469, 484, 485, 489, 490, 491, 496, 500, 533, 558, 569, 587, 592, 603, 625. |
Artemisia, | 237. |
Arthur, | 527. |
Arthur (King), | 111, 277, 458. |
Arthur (Prince), | 382. |
Arundel, Arundell, Arundle, | vi 119, 128, 130, 170, 192, 200, 216, 270, 283, 309, 313, 315, 348, 364, 405, 419, 439, 440, 471, 472, 476, 477, 494, 501, 504, 511, 514, 516, 519, 529, 550, 565, 572, 591, 616, 618, 630, 631, 633. |
Arundell (Earl of), | 630. |
Arundell (John, Bp. of Exon) | 170. |
Arviragus, | 136, 137. |
Ascanius, | 428. |
Asclepiades, | 393. |
Ash, see Esse. | 445 |
Ashford, Esseford, | 72, 74, 114, 132, 191, 396, 431, 462, 475, 481, 482, 489, 513, 516, 528, 540, 582, 625. |
Ashleigh, Ashley, | 430, 581, see Aishlegh. |
Asbton, | 271, 459. |
Asserius, | 275, 342. |
Aston, | 407, 621. |
Atheldredus, | 157, see Etheldred. |
Athelstan, Althestan (King), | 25, 27, 112, 122, 138, 156, 203, 284, 285, 295, 298, 354, 382, 405. |
Athelwoldus (Abbot), | 157. |
AtbenflBus, | 244, 312. |
Atkins, | 625. |
Atwater, | 462. |
Atwill, | 98, 151, 480, 495, 612, 618. |
At wood, | 591. |
Audelegh, Audlegh, Audleigh, | 131, 253, 296, 297, 308, 574, 594, 595. |
Augustine, St., | 155. |
Augustine, St. (Abbot of), | 510. |
Augustinus, | 256. |
Augustus (Emperor), | 353. |
Aulus Gellius (Emperor), | 39. |
Auncell, | 497. |
Aurelius Ambrosius (King), | 406, 410, 458. |
Ausonius, | 22, 24. |
Austin, | 414. |
Avenel, Avenell, Aunel, Aunell, | 98, 104, 318, 354, 488, 557, 570. |
Avery, | 556, 607, 610. |
Avranches, Averanches, | 201, 293, 461, 570. |
Aylworth, | 440, 577. |
Baa, Baath, Bathe, | 186, 266, 269, 318. |
Babage, | 476. |
Babington, | 473, 519, 531, 543, 553, 625. |
Babington (Gervase, Bp. of Exon), | 174, 175. |
Bacchus, | 312. |
Bach, | 558. |
Bacon, | 124, 125, 585. |
Badeston, | 399. |
Bag, Bagg, Bagge, | 74, 386, 563, 580. |
Baghill, Bagwell, | 286. |
Baker, | 399, 487. |
Baldwin (Baron of Okehampton), | 273, 384. |
Baldwin (Earl of Devon), | 132, 373, 385. |
Baldwin (le Fleming), | 263, 338 |
Baldwin (the Sheriff), | 115. |
Baldwin (the Viscount), | 363, 420. |
Bale, | 478. |
Balister, see Alabastre. | |
Ball, Balle, | 151, 191, 445, 528, 584, 612, 619. |
Ballum, | 485. |
Balsh, | 560. |
Bamfeld, Bampfield, Bampfylde, | 72, 74, 114, 117, 150, 183, 192, 253, 276, 277, 279, 434, 463, 491-493, 511, 523, 553, 560, 569, 601, 602, 614, 615, 619, 628, 634. |
Bampton, | 96, 97. |
Bampton (Baron of), | 461. |
Banks, | 537. |
Bannister, | 588. |
Barcklay, Barkeley, Barkley, see Berkeley. | |
Baren, | 557. |
Barley, | 188. |
Barnard, | 245, 442. |
Barnhouse, | 132, 307, 396, 407, 426, 581, 600, 625 |
Barns, Barnes, | 397, 552, 564, 598. |
Barnstaple (Baron of), | 252, 594. |
Baron, Barons, | 464, 559. |
Barret, | 181, 515, 522, 539, 586. |
Barry, | 214, 286, 325, 327-329, 478, 507, 556, 558, 561, 617. |
Bartas, du, | 427. |
Bartholomew, Iscanus (Bp. of Exon), | 160. |
Bartlet, Bartlett, | 387, 537, 560. |
Bash, | 556. |
Basilius, | 262. |
Basset, | 116, 124, 125, 128, 131, 240, 242, 251, 259, 268, 270, 276, 281, 289, 307, 319, 335, 343, 408, 457, 465, 469, 485, 486, 539, 560, 581, 585, 595, 607, 608, 616, 630. |
Bassingborn, | 577. |
Bastard, | 72, 74, 374, 398, 578. |
Batcombe, | 264. |
Bathe, see Baa. Bath (Earl of), | iv., 73, 97, 109, 148, 199, 200, 250, 254, 284, 292, 293, 309, 310, 319, 327, 335, 396, 404, 429, 441, 460, 461, 494, 567, 606, 613, 617, 631. |
Bathillus, | 62. |
Batson, | 604. |
Batteshill, Battishill, Batteshull, Batishull, | 150, 266, 403, 540. |
Battin, Battyn, | 317, 484, 489, 490, 630. |
Baulstred, | 619. |
Bauzan, | 394, 430, see Bozun. |
Bawden, Bawdon, | 552, 599. |
Bawin, | 512. |
Beale, | 597. |
Beaple, | 280, 281, 307, 505. |
Bear, Beare, Beer, | 97, 104, 105, 314, 323, 414, 415, 461, 462, 487, 578, 582, 587, 590, 598, 611, 619, 620, 628. |
Beard, | 318. |
Bearson, | 259. |
Beauchamp, | 110, 331, 407, 437, 463, 474, 483, 486, 492, 509, 518, 614, 620, 625, 630. |
Beauchamp (Viscount), | 479. |
Beaucombe, Beaucomb, Bawcombe, | 397. |
Beaufort, | 102, 126, 143, 214, 509, 572. |
Beaumont, Beaumond, Beamont, Beamond, Bello-Monte, | 215, 227, 252, 261, 266, 276, 281, 282, 285, 302, 303, 307, 335, 437, 439, 457, 463, 485, 498, 507, 513, 514, 572, 606, 609, 610, 612, 629. |
Beaupenny, | 513. |
Beavis, | 488, 502, 596. |
Bec (Abbot of) | 436. |
Beche, | 593. |
Beckett | 458-460, 519, 532, 533, 561, 623. |
Becket (Thomas, Archbp. of C), | 160, 259, 260, 459. |
Bedford (Duke, or Earl of), | 71, 73, 147, 148, 152, 200, 284, 289, 293, 365, 372, 386, 434, 553, 607. |
Beeston, | 590. |
Bekerol, | 338. |
Belet, see Billet. | |
Belfast (Baron, or Viscount), | 605, 607. |
Belfield, | 521. |
Belinus (King), | 412. |
Belke, | 600. |
Bellamy, | 537, 584. |
Bellew, | 119, 263, 287, 293, 309, 387, 500, 506, 520, 556, 607. |
Bello-Prato, Beaupré. | 266. |
Belman, | 384. |
Belston, Belstone, Belstan, Bellestian, | 323, 335, 363, 434, 612. |
Belway, | 497. |
Bendbow, | 464. |
Bennet, | 517, 619. |
Bereford, | 313, 593. |
Beric, | 443. |
Berkeley, Berkley, | 282, 438, 462, 494, 504, 534, 574, see Barcklay |
Berkeley (Lord), | 486, 509. |
Berkeley (James, Bp. of Exon), | 166. |
Berkshire (Earl of), | 282. |
Berners (Lord), | 461. |
Berry, | 72, 74, 188, 252, 256, 275, 285, 314, 323, 341, 343, 491, 495-498, 523, 554, 558, 610, see Bury. |
Berryman, | 151. |
Bevil, Bevile, | 458, 471, 472, 473, 497, 522, 631. |
Bickford, | 83, 217. |
Bickington, | 286. |
Bicklegh, Bickley, | 106, 302, 375. |
Bidwel, Bidwell, By-the-Well, | 127, 131, 132, 492, 504, 525, 617. |
Bifield, | 364. |
Bigbury, Bickaberry, Bicke bery, Bickebury, Buckaberry | 130, 399, 470, 474, 482. |
Bigod, | 420. |
Bilchester, | 270, 273. |
Billet, Belet, | 247, 467, 518, |
Bingley, | 586. |
Bishop, | 557, 568, 575. |
Bisset, | 558, see Byset. |
Blach, Black, | 247, 495, |
Blackburne, | 181. |
Blackford, Blakeford, | 117, 389. |
Blackhall, Blackhal, Blackall, Blackaller, | 72, 415, 416, 530, 535, 546, 575, 585, 596, 616. |
Blackmore, Blackmoor, | vii, 473, 569. |
Blagdon, | 351. |
Blake, | 591. |
Blerick, | 519. |
Blewet, Bluet, | 114, 115, 408, 465, 482, 486, 491, 495, 512-514, 607, 630. |
Bligh, Blygh, | 511, 514, 608. |
Blight, Blyght, | 491, 608. |
Blogan, | 633. |
Bloio, Bloyo, | 326, 354. |
Blondy (Richard, Bp. of Exon), | 161. |
Blount, Blunt, | 144, 215, 217, 374, 427, 475, 513, 572, 615. |
Bluet, see Blewet | |
Blundel, Blundell, | 100, 102, 149. |
Bockerel, | 615. |
Bodigood, | 475. |
Bodlegh, Bodleigh, Bodley, | 128, 129, 417, 487, 491, 499, 500, 504, 538, 561, 567, 597, 618. |
Bodrugan, Bodrugans, | 126, 229, 498, 632. |
Bogan, | 596. |
Bohun, | 97, 102, 125, 163, 188, 200, 201, 208, 483, 571. |
Bokeyt, | 501. |
Boler, | 474. |
Boleyn (Queen Anne), | 314. |
Bolingbroke (Earl of), | 362. |
Bolley, | 82. |
Bolter, | 149. |
Bomeleston, | 273. |
Bond, | 466, 549. |
Bondeport, | 281. |
Boniface, see Winifred. | |
Boniface, | 468, 351. |
Boniface (Pope), | 324. |
Bonton, | 474 |
Bonvil, Bon vile, Bonvill, | 151, 168, 241, 244, 268, 286, 327, 373, 374, 388, 391, 465, 467, 477, 501, 504, 513, 518, 550, 573, 611, 613, 624, 625. |
Bonvise, | 59. |
Bonython, | 551. |
Booth (John, Bp. of Exon.), | 125, 168. |
Borage, | 275, 582. |
Borlase, | 496, 534. |
Borough, Borrough, | 475, 526. |
Bosco, de, Boy 8, Bois, | 105, 266, 280, 474, 589, 590, see Wood. |
Boscoyne, Boscawen, | 384, 519. |
Bosower, | 440. |
Bowel, | 615. |
Bowteler, Botiler, | 314, 316, 320, 327, 336, 477, see Pincerna. |
Botour, | 82. |
Botreaux, Botereaux, | 280, 290, 407, 485, 590, 622. |
Boucequant, | 209. |
Boughton, | 217. |
Bougin, Bougins, | 417. |
Bound. | |
Bourchier, Bouchier, Bowcer, | 199, 214, 264, 292, 293, 303, 310, 435, 460, 461, :484, 488, 494, 535, 567, 606, 613, 618. |
Bourden, Bourdon, Baverdon, Burydon, | 318, 442. |
Bourne, | 110. |
Bourton, | 474, 477, 485, 590, 622 |
Bourwach, | 477. |
Bowden, Bowdon, | 471, 493, 506, 544. |
Bowen, | 557, 612. |
Bower, | 540. |
Bowennan, | 518. |
Bowes, | 558. |
Bowhay, | 219, 584, 616. |
Bowman, | vii. |
Bowring, | 398. |
Boyer, | 528. |
Boys, | 575, see Bosco. |
Bozum, Bozom, Bozome, | 270, 313, 420, 474, 500, 508, 553, 613, 634, see Bauzan. |
Braos, see Bruce. |  : |
Brabant (Duke of), | 275. |
Bracton, | 412. |
Bradbridge (Wm., Bp. of Exon.), | 173, 174. |
Braddon, | 507, 607. |
Bradford, | 537. |
Bradley, | 397. |
Bradmore, | 539, 583. |
Bradney, | 399, 531. |
Bradninch, Braynes (Baron of), | 259, 382. |
Bradstone, Bradestone, Bradiston, Broadston, | 150, 362. |
Brag, Bragg, | 507, 562, 582. |
Brakisford, | 246. |
Brandon, | 524, 578. |
Branscombe, | 242. |
Bratton, | 540, 585. |
Bray, | 264, 535, 564. |
Brayn, | 596. |
Braynes, see Bradninch. | |
Bream, de, Brient, de, | 226, see Brian. |
Bremel, | 394, 603. |
Bremelcomb, | 507. |
Bremridge, | 119. |
Brendon, | 540. |
Brentingham, Brantyngham (Bp. of Exon.), | 125, 167, 181, 246. |
Bret, Brett, Britt, Brytt, | 245, 387, 488, 497, 523, 574, 575, 603, 606, 609. |
Brewer, (Wm., Bp. of Exon.), | 160, 161, 180, 309. |
Brewer, Briwerr, Bruer, Bruere, | 41, 82, 161, 205, 226, 246, 290, 335, 425, 439, 515, 570, 615. |
Brian, Bryan, | 102, 126, 208, 245, 28i, 327, 343, 402, 405, 424, 508, 571. |
Bricknol, | 593. |
Bridges, | 148, 445, 504, 635. |
Bridgman, | 527. |
Bridgwater (Earl of), | 287, 292, 429. |
Bridport, | 150. |
Brightlegh, | 286, 287. |
Brightwould, | 116. |
Brioniis, de, Sapp, de, | 201, 245, 286, 570. |
Briscow, | 467. |
Bristol (Earl of), | 112, 148. |
Britany (Marshal of), | 424. |
Brithricus, | 204. |
Britrica, | 435. |
Brittevill, Britevile, | 82, 372. |
Britwaldus (Archbp. of Canter bury), | 123. |
Brixton, | 611. |
Brockman, | 491. |
Brokedon, | 482. |
Bromford, Bromeford, | 320, 470, 514. |
Bromley, | 621. |
Broiiscombe, Bronescombe, | |
Brounscombe (Walter, Bp. of Exon.), | 85, 161, 194, 196, 198, 357. |
Brook, Brooke, | 148, 218, 468, 513, 560, 610, 619, 620. |
Brooking, Brookin, | 414, 524. |
Broughton, | 98, 147, 276, 290, 517, 628, 632. |
Brown, Browne, | 537, 546, 547, 564, 570, 578, 589, 592. |
Browne, Wm. (Poet), | 359, 365. |
Browning, | 533, 579, 588. |
Brownrig (Ralph, Bp. of Exon.), | 177. |
Bruce, Bruse, Braos, | 41, 217, 292, 304, 425, 607. |
Brudwell, | 495. |
Bruer, see Brewer. | |
Bruerton, | 521, 574. |
Bruin, | 479. |
Brushford, | 619. |
Bruton, | 399. |
Brutus, | 30, 136, 356, 409, 411. |
Bryan, see Brian. | |
Bryant, | 397, 516. |
Brythewaldus, | 122. |
Bryton, Brytton, Brutton, | 259, 286, 528, 564. |
Brytric, | 404. |
Buckfastleigh (Abbot of) | 267. |
Buckingham, | 476, 547, 551. |
Buckland, Bockland, | 404. |
Buckland (Abbot of), | 85, 207, 375, 384. |
Buckton, Bucton, Buckington, | |
Buketon | 240, 307, 562. |
Budokeside, Budockshide, Budocshead, Budocushed, Butshead, | 374, 435, 465, 466, 485, 503, 565, 569. |
Bulkworthy, | 315. |
Bull, | 557. |
Bullen, Bullon, | 482, 483, 484, 509. |
Buller, | 151, 335, 362, 487, 517, 521, 553, 576. |
Buhner, | 65, 254, 255. |
Bulun, | 461. |
Burel, Burell, Burill, Berell, | 113, 391. |
Burges, | 83. |
Burgo, de, | 205, 212, 477, 478, 570. |
Burgoin, | 150, 303, 476, 505, 551. |
Burgundy (Duke of), | 170, 210. |
Burlegh, Burley, Burghley, | 466, 519, 542, 591, 621. |
Burlegh (Baron), | 144. |
Burneby, Burnbery, Burnbury, | vii. 363, 494, 505, 521, 552. |
Burnel, Burnell, | 180, 218, 266, 267, 557, 558. |
Burrel, | 550. |
Burrington, | 531, 566, 612, 627. |
Burrough, | 552, 578, see Borough |
Burton, | 412. |
Bury, | 305, 493, 495, 496, 510, 516, 549, 553, 586, 619, see Berry, also Nerbert. |
Bushel, | 439. |
Bussel, | 601. |
Bustard, | 525, 580. |
Busteggs, | 41. |
Butifant (Viscount), | 329. |
Butler, | 103, 247, 336, 467, 482-484, 509, 511, 517, 554, 568, 608, 611, 620, 628. |
