Monmouth's Rebellion of 1685: Sir Will. Booth's List of Prisoners sent to Barbadoes
Devon-Shire section (pp. 334-335) of:
Hotten, John Camden (ed.) The Original Lists of Persons of Quality . . .
who went from Great Britain to the American Plantations 1600-1700.
John Camden Hotten, London (1874) Reprinted Empire State Book C. New York, 581pp.
Provided by Stephen Dinham
SIR WILL BOOTH'S List, of Prisoners sent to Barbados
TIMOTHY HAWKER of Thorn Combe JOHN MITCHILL of Thorn Combe JOHN BAGG of Thorne Combe WILLIAM SMITH jun; of Vpportre [Uppottery] MICELL POWELL of Neath Glomorging WILLIAM WALTERS of Membery HUMPHERY TRUMP of West Sanford JOHN BARTLETT of Pitmisser JOHN CHILCOT [CHILLICOTT] of Tiverton WILLIAM HARVEY of Memre WILLIAM HUTCHINGS [HUTCHINS] of Vpportre JOHN SMITH of Hunington JOHN CLODE of Vpportre JOHN CANTLEBURY of Sanford Pefrin RICHARD WADHAM of Froome WILLIAM WOOLRIDGE of Tiverton SIMON POOLE of Bemister WILLIAM COMBE of Broad Winser RICHARD EDGAR of Mosterton WILL: PHIPPIN [SHIPPIN] of High Church JOHN GALE [JOSEPH GALL] of Coscam THOMAS MATTHEWS of Chiddicke JOHN KEELE of Chilton |
Put on board the John frigget cap Will: Stokes comand ninty Prisonners consined for the burbadous dated at Dorchester ocbr the 24 1685
Shipt at Bristoll
By the Right Honble the Leivt Governor
JOHN ROGERS Cheif Mate and WILLIAM ALEXANDER Second Mate of the Ship John friggott of Bristoll, whereof WILLIAM STOAKES deceased was lately Master, personally appeared before mee, and made Oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God, that the above convicted Rebells by the sd STOAKES taken in att the Port of Bristoll, are the very same Rebells, that were delivered to, and by the said STOAKES, brought in the said Shipp to this Island, and that they were all of them here landed, and delivered to Mr. JOHN BROWNE and Company Factors for Sr. WILLIAM BOOTH Knt., except JOSEPH WICKHAM who dyed on board the said Shipp in Kingroad, and was from thence carryed on Shoare in the Port of Bristoll and there buryed, as alsoe twelve more of them which dyed on board the said Shipp on the voyage and were buryed in the Sea, whose names are as followeth viz, JUSTIPHER GUPPY, THOMAS GILHAMPTON, GEORGE MICELL, EDWARD COUNCELL, GEORGE KEALE, WILLIAM SMITH junr, WILLIAM HUTCHINS, SYMON POOLE, WM. MEAD, FRANCIS CAME, JONAS CROSS and ROBERT PAUL. Given under my hand this 28th. Day of January 1685.
A true Coppy Attested this
First day of February 1685