Butshead, see Budokeside. | |
Button, | 247, 467, 491, 543. |
Buttry, | 541. |
Butydon, | 305. |
Byddlecomb, | 548. |
Byle, | 465. |
Byngley, | 559. |
Byron, | 323, 621. |
Byrt, | 544. |
Bysat (Lord), | 205. |
Byset, Bysset, | 320, 345, see Bisset. |
Bytton (Thomas, Bp. of Exon), | 164. |
Cabel, Cabell, | 74, 404, 522, 545. |
Cadbury, | 275. |
Cadbury, North (Baron of) | 432. |
Cadhay, | 234. |
Cadiho, | 316. |
Cadivor, | 338. |
Cador (Duke of Cornwall), | 458. |
Caesar, | 34, 63, 137, 139, 356, 360, 361, 382, 447. |
Cahurta, | 475. |
Calfurnius, Calprunius, | 594. |
Call, | 461. |
Callard, | 284, 325, 582. |
Callaway, | 475. |
Calmady, | 73, 124, 387, 437, 505, 564, 576, 604. |
Calwoodly, Caldwoodleigh, Calwodeley, Calwodely, Calverly, | 98, 149, 514. |
Cambray, | 591. |
Cambridge (Earl of), | 212, 213. |
Cambyses (King), | 332. |
Camden, | 22, 23, 29, 32, 57, 85, 139, 200, 244, 256, 260, 295, 311, 356, 362, 431. |
Came, | 515, 534. |
Camerarius, | 264, 274. |
Camlestone, | 323. |
Cammel, Camill, | 405, 558. |
Camois, | 102, 213, 252, 571. |
Camois, Kemys, Keymis, (Baron of), | 223, 252, 324, 594. |
Campedene, | 445. |
Campel, Campnel, | 323. |
Campo-Arnulphi, see Champernon. | |
Cannon, | ix., xi., xii. |
Cantelupe, Cantlow, | 404, 411, 424, 614. |
Canterbury (Archbp. of), | 571. |
Cantle, | 327. |
Canutus, Knutt(King), | 51, 112, 122, 157, 204, 242, 459. |
Canvile, | 298. |
Cape, | 427, 523. |
Caper, | 486. |
Capnar, | 604. |
Carbonel, | 518. |
Cardwell, | 518. |
Carew, Carru, | iv. 30, 64, 72, 106-110, 113, 119, 131, 145, 199, 215, 225, 260, 264, 276, 287, 289, 313, 314, 324, 354, 374, 385, 387, 402, 419, 437, 441, 442, 445, 464, 476, 487, 494, 495, 499, 500, 508, 511, 523, 528, 529, 556, 572, 573, 579, 582, 587, 595, 608, 610, 618. |
Carlile, | 378, 382. |
Carlisle (Earl of), | 148. |
Carlisle (Bp. of), | 427, 583. |
Carmino, Carminow, Carraynow, Carmenhow, | 215, 354, 445, 489, 515, 572, 610, 632. |
Carnsew, | 522. |
Carpenter, | 96. |
Carrels, | 458. |
Carslake, | 591. |
Carswel, Carswell, | 475, 499, 549, 564, 591. |
Carus, | 588. |
Carwithen, Carwythen, | 119, 552. |
Cary, Carey, | 72, 74, 126, 132, 230, 290, 313-316, 318, 322, 326, 342, 343, 354, 355, 376, 402, 424, 427-429, 434, 475, 479, 483, 489, 492, 495, 507-512, 514, 515, 529, 539, 547, 548, 555, 558, 613, 614. |
Cary (James, Bp of Exon), | 168. |
Cary (Valentine, Bp. of Exon), | 175, 176. |
Castle | 43, 44, 315. |
Castlehaven (Earl of), | 574. |
Catesby, | 618. |
Catford, | 629. |
Catherine (Queen), | 381. |
Cato, | 58, 303, 335. |
Caufield, | 588. |
Cave, Cove, | 189, 634. |
Cavendish, | 217, 218, 319, 437. |
Caverel, | 595. |
Cecil, Cecyll, | 144, 438. |
Celestine (Pope), | 365. |
Ceorle (Earl of Devon), | 203. |
Chafe, Chaff, Chaffe, | 273, 442, 478, 507. |
Chagford, | 430. |
Chaldon, | 526, 541. |
Challons, Chalons, | 113, 114, 150, 354, 355, 394, 463, 465, 550, 575, 614, 615, 624. |
Challons (Earl of), | 614. |
Chalvedon, | 461. |
Chamond, Chammond, | 318, 476, 489, 525, 630. |
Champeaux, Champeston, Champs ton, Campeleston, | 41, 267, 280. |
Champernon, Champernoun, Campo - Arnulphi, Camponulphum, | 72, 74, 102, 110, 119, 225, 259, 263, 266, 285, 325, 336, 373, 375, 384, 388, 389, 392, 393, 395, 397, 399, 400, 404, 406-408, 435, 460, 466, 468, 469, 479, 519, 522, 530, 535, 536, 550, 559, 563, 566, 573, 574, 577, 589, 590, 597, 606, 614, 620, 626. |
Champneys, Champnys, | 128, 151, 294, 600. |
Chandos, | 144, 605, 635. |
Channon, | 560. |
Chantel, Chantrel, | 314, 424. |
Chaplain, | 538, 548. |
Chapman, | 55, 604, 608. |
Chappie, Chapel, | 192, 498, 500, 506, 545, 575, 596. |
Chapps, | 502. |
Chares, | 271. |
Charles, Charneis, | 150, 283, 436, 538, 541, 542, 564. |
Charles I., | 90, 217, 218, 223, 245, 322, 538, 626. |
Charles IL, | 177, 178, 328, 360, 511, 527, 535, 538, 555, 567, 631. |
Charles (Emperor) | 295. |
Charles VI. (of France), | 209. |
Charleston, | 283. |
Charleton, | 400. |
Charon, | 195. |
Chartery, Chartre, | 309, 310. |
Chase, | 546. |
Chasty, | 475. |
Chaucer, | 48. |
Chause, | 516. |
Chauvens, | 205. |
Chaworth, Chawort, Cadurcis, | 438. |
Chedder, | 485. |
Cheeke, | 309, 525. |
Cheemy, | 41. |
Cheney, Cheyney, Chenye, Caneto, de, | 192, 225, 492, 518, 523, 573, 619, 620, 634. |
Chester (Earl of), | 230. |
Chestledon, Chuselden, | 512, 513, 614, 634. |
Cheverton, Chiverton, | 209, 571 ; see Chiverstone. |
Chichester, Chechester, Cirencester, | 74, 115, 124, 127, 239, 241, 247, 251, 252, 263-265, 270, 277, 282, 283, 285, 289, 290, 292, 298, 302-305, 307, 310, 331, 362, 364, 397, 432, 462, 472, 475, 486, 488, 489, 494, 497, 499, 505, 513, 514, 522, 533, 543, 544, 549, 553, 560, 567, 569, 575, 582, 595, 603-609, 616, 623, 626, 628. |
Chichester (Bp., of Exon), | 160. |
Chichester (Viscount), | 73. |
Chievre, Chivere, | 106, 116. |
Chilcot, | 490. |
Childe, | 386. |
Chilton, | 236, 400. |
Chipley, | 491. |
Chipman, | 554. |
Chiveretone, Cheverstone, | 399, 436 ; see Cheverton. |
Chiverthorn, | 104. |
Cholmley, Chomley, | 102, 629. |
Cholwich, | 533, 603. |
Cholwill, | 522. |
Christeiistow, | 436, 615. |
Christian, | 601. |
Christopher, | 128. |
Chrysostom, | 256. |
Chubb, | 83, 534. |
Chudleigh, Chudlegh, Chudley, Chiderlegh, Chyderley, | 73, 108, 109, 192, 314, 320, 389, 391, 401, 431, 432, 436, 437, 462-464, 489, 494, 511, 514, 525, 528-530, 543, 552, 553, 567, 568, 574, 582, 587, 603, 610, 615, 634. |
Church, | 524. |
Churchill, | 302, 402, 467, 529, 563, 616. |
Chylye (Earl of), | 459. |
Cicero, | 51, 63, 206, 243, 447. |
Cincinnatus, | 58. |
Cirencester, | 384, 426, 605, see Chichester. |
Clare, | 192, 207, 277, 373, 388. |
Clare (Earl of), | 114. |
Clarence (Duke of), | 212, 438. |
Clarges, | 319, 470. |
Clark, | 328, 561, 593, 627. |
Clary, | 210, 211. |
Clase, | 279. |
Claudian, | 19, 38. |
Claudius (Emperor), | 136, 137, 310. |
Clavel, Clavil, Clavile, | 102, 104, 105, 113, 114, 325, 398, 439, 461. |
Clawford, | 489. |
Clehanger, | 608. |
Cleker, | 460. |
Clement, | 480. |
Clement VII. (Pope), | 441. |
Cleopatra, | 140. |
Clerkeston, | 327. |
Clifford, | 72, 74, 148, 214, 401, 430, 437, 441, 442, 470, 494, 572, 576, 602, 624. |
Clifton, | 192, 493, 494. |
Clinton (Lord), | 477. |
Clive (Abbot of), | 309. |
Clivedon, Clyvedon, | 112, 191, 595. |
Cloigny, | 327. |
Clopton, | 519. |
Clopton (Baron of), | 419. |
Clotworthy, | xii., 270, 277, 278, 287, 480, 481, 538, 563, 587, 623, 628. |
Clowberrye, Cloberry, Clowborough, | 362, 364, 528, 555. |
Clyst, | 518. |
Coad, Coade, Coades, Coode, | 271, 403, 432, 434, 460, 531, 568, 586, 610. |
Cob, | 569. |
Cobham, | 571 |
Cobham (Lord), | 209, 477, 513, 560. |
Cobleigh, Coblegh, Cobley, | 102, 279, 286, 287, 288, 497, 627 |
Cock, | 459, 540, 554. |
Cockain, Cockaine, | 102, 622. |
Cockfleet, | 566. |
Cockington, Cottington, | 427, 600. |
Cockram, | 600. |
Cockworthy, | 284, 300, 552, 559. |
Coclyn, | 517. |
Codamore, | 524. |
Coddeford, | 130. |
Coffin, | 114, 256, 314, 320, 331, 440, 463, 464, 496, 510, 539, 582, 587, 609, 630. |
Cogan, | 97, 461, 572. |
Coke, | 144, 305, 351, 445. |
Coker, | 498. |
Colchester (Viscount), | 371, 466. |
Cole, Coles, Coll, | 83, 119, 200, 267, 275, 280, 314, 327, 384, 390, 391, 401, 426, 429, 440, 467, 487, 602, 503, 507, 521, 531, 533, 535, 539, 569, 575, 591, 592, 598, 618, 631. |
Colebrook, Colbrook, | 127, 287. |
Coleton, Colleton, | 496, 619. |
Colford, | 389. |
Collacombe, | 352. |
Collacot, | 325, 515, 622. |
Collamore, | 309, 554, 575, 610. |
Colland, | 506. |
Colles, | 593. |
Colley, | 607. |
Colling, Collyn, Colyn, | 497, 514, 546. |
Colman, | 517. |
Colmar, | 531. |
Columbers, Columbariis, de, Cullumbariis, de, | 253, 308, 595 |
Colshiil, Colshull, Colshul, | 149, 225, 503, 551, 620. |
Colswell, | 326. |
Colum, see Culme. | |
Columella, | 96. |
Combe, | 366, 372. |
Commin, Comyn, Comyns, | 149, 578, 598, 602. |
Compton, | 247, 426, 439, 566. |
Coningsby, | 621. |
Conon le Gros (Earl), | 192. |
Connock, | 72, 83, 486, 487. |
Constantine, Constantius(King), | 410, 458. |
Conway, | 214, 480, 572. |
Conway (Earl of), | 480. |
Conyer, | 294. |
Cook, Cooke, | 147, 232, 488, 500, 506, 512, 519, 555, 564, 594. |
Cooker, | 604. |
Cooper, Coper, | 200, 284, 548, 609. |
Copleston, Coplestone, | 102, 118, 127, 130, 233, 239, 266, 268, 270, 286, 310, 326, 327, 331, 351, 373, 374, 384, 387-389, 425, 431, 439, 445, 472, 475, 476, 492-494, 499, 503-507, 521, 530-532, 538, 539, 544, 551, 552, 554-556, 573, 577, 580, 582, 590-592, 599, 602, 607, 609, 625. |
Copp, | vii., viii. |
Coram, | 579. |
Corbet, | 110. |
Corbin, | 287. |
Corelyff, | 495. |
Corinaeus, Corineus (Duke of Devon), | 30, 43, 136, 202, 356, 383, 410, 411. |
Cornish, | 599. |
Cornu, Cornue, Cornew, Cornutus, | 286, 287, 288, 294, 316, 327, 419, 552. |
Cornwall (Bp. of), | 122. |
Cornwall, (Dukes, and Earls of), | 64, 75, 76, 79, 87, 116, 203, 205, 266, 425, 431, 433, 458, 559, 568. |
Corset, | 436, 542. |
Coryndon, | 472. |
Cory ton, Coriton, Corriton, Corington, | 127, 355, 460, 607, 611, 627. |
Cosen, | 460. |
Cosgaren, | 549. |
Coswarth, Cosworth, | 501, 529, 535. |
Cothele, Coteale, | 376, 495. |
Cotley, | 438. |
Cotterel, | 591, 625. |
Cottle, Cottel, | 105, 266, 421, 475, 476, 480, 490, 589, 617, 624. |
Cotton, | 74, 180, 181, 310, 541. |
Cotton (Wm., Bp. of Exon), | 175. |
Cotwarth, | 521. |
Courcy, | 106. |
Courtenay (Peter, Bp. of Exon), | 169. |
Courtenay, Courtnay, | 72, 99, 101, 102, 106, 107, 114, 125, 128, 130, 131, 133, 143, 144, 155, 169, 187, 190, 192, 200, 201, 205, 207, 208-216, 219, 241, 247, 261, 267, 268, 273, 278, 280, 290, 304, 307, 316, 321, 322, 372, 384, 385, 387, 399, 402, 407, 431, 437, 439, 440, 462, 466, 471, 476, 480, 484-486, 493, 500, 504, 508, 516, 518, 522, 528, 530, 531, 534, 538, 543, 553, 557, 567, 568, 570-576, 578, 587, 588, 593, 599, 604, 606, 610, 613, 623, 633. |
Coutance (Bp. of), | 98, 117. |
Cove, see Cave. | |
Coventry (Bp. of), | 401. |
Cover, | 524. |
Coverdale (Miles, Bp. of Exon), | 172 173. |
Cowling, | 576, 584. |
Coyle, | 526. |
Coysh, | 584. |
Crane, | 541. |
Cranfield, | 510, 567. |
Crediton (Bp. of), | 121, 122, 123. |
Creedy, Cridie, | 127, 131, 474. |
Crese, | 590. |
Crimes, Crymes, | 373, 505, 582. |
Crispin, Crispine, | 398, 433, 481, 592. |
Crocker, | 72, 98, 384, 388, 389, 402, 493, 523, 531, 543, 550, 566, 583, 592, 593. |
Crodinet, | 320. |
Croke, | 494. |
Croll, | 41. |
Cromwell, | 192, 386, 479, 520, 543. |
Crooke, | 556. |
Crossing, | 150, 153. |
Crostub, | 429. |
Crouch, | 634. |
Cruckhorn, Crouckhorn, Crockhorn, | 290, 342, 393, 458, 469. |
Crumb, | 530. |
Cruwys, Cruse, Cruce, de Crews, | 97, 105, 112, 130, 268, 271, 327, 360, 362, 391, 442, 462, 467, 469, 482, 501, 502, 516, 521, 552, 569, 583, 587, 603. |
Crydhoe, | 264. |
Crydwill, | 264. |
Crymes, see Crimes. | |
Culley, | 581. |
Cullock, | 487. |
Cullumbariis, de, see Colombers. | |
Culm, Culme, Colum, | 104, 114, 117, 230, 256, 279, 280, 325, 499, 515, 516, 520, 575, 620, 629. |
Culpepper, | 476, 551. |
Cumberland (Earl of), | 148, 382, 430. |
Curius, | 58. |
Curtuther, | 459. |
Curwyn, | 588. |
Cutcliff, Cutcliffe, | 259, 302, 308, 537. |
Cuthbert (Archbp.), | 158. |
Cynegils (King), | 97. |
Cyrus (King), | 58, 305. |
Dacres, | 305, 593. |
Dagget, | 503. |
Damarel, Damerel, Damerle, | 225, 316, 365, 375, 392, 432, 479, 568, 587, see Albemarle. |
Damory, | 388. |
Daniel, | 291, 555. |
Danvers, Danvirs, Davira, | 364. |
Darcy, | 371, 466, 477. |
Darke, | vii. |
Darrell, | 536. |
Dart, | 268, 302, 543, 544, 561, 575. |
Dartington (Baron of) | 223, 252, 594. |
Daubernon, Daubernoun, Dawbernoun, Dabernon, De Aubernon, De Aubernoun, De Albernoun, | 290, 316, 317, 429, 489, 517, 615 |
Daubeny, De Aubeney, Dawbeney, | 287, 292, 429, 595, 605, 609. |
Dauney, Danny, Dawney, De Alneto, | 209, 402, 571, 616. |
Daunsey, | 619. |
David, | 113. |
David (King), | 53, 332, 341, 352 353 428. |
Davils, | 318, 319, 363, 399, 498, 532, 611, 612, 616. |
Davis, Davies, | 532, 585, 610, 613, 617. |
Davy, Davye, Davie, | 74, 124, 126, 130, 146, 232, 281, 326, 388, 434, 494, 511, 543, 562, 579, 587, 598, 600. |
Daws, | 582. |
Dawtry, | 546. |
Dean, | 315, 316, 535, 540. |
Delabere, | 524. |
Delbridge, | 608. |
Delum (Baron of), | 477. |
Democritus, | 124. |
Denband, Deneband, | 474, 489. |
Denbigh (Earl of), | 567. |
Denham, | 292, 475, 477, 503, 540, 609. |
Denmark (King of), | 173. |
Dennea, | 247. |
Dennis, Denis, Danies, Dennys, Denys, | xii, 76, 127, 130-132, 149, 192, 218, 239, 290, 303, 304, 316, 318, 329, 335, 342, 351, 397, 402, 408, 427, 435, 436, 438, 465, 468, 472, 485, 492, 511, 512, 518, 523, 540, 556, 586, 587, 594, 607, 611, 612, 614-617, 622, 624, 625, 631. |
Denny, | 144, 529. |
Densel, Densil, Denzil, | 318, 331, 352, 406, 407, 633. |
Densham, | 480. |
Denzit, | 625. |
Derby, Darby (Earl of), | 315, 390. |
Dernel, | 561. |
Desmond, | 319, 478. |
Desmond (Earl of), | 477, 478. |
Despencer, Dispencer ; see Spencer. | |
Deswel, | 532. |
Devick, | 508. |
Devioke, Deviok, Devyoke, Deutoke, | 322, 459, 460, 573. |
Devon (Duke of), | 156, 203, 218, 366. |
Devon (Earl, or Countess), | 99, 117, 132, 133, 143, 144, 168, 169, 186, 187, 190, 202-217, 225, 226, 241, 273, 290, 321, 322, 373, 402, 421, 431, 500, 568, 570-574, 610, 620. |
Devon (Marquis of), | 218. |
Devonshire, | 495. |
Devonshire (Earl of), | 143, 202, 217, 218, 282. |
Dewly, | 562. |
Diana, | 140, 163. |
Dicetus, | 203. |
Dido, | 385. |
Digby, | 112, 351, 578. |
Dilling, | 474. |
Dillington, | 596. |
Dillon, | 72, 190, 263, 264, 281, 302, 307, 309, 478, 493, 496, 501, 519-522, 532, 549, 550, 553, 607. |
Dimock, Dymocke, | 569, 580, 605. |
Dimont, | 102. |
Dinham, Dinant, Dynant, | 130, 192, 199, 200, 247, 263, 266, 311, 313, 364, 372, 440, 461, 465, 494, 503, 551, 552, 553, 568, 630. |
Dinnaton, | 290. |
Diodorus Siculus, | 34, 42, 63, 312. |
Diogenes, | 53. |
Diomedes, | 263. |
Dio Nicseus, Dio, | 34, 138. |
Dionides, | 52. |
Dipnel, | 561. |
Dirwyn, | 120. |
Doble, | 360, 526. |
Docton, | 313, 314. |
Docura, | 125, 585. |
Dodbrook, | 575. |
Doddescombe, Dodiscomb, | 426, 435, 552. |
Doddridge, Dodderidge, | 183, 188, 279, 493, 516. |
Dodge, | 562. |
Dodington, Doddington, | 503, 505. |
Dodo, | 430. |
Dodson, | 494. |
Dogmael, St. (Abbot of) | 408. |
Dol, Doll, | 205, 570. |
Domitian (Emperor), | 137. |
Done, | 541. |
Donne, | 247, 515, 615. |
Donnington, | 293. |
Dormer, | 528. |
Dorset (Earl of), | 143. |
Dorset (Marquis of), | 126, 244, 287, 354, 476, 477, 513, 572, 615, 620. |
Doten, Doteyn, | 548, 593. |
Dotting, | 589. |
Dotwell, | 627. |
Doughty, | 488. |
Douglas (Earl), | 143. |
Dover (Earl of), | 126, 335, 427, 434. |
Doway, | 96, 97. |
Dowdal, | 464, 562. |
Dowman, Downnian, | 407, 480. |
Down, Downe, Dunne, | 284, 302, 305, 531, 533, 537, 544, 561, 624. |
Downbam, | 354. |
Dowrish, Dowre, Doubtrich, Dure, Duris, Deurigg, | 118, 119, 128, 150, 188, 269, 464, 500, 519, 565, 586, 597, 600, 613, 618, 619, 631. |
Drake, Draco, | 72, 73, 83, 115, 192, 234, 244, 245, 247, 329, 373, 376, 378, 391, 399, 437, 439, 467, 468, 471, 487, 493, 518, 521, 527, 536, 538, 543, 545, 574, 592, 609, 616, 630. |
Drake (Sir Francis), | 53, 378, 379, 382, 631. |
Drayton, | 488. |
Drew, Drewe, | 73, 105, 128, 131, 150, 181, 192, 222, 229, 372, 391, 419, 429, 439, 470, 512, 521, 530, 531, 548-550, 553, 561, 582, 583, 600, 602, 607. |
Drewel, | 526. |
Drewry, | 145. |
Drogo (or Drew: q.v.), | 117, 429, 517. |
Druell, | 149. |
Du Bartas, | 66. |
Duck, | 222, 580, 584, 612. |
Duckenfield, | 151. |
Dudley, | 148, 457, 479. |
Duffield, | 457. |
Duke, | 72, 149, 240, 486, 526, 559, 560, 609, 629. |
Dun, Dunne, | 611, see Down. |
Duncastle, | 377. |
Dunisford, Donesford, | 493. |
Dunkeswell (Abbot of), | 104, 161, 226, 335. |
Dunning, | 581. |
Dunscomb, Dunscombe, | 121, 126, 128, 129. |
Dunsland, Donnesland, | 316. |
Dunstan, | 122. |
Dunstanville, | 463. |
Duport, | 150. |
Durant, | 328, 329. |
Dunn an, | 580. |
Durnford, Dournford, | 130, 354, 375, 495, 615. |
Dyer, | 619. |
Dymocke, see Dimock. | |
Dynant, see Dinham. | |
Dyrrant, | 552, 554. |
Dyrwood, Derewood, | 133. |
Eadulphus, Eadelphus (Bp. ofCrediton), | 70, 121. |
Earl, Erie, | 287, 288, 386, 476, 543, 558, 628. |
Earnly, | 588. |
Eamaborough, see Yernsborough | |
Earth, | 505. |
Eastchurch, | 437, 616. |
Eastcot, Eastacot ; see Estcot. | |
Easterling, see Stradling, Eastman, | 413. |
Easton, Eaton, | 564, 565. |
Ebranck, Ebrank (King), | 410. |
Edern, see Alan. | |
Edgar, | 459. |
Edgar (King), | 156, 203, 366, 367, 370, 73, 130, 241, 316, 375, 376, 391, 393, 411, 420, 471, 472, 494, 495, 510, 522, 529, 530, 536, 543, 555, 573, 587, 619. |
Editha, | 157. |
Edmonton, Empston, | 391, 680. |
Edmond, Edmonds, | 83, 524, 538. |
Edmund (Lord of Bodmin), | 458. |
Edmund (Earl of Cornwall), | 64, 79, 559. |
Edmund (King), | 242, 444. |
Edmund (King of Sicily), | 197. |
Edward, the Elder (King), | 25, 70, 289. |
Edward, the Martyr (King), | 370. |
Edward, the Confessor (King), | 115, 122, 143, 157, 232, 357, 421. |
Edward I., | 42, 64, 77, 91, 97, 98, 104, 110, 112-114, 118-120, 128, 142, 163, 190-192, 197, 208, 218, 223, 226, 229, 239, 242, 245, 246, 254, 265, 266, 269, 277, 281, 318, 319, 324, 329, 330, 335, 362, 372, 377, 384, 385, 394, 398, 401, 419, 421, 438-440, 453, 461, 465, 468, 487, 492, 512, 517, 529, 542, 571, 594, 632. |
Edward II., | 42, 98, 105, 116, 117, 127, 164, 188, 190-192, 208, 225, 240-242, 246, 265, 268, 280, 285, 287, 290, 306, 313, 320, 323, 324, 329, 384, 385, 389, 396, 427, 430, 436, 438, 461, 462, 464, 465, 511, 528, 529, 580, 595, 601, 605, 620, 623. |
Edward III, | i, 90, 99, 117, 119, 164, 166, 167, 208, 212, 225, 247, 254, 266, 284-287, 290, 328, 329, 331, 375, 392, 397, 399, 400, 404, 424, 429, 430, 436, 453, 459, 462, 463, 464, 482, 483, 487, 508, 517, 518, 529, 571, 580, 585, 595, 605, 606, 613, 620, 634. |
Edward, the Black Prince, | 208, 296, 380. |
Edward IV., | 59, 79, 85, 143, 144, 152, 169, 170, 190, 212, 214, 215, 306, 307, 319, 323, 388, 401, 429, 483, 485, 487, 494, 504, 508, 518, 566, 568, 572, 573, 577, 601, 617, 618, 621, 630. |
Edward V., | 244, 477. |
Edward VI., | 147, 172, 198, 230, 267, 308, 335, 406, 489, 531, 576. |
Edwine (Duke of Tintagel), | 458. |
Effingham (Baron of), | 509. |
Eggebeer, | 434. |
Eggerton, | 527. |
Eggesford (Baron of), | 608. |
Eleanor (Queen), | 201, 207, 570. |
Elfius, | 204. |
Elford, | 83, 520, 550, 554. |
Elfrida, Elphreda, | 203, 366, 367, 369, 370. |
Eli, | 409. |
Eliot, Elliot, Elyot, | 466, 518, 535. |
Elizabeth (Queen), | vi, 65, 79, 86, 87, 120, 147, 173, 236, 254, 255, 257-259, 266, 271, 277, 286, 298, 309, 319, 331, 335, 339, 378, 391, 395, 405, 422, 459, 469, 486, 492, 495, 499, 509, 521, 534-536, 573, 581, 585-588, 614, 621. |
Ellacot, Elacot, | 241, 363, 467, 472, 475, 534, 538, 596. |
Ellys, | 516. |
Engain, | 209, 571. |
Englehusius, | 23. |
English, | 119, 389, 614. |
Enion, | 338. |
Enoch, | 195. |
Epicurus, | 334. |
Erasmus, | 169. |
Erchenbald, | 293. |
Erizie, Erysie, Erisey, | 109, 526, 630. |
Erie, see EarL | |
Escudamore, | 104. |
Espeke, Espec, see Speke. | |
Esse, Ash, Ashe, | 97, 192, 194, 276, 281, 315, 316, 354, 375, 401, 407, 471, 482, 497, 533, 538, 539, 552, 592, 611, 616, 633. |
Esseford, see Ashford. | |
Essex (Earl of), | 41, 188, 201, 208, 259, 382, 435, 461, 541, 571. |
Estcot, Estcote, Eastcot, Eastacot, | 98, 389, 419, 565, 591, 632. |
Eston, | 629. |
Esturmy, Sturmin, | 265. |
Esworthy, | 547. |
Etheldred, see Atheldredus. | |
Ethelfleda, | 367, 368. |
Ethelmar, | 204. |
Ethelred, Etheldred (King), | 156, 370, 458. |
Ethelward, | 115. |
Ethelwold (Earl), | 366-368, 370. |
Ethelwolfe (King), | 203. |
Eu (Earl of), | 460, 461. |
Eudon, | 81. |
Evans, | 480. |
Evelegh, Eveleigh, | 233, 416, 417, 535, 555, 562-565, 579, 601. |
Every, | 579. |
Exeter (Bp. of), | 70, 122, 269, 281, 309, 377, 402, 404, 434, 437, 444, 605. |
Exeter (Duke of), | 140, 142, 143, 298, 408, 483, 484, 613. |
Exeter (Earl of), | 144. |
Exeter (Marquis of), | 117, 144, 190, 215, 216, 325, 572. |
Eyer, Eyre, | 286, 507, 552, 582. |
Eystons, | 619. |
Faber, | 492. |
Fabian, | 137. |
Facey, Facy, | 476, 625. |
Fairby, | 281. |
Fane, | 287. |
Farewil, Farwel, Farwell, | 479, 520, 522. |
Farr, | viii., 583. |
Farringdon, Farrington, | 115, 119, 196, 457, 464, 467, 595, 609, 618, 619, 635. |
Faulkroy, | 313, see Fulkeram. |
Ferdinand (King of Spain), | 381. |
Ferdinando (Emperor), | 262. |
Fernhull, | 389. |
Ferrers, | 109, 263, 373, 389, 399, 420, 426, 431, 434, 436, 465, 472, 481, 523, 549, 568, 569, 601. |
Fever, | 569. |
Feverbyn, | 82. |
Fferariis, Ferrers (Earl), | 41, 390. |
Fielding, | 457. |
Fillegh, | 278, 283, 318, 407. |
Fillot, | 479. |
Filmer, | 518. |
Finch, | 530. |
Fiahacre, Fixa-Acra, | 396, 398, 404, 405, 484. |
Fisher, | 588. |
Fitz, | 371, 466, 490, 533, 574, 591, 630. |
Fitz-alan, Fitz-Allan, | 400, 630. |
Fitz-Bernard, | 316. |
Fitz-Eustace, | 477. |
Fitz-Geoffry, | 246. |
Fitzgerald, Fitz-Gerald, | 205, 477. |
Fitzhamon, Fitz-Haruon, | 202, 324, 338. |
Fitz-Henry, | 82, 149. |
Fitzhubert, | 246. |
Fitz-James, | 513, 554. |
Fitz-John, | 277, 324, 400, 401. |
Fitzlewis, | 484. |
Fitz-Martin, | 252, 277, 296, 594. |
Fitz-Matthew, | 461. |
Fitz-Nigel, | 285. |
Fitzpain, | 126, 129, 130. |
Fitz-Pears, | 483. |
Fitz-Ralph, | 190, 218. |
Fitz-Reginald, | 331. |
Fitz-Richard, | 404. |
Fitz-Rogus ; see Rogus. | |
Fitzroy, | 201, 202, 570. |
FitzSimon, | 115. |
Fitzstephen, Fitzstephens, | 130, 399, 420, 440. |
Fitz-Thomas, | 477, 478, 483. |
Fitzurse, Fitz-Uree, | 259, 613. |
Fitz waiter, Fitz waiters, | 199, 494, 504. |
Fitzwarren, | 97, 199, 261, 264, 286, 287, 292, 293, 303, 317, 324, 335, 461, 611. |
Fitzwarren (Lord), | 484, 494, 551, 586. |
Fitzwilliams, | 229, 551. |
Flamank, | 554. |
Flammock, | 460. |
Flamstead (Baron of), | 266. |
Flashmond, | 533. |
Flavio, | 65, 66. |
Flea, | 115. |
Fleming, Flanders, Flandrensis, | 265, 282, 293, 302, 402, 485, 504, 519, 549, 550. |
Fleming, le, see Baldwin. | |
Fleetwood, | 504, 512. |
Florentius, | 97. |
Flory, | 462. |
Floyer, | 130, 186, 442, 489, 502, 506, 514, 529, 556, 557, 596. |
Fois, de, | 441. |
Foliot, | 365, 374, 622. |
Foljambe, | 622. |
Fomizon, | 194, 195. |
Foot, | 543. |
Ford, Forde, Foord, | 74, 114, 191, 269, 330, 402, 405, 436, 439, 487, 499, 501, 522, 525, 527, 528, 541, 542, 549, 564, 579, 593. |
Ford (Abbot of), | 251. |
Forget, | 541. |
Forme, | 202. |
Formosus (Pope), | 70. |
Forrest, | 327. |
Forster, Foster, | 147, 474. |
Fortescue, | 98, 114, 199, 247, 278, 283, 286, 315, 318, 331, 352, 375, 387, 389, 390, 392, 394, 395, 399, 401, 419-421, 441, 465, 467, 471, 472, 482, 484, 489, 498, 499, 501, 503, 506, 515, 520, 525, 529, 533-535, 540, 542, 543, 549, 551, 559, 575, 577, 578, 591, 593, 594, 597, 603, 607, 617, 625-628. |
Fortibus, de, | 132, 140, 200, 201, 207, 208, 226, 570. |
Foster, | 531. |
Foughill, | 420. |
Foulks, | 616. |
Fountain, | 365, 397, 487, 548, 549, 578. |
Fowel, Fowell, | 74, 266, 389, 391, 397, 471, 473, 475, 489, 501, 502, 506, 521-523, 539, 546, 550, 574, 577, 580, 581, 590, 591, 608. |
Fowling, | 233. |
Fownes, | 534. |
Fox, | 500. |
Fox (Bp. of Winchester), | 170. |
Fox (Richard, Bp. of Exon.), | 169, 170. |
Frampton (Prior of), | 343. |
Francis, Franceis, | 72, 102, 104, 198, 326, 363, 462, 481, 482, 492, 516, 573, 577, 607. |
Frank, | 560. |
Frankcheyney, | 467, 517, 518. |
Franklin, | 532, 590, 609. |
Frauuinus, | 351. |
Frederick (Emperor), | 161. |
Freer | 540 |
French, | 470, 473, 517, 583. |
Frithelstoke (Prior of), | 318, 363, 364. |
Frobisher, | 382. |
Fry, Frye, | xi., 72, 74, 98, 114, 235, 245, 280, 302, 467, 482, 515, 538, 544, 546, 562, 567, 600, 620, 628. |
Fryer, | 584. |
Fulborn, | 577. |
Fulford, Foulford, | 73, 114, 120, 126, 147, 269, 284, 292, 314, 315, 320, 323, 335, 363, 408, 420, 434, 465, 492, 500, 508, 509, 512, 523, 541, 553, 593, 600, 612, 613-615, 618. |
Fulkeram, Fulkram, Fulkeroy, Fulkrey, | 501, 508, 510, 515, see Faulkroy. |
Fulljames, | ix. xi. xii. |
Furlong, | 442. |
Furneaux, Forneaux, | 128, 239. |
Fursdon, | 110, 476, 537, 551, 558, 564, 627. |
Furse, Furz, Furs, | 126, 127, 322, 408, 429, 503, 600, 603. |
Fursland, | 439, 519, 598, 601. |
Gale, | 126, 384, 424, 500, 545, 567, 568, 601 |
Galhampton, | 562. |
Gallantine, | 627. |
Gamage, | 599. |
Gambon, | 102, 267, 277, 461, 502, 566. |
Gandy, | 150. |
Gardiner, | 359. |
Garland, | 233, 285, 307, 497, 525, 548, 555, 604, 628. |
Garnet, | 103, |
Garolus, Garlois (Duke of Cornwall), | 458. |
Garthred, | 575. |
Gates, | 243. |
Gauden (John, Bp. of Exon), | 177. |
Gaulfred (Bp. of Exon), | 159. |
Gaunt, | 474, 560. |
Gaunt, John of, | 142, 143. |
Gaverick, | 439, 536. |
Gaveston, | 116. |
Gawdy, | 532. |
Gawen, | 513. |
Gay, | 128, 495, 553, 561, 564, 593. |
Gaydesdon, | 252. |
Gaydon, | 268, 269. |
Geare, | 466, 501, 556, 565, 566, 584, 601, 633. |
Gee, | 128. |
Genesford, | 573. |
Gennys, Genissa, | 136, 471. |
Geoffry of Monmouth, | 137, 409. |
George, | 263, 466, 471, see Gorge. |
George of Fronsberge, | 264. |
German, Germin, | 279, 530. |
Gerard, | 192, 518. |
Gerrard (the Botanist), | 38. |
Gervais, Gervis, | 134, 151. |
Gesnerus, | 39. |
Geynard, | 465. |
Gibbs, Gibbes, | 408, 471, 529, 542, 583, 625. |
Gibiline, | 353. |
Gideon, | 269. |
Gidlegh, Gidley, | 403, 431, 433, 568. |
Giffard, Gifford, | 72, 82, 98, 102, 127, 190, 202, 229, 264, 266, 281, 284, 286-288, 290, 302, 313-316, 326, 331, 336, 372, 374, 399, 420, 432, 469, 471, 474, 481, 489, 496, 497, 507, 510, 532, 539, 548, 554, 555, 558, 571, 575, 586, 588, 590, 597, 607, 611, 612, 615-617, 625, 627-629, 631-633. |
Gilbert, Gilberd, Gislebert, Gerebert (Jilbert), | 43, 65, 146, 151, 188, 254, 266, 398, 406, 419-423, 426, 438, 463, 470, 476, 489, 528, 535, 536, 550, 566, 567, 579, 629, 630. |
Gildas, | 24, 26. |
Giles, | 73, 408, 415, 419-421, 512, 530, 563, 580, 583, 586, 602. |
Gilfus (= Guelph), | 353. |
Gillard, | 563. |
Giraldus, | 312. |
Githa (Countess), | 311, 365. |
Glanvil, Glanvile, Glanvill, | 73, 372, 386, 389, 522, 534, 543, 567. |
Glass, | 397. |
Gloucester, Glocester (Dukes and Earls), | 192, 201, 202, 207, 287, 325, 373, 388, 401, 460, 512. |
Glynn, | 617. |
Gobodesley, | 615. |
Goda, | 204. |
Godfrey, | 475. |
Goditha, see Editha. | |
Godolphin, | 128, 322, 477, 616, 624. |
Godwin, Godwine, Goodwine, (Earl), | 115, 311, 362. |
Gogmagog, | 383, 410. |
Gold, Golde, | 437, 500, 514, 544, 596. |
Gonilla, | 458. |
Good, | 524. |
Goodwine, Godwine, | 191, 540, 541. |
Gordruby, | 465. |
Gorewell, | 476. |
Gorge, Gorges, | 73, 92, 218, 259, 309, 314, 315, 373, 374, 417, 435, 466, 504, 511. |
Gornard, see Gurney. | |
Gorner, | 457. |
Gorwill, | 551. |
Gottom, | 598. |
Gough, Gove, | 511, 547, 548, 554, 558, 608. |
Gould, | 150, 232, 319, 464, 470, 502. |
Gover, | 130, 576. |
Gower, | 622. |
Goz, | 230. |
Grace, | 439, 504. |
Grafton, Graffton, | 296, 409, 443. |
Grail, | 629. |
Grandisson, | 166, 478, 479. |
Grandisson (John, Bp. of Exon), | 125, 166, 172, 181, 232, 432, 442, 445. |
Grant, Graunt, | 329, 341, 375, 460, 469. |
Granvile, | 319. |
Graver, | 531. |
Gray, | 142, 144, 150, 208, 230, 244, 287, 336, 354, 476, 477, 485, 513, 571, 615, 620, 621, see Grey. |
Grea, Grei, | 41. |
Greenfield, Grenfield, | 519, 522, 571, 599, 618, 624. |
Greenham, | 512. |
Greenway, | 102. |
Greenwood, | 328. |
Gregory, | 562. |
Gregory Nazianzen, | 257. |
Gregory the Great (Pope), | 155. |
Gregory II. (Pope), | 123. |
Grendon, | 146. |
Grenvile, Grenville, Greinvile, | 73, 114, 209, 234, 287, 288, 324, 335, 338, 339, 345, 352, 371-374, 382, 466, 467, 472, 473, 484, 485, 497, 513, 523, 532, 554, 566, 587, 588, 592, 617, 622, 628, 630, 631, see Granvile and Greenfield. |
Graham, | 457. |
Greston, Gyrleston, | 281. |
Grevile, Grevil, Grevill, | 363, 373, 532, 620. |
Grey, | 83, 145, 215, 567, 572, see Gray. |
Grigg, | 601. |
Grimston, | 529. |
Grindal, | 560, 629. |
Grislyng, | 460. |
Grisneth (Prince of Wales), | 91. |
Gubb, | 497. |
Guimets, | 522. |
Gunie, | 505. |
Gurney, Gourney, Gourny, Gornard, | 110, 130, 337. |
Guy, | 130, 618. |
Gwynedd, | 91. |
Haccomb, Haccombe, | 130, 404, 440, 485, 529. |
Hadrianus (Emperor), | 23. |
Hagwell, | 469. |
Hake, | 484, 545, 555. |
Hakewell, Hakewil, Hackwel, | 341, 545, 585. |
Halgewell, Halwell, Hoiwell, Holgawill, | 420, 466, 527, 558. |
Hall, | 180, 289, 381, 488, 498, 608. |
Hall (Joseph, Bp. of Exon), | 70, 73, 176, 177. |
Halsbury, Halsbery, | 119, 284, 336. |
Halse, De Alee, | 113, 271, 281, 374, 397, 401, 463, 503, 520, 521, 533, 534, 554, 556, 586, 594, 601, 615, 623, 630, 633. |
Halster, | 548. |
Halswel, Halswell, | 128, 416. |
Halton, | 420, 460. |
Halton (Baron of), | 253. |
Halway, | 508, see Holway. |
Halwell, see Halgewell. | |
Halyun, see Helion. | |
Hame, | 460. |
Hamley, | 469, 559. |
Hainliue, | 285. |
Hamond, | 537. |
Hampnon, | 362. |
Hampton, | 308, 464, 467. |
Hancock, Handcock, | 188, 253, 364, 493, 511, 560, 589. |
Handford, | 290. |
Hanger, | 593. |
Hankford, Hanckford, | 97, 276, 292, 310, 315, 331, 332, 334, 461, 483, 484, 508. |
Hannaford, | 83. |
Hannibal, | 378. |
Hannum, | 556. |
Hansom, | 617. |
Hantisford, | 286, 314. |
Hanton, | 543. |
Harding, | vii. 257, 314, 493. |
Hare, | 634. |
Harestone, | 384, see Horeston. |
Hare well, | 619. |
Harewood, | 635. |
Harlowin, Harlewin, | 241, 538, 554. |
Harinan, or Voisy, | 171, 602. |
Harold (King), | 365. |
Harper, | 258, 609. |
Harrington, Haverington, Heyerington, | 97, 148, 229, 251, 453, 477, 634. |
Harrington (Lord), | 209, 244, 304, 477, 571, 607. |
Harris, | xi., 83, 98, 129, 150, 264, 270, 276, 318, 319, 362-364, 372, 386, 387, 389, 399, 420, 433, 460, 478, 490, 502, 511, 522, 530, 531-533, 549, 552, 553, 558, 560, 569, 587, 589, 609, 612, 623, 625, 628, 630, 631. |
Hart, Hert, Heart, Hurte, | xii, 387, 394, 396, 464, 522, 532, 539, 597, 603, 622. |
Hartland (Abbot of), | 307, 315, 631. |
Harton, | 500, 538. |
Harvey, Harvie, Harvye, | 270, 284, 475, 489, 561. |
Harwel, | 386. |
Harwood, | 496, 555. |
Haselpot, | 609. |
Haasard, | 600. |
[Indecipherable] | |
Haydon, | 151, 232-234, 267, 475, 489, 536, 548, 579, 598, see Heydon. |
Hayman, | 439. |
Hayne, | 531. |
[Indecipherable] | |
Hean, | 363. |
Heartol, | 517. |
Heaunton, | 82 |
Indecipherable] | |
Helegan, Hestlegan, Heligan, | 459, 485, 561, 632, 633. |
Helion, Hilion, Halvun, | 81, 119, 150, 354, 355, 436, 462, 463, 568, 614. |
Hellars, | vii. |
Helliar, | 181. 574. |
Hengeecot, Hengscot, Honacot, | 315, 317, 494, 547, 604. |
Hengest, Hongist, | 94, 406. |
Henry, | 539. |
Henry I., | 36, 40, 80, 99, 106, 159, 190, 192, 201, 204, 205, 208, 239, 266, 298, 375, 384, 431, 481, 506, 513, 568, 570. |
Henry II., | 115, 201, 259, 316, 325, 425, 435, 459, 515, 518, 570. |
Henry III., | 40, 41, 64, 80, 81, 85, 104, 105, 106, 115, 116, 118, 128, 145, 161, 190, 191, 194, 196, 197, 205-207, 223, 224, 232, 236, 239, 241, 242, 247, 263, 265, 266, 270, 285, 293, 294, 307, 309, 314, 319, 329, 331, 344, 384, 385, 389, 393-397, 399-401, 405, 408, 419, 426, 427, 429-431, 435, 436, 440, 441, 444, 453, 462, 464, 465, 468, 478. 481, 484, 506, 513, 515, 517, 529, 580, 594, 605, 618. |
Henry IV., | 43, 64, 92, 118, 141, 143, 171, ^94, 306, 308, 325, 333, 372, 377, 384, 424, 428, 508, 518, 528, 558, 577. |
Henry V., | 64, 171, 213, 254, 259, 266, 285, 306, 321, 334, 355, 362, 395, 402, 428, 460, 462, 517, 571, 572, 588, 621, 626. |
Henry VI., | 100, 128, 143, 169, 191, 281, 285, 325, 329, 374, 382, 394, 395, 401, 462, 463, 483, 498, 499, 513, 516, 585, 613, 625. |
Henry VII., | 112, 169, 190, 199, 218, 225, 228, 373, 382, 388, 395, 411, 420, 440, 468, 487, 495, 498, 499, 500, 572, 573, 613, 619, 620. |
Henry VIII., | 76, 114, 116, 118, 126, 144, 145, 147, 171, 172, 190, 215, 226, 232, 240, 253, 282, 292, 311, 314, 326, 352, 354, 388, 405, 433, 441, 461, 479, 482-485, 495, 609, 623, 529, 545, 550, 573, 586, 613, 615, 622. |
Henry (Prince), | 293. |
Henry of Huntingdon, | 329. |
Hensart, | 567. |
Henscot, | 472, 589. |
Henslegh, Hensley, | 495, 496, 596. |
Henton, | 551. |
Heraclitus, | 123. |
Herbert, | 92, 147, 328. |
Hercules, | 46, 311, 312. |
Herder, | 283. |
Hereford (Earl of), | 41, 114, 163, 188, 201, 208, 287, 401, 483, 571. |
Hereward, Herward, | 328, 329, 518, 551. |
Herknol, | 548. |
Herle, Hearle, | vii., viii., 259, 508, 511, 514, 515, 563, 573, 610, 625. |
Hermandeston, | 316. |
Heme, | 554. |
Heron, | 539. |
Herostratus, | 449. |
Herstanus (Bp. of Cornwall), | 70. |
Hert, see Hart. | |
Hertford, (Earl of), | 207, 373, 479, 512. |
Heth, | 188. |
Hewes, | 102. |
Hext, | 150, 478, 497, 503, 538, 553, 611, 626. |
Hey, | 592. |
Heydon, | 322, see Haydon. |
Heywood, Haywood, | 83, 476. |
Hezekias (King), | 157. |
Hidon, Hydon, | 113, 191, 284, 459. |
Higgins, | 631. |
Hilcomb, | 474. |
Hilion, see Helion. | |
Hill, | ix., x., xi., xii, 128, 151, 294, 304, 336, 394, 401, 441, 466, 469, 472, 473, 487, 503, 507, 518-520, 622, 627, 549, 566, 571, 574, 581, 586, 596, 599, 600, 607, 609, 618, 626, 633, 634. |
Hillary, | 131. |
Hillersdon, | 287, 389, 407, 504, 526, 529, 530, 532, 591. |
Hillerson, | 388. |
Hilling, | 547. |
Hingeston, | 482, 626. |
Hinson, | 491. |
Hippolitus, | 51. |
Hiwis, see Huish. | |
Hobbard, see Hubbard. | |
Hoby, Hobby, | 147, 509, 560. |
Hockley, | 521. |
Hodges, | 629. |
Hody, | 293, 423, 463, 491, 508, 511, 520, 558, 601. |
Hoe (Lord), | 482. |
Hoker, see Hooker. | |
Holbeam, | 440, 501-503, 521, 553, 601, 604. |
Holcomb, Holcombe, | 233, 247, 473, 488, 515, 531, 546, 548, 557, 576, 580. |
Holcot, | 124, 125, 585. |
Holdicb, | 413. |
Hole, | 83, 266, 527. |
Holiday, | 634. |
Holland, | 140, 142, 143, 150, 186, 208, 210, 212, 218, 269, 277, 284, 298, 316, 362, 408, 484, 509, 526, 529, 530, 561, 571, 592, 613. |
Holland (Earl of), | 275. |
Holloway, | 318, 428. |
Hollinshed, Hollingshed, Hoilenshed, | 149, 151, 223, 294. |
Hollis, | 581. |
Holman, | 294. |
Holofernes, Holifernes, | 369, 427. |
Holway, | 404, 503, see Halway. |
Holwell, see Halgewell | |
Homer, | 35, 46, 55, 107, 263, 340, 342. |
Honacot, | 549. |
Hone, | 124, 486, 500, 538, 585. |
Honey church, Hony church, | 267, 399, 402, 468, 591-593, 625 |
Honorius, | 158. |
Honywill, | 604. |
Hood, Robin, | 95. |
Hooker, Hoker, | 122, 149, 151, 155, 158, 184, 526, 527, 573, see Vowel. |
Hooper, Hoper, | 180, 525, 580, 581. |
Hoopwell, | 599. |
Hopkins, Hopkin, | 528, 575. |
Horace, | 42, 53, 248, 340, 380. |
Hore, | 548, 582, 622. |
Horeston, | 549, 563, see Harestone. |
Horrel, | 499. |
Horsey, | 188, 481, 500, 538, 610. |
Horton, | 438. |
Horwell, Horewel, | 287, 476. |
Horwood, | 277. |
Houndsmoor, | 544. |
How, | 561, 583, 617. |
Howard, | 145, 276, 290, 371, 382, 466, 467, 477, 483, 509. |
Howell, | ix. |
Hubba, | 89, 275, 342, 444, 458. |
Hubbard, Hobbard, | 222, 405. |
Huckmore, Huckmoor, | 398, 442, 501, 502, 527, 545, 556, 577, 601, 602. |
Huddisfield, Huddesfeld, Hudisfield, | 150, 218, 219, 468, 500, 573. |
Huggeworthy, Huggesworthy, | 471, 539. |
Hugh, | xi. |
Huish, Hewis, Hiwise, Huyshe, Hywis, Hywish, | 130, 241, 326, 397, 431, 488, 504, 546, 554, 555, 557, 562, 590, 599. |
Huit, | 627. |
Hull, | 149, 186, 475, 489, 517, 536, 595, 601, 606, 619, 624 |
Hulston, | 516. |
Humber, | 623. |
Humfravile, see Umphravile. | |
Humfry, Humphrey, | 258, 457. |
Hungar, | 89, 444, 458. |
Hungerford, | 107, 191, 239, 280, 290, 292, 573, 574, 578, 613 |
Hunnyes, | 610. |
Hunsdon, | 487. |
Hunsdon (Baron), | 126, 509, 510. |
Hunt, | 150, 437, 542. |
Huntingdon, Huntington (Earl of), | 142, 143, 280, 290, 298, 401. |
Hurdwick (Baron), | 371. |
Hurrel, | 534. |
Hurst, | 108, 109, 112, 146, 151, 223, 461, 487, 500, 565, 574, 596, 601. |
Hussey, | 148, 471, 518. |
Hutchin, Hutchings, | 548, 597. |
Hutchinson, | 125, 151, 181, 585, 586. |
Huxham, Hokesham, | 117, 492. |
Hybernensis, | 286. |
Hydon, see Hidon. | |
Hynd, Hynde, | 578, 629. |
Igerne, the fair, | 458. |
Ilbert, | 83. |
Ilcomb, Ilcom, | 544, 566. |
Ilton, | 399. |
Incledon, | 612. |
Inet, | 564. |
Ingulphus, | 329. |
Insula, de, | 208. |
Irish, | 417, 474, 556. |
Isaac, Isaack, Isaak, Isack, vi., | 130, 255, 285, 398, 534, 545, 602, 608, 610. |
Isabella de Fortibus, or de Ripariis, | 132, 133, 141, 200. |
Isabella (Queen of Spain), | 381. |
Isaiah, | 155. |
Isam, | 611. |
Isodorus, | 68, 159. |
Ive, | 202. |
Ivo Carnotensis, | 23. |
Jackman, | 531. |
Jacob, | 501. |
James, | 180, 320, £80. |
James I, | 82, 101, 132, 144, 217, 286, 389, 405, 418, 426, 521, 534-536, 546, 585. |
James II., | 148, 179, 389. |
James I (of Scotland), | 214. |
Janitor, | 239, 506. |
Jason, | 111. |
Jenevife, | 550. |
Jenkin, | 511. |
Jennys, | 528. |
Jephthah, | xv. |
Jermyn, | 565. |
Jerome, | 155. |
Jesten, | 338. |
Jetson, | 395. |
Jew, | 246, 438, 592. |
Jewel (Bp.), | 256-258, 302. |
Jewell, Juell, | 536, 537. |
Job, | 74, 101, 171. |
John, | 348, see Johns. |
John (King), | 37, 40, 41, 80, 81, 105, 113, 114, 118, 205, 226, 268, 269, 280, 298, 316, 319, 328, 386, 392, 401, 404, 411, 421, 431, 469, 559, 594, 612. |
John (K. of France), | 381. |
John, the Chaunter (Bp. of Exon), | 160. |
Johns, | xl, see John. |
Johnson, | 387, 596. |
Jonah, | 243. |
Joseph, | 304. |
Josephus, | 39. |
Josias (King), | 157. |
Jourdon, Jordon, Jorden, | 478, 486, 538, 541, 564. |
Judael de Totnes, Judael de Totton, | 296, 398, 399, 411, 424. |
Judith, | 369. |
Jugurtha, | 258. |
Julkin, | 591. |
Julyan, | 543. |
Junius, | 23. |
Jupiter, | 199, 311. |
Juvenal, | 454. |
Kains, Kaynes, Keyns, | 106, 325, 462, 516, 606. |
Kanzewyowe, | 466. |
Kayle, de, | 218. |
Kedley, | 217. |
Keinsham, see Kenisham. | |
Kekewich, | 472. |
Kelland, Kellond, | 413, 435, 619, 627. |
Kellaway, Kelleway, Kellway, Kelway, Keilway, | 329, 467, 490, 555, 595, 596, 631, 635. |
Kelly, | 149, 187, 266, 362, 363, 549, 551, 581, 587, 590. |
Kempe, | 590. |
Kempthorn, | 576. |
Kemys, Keymis (Baron of). See Gamois. | |
Kendal, Kendall, | 491, 598, 599, 612, 623. |
Kenisham, Keinsham, Kenaham | 421, 550, 566. |
Kent, | 562. |
Kent (Earl of), | 142, 205, 208, 212, 509. |
Kerry (Lord of), | 478. |
Keyns. See Kains. | |
Kider, | 534. |
Kildare (Earl of), | 476, 477, 483. |
Kilkenny, | 41. |
Killigrew, Killegrew, Kelligrew, | 73, 121, 406, 480, 567, 577, 610 |
Kimbeline, | 137. |
King, | 480, 524. |
King (Oliver, Bp. of Exon), | 170. |
Kingdom, | 505. |
Kingsley, | 468, 521. |
Kingston, | 119, 271, 525, 557. |
Kirby, | 613. |
Kirke, | 186, 556. |
Kirkham, Kyrkham, | 132, 230, 387, 427, 439, 458, 463, 465, 492, 496, 510, 518, 520, 523, 524, 530, 538, 613, 615, 633. |
Kitson, Kytson, | 150, 293, 405. |
Kiuennagh, | 477. |
Knapman, | 581. |
Knight, | 549. |
Knightley, | 479. |
Knith, | 372. |
Knivet, Knevet, Knyvet | 457, 484, 533. |
Knockfergus (Viscount), | 567. |
Knolles, | 473, 474. |
Knovile, Knovil, | 226, 245, 398. |
Kym worthy, | 559. |
Kyrkelye, | 613. |
Lackington, | 399, 592. |
Lactantius, | 256. |
Lacy, | 102, 253, 261, 268, 413, 493, 595, 600, 609. |
Lacy (Edmund, Bp. of Exon), | 125, 168, 181, 182, 214, 384, 470. |
Laford, | 436. |
Lake, | 145, 181, 577, 583. |
Lamacraft, | 566. |
Lambert, | 188, 496. |
Lamborn, | 620. |
Lampen, | 315, 471. |
Lamplugh, | 588. |
Lamplugh (Thomas, Bp. of Exon), | 178, 179. |
Lamprey, | 267, 294, 326, 481. |
Lancaster, | 115. 514. |
Lancaster (Duke, or Earl, of), | 142, 143, 207. |
Lancelles, | 293. |
Land, | 602. |
Lane, | 115, 497, 565, 633, 634. |
Laney, | 610. |
Langton, | 188, 497, 581, 589, 592, 613. |
Langford, Lankford, | 116, 273, 315, 326, 354, 363, 462, 538, 586, 614. |
Langworthy, | 403, 499, 580, 598. |
Lansdown (Lord), | 631. |
Lanton, | 542. |
Lantford, Langsford, | 355, 420, 491, 499. |
Lapelode, | 562. |
Lapslod, | 554. |
Larder, | 118, 465, 486, 497, 507, 517, 554, 559, 624. |
Lassels, | 634. |
Latimer, | 438. |
Laudrico, de, | 187. |
Lauline, | 632. |
Lauwarnick, | 459. |
Lavell, | 490. |
Lawhern, | 606. |
Lawrence, Laurence, | 270, 481. |
Lawterham, | 506. |
Laxam, Laxham, | 457. |
Lea, see Leigh. | |
Leach, Lech, | 72, 74, 106, 578, 631. |
Lear, | 598. |
Lederston, | 589. |
Leeke, | 617. |
Legat, | 611. |
Leicester (Earl of), | 246. |
Leigh, Legh, Ley, Lee, Lea, | 100, 128, 287, 288, 302, 307, 343, 374, 415, 486, 487, 490, 499, 518, 537, 541, 544, 547, 550, 553, 554, 557, 576, 579, 626, 628, 631. |
Leland, | 22, 99, 166, 199, 294, 411, 424, 441. |
Lene, | 589. |
Lennyng, | 516. |
Lental, | 226, 544, 564, 629. |
Leofricus (Bp. of Exon), | 122, 157-159, 171, 181, 183, 198. |
Lepington (Baron of), | 510. |
Lerchdeacon, Lerchdekne, Archdeacon, | 131, 215, 440, 507, 528, 529, 572. |
Lethbridge, | 547, 603. |
Levermore, | 150, 500, 597. |
Leveson, | 601, 602. |
Levingus, Levigus, | 122. 468 |
Lewis (King of France), | 196, 197. |
Lewknor, | 553. |
Ley, see Leigh. | |
Leygrave, | 497. |
Leyton, | 502. |
Licheston, | 294. |
Lichfield, | 180. |
Lichfield (Bp. of), | 401. |
Lichlade, Lichdale, | 162. |
Lidgate, | 139. |
Lieffe, | 399. |
Lillicrap, | 83. |
Limpany, Limpenny, Lympenny, | 112, 552, 592. |
Limsey, | 618. |
Lincoln (Bp. of), | 512. |
Lincoln (Earl of), | 253, 477, 595. |
Linmouth, | 251. |
Linne (= Lyn), | 251. |
Lippincot, Luppincot, Luppingcot, Lyppingcot, Luffincot, Luggehincot, Logingcot, | 354, 488, 546, 554, 624, 631. |
Lisle, | 307, 319, 331, 364, 469, 485, 486, 571, 572, 630. |
Lite, Lyte, | 558, 595. |
Littleton, | 305, 306. |
Little Weeke, | 322. |
Lloyd, | 137. |
Lockhampton, Lockington, | 474. |
Loges, | 284, 286. |
Lollius (Urbius), | 23. |
Londonderry (Earl of), | 132, 426. |
Londres, de, | 338, 595. |
Long, | 145, 148, 478, 557, 566, 584. |
Longford, | 531. |
Loosemore, | 585. |
Lopez, | 380. |
Loring, | 396. |
Lothbrook, Loth-brook, Leatherbreech, | 89, 443, 444. |
Louis XIV., | 444. |
Lovayn, | 292. |
Loveday, | 615. |
Loveis, Lovis, | 318, 526, 597, 629, 630. |
Loveputa, | 459. |
Lovering, | 305, 575. |
Lovet, Lovett, | 251, 293. |
Low, | 609. |
Lower, | 313, 490, 580, 633. |
Lowman, see Lumen. | |
Lucan, | 356. |
Lucas, | 245. |
Luccomb, Luckham, | 119, 129, 329. |
Lucretius, | xv., 135. |
Lucy, | 440, 485. |
Lud (King), | 410. |
Lude, | 191. |
Lumen, Lumine, Lowman, | 105, 276, 579, 580. |
Lumley (Lord), | 630. |
Lupus, | 230. |
Luppincot, see Lippincot. | |
Lure, Lyver, | 519. |
Luscomb, Luscombe, | 408, 530, 626. |
Luscot, | 309. |
Lutterel, Lutterell, | 74, 209, 265, 280, 312, 313, 345, 376, 470, 493, 495, 544. |
Lutton, | 218, 478, 627. |
Luxton, | 481, 533, 582. |
Lych, | 566. |
Lycurges, | 46. |
Lye, | 492. |
Lympenny, see Limpany. | |
Lynham, | 598. |
Lynne, | 457, 458. |
Lynwood, | 634. |
Lyonel (Duke of Clarence), | 212. |
Lyppingcot, see Lippincot | |
Lysons, | vi. |
Lyttleton, Luttleton, | iii., 94, 348, 620, 621. |
Lyte, see Lite. | |
Madock, Madoc, | 91, 92, 628. |
Mainwaring, Manwaring, | 151, 192. |
Major, | 12, 623. |
Maldyt, | 551. |
Maleverc, | 354, 355. |
MalgoConanus, | 309. |
Malherb, | 230, 233, 246, 459, 475, 523. |
Mallet, | 119, 153, 276, 277, 291, 316, 326, 469, 485, 491, 513, 514, 530, 551, 593, 595, 603, 612. |
Mailock, | 247, 429, 515, 541, 548, 600, 612. |
Malmesbury, William, of, | 29, 36, 370. |
Malmutius (King), | 412. |
Malston, | 401, 439, 577. |
Maltravers, | 343. |
Mandevile, | 435, 438, 541. |
Mandeville (Viscount), | 634. |
Mannering, | 616, see Mainwaring. |
Manners, | 144, 148, 200, 293, 573. |
Mansel, | 511, 555. |
Mansfield, | 551. |
Mapowder, | 472. |
Marbery, Marbury, | 126, 457, 568. |
March (Earl of), | 212, 213, 470. |
Marchant, | 268. |
Marcus Paulus, | 66. |
Mare, de la ; Mere, de la ; Maries, | 271, 273, 323, 344. |
Maredon, | 283. |
Marianus, | 97. |
Marisco, | 344, 345. |
MarishaJ, | 377, see Marshall. |
Marius, | 258. |
Mark (D. of Cornwall), | 458. |
Marker, | 418. |
Markham, | 634. |
Marlborough (Earl of), | 374. |
Marrow, | 298. |
Marryng, | 618. |
Marsh, | 488. |
Marshall, Marshal, | 439, 502, 604, see Marishal. |
Marshall (Earl of Pembroke, | 161. |
Marshall (Henry, Bp. of Exon.), | 160, 181. |
Martial, | 227, 340. |
Martin, Martyn, | 74, 186, 218, 223, 243, 251-254, 260, 300, 305, 308, 315, 324, 398, 408, 416, 418, 475, 479, 484, 487-489, 528, 537, 545, 550, 557, 563, 593-596, 602, 612, 635. |
Martin (D. of Cornwall), | 204. |
Martin V. (Pope), | 168. |
Martingfield, | 528. |
Marwood, | 289, 305, 503, 516, 557, 589, 604, 608, 627. |
Mary (Queen), | 173, 216, 298, 335, 405, 485, 495, 545, 546, 573, 576, 600, 614, 630, 635. |
Mary II. (Queen), | 179. |
Massey, | 83. |
Mathew, Matthew, | xii, 395, 520, 538, 553, 575, 578, 599, 623. |
Matthew (of Liskeard), | 458. |
Matthew (of Westminster), | 137, 204. |
Matthew Paris, see Paris. | |
Maud, Maude (Empress), | 201, 325. |
Maudyt, | 104. |
Maunder, | 541. |
Maurice, | 599. |
Mausolus (K. of Caria), | 237. |
Maximus (Emperor), | 25. |
Maxwell, | 495. |
May, | 273, 478, 530, 604. |
Mayhow, Mayow, | 276, 385, 469, 538 552 |
Maynard, | 74, 81, 217, 384, 491, 534, 535, 550, 556, 563. |
Mayne, vii., | 537. |
Meavy, Mevy, | 375, 384. |
Medaea, Medea, | 111, 369. |
Medland, | 320. |
Medusa, | 369. |
Mees, | 512. |
Meggs, | 590. |
Melhuish, | 268, 575, 592, 623, 624, see Molheuse. |
Mellent, Millent, Mellant, Meullin (Earl of), | 205, 226, 568, 570. |
Membland, Mimeland, | 389. |
Menander, | 68. |
Menhinnick, | 592. |
Menwynyk, Menwynneck, | 459, 460. |
Mereton, | 81. |
Merideth, Meredith, | 91, 617. |
Merkes, | 427. |
Merny, | 76. |
Merrick, Meyrick, | vl, 562. |
Merriot, | 474. |
Merton, | 245, 287, 313, 316, 318, 319, 348, 407, 463, 469, 492. |
Meryfield, | 600, 617. |
Meryoke, | 464. |
Metz, de, | 292. |
Meullin, see Mellent. | |
Michael, | 42, 393. |
Michel, Mychel, | 114, 482, 502, 540, 555, 565, 611. |
Michelstow, Mychelstowe, | 470, 539. |
Middlesex (Earl of), | 510, 567. |
Middleton, | 423, 458, 561, 588. |
Milbourn, | 617. |
Milford, | 266. |
Millent, see Mellent. | |
Milliton, Mylliton, Myllyton, Mylleton, Myllaton, | 314, 510, 542, 543, 561, 615. |
Milo, | 341. |
Mindlehaim (Baron of), | 264. |
Mocheland, | 283. |
Moeles, Moelis, Mules, Mule, Meoles, Meolis, Moiles, | 113, 202, 208, 247, 265, 280, 283, 289, 290, 320, 324, 361, 392, 397, 398, 432, 434, 440, 489, 568, 570, 605. |
Mohun, Moun, Moynn, | 106, 108, 216, 225, 245, 246, 316, 321, 322, 363, 387, 397, 402, 420, 425, 426, 519, 532, 534, 571, 572, 575, 576, 594, 610, 633; see Moon. |
Moleford, Molford, | 97, 275, 284, 325, 603, 604, 624. |
Molbeuse, | 602, see Melhuish. |
Molins, | 280, 290, 474. |
Molton, | 116, 518. |
Monk, Munk, Munck, Monachus, Moine, le; Moyne, le; Moyn, le, | 119, 251, 271, 291, 307, 317, 319, 320, 325, 328, 329, 335, 342, 362, 375, 416, 417, 433, 438, 468-470, 490, 526, 555, 559, 586, 591, 612, 617. |
Monmouth (Earl of), | 126, 335, 427, 434, 510. |
Montague, Montacute, | 143, 168, 187, 192, 215, 334, 351, 407, 458, 484, 492, 576, 633, 634. |
Montague (Abbot of), | 331. |
Montague (Viscount), | 547. |
Montanensis, | 205. |
Monteagle (Lord), | 588. |
Montgomery (Count), | 408. |
Moon, | 582 ; see Mohun. |
Monyford, | 585. |
Moor, Moore, More, | vii., 83, 114, 115, 130, 149, 229, 241, 307, 327, 465, 484, 485, 492, 493, 496, 497, 513, 523, 525, 529, 540, 564, 576, 579, 597, 599, 611, 623, 624. |
Morgan, | 493, 509, 604. |
Moriton (Earl of), | 126. |
Morleigh, Morelegh, | 82, 398. |
Morley (Lord), | 616. |
Morris, | 472. |
Mortimer, Mortymer, | vi., xii, 102, 212, 213, 571, 623. |
Morton, Moorton, | 315, 465, 471, 499. |
Mortuo-mario, | 280. |
Morvill, Mortivile, | 259. |
Mory, | 522. |
Moses, | xiv., 155. |
Moulton, | 507. |
Mountgomerie, | 106. |
Mount Hernior, Mounthermer, | 388, 401, 402, 512. |
Mountjoy, | 215, 217, 225, 275, 374, 420, 496, 615, 620. |
Mountjoy (Baron), | 215, 217, 225, 572. |
Mountjoy (Lord), | 513. |
Mowbray, | 142, 461. |
Moyle, | 472, 494, 633. |
Muden, | 575. |
Mudge, | 83. |
Mules, see Moeles. | |
Mullens, | 239. |
Munck, see Monk. | |
Mungwell, | 562. |
Muttleberry, | 252, 498. |
Mychel, see Michel | |
Mydil, | 213. |
Nathan (prophet), | 428. |
Necham, Neckam, | 94, 376. |
Nectan, Necton, | 344, 580. |
Nectan (St), | 311. |
Nennius, | 111. |
Nerbert, | 256, 305. |
Nereus, | 312. |
Nest (= Nesta), | 201. |
Nethway, | 623. |
Neulegyn, | 41. |
Nevil, Nevill, | 41, 143, 144, 168, 190, 316, 355, 438, 484, 566. |
Nevill (George, Bp. of Exon), | 168. |
Newberry, | 548. |
Newcastle (Duke of), | 319. |
Newcomb, Newcombe, | 150, 151, 430, 531, 547, 569. |
Newcourt, | 264, 364, 478, 538, 549. |
Newland, | 589. |
Newman, | 253, 516, 560. |
Newmarket, | 113. |
Newnham, | 385, 542. |
Newnham (Abbot of), | 245, 246. |
Newport, | 148, 621. |
Newport (Earl of), | 217. |
Newton, | 397, 512, 548. |
Nichel, | 491. |
Nichols, | 202, 563, 571. |
Nigel, | 351, 363. |
Nimeton (= Nymet), | 268. |
Nivet, | 614. |
Noah, | 58. |
Noble, | 150, 354, 464, 561, 562. |
Nonant, | 463, see Novant. |
Nony, de, | 325. |
Norfolk (Duke of), | 107, 142, 351, 461, 483, 630. |
Norleigh, Norlegh, | 190, 320, 366, 399, 499, 521, 591, 592, 626. |
Norris, Noreis, | 41, 282, 325, 382, 408, 414, 416, 436, 488, 541, 542, 559, 626, 627. |
Norreys (Lord), | 475, 489. |
Northampton (Marquess of), | 259. |
Northcot, Northcote, | ix., xi., xii., 72, 74, 90, 114, 119, 125, 128, 131, 132, 247, 269, 271, 283, 293, 302, 384, 419, 421, 432, 494, 503, 504, 531, 547, 581, 583, 599, 600, 602, 618. |
Northlegh, | 247, 538. |
Northumberland (Duke, or Earl, of), | 126, 371, 466, 479, 509. |
Norton, | 461, 569. |
Nott, | 587. |
Nottingham (Earl of), | 477, 509. |
Noue, de la, | 237. |
Novant, | 191, 192, see Nonant. |
Octavius (Emperor), | 138. |
Odo, | 113. |
Odogarus, Ordgarus, Orgarus, Horgerius, | 156, 203, 366, 370. |
Odron (Baron of), | 106. |
Offwel, Offwell, | 246. |
Ogan, | 484. |
Okeham (Baron of), | 479. |
Okehampton, (Baron of), | 143, 201, 202, 208, 215, 245, 273, 321, 322, 570, 571. |
Okeston, see Oxton. | |
Oketynet, | 337. |
Oland, | 587. |
Oldham, Oldam (Hugh, Bp. of Exon.), | 170, 181, 182, 277, 371. |
Oliver, | 85, 561, 597. |
Olyffe, Olyff; | 501, 563. |
O'Neill, | 477. |
Opie, | 691. |
Orange, | 146. |
Orange (Prince of), | 179, 244, 394, 614. |
Orchard, | 508, 669. |
Orcharton, | 394. |
Ordolph, | 203, 370. |
Oreway, Orway, | 115, 467. |
Ormond, | 494. |
Ormond(Earl of), | 327, 335, 459, 477, 478, 482-484, 509. |
Orosius, | 259. |
Orway, see Oreway. | |
Osbert, | 313. |
Osbert (Bp. of Exon.), | 159. |
Osboro, | 324, 396, 581. |
Oamar, | 442. |
Oesingold, | 502. |
Oswyn, | 458. |
Othelyne, Otelinus, | 115. |
Ovid, | 30, 111, 163, 176, 248, 249, 370 |
Owen, Owanus (Lord of Liskeard), | 455. |
Owen, | 495. |
Owlescombe, | 230. |
Owsley, | 502. |
Oxenham, Oxnam, | 150, 380. |
Oxford (Earl of), | 142, 202, 209, 215, 246, 253, 282, 441, 670. |
Oxton, Okeston, | 223, 389, 392. |
Packer, xii., | 537, 576, 623. |
Packington, | 621. |
Paddon, | 83, 478, 584, see Patton. |
Paderda, | 459. |
Paganell, Paynel, Panel), | 97, 252, 461. |
Page, | 505. |
Paget, | 464. |
Palmer, | vii., 526. |
Palton, | 285. |
Pancras, St. (Abbot of), | vj. |
Panton, | 478. |
Paris, | 457. |
Paris (Matthew), | 344. |
Parker, | 72, 124, 125, 181, 266, 270, 276, 385, 397, 472, 478, 479, 481, 486, 606, 522, 538, 539, 541, 558, 560, 564-566, 585, 599, 616, 629. |
Parkhurst, | 257. |
Parminter, | 560. |
Pamel, | 397. |
Parr, | 259. |
Parrot, Parrot, | 493, 600, 606. |
Parrye, | 417. |
Parsloe, Passleu, Pasalew, Perseulew, | 267, 294, 617. |
Parson, Parsons, | 621, 562. |
Pasmore, Passniere, Passemere, Passemore, | 104, 267, 354, 625, 528. |
Pateshul, Pateshull, | 41, 478. |
Patricius, | 159. |
Patrick, St., | 594. |
Patton, | 606, see Paddon. |
Paulet, Paulett, | 1, 144, 200, 232, 241, 270, 282, 286, 290, 329, 373, 435, 439, 459, 473-475, 488, 489, 493, 504, 505, 507, 522, 535, 573, 579, 586, 587, 694-596, 606, 616, 620, 624, see Powlet. |
Paulinus (Bp.), | 155. |
Paulyn, | 632. |
Pauncefoot, | 492. |
Paunston, | 552. |
Pavely, | 245, 620. |
Payne, Peyne, | 566, 677. |
Paynel, see Paganell. | |
Peacock, | 524, 541, 646, 564, 578, 584, 619. |
Peard, | 495, 537, 564, 561, 584, 609, 610 |
Peck, | 585. |
Pederton, | 492, 551. |
Pedixhil, | 105. |
Peech, | 41. |
Pelagius, | 334. |
Pelham, | 510. |
Pembroke (Earl of), | 161, 426. |
Penarth, | 551 |
Pendarves, | 535. |
Penfound, | 302, 544. |
Penhallow, | 550. |
Pennals, Pennels, | 520, 542. |
Penny, | 599. |
Penpons, | 476. |
Penrose, | 551. |
Penycot, | 457. |
Percie, Percy, Percye, Percehay, | 126, 207, 371, 425, 462, 466, 491, 509. |
Percival, | 492. |
Perer, | 82. |
Periam, Perriam, | 116, 120, 124, 125, 131, 150, 307472, 486, 500, 538, 545, 579, 584585, 601. |
Perkin, | 546. |
Perret, | 294. |
Perry, Perye, Pery, Pury, | 246, 488, 522, 531, 545, 582, 588. |
Perryman, | 385. |
Person, | 480, 553. |
Perth (Earl of), | 143. |
Perto, de, | 246. |
Perraerth, | 502. |
Peter, Peters, | 219, 322, 400. |
Peterson, | 74, 180. |
Petre, | 151, 243, 397, 405, 426, 487, 533546, 635. |
Pettet, | 605. |
Peverel, | 105, 116, 246, 292, 390, 391, 396445, 481, 605. |
Peyton, | 293, 618. |
Philelphus, | 312. |
Philip (K. of Spain), | 382. |
Phillips, | 493, 544, 616, 623. |
Philpot, | 575. |
Phocas (Emperor), | 155. |
Pibrack, | 46. |
Pickford, | 460. |
Pidickswell, Pydickswell, | 264, 283 |
Pill, Pilland, | 289. |
Pincerna, | 459, 460, see Boteler. |
Pincomb, | 280. |
Pindar, | 44, 46, 294. |
Pine, | 72, 118, 282, 302, 323, 492, 544, see Pyne. |
Pipard, | 351, 419, 436, 438. |
Piper, | 531. |
Pitt, Pitts, Pytts, | 472, 488, 604. |
Plaiter, | 608. |
Plantagenet, | 142, 170, 307, 319, 331, 364, 469 485, 630. |
Plato, | 45. |
Plea, | 151. |
Plegmund (Archbp. of Canterbury), | 70. |
Pliny, | xiv., 56, 96. |
Plumlegh, | 626. |
Plutarch, | xiii., 34, 106, 188. |
Plympton, | 385. |
Plympton, Plimpton, Plimton (Baron of), | 99, 204. |
Plympton, Plimpton, Plimton (Prior of), | 114, 117, 131, 160, 351, 377, 383, 384, 387. |
Poer, | 559. |
Poinings, | 126. |
Pointingdon, Poyntingdon, Poyntington, | xi., 106, 131, 317, 492, 511, 531, 547, 589, 627. |
Pointz, Poyntz, | 124, 125, 307, 315, 471, 500, 585, 607. |
Pole, | iii., 72, 73, 116, 124, 125, 186, 190, 200, 226, 231, 242, 388, 467, 487, 537, 557, 574, 585, 602. |
Poleyn, | 268. |
Polkennor, | 517. |
Pollard, | 72, 73, 97, 127, 128, 151, 186, 188, 253, 276, 278, 281, 282, 284, 286, 287, 294, 307, 318, 327-329, 331, 363, 435, 473, 475, 492-494, 496, 499, 503-505, 507, 521, 539, 549, 550, 552, 553, 556, 564, 575, 586, 587, 590, 600, 604, 607, 608, 618, 633. |
Pollexfen, Polston, | 72, 389, 532, 534, 612. |
Polsloe (Prior of), | 186. |
Poltimore, | 192. |
Polybius, | 63. |
Polydore, Polidore, | 138, 159, 370. |
Pomaeroy, Pomery, | 114, 119, 130, 251, 400, 406, 407, 408, 419-421, 466, 472, 557, 577, 580, 589, 619. 629. |
Pomfret, | 517. |
Pomponiue Atticus, | 334. |
Pond, | 96. |
Pont, Pont, de, | 318, 569. |
Pont-Arches, de, | 205. |
Poole, | 438, 468. |
Pope, | 623. |
Popham, | 226, 343, 393, 439, 480, 491, 495, 527. |
Port, de la, | 419, 552. |
Porter, | 526, 625. |
Portledge, | 314. |
Portman, | 115. 480, 508, 514. |
Porto-Mortuo, de, | 325. |
Posbery, | 286. |
Potter, | 583, 602. |
Powderham, | 188, 201. |
Powel, | 469. |
Powis, | 512. |
Powlet, | 105, 541, see Paulet. |
Powne, | 520. |
Powtrell, | 475. |
Poyntingdon, see Pointingdon. | |
Poyntz, see Pointz. | |
Praed, | 628. |
Praul, | 400. |
Preist, | 173. |
Prendergest, | 316. |
Preston, Pruston, | 225, 477, 546, 549, 560, 588, 596, 625. |
Prestwood, | 151, 223, 397, 543, 515, 567, 596. |
Priam (King), | 296. |
Price | 293. |
Prideaux, | 72, 73, 126, 151, 200, 240, 241, 315-317, 320, 363, 394, 399, 401, 440, 468, 470-473, 486, 487, 489, 495, 501, 503, 506, 514, 521, 522, 539, 557, 560, 574, 576, 577, 583, 585, 591, 603, 607, 624-626, 631, 632. |
Pridham, Prydham, | 127, 131, 415. |
Prince, | v., ix., 176, 319, 415, 455, 612. |
Prous, Prouse, Proucz, Prouz, Pruz, Prowse, Probus (Paux, le ; Pratellis, de ; Prust, | xii., 72, 74, 81, 130, 202, 247, 255, 265, 354, 355, 389, 392, 399, 403, 429, 430-434, 436-438, 462, 463, 465, 490, 492, 512, 532, 538, 554, 561, 568-570, 589, 597, 605, 618, 624, 629. |
Prust, | 313, 493, 498, 512, 547, 591, see Prous. |
Pruston, see Preston. | |
Prye, Pry, | xii., 127, 524, 577, 592, 603, 611, 622, 628. |
Prynne, Prinn, | 85, 540. |
Ptolemy, Ptolomy, Ptolomie, Ptolomaeus, | 19, 30, 136, 139, 311. |
Punchard, Punchardon, | 192, 269, 283, 307, 400, 554. |
Pury, see Perry. | |
Putt, | 560, 629. |
Putta (Bp. of Devon), | 70, 121, 289. |
Pycott, | 102. |
Pylyhistor, | 19. |
Pyne, | 512, 544, 577, 592, 600, 606, 609, see Pine. |
Pythagoras, | 63. |
Quadrigarius, | 187. |
Quarrar, Quarrer (Abbot of), | 205, 206, 421, 434. |
Quaterman, Quarterman, | 306, 621. |
Quick, | 131. |
Quintillian, | 334. |
Quivil, Quivel, Quivile (Peter, Bp. of Exon), | 162, 180, 338, 426. |
Radcliffe, | 63, see Ratcliffe. |
Raddon, | xii. 131, 622. |
Radford, Bedford, | vii, 130, 188, 386, 481, 517, 536, 597, 624. |
Radley, | 481. |
Radmore, | vii. |
Radnor (Earl of), | 602. |
Radulphus, | 445. |
Radway, | 309, 555. |
Ragland, | 512. |
Raks, | 398. |
Raleigh, Ralegh, Rawlegh, Rawleigh, | 229, 236-239, 246, 269, 283, 284, 302, 303, 382, 384, 388, 407, 517, 520, 535, 536, 558, 566, 579, 605. |
Ralph, | 268, 399, 421. |
Rame, | 130, 495. |
Randal, | 560, 568. |
Rashleigh, Rashley, | 270, 480, 481, 486, 563. |
Ratcliffe, | 541, see Radclifie. |
Raw, | 510. |
Raynston, | 489. |
Razias, | 196. |
Read, Reade, Reed, | viii., xi., 144, 181, 537, 546, 590, 610. |
Redman, | 586, 588. |
Redmayn (Richard, Bp. of Exon), | 170. |
Redvers, see Rivers. | |
Reginald (Earl of Cornwall), | 205, 425, 431, 559, 568, 570. |
Reigny, Reigney, Regny, Reygny, Reyney, | 97, 247, 270, 276, 303, 396, 474, 496, 505, 568. |
Reskymer, | 470, 476, 576, 629. |
Restorick, | 554. |
Reusnenis, | 201. |
Rewell, | 465. |
Reymes, 546. | |
Reynold, Reynolds, Reynel, Raynald, Rainold, | 74, 120, 131, 192, 193, 241, 309, 362, 389, 397, 401, 402, 420, 439, 440, 473, 484, 488, 499, 504, 514, 521, 522, 560, 574, 576, 577, 578, 579, 580, 584, 585, 599, 603, 611, 623, 626. |
Reynward, | 566. |
Rice, Rhese, Rhesius, | xi., 9 1, 1 06. |
Rich, | 177. |
Rich (Lord), | 510. |
Richard I, | 117, 119, 218, 259, 269, 280, 281, 292, 314, 315, 323, 326, 335, 392, 402, 404, 425, 427, 429, 430, 434, 439, 440, 468, 612. |
Richard II, | 110, 132, 142, 167, 192, 209, 210.218, 222, 253, 259, 282, 298, 316, 322, 333, 354, 362, 371, 385, 396, 427, 508, 518, 577, 584. |
Richard III., | 141, 142, 355, 475. |
Richard (Earl of Cornwall, King of the Romans), | 64, 79, 80, 81, 246, 431, 469, 559, 589. |
Richards, Richard, | 528, 557, 562, 565, 597. |
Richmond (Earlof), | 141, 142, 273. |
Rider, | 438. |
Ridgeway, Ridgway, | 132, 546, 584, 619, 633. |
Risby, | 599. |
Risdon, Rysdon, | v., 74, 267, 313, 314, 322, 330, 335, 336, 348, 349, 354, 392, 420, 441, 472, 507. |
Rivel, Ryvell, | 487. |
Rivers, Riviers, Redvers; Ripariis, de; Vernon, de, | 99, 102, 144, 202, 204, 205, 207, 208, 216, 226, 282, 384, 385, 421, 431, 568, 570. |
Riverton, | 291. |
Roach, | 151. |
Roberts, Robert, Robarte, | vi., viii., xii., 65, 254, 255, 260, 609, 610, 623. |
Robert, of Gloucester, | 59. |
Robins, | 547. |
Robinson, | vi., 98, 490, 602. |
Roche (Lord), | 477. |
Rocher, | 562. |
Rochford, | 549. |
Rochford, Rochefort (Viscount), | 126, 427, 482, 483, 509. |
Rocke, | 632. |
Rockley, | 625. |
Roe, | 439, see Rowe. |
Rogers, Roger, | xii., 260, 387, 423, 479, 534, 569, 582, 591. |
Rogus, Rogan, | 115, 512, 513. |
Rohan, | 192. |
Roll, Rolle, | 73, 97, 239, 270, 283, 290, 291, 307, 315, 318, 329, 330, 335, 351, 364, 464, 481, 499, 526, 527, 535, 554, 563, 567, 576, 593, 594, 608, 616, 629. |
Romulus, | xiii., 199. |
Roope, | 524, 549, 617. |
Roper, | 633. |
Roscarroek, | 630. |
Rosewell, Rowswell, Rowsewell, | 74, 245, 467. |
Roskymer, | 610, 632, 633. |
Rosmamie, | 632. |
Ross (Lord), | 478. |
Rossiter, Rosseter, | 516, 546. |
Rotomago, | 605. |
Roupe, | 599. |
Rous, Rouse, | 128, 132, 391, 395, 396, 421, 490, 493, 520, 580, 581, 600, 603, 605, 608, 634. |
Rowe, Row, | 405, 474, 513, 519, 527, 606, 609, see Roe. |
Rowena, | 94. |
Rowland, | 268, 399, 591, 620. |
Rowle, | 360. |
Rowswell, see Rosewell. | |
Roy, de, | 209. |
Rudge, | 281, 557. |
Rudgway, | 426. |
Rugge, | 581. |
Ruraon, St., | 282, 370. |
Rushford, | 433, 469. |
Russell, | 147, 230, 293, 314, 354, 372, 434, 511, 526, 553. |
Rutland (Earl of), | 144, 148, 200, 573. |
Ryckeswell, | 541. |
Ryddlecomb, | 276. |
Rydway, | 524. |
Ryk, Ryke, | 519, 542. |
Rysdon, see Risdon. | |
Sabaudia, | 41. |
Sabinianus (Pope), | 155. |
Sachvile, Sachville, Sackvile, Sackevill, Sicca-Villa, | 98, 117, 195, 196, 197, 239, 268, 307, 467, 505, 506, 577, 592, 632. |
Sadler, | 526. |
Saffin, | 602. |
Saintcleer, see St. Cleer, Sainthill, | 537. |
Saintleger, see St. Leger. | |
Salisbury, Sarum (Earl of), | 143, 168, 187, 334, 484, 512. |
Sail, Saul, | 323, 544 ; see Sauls. |
Salter, | viii. |
Saltern, Saltren, | 325, 591, |
Samazara, | 198. |
Sampford, Samford, | 242, 266, 351, 504, 524, 547, 575. |
Sampson, Samson, | 421 , 466, 584. |
Samuel, | 460, 532, 533, 587, 608, 623. |
Sam ways, | 434, 614. |
Sancta Cruce (Marquis of), | 379. |
Sancto Stephano, see Stenson. | |
Sanders, | 153, 611. |
Sandford, | 548, 541. |
Sandton, see Saunton. | |
Sandys, Sands, Sand, | 564, 626. |
Sap, de; Sapp, de; see Brioniis, de. | |
Sapcotts, | 147, 200, 461, 494, 551. |
Sarah, | 369. |
Sarazenus, | 280. |
Sardanapalus, | 206. |
Sarum (Bp. of), | 41, 584. |
Sarum (Earl of), see Salisbury. | |
Saul (King), | 141. |
Saulfe, | 268. |
Sauls, | 438, see Sail. |
Saunton, Santon, Sandton, | 105, 313, 314. |
Savory, Savery, Savary, | 281, 394, 397, 408, 469, 510, 522, 530, 550, 562, 563, 587. |
Saxby, | 604. |
Say, | 519. |
Scale, Scales, | 189, 571. |
Scales (Lord), | 208, 239, 571. |
Scipio, | 63. |
Scipio Nasica, | 155. |
Scoar, Scoare, | 251, 623. |
Scobbahull, Scobbehull, | 400, 440. |
Scoggin, | 184. |
Sebastian (K. of Portugal), | 272. |
Sedborough, | 562. |
Segewolfe, | 202. |
Segrave, | 41. |
Selden, | 51, 412. |
Seller, | 582. |
Selwood, | 585, 600. |
Seman, | 525. |
Seneca, | 60, 271, 334. |
Serlo (Dean of Exon), | 161. |
Serranus, | 58. |
Servington, | 388, 489, 541, 550, 563, 564, 589. |
Seth, | xv. |
Sever, | 569. |
Seward, | 442, 559, 598, see Siward. |
Seymour, Sey mer, Seimar, Semar, Sancto-Mauro, | 67, 72, 73, 200, 226, 267, 276, 406, 407, 438, 479, 480, 510, 537, 538, 574, 634. |
Shapcot, | 602. |
Shapland, | 547. |
Shapton, | 470. |
Sharp, Sharpe, | 102, 608. |
Sheers, | 602. |
Shepherd, | 103, 396, 516, 610. |
Sherman, | 232-235, 467, 506, 548, 555, 564. |
Sherrington, | 464. |
Shildon, Sheldon, | 476, 551. |
Shillingford, | 149, 468. |
Shilston, | 364, 387, 394, 431, 567, 573, 576, 581. |
Short, | vii., xi., 276. |
Shrewsbury (Earl of), | 486, 546, 621. |
Shyne, | 537. |
Sicca-Villa, see Sachvile. | |
Sidenham, see Sydenham. | |
Silly, see Sully. | |
Silvester, | 276, 427. |
Simcock, | 492. |
Sims, Simms, Simmes, | 491, 596, 629. |
Simon de Apulia (fip. of Exon), | 161. |
Simon Dunelmensis, | 204. |
Siward, | 338, see Seward. |
Skeredon, Skerydon, | 408. |
Skewys, | 633. |
Skinner, Skynner, | vi., 132, 507, 599, 632. |
Skirnett, | 83. |
Slader, | 127, 267, 524, 590, 611. |
Slane (Baron of), | 263, 477, 549, 550. |
Slanning, | 384, 416, 505, 563. |
Sled, | 521. |
Slee, | 104, 563. |
Sleep, | 472. |
Sloley, | 308. |
Smart, | 547. |
Smith, | 144, 150, 186, 187, 222, 276, 319, 325, 336, 414, 418, 444, 459, 460, 466, 470, 472, 487, 497, 527, 535, 538, 541, 587, 607, 614, 631. |
Snape, | 286, 529. |
Snedal, Sneddal, Snedall, Snedhal, Snedel, Snytishill, | 119, 284, 320, 527, 536, 618. |
Snell, | 181, 624. |
Snelling, | 386, 534, 563. |
Snow, | 287, 600. |
Solinus, | 19, 24. |
Soil, | 497. |
Solomon (King), | 65. |
Solon, | 27. |
Solyman (Sultan), | 190. |
Somaster, Summaster, Southmaster, | 150, 397, 419, 470, 500-502, 522, 527, 543, 550, 551, 558, 565. |
Somerset, | 547. |
Somerset (Duke, or Earl, of), | 126, 143, 148, 214, 225, 246, 386, 406, 479, 509, 537, 543. |
Soore, | 338. |
Sophocles, | 339. |
Sothern, Southern, | 516, 602. |
Southampton (Earl of), | 148, 387. |
Southcombe, | 273, 516. |
Southcot, Southcote, | 73, 98, 126, 132, 219, 222, 226, 331, 386, 387, 389, 396, 398, 401, 426, 433, 438-440, 473, 487, 490, 503, 510, 519, 521, 523, 533, 537, 538, 543, 545, 546, 550, 564, 569, 577, 581, 582, 584, 587, 591, 598, 600, 602, 604, 624. |
Southlegh, | 242. |
Southmead, | 541, 542, 582. |
Spark, Sparke, | 190, 520, 521. |
Sparkwell, | 405. |
Sparrow (Anthony, Bp. of Exon), | 178. |
Speccot, | 73, 283, 310, 316, 319, 391, 441, 442, 499, 507, 514, 543, 556, 575, 578, 585, 610, 626, 630. |
Speed, | 32, 43, 310. |
Speke, Espeke, Espec, | 117, 118, 190, 270, 321, 437, 445, 461, 464, 484, 494. |
Spelt, | 591. |
Spencer, Spenser, Despencer, | 102, 118, 126, 193, 202, 230, 471, 506, 509, 539, 571, 620, 634. |
Spencer (Earl of), | 614. |
Spicer, | 150, 597. |
Spichwick, Spicewyke, | 404. |
Spicknell, | 558. |
Spiller, | 577, 578. |
Spineto, see Thorn. | |
Sprat, | 181. |
Spridle, | 389. |
Sprint, | 629. |
Sprott, | 486. |
Spry, | 544. |
Spur, | 496, 622. |
Spurrier, | 565. |
Spurway, | 97, 101, 102, 482. |
Squire, Squier, | vi., xi., 251, 255, 277, 278, 610 |
St. Amand, St. Amond, Sancto-Amando, Samund, | 130, 405, 420. |
St. Aubin, St. Aubyn, St. Awbin, St. Albino, Sancto - Albino, | 109, 113, 251, 260, 263, 264, 283, 465, 476, 576, 615, 624. |
St. Barbe, | 491. |
St. Cleer, St. Cleere, Saintcleer, | 119, 240, 269, 490, 503, 517, 527, 538. |
St. Cyr, | 394. |
St. George, | iv., 268, 270, 281, 407, 420, 613. |
St. Hilary, | 114. |
St. John, | 73, 102, 147, 202, 208, 225, 270, 293, 331, 338, 362, 458, 571. |
St. Leger, St. Ledger, St. Leoger, | 114, 115, 128, 143, 271, 284, 303, 310, 314, 316, 325, 327, 335, 351, 433, 483, 490, 504, 573, 586, 588, 590, 631. |
St. Low, | 612. |
St. Maur, St. Maure, | 192, 276, 277, 400, 513. |
St. Maur (Baron, or Lord), | 192, 492. |
St. Pie, | 209. |
St. Quintin, | 338. |
St. Winnow, | 561. |
Staddon, | 598. |
Stafford, | 214, 215, 225, 407, 468, 469, 508, 620. |
Stafford (Earl of), | 143, 167, 212, 478. |
Stafford (Edmund, Bp. of Exon), | iii., 109, 120, 125, 167, 215. |
Stamford, | 295. |
Stanhope, | 479. |
Stanley, | 622. |
Stanton, | 290, 326, 342. |
Stanwell, | 634. |
Stapledon, Stapleton, | 164, 318, 331, 507. |
Stapledon (Walter, Bp. of Exon.), | 40, 41, 164, 165, 208, 229, 260, 365. |
Staplehill, | 437, 604, 617, 624. |
Starkey, | 599. |
Starr, | 548. |
Stavelegh, Staveley, Stavely, | 488, 562. |
Steer, | 341, 600. |
Stennings, Stenyng, | 230, 590, 596, 620. |
Stenson, Stevenston, Stephenstown, Sancto-Stephano, | 132, 329, 469. |
Stephen (King), | 205, 325, 605. |
Stephens, Stephen, Stevens, | 277, 430, 487, 584, 608, 620. |
Stemwold, | 204. |
Stert, | 533, 627. |
Stevenston, see Stenson. | |
Stockhay, Stockay, | 130, 131, 265, 315, 605. |
Stoke, | 457. |
Stone, | 363, 506, 531, 565, 582. |
Stonehouse, | 560. |
Stoneman, | 394. |
Stoning, | 476, 551. |
Stow, | 444. |
Stoward, | 460. |
Stowel, Stowell, | 313, 316, 319, 348, 417, 498, 518, 545, 556, 565, 579, 612. |
Stowford, Stoford, Stofford, | 295, 308, 321, 325, 362, 488, 490, 555, 587, 592, 611. |
Stourton, | 437, 463. |
Strabo, | 63, 137. |
Stradling, Easterling, | 338. |
Strangways, | 243, 635. |
Stravern, | 457. |
Stretch, Strech, | 192, 518. |
Stretchlegh, Strechlegh, Stretchley, Strechley, | 225, 314, 320, 391, 437, 463, 470, 472, 503, 511, 514, 525, 542, 577, 606. |
Strighull, Strigull, | 401, 577. |
Strobridge, | 495. |
Strode, Stroud, Strowd, | 73, 83, 126, 289, 384-386, 389, 398, 419, 421, 437, 464, 466, 473, 501, 514, 518, 534, 542, 645, 545, 550, 566, 574, 594, 596, 598, 601, 602, 608, 625. |
Strokesworthy, | 583. |
Stukeley, Stukely, Steucla, Stucle, | 103, 200, 268, 270, 271-273, 275, 276, 419, 461, 464, 470, 484, 486, 490, 493, 496, 505, 521, 528, 530, 553, 563, 579, 585-587, 617, 618, 624, 628, 634. |
Stump, Stumpe, | 191, 541. |
Sture, | 150, 397, 399, 512, 530, 549, 611, 614, 616. |
Sturges, | 83. |
Sturmin, see Esturmy. | |
Suckby, Suckbitch, Sackeby, | 199. |
Sudley (Baron of), | 479. |
Suetonius, | 39. |
Suffolk (Earl of), | 145, 371, 466. |
Sully, Sulley, Silly, | 124, 324, 327, 338. |
Summers, | 557. |
Surdecot, | 540. |
Surrey, Surry (Duke of), | 218, 316, 362, 509. |
Surrey (Earl of), | 107, 108. |
Susan, | 630. |
Sussex (Earl of), | 630. |
Sutcliff, | 401, 586. |
Sutton, | 479. |
Swale, | 480. |
Sweet, | 585. |
Sweetland, | 501. |
Sweyne, Sweno, Swayn (King), | 112, 122, 156, 203, 204, 365. |
Swinford, | 143. |
Swinnerton, | 622. |
Sydemanus, | 122. |
Sydenham, Sidenham, | 74, 97, 113, 192, 271, 335, 362, 372, 375, 387, 466, 475, 485, 491-493, 498, 531, 533, 574, 575, 614, 617. |
Symms, | 223. |
Symons, Symon, | 95, 488, 601. |
Tacitus, | 36. |
Talbot, | iiL, 102, 131, 214, 263, 264, 266, 294, 321, 362, 375, 429, 440, 469, 477, 485, 486, 540, 546, 559, 572, 621. |
Talboys, | 620. |
Tamworth, | 457. |
Tanner, | vL, viii., xiL, 316, 623. |
Tantifer, | 513. |
Tanton (Prior of), | 113. |
Tatterahal, | 565. |
Taverner, Tavernour, | 83, 476, 551, 557, 618. |
Tavistock (Abbot of), | 40, 41, 122, 203, 208, 283, 320, 323, 341, 354, 355, 364, 365, 371, 386, 405, 571. |
Taylor, Taylour, | 459, 584, 597. |
Teap, Teape, | viL, xL |
Teddington, see Todenham. | |
Tempeston, | 309. |
Tengemue, | 246. |
Terence, | 68. |
Tetteborn, | 128. |
Tewkesbury, | 424. |
Thaduceus (Archbp. of York), | 27, 36. |
Thales, | 155. |
Themistocles, | 188. |
Theocritus, | 50. |
Theodosius (Pope), | 256. |
Theonis (Arch bp.of Canterbury), | 27, 36. |
Thimbell, | 577. |
Thomas, | 77, 269, 505, 611, 612. |
Thorber, | 577. |
Thorn, Spineto, | 186, 232, 298, 318, 351, 373, 499, 514, 525, 526, 530, 555, 557, 590, 616, 619, 626. |
Thornbury, | 316, 588. |
Thornhaugh (Baron of), | 147. |
Throgmorton, | 458, 536. |
Thynne. | 463. |
Thyrkhill, | 580. |
Tichborn, | 523, 596. |
Tickell, | 624. |
Tiller, | 413. |
Tillet, | 201. |
Tilley, Tillv, Tillve, | 489, 503, 623. |
Tilney, | 483. |
Tiverton (Baron of), | 99. |
Todenham, Todinham, Tuddenham, Teddington, | 113, 224, 241, 242, 246, 478, 479. |
Todwill, | 240. |
Tolla, | 285. |
Toms, | vi |
Tony, | 266. |
Tooker, see Tucker. | |
Torbay (Baron of), | 246, 328, 570, |
Torquatus, | 58. |
Torr (Abbot of), | 161, 402, 425, 439, 605. |
Torrington (Baron of), | 124, 469. |
Torrington (Earl of), | 328, 470. |
Tothill, Tothil, Tottle, | 150, 190, 219, 363, 468, 494, 520, 521, 545, 549, 590. |
Totnes (Earl of), | 107, 119, 618. |
Tottewell, Totewil, Totywell, | 459, 460, 532. |
Tours, | 223. |
Toussaints, Tousenz, Tuzeyne, | 401. |
Towell, To-will, | 480, 565. |
Towkerman, | 530. |
Townsend, | 548. |
Tracy, Tracey, | 112, 246, 259, 260, 269, 292, 294, 296, 308, 325, 327, 328, 438, 515, 594, 605. |
Trafford, | 144. |
Travers, | 289, 473, 588. |
Trecarrell, | 533. |
Tredewy, | 459. |
Tredraff, | 531. |
Trefry, | 106, 517. |
Tregarthen, | 631. |
Tregartus, | 458. |
Tregian, Tregeon, | 376, 465, 495, 608. |
Tregirla, | 561. |
Tregonwell, | 501. |
Tregose, | 302. |
Trehane, | 556. |
Trelawny, | 179, 216, 374, 460, 476, 490, 519, 561, 572, 576, 577, 610, 633. |
Trelawny (Jonathan, Bishop of Exon), | 179, 374. |
Trelosk, | 364. |
Tremain, Tremayn, | 72, 336, 352, 353, 362, 364, 371, 435, 463, 471, 484, 490, 495, 532, 533, 540, 576, 587, 588, 616, 623, 630. |
Tremayl, | 109, 523. |
Trembethow, | 633. |
Tremenet, Tribus-Minutis, | 399, 439. |
Tremoulye, | 210. |
Trenchard, | 82, 352, 361, 362, 469. |
Trencreek, | 466, 610. |
Trendesho, | 252. |
Trenick, | 548. |
Trent, | 579. |
Tresilian, Tresillian, | 431, 504, 599. |
Treslow, | 541. |
Trethurfe, Trethurffe, Tretherf, Tretherff, | 216, 465, 476, 551, 553, 572, 576, 615, 633. |
Trevage, Trevago, | 318, 362. |
Trevalvard, | 465. |
Trevanion, Trevannion, | 489, 493, 495, 501, 530, 610, 627. |
Trevarthien, | 632, 633. |
Treverbyn, | 470. |
Trevilian, Trevillian, Trevelyan, Trevelian, | 239, 284, 293, 300, 303, 354, 375, 407, 499, 500, 532, 558, 559, 577, 603, 620, 624, 629. |
Trevisa, | 551, 576. |
Trewinnard, Trewunnald, | 464. |
Treyeo, | 326. |
Trickhay, | 517. |
Triganus, | 127. |
Tripconey, Tripcony, | 489, 556. |
Triplet, | 593. |
Trivet, | 507, 513. |
Trobridge, Trowbridge, | 126- 128, 394, 471, 502, 527, 534, 547, 565, 569, 589, 603, 611, 618. |
Tross, Trosse, | 132, 316, 619. |
Troublefield, see Turbervile. | |
Troutbeck, | iii., 131. |
Troye, | 445. |
Troyse, | 520. |
Truro (Baron of), | 396. |
Tucker, Tuker, Tooker, | 151, 153, 322, 465, 526, 527, 559, 584. |
Tuckerman, | 83. |
Tuckfield, | 187, 435, 548. |
Tuddenham, see Todenham. | |
Tudor, | 201, 338. |
Tufton, | 144. |
Tulslo, | 355. |
Tunstal, | 602. |
Tunye, | 457. |
Turbervile, Troublefield, Troblefield, | 338, 471, 597, 625. |
Turbervile, Turberville, Troublefield (James, Bishop of Exon), | 98, 173. |
Turgis, | 398. |
Turling, | 234. |
Turnebus, | 393. |
Turner, | 363, 488, 532. |
Turnus, | 340. |
Turon, | 594. |
Turpin, | 629. |
Turvey, | 492. |
Tusser, | 57. |
Tye, | 528, 629. |
Tyle, | 192. |
Tylley, | 484. |
Tyrigg, | 318. |
Tyrone (Earl of), | 129, 217. |
Tyrrel, | 457, 546, 634. |
Tytherlegh, | 579. |
Ufflet, | 484. |
Uggan, | 493. |
Ugworthy, | 616. |
Ulfus, | 421, 440. |
Ulnod, | 117. |
Ulster (Earl of), | 212, 213, 477. |
Ulverton, | 363. |
Ulysses, | 35. |
Umfravile, Umphravile, Humfravile, Humfrevile, | 128, 268, 270, 328, 338. |
Underhill, | 557. |
Upcot, Uppecot, | 130, 318, 351, 582, 630. |
Uphey, | 246. |
Upright, | 557. |
Upton, Uppeton, | 74, 320, 387, 421, 423, 434, 460, 499, 500, 515, 519, 520, 523, 538, 549, 561, 567, 570, 581. |
Uriah, | 428. |
Uter Pendragon, | 410, 458. |
Vacy, | 588. |
Valentinian (Emperor), | 310. |
Vallet, | 544. |
Valletort, Valetort, Valletorta, Vaulter, Vautort, Vawtort, Vautor, Vawtor, Vallibus, de, | 97, 113, 191, 192, 242, 266, 281, 375, 377, 399, 462, 469, 493, 517, 559, 566, 590. |
Vanner, | 524. |
Vannes, | 425. |
Varey, | 532. |
Varro, | 312. |
Vaughan, | 360, 493, 494, 543, 505, 577, 597, 606. |
Vaux, | 440. |
Vavasor, | 507. |
Veal, Veale, Viall, Viel, Viell, | 187, 315, 336, 385, 472, 476, 551, 557, 617, 631, 632. |
Vernier, | 582. |
Venus, | 450. |
Verdugo, | 451. |
Verdure, | 584. |
Vere, Veere, | 131, 142, 203, 209, 215, 246, 253, 282, 441, 570. |
Verney, | 148. |
Vernon, see Rivers. | |
Verstegan, | 23, 263, 350. |
Vespasian, | 136, 282. |
Veysey, Vesyey, | 537, 592. |
Vicary, | 604. |
Vice, | 77. |
Viel, see Veal. | |
Vigours, | 604. |
Vilvaine, | 584. |
Vincent, | 73, 291, 597. |
Vipont, Veteriponto, | 362, |
Virge, | 113. |
Virgil, | 62, 221, 340, 357, 428. |
Vitalis, | 113. |
Vivian, | 572, 587. |
Voisy, or Harman, | 171, 602. |
Volsius, | 30. |
Vortigem (Duke), | 203, 410. |
Vortigern (King), | 26, 94. |
Vosper, | 543. |
Vowel, or Hooker, | 149, 526, 527. |
Vowell, | 149. |
Voysey (John, Bp. of Exon), | 171-173. |
Vyny, | 554. |
Wadacot, | 569. |
Wadhara, | 110, 117, 242, 463, 492, 508, 513, 544, 546, 555, 586, 595, 596, 601, 634, 635. |
Wake, | 425, 509, 573. |
Wakeline, | 389. |
Walcot, | 519, 567. |
Waldron, | 104, see Walrond. |
Walerand, | 41, see Walrond. |
Wales (Prince of), | 75, 87, 91. |
Walgrave, | 519. |
Walker, | 119, 150, 187, 520, 602. |
Waller, | 241, 439, 574, 578, 623. |
Walleran (Earl of St. Pol), | 208, 210. |
Wallingford (Baron of), | 116. |
Wallis, Walleys, Wallays, | 112, 351, 485, 544, 561, 575. |
Walrond, | 72, 74, 102, 113, 116, 233, 351, 404, 472, 481, 484, 485, 488, 489, 491, 501, 527, 528, 555, 560, 577, 584, 593, 603, 627, 629, see Waldron and Walerand. |
Walsingham, | 222, 510. |
Walter, Walters, | xii., 251, 316, 320, 325, 351, 491, 515, 599, 622. |
Walter (Archbp. of York), | 41. |
Walter (Bp. of Exon), see Bronescombe and Stapledon. | |
Waltham, | iv„ xii., 74, 222, 566, 583, 584, 622. |
Walton, | 597. |
Wamford, | 317, 318. |
Wannel, | 617. |
War, Warr, | 459, 460, 485, 491, 492, 498, 513, 587, 604. |
Warbeck (Perkin), | 170, 388. |
Ward, | 473. |
Ward (Seth, Bp. of Exon), | 178. |
Warder, | 492. |
Wardour (Baron of), | 192. |
Ware, | 113, 541. |
Warelwast, Warwast (Wm., Bp. of Exon), | 159, 309, 385. |
Warelwast, Warwast (Robert, Bp. of Exon), | 160. |
Wamford, | 541. |
Warren, | 211, 486. |
Warwick, | 374, 387, 534. |
Warwick (Earl of), | 148, 169, 265, 479, 486, 509, 510. |
Watenill, | 495. |
Water, | 246, 545, 546. |
Waterton, | 615. |
Watson, | 634. |
Watton, | 502. |
Watts, | 329, 594, 634. |
Way, | 261, 326, 495. |
Wayman, | 473. |
Webber, | 278, 398, 489, 518, 535, 547, 550. |
Wedon, | 307. |
Weeks, Weekes, Weeke, Week, | viii., 72, 150, 247, 476, 488, 491, 497, 505, 538, 554, 556, 567, 569, 576, 579, 581, 586, 591, 593, 604, 619, 628. |
Welcot, 541. | |
Welfe, 274. | Welling, 518. |
Wellington, see Willington. | |
Wells (Bp. of), | 580, 634. |
Wells (Lord), | 483. |
Welsh, | 74, 128, 283, 293, 351, 406, 479, 494, 564, 577, 621, 625, 627. |
Wemwech, | 460. |
Wennard, | 281. |
Wenneford, | 623. |
Wentworth, | 488. |
Wenwynick, | 589. |
Werstanus (Bp. of Devon), | 289. |
West, | 102, 295, 498, 590. |
Westcote, Westcot, | iii.-xii., 114, 127, 132, 255, 271, 283, 305, 306, 320, 325, 455, 515, 525, 584, 603, 610, 611, 620-623. |
Westmoreland (Earl of), | 143, 309, 316, 355. |
Weston, | 290, 488, 546, 548. |
Westover, | 245, 467, 479, 523, 600. |
Whalesborough, Whalesborrow, Whalisborow, | 239, 558, 632, 633. |
Wheaton, | 584. |
Whiddon, Whyddon, | 431, 433, 463, 482, 486, 557, 581, 582. |
Whitborn, | 562. |
Whitborow, | 584. |
Whitchurch, | 598. |
White, Whyte, Whyght, | 126, 151, 286, 308, 412, 513, 541, 543, 548, 557, 559, 590, 596, 617. |
Whitefield, | 307. |
Whitespur, White-Spur, | 431, 503. |
White way, | 619. |
Whitewil, | 246. |
Whiting, Whyting, | 114, 116, 473, 485, 547, 555. |
Whitlegh, see Whytlegh. | |
Whitlock, | 540, 583. |
Whyblock, | 331. |
Whyddon, | see Whiddon. |
Whytbear, | 316. |
Whythorn, | 547. |
Whytington, | 621. |
Whytlegh, Whyteley, Witelegh, Whitlegh, | 374, 516, 630. |
Wibbery, Wibbury, | 286, 327, 430, 432, 554. |
Wicbehalse, Wichhalse, Wichhals, Witcbalse, Whitchalse, | 478, 497, 604, 627. |
Wicket, | 83, 582. |
Wickham, Wykham, | 444, 445. |
Widdleton, | 560. |
Widger, Wiger, | 112, 120, 363, 569, 605. |
Widworthy, Widworthi, | 82, 246, 247, 438, 568, 605. |
Wigenton, | 503. |
Wilbery, | 504. |
Wiiford, | 464, 505, 526, 556. |
Will, | 540, 591. |
Willet, | 545. |
William I., | 36, 96, 98, 113, 115-117, 146, 158-160, 201, 252, 259, 266, 268, 276, 287, 296, 308, 309, 318, 321, 331, 351, 352, 357, 363, 389, 396, 398, 411, 421, 424, 430, 431, 438, 440, 442, 444, 445, 453, 459, 463, 570, 594. |
William II., | 59, 115, 159, 338, 512. |
William III., | 148, 179, 218, 328, 374, 444, 485, 574. |
William (Lord of Liskeard), | 459. |
William of Malmsbury, see Malmsbury. | |
Williams, | 124, 125, 384, 391, 471, 487, 519, 521, 522, 579, 583, 585, 586, 592, 618. |
Willibaldus, | 123. |
Willington, Wellington, | 285, 331, 580, 606. |
Willoughby, Willowby, | 110, 113, 225, 230, 280, 373, 485, 515, 619, 620. |
Wills, | 83, 515. |
Wilson, | xii., 515, 622. |
Wiltshire (Earl of), | 482, 483, 509. |
Wimpston, | 395. |
Winborn, | 163. |
Winchester (Bp. of), | 123, 445. |
Winchester, Winton (Marquis of), | 144, 200, 225, 329, 373, 400, 405, 474, 489, 573, 616 620. |
Wincol, | 634. |
Windeat, Windyat, | 526, 602. |
Windham, | 116, 266, 287, 323, 363, 511, see Wyndham. |
Winifred, St., | 123. |
Winnesbury, | 621. |
Winscot, Winescot, | 330. |
Winslade, | 335, 465, 473, 509, 544, 565. |
Winter, | 629. |
Wise, | 147, 321, 362, 375, 387, 413, 414, 434, 463, 467, 531, 553, 587, 606, 609, 613. |
Witchells, | 547. |
Withers, | 516. |
Withy, | 537. |
Wivel, Wivell, Wivill, | 126, 258, 577, 611. |
Wolcot, | 362, 591. |
Wolfe, Woulfe, | 308, 365, 541. |
Wolflied, | 367, 368. |
Wollacomb, Woliacombe, | 327, 329, 468, 485, 499, 507, 509, 539, 552. |
Wolley, | 258, 277, 318. |
Wollrington, Wolrington, | 481, 504. |
Wolsey (Cardinal), | 22. |
Wolston, | 608. |
Wolton, | 305. |
Wolton, Woolton (John, Bp. of Exon), | 158, 174. |
Wolvyngton, | 529. |
Wood, Woode, de Bosco, | 105, 266, 389, 391, 436, 460, 461, 469, 512, 522, 524, 526, 540, 542, 548, 552, 586, 587, 589-591, 615. |
Woodford, | 481. |
Woodland (or Burill), | 113, 398, 485 |
Woodley, | 398, 404, 533. |
Woodmanston, | 400, 504. |
Woodroff, Woodroffe, | 561, 585. |
Woodstock, | 261. |
Worcester (Earl of), | 147, 478, 547, 570. |
Worsford, | 583. |
Worstanus (Bp. of Devon), | 70. |
Worth, | 72, 98, 314, 320, 426, 500, 542, 561, 569, 581. |
Worthal, | 629. |
Wortham, | 364, 630. |
Wortley, | 217, 471. |
Wotton, | 186, 247, 420, 530, 545, 568, 569, 573, 575, 605. |
Wray, Wrey, | 128, 387, 436, 512, 520, 523, 542, 562, 567, 574, 581, 594, 609, 611. |
Wray (Abbot of), | 542. |
Wreford, | 557. |
Wriothesley, Wryothesley, | 387, 634. |
Wrythington, | 537. |
Wych, | 631. |
Wyde, | 620. |
Wygebear, | 461. |
Wyke, Wykes, Wyck, | 265, 473, 551, 557, 558, 559, 632. |
Wykham, see Wickham. | |
Wyndham, | 243, 267, 280, 462, 532, 590, 628, 635, see Windham. |
Wyot, Wyott, | 293, 309, 608, 628. |
Xantippus, | 188. |
Yard, Yarde, Yeard, | 126, 198, 281, 416, 420, 423, 439, 487, 492, 502, 503, 517, 530, 534, 543, 566, 567, 583, 598, 600-602, 634. |
Yardbrough, | 245. |
Yelland, | 547. |
Yendescot, | 132. f |
Yeo, Yea, | 72, 223, 287, 307, 317, 326, 404, 414, 415, 471, 476, 484, 486, 490, 499, 541, 550, 586, 591-593, 596, 613, 625, 628. |
Yeoman, | 599. |
Yernsborough, | 290. |
Yerworth, | 524. |
Yetty, | 245. |
York, | 202, 212, 485, 571, 583. |
York (Duke of), | 143, 170, 212, 613. |
Young, | 74, 119, 177, 245, 467, 543, 544, 547, 548, 557, 585, 600, 601, 635. |
Youngling, | 527. |
Zoilus, | 446. |
Zouch, Stipite-Sicco, | 192, 199, 200, 276, 277, 317, 343, 411, 424 439. |
Zouch (Lord), | 475, 494 |